This module contains all routines and functionality related to removing the pupilghost signature from either the flat-field or a science frame.
Most routines are made to be called from other routines, but the following stand-alone modi exist:
Create a radial profile from a full 2-d template
Run as : ./podi_matchpupilghost -makeradial 2d-template.fits 1d-output.fits
Compute the best-fitting scaling factor for the template
Run as: ./podi_matchpupilghost -getscaling science_input.fits template.fits
Subtract the pupilghost from a given frame, with automatic scaling
Run as: ./podi_matchpupilghost -cleanpupilghost inputframe.fits template.fits output.fits
In this case, the scaling factor is automatically derived in the same manner as with the -getscaling flag described above.
Subtract the pupilghost from a given frame
Run as: ./podi_matchpupilghost -cleanpupilghost inputframe.fits template.fits output.fits (scaling)
(scaling is optional, and a value of 1.0 is assumed if no value is given.
This routine will read the full pupilghost template and create a radial profile by averaging out the azimuthal variations. This radial pupil template will then be used in collectcells to remove the pupil ghost from science frames.
Find the optimum scaling for the pupil ghost. This is done by sampling the image frame and the pupil ghost template at a range of identical positions. The median ratio between these measurements then yields the scaling ratio.
Parameters : |
Returns: |
This is a wrapper around the subtract_pupilghost_extension routine, going through all the extensions that might have a pupil ghost.
Contains all functionality to execute the actual pupil ghost removal. The pupil ghost is roatted to match the rotation angle of the science frame, then scaled with the specified scaling factor and lastly the scaled template is removed from the science frame. The results stay in the input_hdu variable that is also returned.
Parameters : |
Returns: | No return value per se, changes are reflected in input_hdu |
See also