Source code for podi_matchpupilghost

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


This module contains all routines and functionality related to removing the 
pupilghost signature from either the flat-field or a science frame. 

Standalone functions:
Most routines are made to be called from other routines, but the following 
stand-alone modi exist:

* **Create a radial profile from a full 2-d template**

  Run as :
  ``./podi_matchpupilghost -makeradial 2d-template.fits 1d-output.fits``

* **Compute the best-fitting scaling factor for the template**

  Run as:
  ``./podi_matchpupilghost -getscaling science_input.fits template.fits``

* **Subtract the pupilghost from a given frame, with automatic scaling**

  Run as:
  ``./podi_matchpupilghost -cleanpupilghost inputframe.fits template.fits output.fits``

  In this case, the scaling factor is automatically derived in the same manner
  as with the -getscaling flag described above.

* **Subtract the pupilghost from a given frame**

  Run as:
  ``./podi_matchpupilghost -cleanpupilghost inputframe.fits template.fits output.fits (scaling)``

  (scaling is optional, and a value of 1.0 is assumed if no value is given.



import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import dev_pgcenter
import podi_logging
import logging

gain_correct_frames = False
from podi_definitions import *
import podi_fitskybackground

Available functions

scaling_factors = {
    "odi_g": 1.0,
    "odi_i": 0.3, #15,

[docs]def subtract_pupilghost_extension(input_hdu, rotator_angle, filtername, pupil_hdu, scaling, rotate=True, verbose=True, non_negative=True, source_center_coords='data' ): """ Contains all functionality to execute the actual pupil ghost removal. The pupil ghost is roatted to match the rotation angle of the science frame, then scaled with the specified scaling factor and lastly the scaled template is removed from the science frame. The results stay in the input_hdu variable that is also returned. Parameters ---------- input_hdu : pyfits.HDU Has to be a valid ImageHDU. This HDU is the source of the image data that contains the pupilghost, as well as the EXTNAME keyword to select the correct template. rotator_angle : float Rotator angle from the primary HDU filtername : string This parameter is only important if source_center_coords is not set to 'header' or 'data'. In that case, it defines the filter for the set of set of pre-canned pupilghost center coordinates pupil_hdu : pyfits.HDUList HDUlist containing the pupilghost template scaling : float scaling factor for the pupilghost amplutide rotate : Bool Apply rotation (see rotator_angle) to the pupilghost template before removing it from the input data verbose : Bool Output some progress updates during runtime non_negative : Bool if set, all negative values in the pupilghost templates (that are very likely unphysical) are clipped to 0. source_center_coords : ('data', 'header', 'xxx'). if set to 'data', the center of the pupilghost is determined auto- matically during execution. If set to 'header', it is assumed that the input-hdu already contains header keywords with information about the location of the pupilghost. This is likely not the case for flat- field data, but important for science frames. All other values use the pre-canned coordinates given in podi_definitions. Returns ------- No return value per se, changes are reflected in input_hdu see also -------- `dev_pgcenter.find_pupilghost_center` """ # # Check if this extension is included in the pupilghost template # extname = input_hdu.header['EXTNAME'] right_ext = -1 for this_ext in range(1, len(pupil_hdu)): if (pupil_hdu[this_ext].header['EXTNAME'] == extname): right_ext = this_ext break if (right_ext < 0): # This extension is not listed in the pupil-ghost template # We can't do anythin in this case, so let's simply return input_hdu.header['PGAFCTD'] = (False, "is the OTA affected by the pupilghost") return # # Set the coordinates of the center of the pupilghost # # Read the center coordinates from the pupil ghost template file source_center_coords = 'data' if (source_center_coords == 'data'): fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr = dev_pgcenter.find_pupilghost_center(input_hdu, verbose=False) center_x, center_y = vx, vy # # Use center coordinates from header elif (source_center_coords == 'header'): # if ("PGCNTR_X" in input_hdu.header): # center_x = input_hdu.header['PGCNTR_X'] # if ("PGCNTR_Y" in input_hdu.header): # center_y = input_hdu.header['PGCNTR_Y'] if ('PGEFCTVX' in input_hdu.header): center_x = input_hdu.header['PGEFCTVX'] if ('PGEFCTVX' in input_hdu.header): center_x = input_hdu.header['PGEFCTVX'] # # by default, resort to the old-fashined canned values else: if (filtername in pupilghost_centers): if (extname in pupilghost_centers[filtername]): print pupilghost_centers[filtername][extname] center_x, center_y = pupilghost_centers[filtername][extname] else: if (extname in pupilghost_centers): center_x, center_y = pupilghost_centers[extname] else: # Don't know what center coordinate to use, abort return elif (extname in pupilghost_centers): center_x, center_y = pupilghost_centers[extname] else: # Don't know what center coordinate to use, abort return # # Now we know we have to do something # if (verbose): print "Found matching pupil ghost template in extension",right_ext print "Using center coordinates", center_x, center_y," for data frame" if (rotate): # print "___%s___" % rotator_angle if (rotator_angle == "unknown"): rotator_angle = 0.0 # Rotate to the right angle # Make sure to rotate opposite to the rotator angle since we rotate # the correction and not the actual data template = pupil_hdu[right_ext].data # Replace all NaNs with zeros template[numpy.isnan(template)] = 0. if (math.fabs(rotator_angle) < 0.5): if (verbose): print "Rotator angle is small (%.2f), skipping rotation" % (rotator_angle) rotated = template else: if (verbose): print "rotating template by",rotator_angle,"degrees" rotated = rotate_around_center(template, rotator_angle, mask_nans=False) else: if (verbose): print "No rotation requested, skipping rotation" rotated = pupil_hdu[right_ext].data template_centerx, template_centery = rotated.shape[0]/2, rotated.shape[1]/2 if (source_center_coords == 'data'): # # Ok, now we have the pupil ghost rotated to the right angle # data_shape = # Now extract the right quadrant from the pupilghost template quadrant = {'OTA33.SCI': [0,4500,0,4500], 'OTA34.SCI': [0,4500,4500,9000], 'OTA44.SCI': [4500,9000,4500,9000], 'OTA43.SCI': [4500,9000,0,4500], } quadrant = {'OTA33.SCI': [400,4500,400,4500], 'OTA34.SCI': [400,4500,4500,8600], 'OTA44.SCI': [4500,8600,4500,8600], 'OTA43.SCI': [4500,8600,400,4500], } xys = quadrant[extname] template_quadrant = rotated[xys[2]:xys[3], xys[0]:xys[1]] # Now we have the right quadrant, search for center position in template imghdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=template_quadrant) imghdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), imghdu]).writeto("template_%s.fits" % extname, clobber=True) tx, ty, _, _, _, _ = dev_pgcenter.find_pupilghost_center(imghdu, verbose=False, fixed_radius=vr) print "Found pg center at",tx, ty template_centerx, template_centery = tx+xys[0], ty+xys[2] print "Using",template_centerx, template_centery, "as center coordinates for template" # center_x, center_y = vx, vy # Swap x/y since python does it too print "rot.shape=",rotated.shape bx = template_centerx - center_x by = template_centery - center_y tx, ty = bx + data_shape[0], by + data_shape[1] correction = rotated[by:ty, bx:tx] correction[numpy.isnan(correction)] = 0. if (non_negative): correction[correction < 0] = 0 -= (correction * scaling) # Store the position of the pupil ghost center input_hdu.header['PGAFCTD'] = (True, "is the OTA affected by the pupilghost") input_hdu.header['PGCENTER'] = "%d %d" % (center_x, center_y) input_hdu.header['PGCNTR_X'] = (center_x, 'pupil ghost center x') input_hdu.header['PGCNTR_Y'] = (center_y, 'pupil ghost center y') input_hdu.header['PGTMPL_X'] = (template_centerx, 'pupil ghost template center x') input_hdu.header['PGTMPL_Y'] = (template_centery, 'pupil ghost template center y') input_hdu.header['PGREG_X1'] = (bx, "matched region of pupilghost, left") input_hdu.header['PGREG_X2'] = (tx, "matched region of pupilghost, right") input_hdu.header['PGREG_Y1'] = (by, "matched region of pupilghost, bottom") input_hdu.header['PGREG_Y2'] = (ty, "matched region of pupilghost, top") input_hdu.header['PGEFCTVX'] = (center_x - template_centerx + rotated.shape[1]/2, "effective pupilghost center X") input_hdu.header['PGEFCTVY'] = (center_y - template_centery + rotated.shape[0]/2, "effective pupilghost center Y") input_hdu.header['PGSCALNG'] = (scaling, "pupil ghost template scaling") input_hdu.header['PGROTANG'] = (rotator_angle, "pupil ghost rotator angle") if (verbose): print "all done, going home!" return input_hdu
[docs]def subtract_pupilghost(input_hdu, pupil_hdu, scaling, rotate=True, verbose=True, source_center_coords='data', ): """ This is a wrapper around the subtract_pupilghost_extension routine, going through all the extensions that might have a pupil ghost. """ # Add some parallelization here # Now go through each of the HDUs in the data frame and correct the pupil ghost for i in range(1, len(input_hdu)): if (not is_image_extension(input_hdu[i])): continue rotator_angle = input_hdu[0].header['ROTSTART'] if (rotate) else 0. filtername = input_hdu[0].header['FILTER'] # Perform pupilghost removal on a single extension # simple hand on all parameters subtract_pupilghost_extension(input_hdu[i], rotator_angle, filtername, pupil_hdu, rotate=rotate, scaling=scaling, verbose=verbose, source_center_coords=source_center_coords) return input_hdu
[docs]def create_azimuthal_template(filename, outputfilename): """ This routine will read the full pupilghost template and create a radial profile by averaging out the azimuthal variations. This radial pupil template will then be used in collectcells to remove the pupil ghost from science frames. """ # Open file and extract data # Things here are simple, since the file should only have the primary # and one image extension hdulist = raw_data = hdulist[1].data binning = 1 import podi_fitpupilghost data, radius, angle = podi_fitpupilghost.get_radii_angles(raw_data, (4500,4500), binfac=binning) pupilsub, radial_profile, pupil_radial_2d = \ podi_fitpupilghost.fit_radial_profile(data, radius, angle, data, (500, 4180, 10), binfac=binning, verbose=True, show_plots=True, force_positive=False, zero_edges=False, save_profile=outputfilename[:-5]+".profile.dat") # pyfits.writeto("radial_profile.fits", radial_profile) # pyfits.writeto("pupilsub.fits", pupilsub, clobber=True) # pyfits.writeto("pupil_radial_2d.fits", pupil_radial_2d, clobber=True) hdulist[1].data = pupil_radial_2d clobberfile(outputfilename) hdulist.writeto(outputfilename) return
[docs]def get_pupilghost_scaling(science_frame, pupilghost_frame, n_samples=750, boxwidth=20, verbose=True): """Find the optimum scaling for the pupil ghost. This is done by sampling the image frame and the pupil ghost template at a range of identical positions. The median ratio between these measurements then yields the scaling ratio. Parameters ---------- science_frame : string or HDUList If science frame is a string, it is interpreted as the filename of the science frame for which we are to obtain the scaling. Alternatively you can also pass the HDUList of the science frame. pupilghost_template : string of HDUList same as above, just for the pupil-ghost template n_samples : int Number of intensity samples to take *from each OTA* when deriving the optimum scaling factor. boxwidth : int Size of the sample box, in pixels Returns ------- median_scaling_factor standard deviation of scaling factor """ logger = logging.getLogger("GetPupilghostScaling") sci_hdulist = if (type(science_frame) == str) else science_frame pg_hdulist = if (type(pupilghost_frame) == str) else pupilghost_frame merged_all = numpy.zeros(shape=(0,6)) any_affected = False for ext in range(1,len(science_frame)): extname = sci_hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'] filter = sci_hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] logger.debug("Checking extension %s (filter: %s) for pupilghost effects" % (extname, filter)) if (not 'PGAFCTD' in sci_hdulist[ext].header or not sci_hdulist[ext].header['PGAFCTD']): # This frame does not contain the keyword labeling it as affected by # the pupilghost. In that case we don't need to do anything logger.debug("This extension (%s) does not have any pupilghost problem" % (extname)) continue # pupilghost_affected = sci_hdulist[ext].header['PGAFCTD'] # if (not pupilghost_affected): # continue logger.debug("Checking pupilghost center position") # Try to find the center position of the pupilghost from the science # frame. The necessary headers should have been inserted during # flat-field correction if ('PGEFCTVX' in sci_hdulist[ext].header and 'PGEFCTVY' in sci_hdulist[ext].header): center = (sci_hdulist[ext].header['PGEFCTVX'], sci_hdulist[ext].header['PGEFCTVY']) else: logger.debug("Couldn't find a pupilghost center, skipping rest of work") continue any_affected = True data = sci_hdulist[ext].data pg = pg_hdulist[extname].data #n_samples = 1750 logger.debug("Getting sky-samples for science frame") samples = numpy.array(podi_fitskybackground.sample_background(data, None, None, min_found=n_samples, fit_regions=[], boxwidth=boxwidth)) if (samples.shape[0] <= 0): logger.debug("Couldn't find enough sky samples, skipping OTA %s" % (extname)) continue box_centers = samples[:,2:4] #print box_centers.shape # Now convert the x/y from the science frame # into x/y in the pupil ghost frame dxy = box_centers - center pg_xy = dxy + [ 0.5*pg.shape[0], 0.5*pg.shape[1] ] #print dxy[0:10,:] #print pg_xy[0:10,:] #print pg_samples.shape #print pg_xy.shape logger.debug("Getting sky-samples for pupilghost template") pg_samples = numpy.array(podi_fitskybackground.sample_background(pg, None, None, fit_regions=[], box_center=pg_xy)) if (pg_samples.shape[0] <= 0): logger.debug("Couldn't find enough pg.template samples, skipping OTA %s" % (extname)) continue # pg_samples = podi_fitskybackground.sample_background(pg, None, None, # box_center=box_centers) #print pg_samples.shape #continue ri = 400 ro = 3300 radius = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum( dxy**2, axis=1)) #print radius[0:10] #print extname #print center # numpy.savetxt("xxx", samples) # numpy.savetxt("yyy", pg_samples) # unaffected data points inside or outside the pupil ghost unaffected = (radius < ri) | (radius > ro) skylevel = numpy.median(samples[:,4][unaffected]) logger.debug("Found background level not affected by PG: %.1f" % (skylevel)) # derive maximum intensity of pupil ghost # better: read from file pg_max = numpy.max(pg_samples[:,4]) logger.debug("Maximum intensity of pupilghost: %f" % (pg_max)) # Now merge the two arrays: merged = numpy.empty(shape=(pg_xy.shape[0],6)) merged[:,0:2] = samples[:,2:4] merged[:,2:4] = pg_samples[:,2:4] merged[:,4] = numpy.array(samples)[:,4] - skylevel merged[:,5] = numpy.array(pg_samples)[:,4] # numpy.savetxt("zzz", merged) ratio = merged[:,4] / merged[:,5] logger.debug("simple ratio science/template (ota %s): %f" % (extname, numpy.median(ratio))) strong_pg_signal = merged[:,5] > 0.4*pg_max valid_ratios = ratio[strong_pg_signal] median_ratio = numpy.median(valid_ratios) uncert_ratio = numpy.std(valid_ratios) logger.debug("ratio for strong pg pixels (%d samples): %f +/- %f" % ( numpy.sum(strong_pg_signal), median_ratio, uncert_ratio)) # Only merge the samples with sufficient pupilghost signal good_samples = merged[strong_pg_signal] if (good_samples.shape[0] > 0): logger.debug("Adding %d pg samples from ota %s to global list" % (good_samples.shape[0], extname)) merged_all = numpy.append(merged_all, good_samples, axis=0) # numpy.savetxt("merged%s" % (extname), merged[strong_pg_signal]) if (any_affected): # print "\n\n============================\n\n" ratio = merged_all[:,4] / merged_all[:,5] pg_max = numpy.max(merged_all[:,5]) # strong_pg_signal = merged_all[:,5] > 0.4*pg_max # valid_ratios = ratio[strong_pg_signal] numpy.savetxt("pgsamples.all", merged_all) good_ratios, valid = three_sigma_clip(ratio, return_mask=True) #[strong_pg_signal]) numpy.savetxt("pgsamples.valid", merged_all[valid]) median_ratio = numpy.median(valid_ratios) logger.debug("median_ratio = %f" % (median_ratio)) logger.debug("error = %f" % (numpy.std(valid_ratios))) logger.debug("clipped median: %f" % (numpy.median(good_ratios))) logger.debug("clipped std: %f" % (numpy.std(good_ratios))) numpy.savetxt("merged_all", merged_all) numpy.savetxt("merged_clipped", good_ratios) clipped_median = numpy.median(good_ratios) clipped_std = numpy.std(good_ratios) return any_affected, clipped_median, clipped_std return any_affected, -1., -1.
if __name__ == "__main__": if (len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == "-help"): #print help('podi_matchpupilghost') import podi_matchpupilghost as me print me.__doc__ sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-makeradial")): inputframe = get_clean_cmdline()[1] outputframe = get_clean_cmdline()[2] create_azimuthal_template(inputframe, outputframe) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-getscaling")): science_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[1] pupilghost_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[2] #get_scaling(science_frame, pupilghost_frame) sci_hdu = pg_hdu = get_pupilghost_scaling(sci_hdu, pg_hdu) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-cleanpupilghost")): science_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[1] pupilghost_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[2] output_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[3] #get_scaling(science_frame, pupilghost_frame) sci_hdu = pg_hdu = scaling, scale_std = get_pupilghost_scaling(sci_hdu, pg_hdu) subtract_pupilghost(sci_hdu, pg_hdu, scaling=scaling, rotate=False) sci_hdu.writeto(output_frame, clobber=True) sys.exit(0) # Read filenames from command line inputframe = sys.argv[1] pupilghost_template = sys.argv[2] # and open all fits files input_hdu = pupil_hdu = scaling = 1.0 if (len(sys.argv) > 4): scaling = float(sys.argv[4]) print "using scaling factor",scaling subtract_pupilghost(input_hdu, pupil_hdu, scaling=scaling, source_center_coords='precomp', rotate=False) # Now, using the rotation angle given in the input frame, # rotate and extract the pupil ghost sections for each of the OTAs. # And finally apply the correction #hdu_matched = subtract_pupilghost(input_hdu, pupil_hdu, scaling) output_filename = sys.argv[3] input_hdu.writeto(output_filename, clobber=True)