podi_createquickview Module

How to use:

./podi_createquickview file.fits output_dir/

What it does:

The script opens the input file and first bins each OTA extension by 8x8. For some OTAs, depending on filter (also see the makeflatfield routine) the image data is used to derive some best-fit intensity level with which best to display the frame. Once these levels are known, each OTA is exported as jpeg-file, and all OTAs are also exported as one combined jpeg. All jpegs are written into the specified output folder and labeled by their OTA ID and the unique observation ID (essentially the date of observation).

If specified by the ‘crossout_missing_otas’ variable, all non-existing OTAs can be crossed out in the full focalplane jpeg.

podi_createquickview.create_quickview(filename, output_directory, verbose=False, clobber=True)[source]