Source code for podi_createquickview

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

"""How to use:
``./podi_createquickview file.fits output_dir/``

What it does:

    The script opens the input file and first bins each OTA extension by 8x8.
    For some OTAs, depending on filter (also see the makeflatfield routine) the
    image data is used to derive some best-fit intensity level with which best
    to display the frame. Once these levels are known, each OTA is exported as
    jpeg-file, and all OTAs are also exported as one combined jpeg. All jpegs
    are written into the specified output folder and labeled by their OTA ID and
    the unique observation ID (essentially the date of observation).

    If specified by the 'crossout_missing_otas' variable, all non-existing OTAs
    can be crossed out in the full focalplane jpeg.


import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import math

import Image
import ImageDraw

limit_overexposed = 55000
overexposed = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]

crossout_missing_otas = True
from podi_definitions import *

[docs]def create_quickview(filename, output_directory, verbose=False, clobber=True): hdulist = filter = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] obsid = hdulist[0].header['OBSID'] object = hdulist[0].header['OBJECT'].replace(' ','_').replace(',','_') fullframe_image_filename = "%s/%s_%s.jpg" % (output_directory, obsid, object) if (os.path.isfile(fullframe_image_filename) and not clobber): # File exists and we were asked not to overwrite anything stdout_write("\nFile (%s) exists, skipping ...\n" % (filename)) return if (verbose): stdout_write("\nWorking on file %s (%s, %s) ...\n" % (filename, object, filter)) try: list_of_otas_to_normalize = otas_for_photometry[filter] except: list_of_otas_to_normalize = central_2x2 # Allocate some memory to hold the data we need to determine the # most suitable intensity levels binned_data = numpy.zeros(shape=(13*512*512), dtype=numpy.float32) binned_data[:] = numpy.NaN datapos = 0 if (verbose): stdout_write(" Finding contrast: Reading OTA") for extension in range(1, len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[extension])): continue fppos = int(hdulist[extension].header['FPPOS'][2:4]) try: index = list_of_otas_to_normalize.index(fppos) except: # We didn't find this OTA in the list, so skip it hdulist[extension].header.update("FF_NORM", 0, "Used in normalization") extension += 1 continue #stdout_write("\rReading OTA %02d" % (fppos)) if (verbose): stdout_write(" %02d" % (fppos)) # Rebin the frame 8x8 to make it more manageable binned = numpy.reshape(hdulist[extension].data, (512,8,512,8)).mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=1) one_d = binned.flatten() binned_data[datapos:datapos+one_d.shape[0]] = one_d datapos += one_d.shape[0] del one_d del binned if (verbose): stdout_write(" - done!\n") # # Now we are through all OTA/extensions, compute the median value and stds # so we can scale the frames accordingly # if (verbose): stdout_write(" Finding best intensity levels ...") median = 0 std = 1e8 binned_data = binned_data[0:datapos] for looper in range(3): valid = (binned_data > (median - std)) & (binned_data < (median + 3*std)) #print numpy.sum(valid) median = numpy.median(binned_data[valid]) std = numpy.std(binned_data[valid]) #print median, std, median-std, median+3*std # Compute the intensity levels, making sure not to exceed the maximum possible range min_level = numpy.max([median-1*std,0]) max_level = numpy.min([median+8*std,60000]) stdout_write(" using %d ... %d\n" % (min_level, max_level)) # # Now that we have all the scaling factors, go ahead and create the preview images # # Create space to hold the full 8x8 OTA focal plane full_focalplane = numpy.zeros(shape=(4096,4096)) if (verbose): stdout_write(" Creating jpeg for OTA") for extension in range(1, len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[extension])): continue fppos = int(hdulist[extension].header['FPPOS'][2:4]) #stdout_write("\r Creating jpegs (%02d) ..." % fppos) if (verbose): stdout_write(" %02d" % (fppos)) fp_x = fppos % 10 fp_y = math.floor(fppos / 10) hdulist[extension].data[numpy.isnan(hdulist[extension].data)] = 0 binned = numpy.reshape(hdulist[extension].data, (512,8,512,8)).mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=1) greyscale = (binned - min_level) / (max_level - min_level) greyscale[greyscale<0] = 0 greyscale[greyscale>=1] = 1 greyscale = numpy.sqrt(greyscale) #greyscale = numpy.log10(greyscale+1)/numpy.log10(2.0) ffp_x = fp_x * 512 ffp_y = fp_y * 512 full_focalplane[ffp_x:ffp_x+512, ffp_y:ffp_y+512] = greyscale[:,:] #image = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(greyscale*255)) #image_filename = "%s/%s_%s.%02d.jpg" % (output_directory, obsid, object, fppos) #image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).save(image_filename, "JPEG") #del image # # Mark all overexposed pixels in a different color # channel_r = greyscale + 0 channel_g = greyscale + 0 channel_b = greyscale + 0 channel_r[binned > limit_overexposed] = overexposed[0] channel_g[binned > limit_overexposed] = overexposed[1] channel_b[binned > limit_overexposed] = overexposed[2] im_r = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(channel_r*255)) im_g = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(channel_g*255)) im_b = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(channel_b*255)) im_rgb = Image.merge('RGB', (im_r, im_g, im_b)) image_filename = "%s/%s_%s.%02d.rgb.jpg" % (output_directory, obsid, object, fppos) im_rgb.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).save(image_filename, "JPEG") # Delete all temporary images to keep memory demands low del im_r del im_g del im_b del im_rgb # # Prepare the preview for the full focal plane # #stdout_write("\r Creating jpegs (full-frame) ...") if (verbose): stdout_write(" full-frame") image = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(full_focalplane*255)) # Add lines to indicate detector borders. Make sure to make them wider than # just one pixel, otherwise the lines completely disappear if displaying the # image zoomed out draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for i in range(1,8): for linewidth in range(-5,0): draw.line((0,i*512+linewidth,image.size[0],i*512+linewidth), fill=128) draw.line((i*512+linewidth,0,i*512+linewidth,image.size[1]), fill=128) if (crossout_missing_otas): # Now loop over all OTAs and mark the ones that do not exist for y in range(8): for x in range(8): tuple = (x,y) try: index = available_ota_coords.index(tuple) except: # We only get here if the OTA is not listed as available # cross it out in the full focal plane image #print "Strokign out ",tuple for lw in range(-5,0): draw.line((x*512+lw,y*512,(x+1)*512+lw,(y+1)*512), fill=128) draw.line((x*512+lw,(y+1)*512,(x+1)*512+lw,y*512), fill=128) image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).save(fullframe_image_filename, "JPEG") del image stdout_write(" - done!\n")
if __name__ == "__main__": # filename = sys.argv[1] # print filename output_directory = "." output_directory = sys.argv[1] clobber = not cmdline_arg_isset("-noclobber") if (not clobber): stdout_write("Activating no-clobber mode!\n") for filename in sys.argv[2:]: create_quickview(filename, output_directory, verbose=True, clobber=clobber)