podi_collectcells Module


podi_collectcells is the main script of the pODI QuickReduce pipeline. As such, it handles all reduction steps, combining all cells from all available OTAs into a single FITS-file. If invoked with the respective command line flags, it also performs the astrometric and photometric calibration.

How to run podi_collectcells

podi_collectcells input output.fits (flags) Input here can be either - a directory containing all OTA fits files. In this case, the directory has to

contain the basename of the files, for example o20130101T123456.0/.
  • the filename of a single OTA FITS file. It is then assumed that all other OTA files reside in the same directory

Available flags

  • -cals=/dir/to/cals

    Specifies the directory that holds the calibration data. -cals is processed first, but you can change the path to individual calibration frames with any of the next options.

  • -bias=/dir/to/bias

    Overwrites the -cals path to specify a different directory for the bias frames

  • -dark=/dir/to/darks

    Same for darks

  • -flat=/dir/to/flats

    Same for flats -

  • -bpm=/dir/to/bpms

    Same as above. Alternatively, you can specify “auto” (without the ” ) as directory. In that case the script looks for the bad pixel masks in the directory of the script.

  • -pupilghost=/dir

    same as above for the pupil ghost file

  • -fringe=/dir

    same as above for the fringing templates

  • -fringevectors

    Fringe correction needs special “vector” frames marking dark and bright regions. These are stored in a set of ds9 region files, with one file for each detector, and this option allows to specify the directory holding all these files.

  • -gain

    Apply a gain correction to all cells. If combined with the -nonlinearity option, the relative gain values from the non-linearity are used, otherwise it uses the constants defined in each cell header.

    Note that for correct reduction, this flag needs to be applied consistently, in particular when creating the bias, dark, and flat-field frames.

  • -persistency=/dir

    same as above. However, since persistency files are both read (from the earlier exposures) AND written (to keep track of saturated stars in the current exposure) make sure you have permission to write into the specified directory as well as sufficient disk-space.

  • -wcs=some/file.fits

    Give the filename of the canned WCS solution that specifies the detector distortion. See scamp2minifits on a way to create the necessary input file.

  • -fixwcs

    Activates the automatic WCS correction routine. If enabled, collectcells run a source detection (podi_findstars), obtains a catalog of reference star positions (podi_ipprefcat) and corrects telescope pointing errors (using functions from podi_fixwcs).

  • -simplewcs

    Modifies the WCS solution that remains in the fits-frame. With this option, the RA-ZPX solution is changed into a simple RA-TAN system without any distortion factors. Mostly for debugging and testing.

  • -pointing

  • -dither

  • -target

    Now defunct

  • -prep4sex

    Changes the value of undefined pixels (those in the cell-gaps and the detector edges) from the default NaN (Not a Number) value to -1e31, a value exceeding the SExtractor value for bad pixels, telling SExtractor to ignore them

  • -singleota=XX

    Limits the output to only a specific OTA. For example, to only extract OTA42, give -singleota=42.

  • -noclobber

    Skip the data reduction if the output file already exists

  • -wcsoffset=d_ra,d_dec

    Apply WCS offset in degrees to WCS solution before files are fed to SourceExtractor. Use this option if the telescope pointing is WAY off.

  • -centralonly

    Only collect cells from the central 3x3 array, and ignore all data from the outlying OTAs

  • -bgmode

    Disable the initial welcome splash screen

  • -photcalib

    Enable the photometric calibration of the output frames.

  • -nonlinearity=/some/dir/nonlinearity_coefficients.fits

    Activate the non-linearity correction and use the specified file as source for all correction coefficients.

  • -plotformat=format1,format2

    Generate the diagnostic plots in the specified formats. All formats supported by matplotlib are available - these are typically png, jpg, ps, pdf, svg

  • -nootalevelplots

    By default, all diagnostic plots are created for the full focalplane and for each OTA individually. Adding this option disables the OTA level, restricting diagnostic plots to only the focalplane views.

  • -qasubdirs

    Creates a directory structure parallel to the output file and sorts the diagnostic plots into (sub-)directories. The default directory structure is:

    output.fits QA/ wcs1.png wcs1/ OTA00.png OTA22.png seeing.png seeing/ OTA00.png OTA22.png

  • -qasubdirname

    Allows to specify the name of the “QA” directory as shown above.

  • -noqaplots

    Disable the creation of the QA plots.

  • -addfitskey=KEY,value

    Add a user-defined fits header entry to the primary header of the output file. KEY needs to be fits-conform, i.e. 8 characters or less without spaces or special characters. value is stored as a string in the output file. If value contains spaces, the value needs to be quoted (eg. -addfitskey=WIYN,”greatest of the universe”)

  • -nonlinearity=a,b,c

    a: proper motion of the object (dRA*cos(dec)) given in arcseconds per hour. b: proper motion dDec in arcsec / hour c: Reference. This can either be a MJD directly, or a FITS file containing the

    MJD-OBS header keyword which is then taken to be the reference MJD.


podi_collectcells.check_filename_directory(given, default_filename)[source]

Some of the options support either a directory or a filename. This function checks if the input is a directory or a filename. In the first case, add the specified default filename and return the filename. In the latter case, simply return the filename.

Parameters :
  • given (string) –

    The value specified by the user, either a directory or filename

  • default_filename (string) –

    In the case the user specified only a directory, append the name of this filename




This function is called e.g. during bias-subtraction. Using the -bias option, the user can specify the bias file to be used during the reduction. However, the default way of specifying the bias file is to simply give the directory with the calibration files, and collectcells adds the ‘bias.fits’ during execution.

podi_collectcells.collect_reduce_ota(filename, verbose=False, options=None)[source]

collect_reduce_ota does work relating to the initial instrument detrending for a single OTA from cross-talk correction, overscan- subtraction, bias & dark correction and flat-fielding. It also derives a sky-background level and creates a source catalog using SourceExtractor.

Parameters :
  • filename (string) –

    Filename of the raw OTA FITS file to be reduced

  • verbose (Bool) –

    Output more detailed progress information during execution. Mostly made for debugging and error tracking.

  • options (struct/dictionary) –

    This dictionary contains all configuration parameters necessary for the reduction, such as flat-field directories and specified reduction flags read from the command-line.


data_products (dictionary) –

The returned dictionary contains all information generated during the reduction, such as the reduced ImageHDU, the source catalog, data about background levels, etc.

podi_collectcells.collect_reduction_files_used(masterlist, files_this_frame)[source]

Keeps track of all files used during the reduction. This function maintains a list of files and their corresponding reduction step, and properly handles individual files as well as list of filenames.

This routine is called during reduction to keep track of all file associations.

Parameters :
  • masterlist (dictionary) –

    Dictionary of all reduction steps that have external files associated. For each step it maintains a list of files.

  • files_this_frame (dictionary) –

    Like the master_list, just for only one step.


the updated master_list

podi_collectcells.collectcells(input, outputfile, process_tracker, batchmode=False, verbose=False, options=None, showsplash=True)[source]

collectcells handles all filename operations, ensuring all required files exist, and hands the work on each OTA off to the suite of worker processes. Finally assembles all results and writes the output-file.

The actual basic reduction steps are done in collect_reduce_ota, but collectcells take the output of collect_reduce_ota and finishes the reduction, creating diagnostic plots, as well as performing reduction steps that require data from multiple OTAs, such as for the astrometric or photometric calibration, removal of the pupil ghost, fringe removal with a global scaling factor, etc.

Parameters :
  • input (string) –

    Either the name of a directory or filename that allows to construct the name of all OTA FITS files of this exposure.

  • outputfile (string) –

    Name of the output file

  • batchmode (Bool)

  • verbose (Bool) –

    write extra progress updates to console

  • options (dictionary) –

    Contains all reduction parameters and settings.

  • showsplash (Bool) –

    Write a small splash screen with the name of the program, copyright notice and author information to console before starting the actual work.



If batchmode is set to True, collectcells will return the output HDU in memory without writing it to disk, enabling post-processing without I/O overhead.

podi_collectcells.collectcells_with_timeout(input, outputfile, batchmode=False, verbose=False, options=None, showsplash=True, timeout=None, process_tracker=None)[source]

Minimal wrapper to enable a timeout feature for collectcells. The actual collectcells is started as a sub-process that can be joined for a specified time. If this time is up but the process is still running, it has exceeded its lifetime and will be terminated.

Parameters :
  • timeout (float) –

    Allowed maximum execution time before the task will be terminated

  • process_tracker (Queue) –

    Forwarded from the main process, this queue will contain process IDs of all sub-processes to allow for cleaning up process children after the timeout

  • See collectcells for information about parameters.

podi_collectcells.create_association_table(master, verbose=False)[source]

Convert the association dictionary maintained and updated by :proc:collect_reduction_files_used and creates a FITS-compatible associations table that will be stored in the resulting output FITS file.

Parameters :
  • master (dictionary) –

    the master associations dictionary

  • verbose (Bool) –

    Activate some debugging output


tbhdu (TableHDU) –

A FITS TableHDU containing the assocations table. Each entry in this table contains the reduction step, the name of the associated file, and the full path of this file.

podi_collectcells.format_filename(input_filename_or_header, outputfile)[source]

Format the input string and replace special keywords with information from the FITS header.


Small function to clean up after collectcells timeouts. It receives a list of processes IDs of all child processes initiated during execution and kills them one after the other.

Parameters :

process_tracker (Queue) –

A queue of process-IDs of all child processes

podi_collectcells.odi2wcs(xy, wcs)[source]

Create a FITS table containing the source catalog created during reduction.

Parameters :

source_cat (numpy array) –

Global ODI source catalog collected from the source catalog of the individual OTA catalogs


tbhdu (pyfits.TableHDU) –

Binary FITS table extension

podi_collectcells.parallel_collect_reduce_ota(queue, return_queue, options=None)[source]

A minimal wrapper handling the parallel execution of collectcells.

Parameters :
  • queue (Queue) –

    Input Queue containing names of raw OTA frames to be reduced

  • return_queue (Queue) –

    Queue to report the reduced data back to the main process

  • options (dictionary) –

    containing all reduction parameters and settings


no return values, all returns are handled via the return_queue


Read all command line options and store them in the options dictionary.


Initialize the options dictionary by defining all available options and assigning safe and reasonable default values.

Parameters :

options_in (dictionary) –

If a directory already exists, add to it, otherwise create a new one.


options (dictionary) –

The options dictionary with default values set.

podi_collectcells.wcs2odi(radec, wcs)[source]

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