#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# kotulla@uwm.edu
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are
# always welcome.
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**podi_collectcells** is the main script of the pODI QuickReduce pipeline. As
such, it handles all reduction steps, combining all cells from all available
OTAs into a single FITS-file. If invoked with the respective command line flags,
it also performs the astrometric and photometric calibration.
How to run podi_collectcells
``podi_collectcells input output.fits (flags)``
Input here can be either
- a directory containing all OTA fits files. In this case, the directory has to
contain the basename of the files, for example ``o20130101T123456.0/``.
- the filename of a single OTA FITS file. It is then assumed that all other OTA
files reside in the same directory
Available flags
* **-cals=/dir/to/cals**
Specifies the directory that holds the calibration data. -cals is processed
first, but you can change the path to individual calibration frames with any
of the next options.
* **-bias=/dir/to/bias**
Overwrites the -cals path to specify a different directory for the bias frames
* **-dark=/dir/to/darks**
Same for darks
* **-flat=/dir/to/flats**
Same for flats -
* **-bpm=/dir/to/bpms**
Same as above. Alternatively, you can specify "auto" (without the " ) as
directory. In that case the script looks for the bad pixel masks in the
directory of the script.
* **-pupilghost=/dir**
same as above for the pupil ghost file
* **-fringe=/dir**
same as above for the fringing templates
* **-fringevectors**
Fringe correction needs special "vector" frames marking dark and bright
regions. These are stored in a set of ds9 region files, with one file for each
detector, and this option allows to specify the directory holding all these
* **-gain**
Apply a gain correction to all cells. If combined with the -nonlinearity
option, the relative gain values from the non-linearity are used, otherwise it
uses the constants defined in each cell header.
Note that for correct reduction, this flag needs to be applied consistently,
in particular when creating the bias, dark, and flat-field frames.
* **-persistency=/dir**
same as above. However, since persistency files are both read (from the
earlier exposures) AND written (to keep track of saturated stars in the
current exposure) make sure you have permission to write into the specified
directory as well as sufficient disk-space.
* **-wcs=some/file.fits**
Give the filename of the canned WCS solution that specifies the detector
distortion. See scamp2minifits on a way to create the necessary input file.
* **-fixwcs**
Activates the automatic WCS correction routine. If enabled, collectcells run
a source detection (podi_findstars), obtains a catalog of reference star
positions (podi_ipprefcat) and corrects telescope pointing errors (using
functions from podi_fixwcs).
* **-simplewcs**
Modifies the WCS solution that remains in the fits-frame. With this option,
the RA-ZPX solution is changed into a simple RA-TAN system without any
distortion factors. Mostly for debugging and testing.
* **-pointing**
* **-dither**
* **-target**
Now defunct
* **-prep4sex**
Changes the value of undefined pixels (those in the cell-gaps and the detector
edges) from the default NaN (Not a Number) value to -1e31, a value exceeding
the SExtractor value for bad pixels, telling SExtractor to ignore them
* **-singleota=XX**
Limits the output to only a specific OTA. For example, to only extract OTA42,
give -singleota=42.
* **-noclobber**
Skip the data reduction if the output file already exists
* **-wcsoffset=d_ra,d_dec**
Apply WCS offset in degrees to WCS solution before files are fed to
SourceExtractor. Use this option if the telescope pointing is WAY off.
* **-centralonly**
Only collect cells from the central 3x3 array, and ignore all data from the
outlying OTAs
* **-bgmode**
Disable the initial welcome splash screen
* **-photcalib**
Enable the photometric calibration of the output frames.
* **-nonlinearity=/some/dir/nonlinearity_coefficients.fits**
Activate the non-linearity correction and use the specified file as source
for all correction coefficients.
* **-plotformat=format1,format2**
Generate the diagnostic plots in the specified formats. All formats supported
by matplotlib are available - these are typically png, jpg, ps, pdf, svg
* **-nootalevelplots**
By default, all diagnostic plots are created for the full focalplane and for
each OTA individually. Adding this option disables the OTA level, restricting
diagnostic plots to only the focalplane views.
* **-qasubdirs**
Creates a directory structure parallel to the output file and sorts the
diagnostic plots into (sub-)directories. The default directory structure is:
* **-qasubdirname**
Allows to specify the name of the "QA" directory as shown above.
* **-noqaplots**
Disable the creation of the QA plots.
* **-addfitskey=KEY,value**
Add a user-defined fits header entry to the primary header of the output file.
KEY needs to be fits-conform, i.e. 8 characters or less without spaces or
special characters. value is stored as a string in the output file. If value
contains spaces, the value needs to be quoted (eg. -addfitskey=WIYN,"greatest
of the universe")
* **-nonlinearity=a,b,c**
a: proper motion of the object (dRA*cos(dec)) given in arcseconds per hour.
import sys
import os
import signal
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
import ephem
import traceback
#import psutil
import Queue
import threading
import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import time
import logging
from podi_plotting import *
gain_correct_frames = False
from podi_definitions import *
import podi_findstars
import podi_search_ipprefcat
import podi_fixwcs
import podi_fixwcs_rotation
import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup
import podi_crosstalk
import podi_persistency
import podi_asyncfitswrite
import podi_fitskybackground
import podi_matchcatalogs
import podi_matchpupilghost
import podi_fringing
import podi_photcalib
import podi_nonlinearity
import podi_logging
from astLib import astWCS
fix_cpu_count = False
if (sitesetup.number_cpus == "auto"):
number_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
print "Yippie, found %d CPUs to use in parallel!" % (number_cpus)
if (number_cpus > sitesetup.max_cpu_count and sitesetup.max_cpu_count > 1):
number_cpus = sitesetup.max_cpu_count
print "... but using only %d of them!" % (number_cpus)
number_cpus = sitesetup.number_cpus
[docs]def collect_reduce_ota(filename,
collect_reduce_ota does work relating to the initial instrument
detrending **for a single OTA** from cross-talk correction, overscan-
subtraction, bias & dark correction and flat-fielding. It also derives a
sky-background level and creates a source catalog using SourceExtractor.
filename : string
Filename of the raw OTA FITS file to be reduced
verbose : Bool
Output more detailed progress information during execution. Mostly made
for debugging and error tracking.
options : struct/dictionary
This dictionary contains all configuration parameters necessary for the
reduction, such as flat-field directories and specified reduction flags
read from the command-line.
data_products : dictionary
The returned dictionary contains all information generated during the
reduction, such as the reduced ImageHDU, the source catalog,
data about background levels, etc.
data_products = {
"hdu": None,
"wcsdata": None,
"sky-samples": None,
"sky": None,
if (not os.path.isfile(filename)):
stdout_write("Couldn't find file %s ..." % (filename))
# Create an fits extension to hold the output
hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU()
# Keep track of what input files we used
reduction_files_used = {}
hdulist = pyfits.open(filename, memmap=False)
# This happed with corrupt files
return data_products
reduction_files_used['raw'] = filename
# Get the binning factor
binning = get_binning(hdulist[1].header)
# Get the image output size (depends on binning)
size_x, size_y = get_collected_image_dimensions(binning)
#print size_x, size_y
obsid = hdulist[0].header["OBSID"]
ota = int(hdulist[0].header['FPPOS'][2:])
ota_c_x, ota_c_y = int(math.floor(ota/10)), int(math.fmod(ota,10))
# Save the fppos as name for this extension
ota_name = "OTA%02d" % ota
extname = "OTA%02d.SCI" % ota
hdu.header['OTA'] = (ota, "OTA designation")
# podi_logging.podi_getlogger("%s - %s" % (obsid, extname), options['log_setup'])
logger = logging.getLogger("%s - %s" % (obsid, extname))
# Now copy the headers from the original file into the new one
cards = hdulist[0].header.cards
for (keyword, value, comment) in cards:
hdu.header[keyword] = (value, comment)
# Also read the MJD for this frame. This will be needed later for the correction
mjd = hdu.header['MJD-OBS']
# Perform cross-talk correction, using coefficients found in the
# podi_crosstalk package.
# Procedure:
# Correct all frames for the crosstalk, then write them back into the
# original OTA position so we can perform the overscan subtraction etc.
# Allocate some memory for the cells in one row
xtalk_corr = [None] * 8
# Now go through each of the 8 lines
logger.debug("Starting crosstalk correction")
for row in range(8):
for column in range(8):
# Allocate some more memory to hold the output of the cross-talk
# correction of this frame
xtalk_corr[column] = numpy.zeros(hdulist[1].data.shape)
for xtalk_column in range(8):
# Construct the name of each cell that's causing the crosstalk
xy_name = "xy%d%d" % (xtalk_column, row)
# Now go through the list of all cells in this row and add them to
# the corrected cell content output
#print "Adding ",xy_name,"to ",extname, column, row, "(scaling",podi_crosstalk.xtalk_matrix[extname][row][xtalk_column][column],")"
correction = hdulist[xy_name].data * podi_crosstalk.xtalk_matrix[extname][row][xtalk_column][column]
if (column != xtalk_column):
saturated = hdulist[xy_name].data >= podi_crosstalk.xtalk_saturation_limit
correction[saturated] = -1 * podi_crosstalk.xtalk_saturated_correction
xtalk_corr[column] += correction #hdulist[xy_name].data * podi_crosstalk.xtalk_matrix[extname][row][xtalk_column][column]
#print xtalk_corr[column][100,100]
for column in range(8):
# Now all cells in this row have been corrected, let's write them
# back into the hdulist so can can continue with the overscan subtraction etc.
xy_name = "xy%d%d" % (column, row)
hdulist[xy_name].data = xtalk_corr[column]
logger.debug("Done with crosstalk correction")
# Allocate memory for the merged frame, and set all pixels by default to NaN.
# Valid pixels will subsequently be overwritten with real numbers
merged = numpy.ones(shape=(size_x, size_y), dtype=numpy.float32)
merged[:,:] = options['indef_pixelvalue']
#if (options['bgmode']):
# stdout_write("\r%s: Starting work on OTA %02d ...\n" % (obsid, ota))
logger.info("Starting work on OTA %02d of %s ..." % (ota, obsid))
nonlin_data = None
if (options['nonlinearity-set']):
nonlinearity_file = options['nonlinearity']
if (options['nonlinearity'] == None or
options['nonlinearity'] == "" or
not os.path.isfile(nonlinearity_file)):
nonlinearity_file = podi_nonlinearity.find_nonlinearity_coefficient_file(mjd, options)
if (options['verbose']):
print "Using non-linearity coefficients from",nonlinearity_file
logger.debug("Using non-linearity coefficients from file %s" % (nonlinearity_file))
nonlin_data = podi_nonlinearity.load_nonlinearity_correction_table(nonlinearity_file, ota)
reduction_files_used['nonlinearity'] = nonlinearity_file
all_gains = numpy.zeros(shape=(64))
for cell in range(1,65):
#if (not options['bgmode']):
# stdout_write("\r%s: OTA %02d, cell %s ..." % (obsid, ota, hdulist[cell].header['EXTNAME']))
wm_cellx, wm_celly = hdulist[cell].header['WN_CELLX'], hdulist[cell].header['WN_CELLY']
# Special case for cell 0,7 (the one in the bottom left corner):
# Copy the CRPIX values into the merged image header
if (hdulist[cell].header['EXTNAME'] == "XY07"):
# print "Setting CRPIXs", hdulist[cell].header['CRPIX1'], hdulist[cell].header['CRPIX2']
hdu.header["CRPIX1"] = (hdulist[cell].header['CRPIX1'], "Ref. pixel RA")
hdu.header["CRPIX2"] = (hdulist[cell].header['CRPIX2'], "Ref. pixel DEC")
# Store individual gains and average gain in output extension header
gain = float(hdulist[cell].header['GAIN'])
gain_keyword = "GAIN_C%d%d" % (wm_cellx, wm_celly)
hdu.header[gain_keyword] = (gain, 'gain for cell %d, %d' % (wm_cellx, wm_celly))
# Check if this is one of the broken cells
cellmode_id = get_cellmode(hdulist[0].header, hdulist[cell].header)
if (not cellmode_id == 0):
# This means it either broken (id=-1) or in video-mode (id=1)
all_gains[cell-1] = gain
# Now extract just the data section.
# Values are hard-coded as some of the DATASEC keywords are wrong
datasec = extract_datasec_from_cell(hdulist[cell].data, binning) #[0:494, 0:480]
# print "datasec.shape=",datasec.shape
# Now overscan subtract and insert into large frame
overscan_region = extract_biassec_from_cell(hdulist[cell].data, binning)
#extract_region(hdulist[cell].data, '[500:530,1:494]')
overscan_level = numpy.median(overscan_region)
datasec -= overscan_level
logger.debug("cell %s: gain=%.2f overscan=%6.1f" % (hdulist[cell].header['EXTNAME'], gain, overscan_level))
if (options['nonlinearity-set']):
nonlin_correction = podi_nonlinearity.compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(
datasec, wm_cellx, wm_celly, nonlin_data)
datasec += nonlin_correction
if (options['gain_correct']):
# Correct for the gain variations in each cell
# Note that gain-correction needs to be done consistently for ALL
# calibration products, including in particular BIAS and DARKs to
# be correct.
if (options['nonlinearity-set']):
# Find the relative gain correction factor based on the non-linearity correction data
logger.debug("Apply gain correction from nonlinearity data to cell %d,%d" % (wm_cellx, wm_celly))
datasec = podi_nonlinearity.apply_gain_correction(datasec, wm_cellx, wm_celly, nonlin_data)
# Use what's in the header
gain = float(hdulist[cell].header['GAIN'])
datasec *= gain
logger.debug("Applying gain correction from header (%.4f) to cell %d,%d" % (
gain, wm_cellx, wm_celly))
print "Couldn't find the GAIN header!"
# Insert the reduced data-section of this cell into the large OTA frame
bx, tx, by, ty = cell2ota__get_target_region(wm_cellx, wm_celly, binning)
# print bx, tx, by, ty, datasec.shape
merged[by:ty,bx:tx] = datasec
logger.debug("Collected all cells for OTA %02d of %s" % (ota, obsid))
# At this point we have a 4x4 Kpixel array with all cells merged
# Get some information for the OTA
fppos = hdulist[0].header['FPPOS']
filter_name = hdulist[0].header['FILTER']
except KeyError:
filter_name = 'UNKNOWN'
exposure_time = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME']
except KeyError:
exposure_time = 0
# Compute the average gain and store how many cells contributed
valid_gain = all_gains > 0
gain_avg = numpy.mean(all_gains[valid_gain])
hdu.header['GAIN'] = (gain_avg, 'gain averaged over all cells')
hdu.header['GAIN_CNT'] = (numpy.sum(valid_gain), 'number of cells contrib. to avg. gain')
# If we are to do some bias subtraction:
if (not options['bias_dir'] == None):
bias_filename = check_filename_directory(options['bias_dir'], "bias_bin%s.fits" % (binning))
if (os.path.isfile(bias_filename)):
bias = pyfits.open(bias_filename)
reduction_files_used['bias'] = bias_filename
# Search for the bias data for the current OTA
for bias_ext in bias[1:]:
if (not is_image_extension(bias_ext)):
fppos_bias = bias_ext.header['FPPOS']
if (fppos_bias == fppos):
# This is the one
merged -= bias_ext.data
logger.debug("Subtracting bias: %s" % (bias_filename))
hdu.header.add_history("CC-BIAS: %s" % (os.path.abspath(bias_filename)))
del bias
# To do some dark subtraction:
# Missing here: Add treatment for frames with detectors switched on or off
if (not options['dark_dir'] == None):
# For now assume all detectors are switched on
detectorglow = "yes"
dark_filename = check_filename_directory(options['dark_dir'], "dark_%s_bin%d.fits" % (detectorglow, binning))
if (os.path.isfile(dark_filename)):
dark = pyfits.open(dark_filename)
reduction_files_used['dark'] = dark_filename
darktime = dark[0].header['EXPTIME']
# Search for the flatfield data for the current OTA
for dark_ext in dark[1:]:
if (not is_image_extension(dark_ext)):
fppos_dark = dark_ext.header['FPPOS']
if (fppos_dark == fppos):
# This is the one
dark_scaling = exposure_time / darktime
logger.debug("Subtracting dark: %s (scaling=%.2f)" % (dark_filename, dark_scaling))
merged -= (dark_ext.data * dark_scaling)
hdu.header.add_history("CC-DARK: %s" % (os.path.abspath(dark_filename)))
del dark
# By default, mark the frame as not affected by the pupilghost. This
# might be overwritten if the flat-field has PG specifications.
hdu.header['PGAFCTD'] = False
# If the third parameter points to a directory with flat-fields
if (not options['flat_dir'] == None):
flatfield_filename = check_filename_directory(options['flat_dir'], "flat_%s_bin%d.fits" % (filter_name, binning))
if (os.path.isfile(flatfield_filename)):
flatfield = pyfits.open(flatfield_filename)
reduction_files_used['flat'] = flatfield_filename
# Search for the flatfield data for the current OTA
for ff_ext in flatfield[1:]:
if (not is_image_extension(ff_ext)):
fppos_flatfield = ff_ext.header['FPPOS']
if (fppos_flatfield == fppos):
# This is the one
merged /= ff_ext.data
logger.debug("Dividing by flatfield: %s" % (flatfield_filename))
# If normalizing with the flat-field, overwrite the gain
# keyword with the average gain value of the flatfield.
hdu.header['GAIN'] = flatfield[0].header['GAIN']
logger.debug("Overwriting GAIN keyword: %f" % (flatfield[0].header['GAIN']))
logger.debug("Checking if extension has PGAFCTD keyword: %s" % (str('PGAFCTD' in ff_ext.header)))
if ('PGAFCTD' in ff_ext.header):
logger.debug("Value of PGAFCTD header keyword: %s" % (str(ff_ext.header['PGAFCTD'])))
if ('PGAFCTD' in ff_ext.header and ff_ext.header['PGAFCTD']):
# Mark this extension as having a pupilghost problem.
hdu.header['PGAFCTD'] = True
# Also copy the center position of the pupilghost
# If this is not stored in the flat-field, assume some
# standard coordinates
logger.debug("Found an extension affected by pupilghost: %s" % (extname))
if (extname in pupilghost_centers):
pupilghost_center_x, pupilghost_center_y = pupilghost_centers[extname]
hdu.header['PGCNTR_X'] = (pupilghost_center_x, "pupil ghost center position X")
hdu.header['PGCNTR_Y'] = (pupilghost_center_y, "pupil ghost center position Y")
for pgheader in (
if (pgheader in ff_ext.header):
hdu.header[pgheader] = ff_ext.header[pgheader]
# if ('PGCNTR_X' in ff_ext.header):
# pupilghost_center_x = ff_ext.header['PGCNTR_X']
# hdu.header['PGCNTR_X'] = (pupilghost_center_x, "pupil ghost center position X")
# if ('PGCNTR_Y' in ff_ext.header):
# pupilghost_center_y = ff_ext.header['PGCNTR_Y']
# hdu.header['PGCNTR_Y'] = (pupilghost_center_y, "pupil ghost center position Y")
hdu.header.add_history("CC-FLAT: %s" % (os.path.abspath(flatfield_filename)))
del flatfield
# Finally, apply bad pixel masks
if (not options['bpm_dir'] == None):
# Determine which region file we need
region_file = "%s/bpm_%s.reg" % (options['bpm_dir'], fppos)
if (os.path.isfile(region_file)):
# Apply the bad pixel regions to file, marking
# all bad pixels as NaNs
logger.debug("Applying BPM file: %s" % (region_file))
mask_broken_regions(merged, region_file)
hdu.header.add_history("CC-BPM: %s" % (os.path.abspath(region_file)))
reduction_files_used['bpm'] = region_file
# If persistency correction is requested, perform it now
if (options['persistency_dir'] != None):
logger.debug("Applying persistency correction")
if (options['verbose']): stdout_write("Applying persistency correction\n")
# Get a list of all saturation catalogs
full_filelist = podi_persistency.get_list_of_saturation_tables(options['persistency_dir'])
# print full_filelist
# Search for the saturation map for this frame and, if found,
# mask out all saturated pixels
#if (verbose):
logger.debug("MJD of this frame: %f" % (mjd))
saturated_thisframe = podi_persistency.select_from_saturation_tables(full_filelist, mjd, None)
reduction_files_used['saturation'] = saturated_thisframe
#print "this frame=",saturated_thisframe,mjd
if (not saturated_thisframe == None):
merged = podi_persistency.mask_saturation_defects(saturated_thisframe, ota, merged)
hdu.header["SATMASK"] = saturated_thisframe
# Also pick all files within a given MJD range, and apply the
# appropriate correction (which, for now, is simply masking all pixels)
filelist = podi_persistency.select_from_saturation_tables(full_filelist, mjd, [1,options['max_persistency_time']])
if (len(filelist) > 0):
# Extract only the filenames from the filelist dictionary
persistency_files_used = []
for assoc_persistency_file, assoc_mjd in filelist.iteritems():
reduction_files_used['persistency'] = persistency_files_used
merged = podi_persistency.correct_persistency_effects(ota, merged, mjd, filelist)
persistency_catalog_counter = 0
for filename in filelist:
persistency_catalog_counter += 1
keyname = "PERSIS%02d" % (persistency_catalog_counter)
hdu.header[keyname] = filename
# If requested, determine the optimal fringe scaling
fringe_scaling = None
fringe_scaling_median, fringe_scaling_std = -1, -1
if (options['fringe_dir'] != None):
fringe_filename = check_filename_directory(options['fringe_dir'], "fringe__%s.fits" % (filter_name))
fringe_vector_file = "%s/fringevectors__%s__OTA%02d.reg" % (options['fringe_vectors'], filter_name, ota)
reduction_files_used['fringemap'] = fringe_filename
reduction_files_used['fringevector'] = fringe_vector_file
logger.debug("fringe file %s found: %s" % (fringe_filename, os.path.isfile(fringe_filename)))
logger.debug("fringe vector %s found: %s" % (fringe_vector_file, os.path.isfile(fringe_vector_file)))
if (options['verbose']):
print "fringe file:",fringe_filename, " found:",os.path.isfile(fringe_filename)
print "fringe vector:",fringe_vector_file, " found:",os.path.isfile(fringe_vector_file)
# Do not determine fringe scaling if either or the input files does
# not exist or any of the cells in this OTA is marked as video cell
if (os.path.isfile(fringe_filename)
and os.path.isfile(fringe_vector_file)
and hdu.header['CELLMODE'].find("V") < 0
fringe_hdu = pyfits.open(fringe_filename)
for ext in fringe_hdu[1:]:
if (extname == ext.header['EXTNAME']):
if (options['verbose']): print "Working on fringe scaling for",extname
fringe_scaling = podi_fringing.get_fringe_scaling(merged, ext.data, fringe_vector_file)
if (not fringe_scaling == None):
good_scalings = three_sigma_clip(fringe_scaling[:,6], [0, 1e9])
fringe_scaling_median = numpy.median(good_scalings)
fringe_scaling_std = numpy.std(good_scalings)
hdu.header.add_history("fringe map: %s" % fringe_filename)
hdu.header.add_history("fringe vector: %s" % fringe_vector_file)
#print "FRNG_SCL", fringe_scaling_median
#print "FRNG_STD", fringe_scaling_std
hdu.header["FRNG_SCL"] = fringe_scaling_median
hdu.header["FRNG_STD"] = fringe_scaling_std
hdu.header["FRNG_OK"] = (fringe_scaling != None)
# Insert the DETSEC header so IRAF understands where to put the extensions
start_x = ota_c_x * size_x #4096
start_y = ota_c_y * size_y #4096
end_x = start_x + size_x #det_x2 - det_x1
end_y = start_y + size_y #det_y2 - det_y1
detsec_str = "[%d:%d,%d:%d]" % (start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y)
hdu.header["DETSEC"] = (detsec_str, "position of OTA in focal plane")
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-simplewcs") or options['wcs_distortion'] != None):
logger.debug("Clearing existing WCS solution")
# Fudge with the WCS headers, largely undoing what's in the fits file right now,
# and replacing it with a simpler version that hopefully works better
hdu.header['CTYPE1'] = "RA---TAN"
hdu.header['CTYPE2'] = "DEC--TAN"
del hdu.header['WAT0_001']
del hdu.header['WAT1_001']
del hdu.header['WAT1_002']
del hdu.header['WAT1_003']
del hdu.header['WAT1_004']
del hdu.header['WAT1_005']
del hdu.header['WAT2_001']
del hdu.header['WAT2_002']
del hdu.header['WAT2_003']
del hdu.header['WAT2_004']
del hdu.header['WAT2_005']
# in any case, add the CUNIT headers that are missing by default
hdu.header["CUNIT1"] = ("deg", "")
hdu.header["CUNIT2"] = ("deg", "")
logger.debug("Converting coordinates to J2000")
coord_j2000 = ephem.Equatorial(hdu.header['RA'], hdu.header['DEC'], epoch=ephem.J2000)
if (not options['target_coords'] == None):
if (options['verbose']): print "Overwriting target positions",options['target_coords']
ra, dec = options['target_coords']
coord_j2000 = ephem.Equatorial(ra, dec, epoch=ephem.J2000)
if (options['verbose']): print "\n\nAdjusting ra/dec:", coord_j2000.ra, coord_j2000.dec,"\n\n"
# Write the CRVALs with the pointing information
#print numpy.degrees(coord_j2000.ra), numpy.degrees(coord_j2000.dec)
hdu.header['CRVAL1'] = numpy.degrees(coord_j2000.ra)
hdu.header['CRVAL2'] = numpy.degrees(coord_j2000.dec)
# Compute total offsets as the sum from pointing and dither offset
# Now add the pointing and dither offsets
#print offset_total[0] / 3600. / numpy.cos(numpy.radians(hdu.header['CRVAL2']))
#print hdu.header['CRVAL2'], numpy.cos(numpy.radians(hdu.header['CRVAL2']))
#hdu.header['CRVAL1'] += offset_total[0] / 3600. / numpy.cos(numpy.radians(hdu.header['CRVAL2']))
#hdu.header['CRVAL2'] += offset_total[1] / 3600.
# To do:
# =========================================================
# Check if the above still makes sense !!!!
# In particular the addition of the telescope offsets
# should be included in RA/DEC already !!!
# =========================================================
if (options['offset_pointing'] != None or options['offset_dither'] != None):
offset_total = numpy.array([0,0])
if (options['offset_pointing'] != None):
offset_total += numpy.array(options['offset_pointing'])
if (options['offset_dither'] != None):
offset_total += numpy.array(options['offset_dither'])
if (options['verbose']):
stdout_write("Adding user's WCS offset (ra: %f, dec: %f degrees)\n" % (offset_total[0], offset_total[1]))
hdu.header['CRVAL1'] += offset_total[0]
hdu.header['CRVAL2'] += offset_total[1]
# Now add the canned WCS solution
if (options['wcs_distortion'] != None):
#print "Adding header from WCS minifits (%s)" % (extname)
wcs = pyfits.open(options['wcs_distortion'])
wcs_header = wcs[extname].header
# Modify the WCS solution to properly represents the WCS solution of binned data
# print "Correcting the WCS solution for binning factor",binning,"..."
for hdr_name in ('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2'):
wcs_header[hdr_name] /= binning
for hdr_name in ('CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2'):
wcs_header[hdr_name] *= binning
reduction_files_used['wcs'] = options['wcs_distortion']
cards = wcs_header.cards
for (keyword, value, comment) in cards:
if (keyword == 'CRVAL1'):
hdu.header["CRVAL1"] -= wcs_header['CRVAL1'] / math.cos(math.radians(hdu.header['CRVAL2']))
elif (keyword == "CRVAL2"):
hdu.header['CRVAL2'] -= wcs_header['CRVAL2']
hdu.header[keyword] = (value, comment)
# Make sure to write RAs that are positive
if (hdu.header["CRVAL1"] < 0):
hdu.header['CRVAL1'] += 360.
# Insert the new image data. This also makes sure that the headers
# NAXIS, NAXIS1, NAXIS2 are set correctly
hdu.data = merged
source_cat = None
if (options['fixwcs']):
# Create source catalog
if (options['skip_guide_ota'] and hdu.header['CELLMODE'].find("V") > -1):
source_cat = None
elif (False):
source_cat = podi_findstars.find_stars(hdu, binning=4, boxsize=24, dumpfile=None, verbose=False,
detect_threshold=1., detect_minarea=4, roundness_limit=[-0.2,+0.2],
logger.debug("Running SourceExtractor")
hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdu.header, data=hdu.data)])
obsid = hdulist[0].header['OBSID']
process_id = os.getpid()
fitsfile = "%s/tmp.pid%d.%s_OTA%02d.fits" % (sitesetup.scratch_dir, process_id, obsid, ota)
catfile = "%s/tmp.pid%d.%s_OTA%02d.cat" % (sitesetup.scratch_dir, process_id, obsid, ota)
hdulist.writeto(fitsfile, clobber=True)
full_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
basepath, dummy = os.path.split(full_path)
sex_config_file = "%s/.config/wcsfix.sex" % (basepath)
parameters_file = "%s/.config/wcsfix.sexparam" % (basepath)
sexcmd = "%s -c %s -PARAMETERS_NAME %s -CATALOG_NAME %s %s %s" % (
sitesetup.sextractor, sex_config_file, parameters_file, catfile,
fitsfile, sitesetup.sex_redirect)
if (options['verbose']): print sexcmd
start_time = time.time()
end_time = time.time()
logger.debug("SourceExtractor returned after %.3f seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
source_cat = numpy.loadtxt(catfile)
except IOError:
print "The Sextractor catalog is empty, ignoring this OTA"
source_cat = None
if (source_cat.shape[0] == 0 or source_cat.ndim < 2):
source_cat = None
source_cat[:,8] = ota
flags = source_cat[:,7]
no_flags = (flags == 0)
logger.debug("Found %d sources, %d with no flags" % (source_cat.shape[0], numpy.sum(no_flags)))
source_cat = None
if (sitesetup.sex_delete_tmps):
fixwcs_data = None
if (source_cat != None):
if (source_cat.shape[0] > 0 and source_cat.ndim == 2):
odi_ra = source_cat[:,0]
odi_dec = source_cat[:,1]
odi_mag = source_cat[:,14] #-2.5 * numpy.log10(source_cat[:,6]) + 30
# Read the reference catalog
center_ra, center_dec = center_coords(hdu.header)
search_size = (8+6) * (1./60.)
ipp_cat = podi_search_ipprefcat.get_reference_catalog(center_ra, center_dec, search_size,
ref_ra = ipp_cat[:,0]
ref_dec = ipp_cat[:,1]
ref_mag = ipp_cat[:,3]
# Cut down the number of stars to < 100 to save computing time
ota_odi_ra, ota_odi_dec, ota_odi_mag = podi_fixwcs.pick_brightest(odi_ra, odi_dec, odi_mag, 50)
ota_ref_ra, ota_ref_dec, ota_ref_mag = podi_fixwcs.pick_brightest(ref_ra, ref_dec, ref_mag, 50)
if (verbose): print "sending %s and %d to shift_align_wcs" % (ota_odi_ra.shape[0], ota_ref_ra.shape[0])
dx, dy, n, matchcount = podi_fixwcs.shift_align_wcs(ota_odi_ra, ota_odi_dec, ota_ref_ra, ota_ref_dec)
if (verbose): print "WCSFIX dx/dy =", dx, dy
fixwcs_data = (odi_ra, odi_dec, ref_ra, ref_dec, dx, dy, source_cat, ipp_cat, matchcount)
fixwcs_data = None
# Sample that background at random place so we can derive a median background level later on
# This is necessary both for the pupil ghost correction AND the fringing correction
starcat = None
if (fixwcs_data != None):
src_cat = fixwcs_data[6]
ota_x, ota_y = src_cat[:,2], src_cat[:,3]
# print "ota_x=",ota_x
# print "ota_y=",ota_y
starcat = (ota_x, ota_y)
# Now sample the background, excluding regions close to known sources
sky_samples = numpy.array(podi_fitskybackground.sample_background(data=merged, wcs=None,
min_found=200, boxwidth=30))
if (sky_samples.shape[0] <= 0): #not sky_samples.shape[1] > 4):
print "Something went wrong with the sky-calculation"
print "sky-samples =",sky_samples
print "sky-samples.shape =",sky_samples.shape
sky_level_median, sky_level_mean, sky_level_std = -1, -1, -1
sky_samples = None
sky_level_median = numpy.median(sky_samples[:,4])
sky_level_mean = numpy.mean(sky_samples[:,4])
sky_level_std = numpy.std(sky_samples[:,4])
hdu.header["SKY_MEDI"] = (sky_level_median, "sky-level median")
hdu.header["SKY_MEAN"] = (sky_level_mean, "sky-level mean")
hdu.header["SKY_STD"] = (sky_level_std, "sky-level rms")
data_products['hdu'] = hdu
data_products['wcsdata'] = fixwcs_data
data_products['sky-samples'] = sky_samples
data_products['sky'] = (sky_level_median, sky_level_mean, sky_level_std)
data_products['fringe_scaling'] = fringe_scaling
data_products['sourcecat'] = source_cat
data_products['reduction_files_used'] = reduction_files_used
return data_products #hdu, fixwcs_data
[docs]def collect_reduction_files_used(masterlist, files_this_frame):
Keeps track of all files used during the reduction. This function maintains
a list of files and their corresponding reduction step, and properly handles
individual files as well as list of filenames.
This routine is called during reduction to keep track of all file
masterlist : dictionary
Dictionary of all reduction steps that have external files associated.
For each step it maintains a list of files.
files_this_frame : dictionary
Like the master_list, just for only one step.
the updated master_list
for key, value in files_this_frame.iteritems():
if (key in masterlist):
existing_keys = masterlist[key]
if (type(value) == list):
for val1 in value:
# This is a new key, so just copy it
if (type(value) == list):
masterlist[key] = value
masterlist[key] = [value]
# print masterlist
return masterlist
[docs]def create_association_table(master, verbose=False):
Convert the association dictionary maintained and updated by
:proc:collect_reduction_files_used and creates a FITS-compatible
associations table that will be stored in the resulting output FITS file.
master : dictionary
the master associations dictionary
verbose : Bool
Activate some debugging output
tbhdu : TableHDU
A FITS TableHDU containing the assocations table. Each entry in this
table contains the reduction step, the name of the associated file, and
the full path of this file.
reduction_step = []
full_filename = []
short_filename = []
for key, value in master.iteritems():
# print key,":",value
for filename in set(value):
if (filename == None):
dirname, filebase = os.path.split(filename)
if (verbose):
print "% 15s : %s" % (key, filename)
# print reduction_step
# print short_filename
columns = [\
pyfits.Column(name='correction', format='A25', array=reduction_step),
pyfits.Column(name='filename_full', format='A375', array=full_filename),
pyfits.Column(name='filename', format='A100', array=short_filename),
coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns)
tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU')
tbhdu.update_ext_name("ASSOCIATIONS", comment=None)
return tbhdu
[docs]def parallel_collect_reduce_ota(queue, return_queue,
A minimal wrapper handling the parallel execution of collectcells.
queue : Queue
Input Queue containing names of raw OTA frames to be reduced
return_queue : Queue
Queue to report the reduced data back to the main process
options : dictionary
containing all reduction parameters and settings
no return values, all returns are handled via the return_queue
# Setup the multi-processing-safe logging
while (True):
cmd_quit, filename, ota_id = queue.get()
if (cmd_quit):
# Do the work
data_products = collect_reduce_ota(filename, options=options)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
while (not queue.empty()):
# Add the results to the return_queue so the master process can assemble the result file
# print "Adding results for OTA",ota_id,"to return queue"
# return_queue.put( (hdu, ota_id, wcsfix_data) )
return_queue.put( (ota_id, data_products) )
[docs]def kill_all_child_processes(process_tracker):
Small function to clean up after collectcells timeouts. It receives a list
of processes IDs of all child processes initiated during execution and kills
them one after the other.
process_tracker : Queue
A queue of process-IDs of all child processes
while (True):
child_pid = process_tracker.get(True, 1.)
stdout_write("\n terminating child process (process-ID %d) ..." % (child_pid))
os.kill(child_pid, signal.SIGKILL)
stdout_write(" done!")
except Queue.Empty:
stdout_write("\n all child processes terminated!")
[docs]def collectcells_with_timeout(input, outputfile,
Minimal wrapper to enable a timeout feature for collectcells. The actual
collectcells is started as a sub-process that can be joined for a specified
time. If this time is up but the process is still running, it has exceeded
its lifetime and will be terminated.
timeout : float
Allowed maximum execution time before the task will be terminated
process_tracker : Queue
Forwarded from the main process, this queue will contain process IDs of
all sub-processes to allow for cleaning up process children after the
See collectcells for information about parameters.
# Start a collectcells as subprocess
cc_args = (input, outputfile,
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=collectcells, args=cc_args)
if (verbose): print "Starting collectcells with timeout"
if (verbose): print "collectcells started!"
timeout = timeout if timeout > 0 else None
if (p.is_alive()):
stdout_write("\n\nTimeout event triggered, shutting things down ...")
stdout_write("\n Killing collectcells after timeout...")
stdout_write(" all done!\n\n")
[docs]def collectcells(input, outputfile,
collectcells handles all filename operations, ensuring all required files
exist, and hands the work on each OTA off to the suite of worker processes.
Finally assembles all results and writes the output-file.
The actual basic reduction steps are done in collect_reduce_ota, but
collectcells take the output of collect_reduce_ota and finishes the
reduction, creating diagnostic plots, as well as performing reduction steps
that require data from multiple OTAs, such as for the astrometric or
photometric calibration, removal of the pupil ghost, fringe removal with a
global scaling factor, etc.
input : string
Either the name of a directory or filename that allows to construct the
name of all OTA FITS files of this exposure.
outputfile : string
Name of the output file
batchmode : Bool
verbose : Bool
write extra progress updates to console
options : dictionary
Contains all reduction parameters and settings.
showsplash : Bool
Write a small splash screen with the name of the program, copyright
notice and author information to console before starting the actual work.
If batchmode is set to True, collectcells will return the output HDU in
memory without writing it to disk, enabling post-processing without
I/O overhead.
if (options == None): options = set_default_options()
logger = logging.getLogger('CollectCells')
logger.debug("Starting --collectcells--")
if (showsplash):
splash = """\
* This is podi_collectcells *
* (c) 2012-2013: Ralf Kotulla, kotulla@uwm.edu *
* University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee & Madison) *
* WIYN Observatory, Inc *
* *
* Please acknowledge the author when using any products generated *
* with this tool. For comments, questions or ideas for improvement *
* please send an email to kotulla@uwm.edu. Thank you! *
# print "Received options:", options
if (options['verbose']):
stdout_write("\nThese are the options we are using:\n")
for opt_name, opt_value in options.iteritems():
stdout_write(" %30s: %s\n" % (opt_name, opt_value))
stdout_write("----- end options\n\n")
# afw = podi_asyncfitswrite.async_fits_writer(1)
if (os.path.isfile(input)):
# Assume this is one of the fits files in the right directory
# In that case, extract the FILENAME header and convert it into
# the filebase we need to construct the filenames of all OTA fits files.
hdulist = pyfits.open(input)
filebase = hdulist[0].header['FILENAME'][:-8]
del hdulist
# Split the input filename to extract the directory part
directory, dummy = os.path.split(input)
if (directory == None or directory == ''):
directory = "."
elif (os.path.isdir(input)):
# As a safety precaution, if the first parameter is the directory containing
# the files, extract just the ID string to be used for this script
if (input[-1] == "/"):
input = input[:-1]
basedir, filebase = os.path.split(input)
directory = input
stdout_write("Unable to open file %s, aborting!\n" % input)
#print "Merging cells for frame %s" % (basename)
if (outputfile == None):
outputfile = "%s/%s.fits" % (directory, filebase)
hdulist = None
for ota in all_otas:
filename = "%s/%s.%02d.fits" % (directory, filebase, ota)
if (not os.path.isfile(filename)):
filename = "%s/%s.%02d.fits.fz" % (directory, filebase, ota)
hdulist = pyfits.open(filename)
#stdout_write("Problem opening an existing fits-file (%s), aborting!\n" % filename)
if (hdulist == None):
stdout_write("Something is wrong here, can't find/open any of the files...")
return -1
if (outputfile.find("%") >= 0):
# The output filename contains special tags that should
# be replaced by values from the file header
header = hdulist[0].header
while (outputfile.find("%") >= 0):
start = outputfile.find("%")
if (outputfile[start:start+7] == "%FILTER"):
outputfile = outputfile[:start] + header['FILTER'] + outputfile[start+7:]
elif (outputfile[start:start+7] == "%OBJECT"):
# The object name might contain spaces, replace them with underscores
# Also replace all other special characters with underscores
objectname = header['OBJECT'].replace(' ', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace(',', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace('(', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace(')', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace('/', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace('\\', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace('`', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace('"', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace('\'', '_')
objectname = objectname.replace(')', '_')
outputfile = outputfile[:start] + objectname + outputfile[start+7:]
elif (outputfile[start:start+6] == "%OBSID"):
outputfile = outputfile[:start] + header['OBSID'] + outputfile[start+6:]
elif (outputfile[start:start+7] == "%OBSSEQ"):
obsid = header['OBSID']
dot_position = obsid.find(".")
obs_sequence = obsid[:dot_position]
outputfile = outputfile[:start] + obs_sequence + outputfile[start+7:]
elif (outputfile[start:start+8] == "%EXPTIME"):
outputfile = "%s%.1f%s" % (outputfile[:start], header['EXPTIME'], outputfile[start+8:])
stdout_write("found unknown tag in %s\n" % outputfile)
del header
stdout_write("Replaced some keywords, new output filename: ---> %s\n" % (outputfile))
input_header = hdulist[0].header
binning = get_binning(hdulist[0].header)
# We know enough about the current frame, so close the file
del hdulist
# Check if the output file contains a new directory.
chk_directory, chk_filename = os.path.split(outputfile)
changed_outputfilename = False
if (chk_directory != ''):
# The output file does contain a directory
if (not os.path.isdir(chk_directory)):
# if the directory doesn't exist ey, create it
stdout_write("Output directory does not exist, creating it...\n")
changed_outputfilename = True
if (chk_filename == ''):
# This happens if the output is just a directory
stdout_write("Output filename is a directory, adding default filename (collectcells.fits)\n")
outputfile += "collectcells.fits"
changed_outputfilename = True
if (outputfile[-5:] != ".fits"):
# Output filenames have to end with .fits
stdout_write("no fits extension given to filename, adding .fits\n")
outputfile += ".fits"
changed_outputfilename = True
if (changed_outputfilename):
stdout_write("After revision, output filename now is %s\n" % (outputfile))
if (os.path.isfile(outputfile) and not options['clobber']):
print "#####################################################"
print "#"
print "# File %s already exists, skipping!" % (outputfile)
print "#"
print "#####################################################"
print "\n"
# Start assembling the new list of HDUs
list_of_otas_to_collect = available_ota_coords
if (options['central_only']):
list_of_otas_to_collect = central_array_ota_coords
ota_list = [None] * (len(list_of_otas_to_collect)+1)
# And add the primary HDU to make the fits file a valid one
ota_list[0] = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
ota_list[0].header["PLVER"] = (pipeline_plver, "name and version")
ota_list[0].header["PIPELINE"] = (pipeline_name, "pipeline name")
ota_list[0].header["PLVERSIO"] = (pipeline_version, "pipeline version")
ota_list[0].header["PLAUTHOR"] = ("Ralf Kotulla", "pipeline author")
ota_list[0].header["PLEMAIL"] = ("kotulla@uwm.edu", "contact email")
for key, value in options['additional_fits_headers'].iteritems():
ota_list[0].header[key] = (value, "user-added keyword")
ota_list[0].header['BINNING'] = (binning, "bining factor")
# Set up the parallel processing environment
#result_buffer = numpy.zeros(shape=(buffer.shape[0], buffer.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32)
queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
return_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
processes = []
worker_args = (queue, return_queue, options)
number_extensions = 0
list_of_otas_being_reduced = []
for ota_id in range(len(list_of_otas_to_collect)):
ota_c_x, ota_c_y = list_of_otas_to_collect[ota_id]
ota = ota_c_x * 10 + ota_c_y
if (cmdline_arg_isset('-singleota')):
single_ota = int(get_cmdline_arg("-singleota"))
if (ota != single_ota):
filename = "%s/%s.%02d.fits" % (directory, filebase, ota)
if (not os.path.isfile(filename)):
# Check if there's a .fz compressed file
filename = "%s/%s.%02d.fits.fz" % (directory, filebase, ota)
if (not os.path.isfile(filename)):
# This file doesn't seem to exist, so don't ask the worker to do anything
if (ota in options['skip_otas']):
#print "Commanding work for extension",ota
queue.put( (False, filename, ota_id+1) )
logger.info("Performing instrumental detrending")
# Create all processes to handle the actual reduction and combination
#print "Creating",number_cpus,"worker processes"
if ('profile' in options or number_cpus == 1):
# If profiling is activated, run one only one processor and in non-multiprocessing mode
# Tell all workers to shut down when no more data is left to work on
#for i in range(len(processes)):
if (verbose): stdout_write("Sending quit command!\n")
while (True):
print "Doing work single-processed"
cmd_quit, filename, ota_id = queue.get()
if (cmd_quit):
# Do the work
data_products = collect_reduce_ota(filename, options=options)
# Add the results to the return_queue so the master process can assemble the result file
# print "Adding results for OTA",ota_id,"to return queue"
# return_queue.put( (hdu, ota_id, wcsfix_data) )
return_queue.put( (ota_id, data_products) )
for i in range(number_cpus):
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=parallel_collect_reduce_ota, args=worker_args)
if (not process_tracker == None):
if (verbose): print "Adding current slave process to process-tracker...", i
if (verbose): print "done adding to process-tracker"
# Tell all workers to shut down when no more data is left to work on
for i in range(len(processes)):
if (verbose): stdout_write("Sending quit command!\n")
# Create a master list that keeps track of all additional files used for this frame
master_reduction_files_used = {}
# By now all workers have computed their HDUs or are busy doing so,
# let's extract their results from the return queue and assemble the ota list
fixwcs_odi_ra, fixwcs_odi_dec = numpy.array([]), numpy.array([])
fixwcs_ref_ra, fixwcs_ref_dec = numpy.array([]), numpy.array([])
fixwcs_odi_x, fixwcs_odi_y = numpy.array([]), numpy.array([])
fixwcs_extension = numpy.array([])
reference_catalog = None
fixwcs_odi_sourcecat = None
fixwcs_bestguess = numpy.ones(shape=(len(list_of_otas_being_reduced),2)) * -1000
# In this loop:
# - Sort all indidually reduced OTAs into the larger frame,
# putting them all in the right order (spiraling from inside-out)
# - Combine all the WCS fitting information from all OTAs
global_number_matches = None
sky_samples = {}
fringe_scaling = None
global_source_cat = None
global_gain_sum, global_gain_count = 0, 0
for i in range(len(list_of_otas_being_reduced)):
#hdu, ota_id, wcsfix_data = return_queue.get()
ota_id, data_products = return_queue.get()
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
while (not return_queue.empty()):
hdu = data_products['hdu']
wcsfix_data = data_products['wcsdata']
if (hdu == None):
if ('reduction_files_used' in data_products):
files_this_frame = data_products['reduction_files_used']
# print "\n\n\n\n\nfiles_this_frame=\n\n",files_this_frame,"\n\n\n"
collect_reduction_files_used(master_reduction_files_used, files_this_frame)
global_gain_sum += (hdu.header['GAIN'] * hdu.header['GAIN_CNT'])
global_gain_count += hdu.header['GAIN_CNT']
#if ("persistency_map_updated" in data_products):
# # We also received an updated persistency map
# persistency[ota_id] = data_products["persistency_map_updated"]
ota_list[ota_id] = hdu
sky_samples[hdu.header['EXTNAME']] = data_products['sky-samples']
if (options['fixwcs'] and not options['update_persistency_only']):
if (wcsfix_data != None):
odi_ra, odi_dec, ref_ra, ref_dec, dx, dy, source_cat, reference_cat, number_matches = wcsfix_data
# Append all the returned ODI and reference catalog data to the
# previous list to make one big catalog across all OTAs.
fixwcs_odi_ra = numpy.append(fixwcs_odi_ra, odi_ra, axis=0)
fixwcs_odi_dec = numpy.append(fixwcs_odi_dec, odi_dec, axis=0)
fixwcs_ref_ra = numpy.append(fixwcs_ref_ra, ref_ra, axis=0)
fixwcs_ref_dec = numpy.append(fixwcs_ref_dec, ref_dec, axis=0)
#print "Adding data to long list"
fixwcs_odi_x = numpy.append(fixwcs_odi_x, source_cat[:,2], axis=0)
fixwcs_odi_y = numpy.append(fixwcs_odi_y, source_cat[:,3], axis=0)
_ota = numpy.ones(shape=(source_cat.shape[0],1)) * ota_id
fixwcs_extension = numpy.append(fixwcs_extension, _ota[:,0], axis=0)
#print "source_cat[:,2]=",source_cat[:,2]
#print "source_cat[:,3]=",source_cat[:,3]
reference_catalog = reference_cat if (reference_catalog == None) else \
numpy.append(reference_catalog, reference_cat, axis=0)
#RK fixwcs_odi_sourcecat = source_cat if (fixwcs_odi_sourcecat == None) else \
# numpy.append(fixwcs_odi_sourcecat, source_cat, axis=0)
fixwcs_bestguess[i,:] = [dx, dy]
if (number_matches != None):
# Deal with the individual matches from this OTA
#print hdu.header['EXTNAME'], number_matches.shape
tmp = numpy.ones(shape=(number_matches.shape[0], number_matches.shape[1]+1))
tmp[:,:-1] = number_matches
tmp[:,-1] *= ota_id
if (global_number_matches == None):
global_number_matches = tmp
global_number_matches = numpy.append(global_number_matches, tmp, axis=0)
#print "\n\n\n#matches was",number_matches.shape,"now is ",global_number_matches.shape,"\n\n\n"
#add_to_bestguess = numpy.array([dx, dy]).reshape((1,2))
#print fixwcs_bestguess.shape, add_to_bestguess.shape
#fixwcs_bestguess = numpy.append(fixwcs_bestguess, add_to_bestguess, axis=0)
if (not data_products['fringe_scaling'] == None):
#print data_products['fringe_scaling'].shape
#if (fringe_scaling != None): print fringe_scaling.shape
fringe_scaling = data_products['fringe_scaling'] if fringe_scaling == None else \
numpy.append(fringe_scaling, data_products['fringe_scaling'], axis=0)
if (not data_products['sourcecat'] == None):
global_source_cat = data_products['sourcecat'] if (global_source_cat == None) \
else numpy.append(global_source_cat, data_products['sourcecat'], axis=0)
# Update the global gain variables
ota_list[0].header['GAIN'] = (global_gain_sum / global_gain_count)
ota_list[0].header['GAIN_CNT'] = global_gain_count
# if (options['fixwcs'] and not options['update_persistency_only']):
# x = open("fixwcs.nmatches","w")
# numpy.savetxt(x, global_number_matches)
# x.close()
# del x
# Now all processes have returned their results, terminate them
# and delete all instances to free up memory
for cur_process in processes:
#del cur_process
logger.debug("all data received from worker processes!")
logger.info("Starting post-processing")
additional_reduction_files = {}
if (options['fixwcs'] and verbose):
print fixwcs_extension
print fixwcs_odi_x
print fixwcs_odi_y
print fixwcs_bestguess.shape
print fixwcs_bestguess
print master_reduction_files_used
# Now do some post-processing:
# 1) Add or overwrite some headers with values from an external wcs minifits file
# to improve the wcs accuracy - remover - no done in parallel during cell collection.
# 2) Move a couple of headers out of each individual extension and put it in the
# primary extension instead (defined in headers_to_inherit, see podi_definitions)
# 3) Delete a bunch of headers that are no longer necessary (defined in
# headers_to_delete_from_otas, see podi_definitions)
# 4) Collect all WCS information and fix pointing and rotation errors. Create some
# diagnostic plots
# 5) Write the updated persistency map to file - deleted, no longer required
# 6) compute the global sky level
# 7) Determine the best-fit pupil ghost scaling and remove the pupil ghost contribution
# 8) Compute global fringe scaling and remove scaled fringe template
# First step:
# Delete all HDU entries that are set to None, indicating that there was something
# seriously wrong with them
#print "Post-processing start w/",len(ota_list),"extensions"
tmp_ota_list = []
for ext in range(len(ota_list)):
if (ota_list[ext] != None):
ota_list = tmp_ota_list
#print "cleaned up, now",len(ota_list),"extensions left"
# Now update the headers in all OTA extensions.
for extension in range(1, len(ota_list)):
ota = ota_list[extension]
if (ota == None):
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-prep4sex")):
logger.debug("Updating header for extension %s..." % (ota.header['EXTNAME']))
for header in headers_to_inherit:
# Make sure the header we are about to move exists in the first place
if (not header in ota.header):
# Check if the header already exists in the primary header. If not add it!
if (not header in ota_list[0].header):
(keyword, value, comment) = ota.header.cards[header]
ota_list[0].header[keyword] = (value, comment)
# By now the value should exist in the primary header,
# so delete it from each of the extensions
del ota.header[header]
# Set the inherit keyword so that the headers removed from each
# extension are instead inherited from the primary
ota.header["INHERIT"] = (True, "Inherit headers from PrimaryHDU")
for header in headers_to_delete_from_otas:
# As above, make sure header exists
if (not header in ota.header):
del ota.header[header]
# Now combine all sky-samples to compute the global background level.
# Take care to exclude OTAs marked as guide-OTAs and those not covered
# by the narrow-band filters.
logger.debug("Combining sky-samples from all OTAs into global sky value")
sky_samples_global = None #numpy.empty(0)
valid_ext = otas_for_photometry[get_valid_filter_name(ota_list[0].header)]
for ext in sky_samples:
# print ext, valid_ext, int(ext[3:5])
ota_number = int(ext[3:5])
ota_name = "OTA%02d.SCI" % (ota_number)
not_a_guiding_ota = False
for i in range(1, len(ota_list)):
if (ota_list[i].header['EXTNAME'] == ota_name):
not_a_guiding_ota = (ota_list[i].header['CELLMODE'].find("V") < 0)
if (ota_number in valid_ext and not_a_guiding_ota and not sky_samples[ext] == None):
if (sky_samples_global == None):
sky_samples_global = sky_samples[ext]
sky_samples_global = numpy.append(sky_samples_global, sky_samples[ext], axis=0)
sky_global_median = numpy.median(sky_samples_global[:,4])
ota_list[0].header["SKYLEVEL"] = sky_global_median
logger.debug("Found global median sky-value = %.1f" % (sky_global_median))
# Now that we have the global sky-level, subtract the
# contribution of the pupil ghost to the science frame.
# Different from the case of the calibration frames, use the radial
# profile here, and ignore rotation (not needed anyway) to speed things up.
if (options['pupilghost_dir'] != None):
logger.debug("Getting ready to subtract pupil ghost from science frame")
filter_level = get_filter_level(ota_list[0].header)
filter_name = get_valid_filter_name(ota_list[0].header)
binning = ota_list[0].header['BINNING']
# pg_template = "%s/pupilghost_radial___level_%d__bin%d.fits" % (options['pupilghost_dir'], filter_level, binning)
pg_template = "%s/pupilghost_template___level_%d__bin%d.fits" % (options['pupilghost_dir'], filter_level, binning)
logger.debug("looking for radial pupil ghost template %s...\n" % (pg_template))
# If we have a template for this level
if (os.path.isfile(pg_template)):
logger.debug("\n Using pupilghost template %s, filter %s ... " % (pg_template, filter_name))
pg_hdu = pyfits.open(pg_template)
# Find the optimal scaling factor
logger.debug("Searching for optimal pupilghost scaling factor")
any_affected, scaling, scaling_std = podi_matchpupilghost.get_pupilghost_scaling(ota_list, pg_hdu)
logger.debug("Check if any OTA is affected: %s" % ("yes" if any_affected else "no"))
logger.debug("Optimal scaling factor found: %.2f +/- %.2f" % (scaling, scaling_std))
if (any_affected):
# And subtract the scaled pupilghost templates.
logger.debug("Commencing pupilghost subtraction")
podi_matchpupilghost.subtract_pupilghost(ota_list, pg_hdu, scaling,
# rotate=False,
ota_list[0].header["PUPLGOST"] = (pg_template, "p.g. template")
ota_list[0].header["PUPLGFAC"] = (scaling, "pupilghost scaling")
bg_scaled = podi_matchpupilghost.scaling_factors[filter_name]*sky_global_median
ota_list[0].header["PUPLGFA2"] = (bg_scaled, "analytical pupilghost scaling")
stdout_write(" done!\n")
additional_reduction_files['pupilghost'] = pg_template
logger.info("Pupilghost correction requested, but no template found:")
logger.info(" was looking for filename %s" % (pg_template))
# Fix the WCS if requested
if (options['fixwcs'] and False):
scaling_xxx = 1800.
# New method using external match program
source_cat_file = outputfile[:-5]+".wcs.src.cat"
file = open(source_cat_file, "w")
# extract only the ra,dec,magnitude columns
cat_src = numpy.empty(shape=(fixwcs_odi_sourcecat.shape[0],3))
cat_src[:,0:2] = fixwcs_odi_sourcecat[:,0:2]*scaling_xxx
cat_src[:,2] = fixwcs_odi_sourcecat[:,13]
numpy.savetxt(file, cat_src, fmt="%.6f %.6f %.3f")
reference_cat_file = outputfile[:-5]+".wcs.2mass.cat"
file = open(reference_cat_file, "w")
cat_ref = numpy.empty(shape=(reference_catalog.shape[0],3))
cat_ref[:,0:2] = reference_catalog[:,0:2] * scaling_xxx
cat_ref[:,2] = reference_catalog[:,2]
numpy.savetxt(file, cat_ref, fmt="%.6f %.6f %.3f")
import matchcat_externalmatch as mc
#transf = mc.run_match(source_cat_file, reference_cat_file)
transf = mc.run_match(reference_cat_file, source_cat_file, "identity rotangle=0 rottol=5 match=1")
a,b,c,d,e,f = transf
#Apply correction to WCS headers
for extension in range(1, len(ota_list)):
if (ota_list[extension] == None):
cd11 = ota_list[extension].header['CD1_1']
cd12 = ota_list[extension].header['CD1_2']
cd21 = ota_list[extension].header['CD2_1']
cd22 = ota_list[extension].header['CD2_2']
ota_list[extension].header['CD1_1'] = b*cd11 + e*cd12
ota_list[extension].header['CD1_2'] = c*cd11 + f*cd12
ota_list[extension].header['CD2_1'] = b*cd21 + e*cd22
ota_list[extension].header['CD2_2'] = c*cd21 + f*cdf2
ota_list[extension].header['CRVAL1'] += (a/scaling_xxx)
ota_list[extension].header['CRVAL2'] += (d/scaling_xxx)
if (options['fixwcs'] and False):
debuglog = outputfile+".wcsdebug"
declination = ota_list[1].header['CRVAL2']
ra = ota_list[1].header['CRVAL1']
# Combine the most-matches shifts from all available OTAs, and
# determine a rough first shift position.
numpy.savetxt("number_matches", global_number_matches)
best_guess, contrast, drxy = podi_fixwcs.optimize_shift(global_number_matches,
stdout_write("Found offset: %.2f', %.2f' (+/- %.1f''), contrast %.1f (%d)\n" % (
best_guess[0]*60., best_guess[1]*60., drxy[0]*3600*0.5, contrast, best_guess[2]))
wcs_shift = best_guess[0:2]
# Now pickle some data for further development
if (podi_fixwcs_rotation.output_debug_catalogs):
numpy.savetxt("numsave.fixwcs_ref_ra.txt", fixwcs_ref_ra)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.fixwcs_ref_dec.txt", fixwcs_ref_dec)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.fixwcs_odi_ra.txt", fixwcs_odi_ra)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.fixwcs_odi_dec.txt", fixwcs_odi_dec)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.fixwcs_odi_y.txt", fixwcs_odi_y)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.fixwcs_odi_x.txt", fixwcs_odi_x)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.wcs_shift_guess.txt", wcs_shift_guess)
numpy.savetxt("numsave.wcs_shift_refinement.txt", wcs_shift_refinement)
# Create a new 2MASS reference catalog overlapping the ODI source catalog
twomass_cat_full = podi_search_ipprefcat.get_reference_catalog(ra, declination, 0.7,
source_cat_radec = numpy.empty(shape=(fixwcs_odi_ra.shape[0],2)) #
source_cat_radec[:,0] = fixwcs_odi_ra[:]
source_cat_radec[:,1] = fixwcs_odi_dec[:] #numpy.append(fixwcs_ref_ra.reshape(, fixwcs_ref_dec, axis=1)
twomass_cat_matched = match_catalog_areas(source_cat_radec, twomass_cat_full, (5./60.))
# print twomass_cat_matched.shape
# print source_cat_radec.shape
numpy.savetxt(outputfile+".src.raw", global_source_cat)
#xxx = open("wcs", "w")
#numpy.savetxt(xxx, source_cat_radec)
#print >>xxx, "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
#numpy.savetxt(xxx, twomass_cat_matched)
#print >>xxx, "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
#numpy.savetxt(xxx, twomass_cat_full)
fixrot_trans = podi_fixwcs_rotation.improve_match_and_rotation(
twomass_cat_matched[:,0], twomass_cat_matched[:,1],
fixwcs_odi_ra, fixwcs_odi_dec,
matching_radius=[10,5,2], n_repeats=3,
# fixrot_trans = podi_fixwcs_rotation.improve_match_and_rotation(
# fixwcs_ref_ra, fixwcs_ref_dec,
# fixwcs_odi_ra, fixwcs_odi_dec,
# wcs_shift,
# matching_radius=[10,5,2], n_repeats=3,
# verbose=True)
# Now apply all shifts and rotations to the ODI source catalog.
# catalog is fixwcs_odi_sourcecat
# columns are: 0/1: ra/dec
# 2/3: x/y
#RK odi_sourcecat_modified = fixwcs_odi_sourcecat.copy()
#RK if (verbose): print "wcs-shift=",wcs_shift
#RK odi_sourcecat_modified[:,0:2] += wcs_shift
# #RK odi_sourcecat_modified[:,1] -= wcs_shift[1]
#RK odi_sourcecat_modified[:,0:2] = podi_fixwcs_rotation.apply_transformation(fixrot_trans, odi_sourcecat_modified[:,0:2])
raw_radec = global_source_cat[:,0:2] + wcs_shift
global_source_cat[:,0:2] = podi_fixwcs_rotation.apply_transformation(fixrot_trans, raw_radec)
# Now we have the corrected catalog, match again with the full 2mass reference catalog
# 2mass catalog in variable reference_catalog
#RK odi_2mass_matched = podi_matchcatalogs.match_catalogs(reference_catalog[:,0:2], odi_sourcecat_modified)
odi_2mass_matched = podi_matchcatalogs.match_catalogs(reference_catalog[:,0:2], global_source_cat)
count = numpy.sum(odi_2mass_matched[:,2] > 0)
print "Found ",count," matched odi+2mass pairs"
numpy.savetxt("odi+2mass.matched", odi_2mass_matched)
# Apply all WCS shifts to the WCS information in the ouput file header
#print "\n\n\n\nbefore any shifts =",ota_list[1].header['CRVAL1'], ota_list[1].header['CRVAL2'],"\n\n\n"
ota_wcs_stats = {}
for extension in range(1, len(ota_list)):
if (ota_list[extension] == None):
podi_fixwcs.apply_wcs_shift(wcs_shift, ota_list[extension].header,
# Compute the typical RMS of the alignment
ota = int(ota_list[extension].header['EXTNAME'][3:5])
results = podi_fixwcs.compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, ota, ota_list[extension].header)
print results
ota_wcs_stats[ota_list[extension].header['EXTNAME']] = results
results = podi_fixwcs.compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, None, ota_list[0].header)
print results
ota_wcs_stats['full'] = results
ota_outlines = derive_ota_outlines(ota_list)
if (options['create_qaplots']):
# print "Creating some diagnostic plots"
diagnostic_plot_title = "%s\n(obsid: %s - filter: %s- exptime: %ds)" % (
import podi_diagnosticplots
plotfilename = create_qa_filename(outputfile, "wcs1", options)
print plotfilename
title_info = ota_list[0].header.copy()
print "passing title_info=",title_info
plotfilename, # outputfile[:-5]+".wcs1",
title_info = title_info)
plotfilename = create_qa_filename(outputfile, "wcs2", options)
plotfilename, #outputfile[:-5]+".wcs2",
flags = global_source_cat[:,7]
valid_flags = flags == 0
ra = global_source_cat[:,0][valid_flags]
dec= global_source_cat[:,1][valid_flags]
fwhm = global_source_cat[:,5][valid_flags]
ota = global_source_cat[:,8][valid_flags]
plotfilename = create_qa_filename(outputfile, "seeing", options)
podi_diagnosticplots.diagplot_psfsize_map(ra, dec, fwhm, ota,
output_filename=plotfilename, #outputfile[:-5]+".seeing",
source_cat_file = outputfile+".src.cat"
file = open(source_cat_file, "w")
#RK numpy.savetxt(file, fixwcs_odi_sourcecat)
numpy.savetxt(file, global_source_cat)
reference_cat_file = outputfile+".2mass.cat"
file = open(reference_cat_file, "w")
numpy.savetxt(file, reference_catalog)
checkalign = outputfile+".cadat"
x = open(checkalign, "w")
dummy = numpy.ones(shape=(fixwcs_ref_ra.shape[0],2))
dummy[:,0] = fixwcs_ref_ra[:]
dummy[:,1] = fixwcs_ref_dec[:]
numpy.savetxt(x, dummy)
y = open("2mass.cat", "w")
numpy.savetxt(y, dummy)
print >>x, "\n\n\n\n\n"
dummy = numpy.ones(shape=(fixwcs_odi_ra.shape[0],2))
dummy[:,0] = fixwcs_odi_ra[:]
dummy[:,1] = fixwcs_odi_dec[:]
numpy.savetxt(x, dummy)
# New WCS matching using CCMatch
ota_list[0].header['WCSFIXED'] = False
if (options['fixwcs']):
logger.info("Performing astrometric calibration")
# The entire source catalog is located in: --> global_source_cat
# Current HDUList is in: --> ota_list
import dev_ccmatch
numpy.savetxt("debug.wcs_raw", global_source_cat)
ccmatched = dev_ccmatch.ccmatch(source_catalog=global_source_cat,
reference_catalog=None, # meaning ccmtch will obtain it
# Use the fixed HDUList
ota_list = ccmatched['hdulist']
ota_list[0].header['WCSFIXED'] = True
# Also extract some of the matched/calibrated catalogs
odi_2mass_matched = ccmatched['matched_src+2mass']
global_source_cat = ccmatched['calibrated_src_cat']
# Append the 2MASS reference catalog to output frame
logger.debug("Creating a FITS table for the full 2MASS reference catalog")
twomass_hdu = twomasscat_to_tablehdu(ccmatched['2mass-catalog']) #fixwcs_ref_ra, fixwcs_ref_dec)
logger.debug("Creating a FITS table for the full ODI catalog")
src_tbhdu = odi_sources_to_tablehdu(ccmatched['calibrated_src_cat'])
# Also create a TableHDU for the matched ODI+2MASS catalog
logger.debug("Creating a FITS table for the matched ODI+2MASS catalog")
odi_2mass_cat = ccmatched['matched_src+2mass']
columns = [pyfits.Column(name='ODI_RA', format='D', unit='degrees',
array=odi_2mass_cat[:, 0], disp='ODI right ascension'),
pyfits.Column(name='ODI_DEC', format='D', unit='degrees',
array=odi_2mass_cat[:, 1], disp='ODI declination'),
pyfits.Column(name='TWOMASS_RA', format='D', unit='degrees',
array=odi_2mass_cat[:, -2], disp='2MASS right ascension'),
pyfits.Column(name='TWOMASS_DEC', format='D', unit='degrees',
array=odi_2mass_cat[:, -1], disp='2MASS declination'),
pyfits.Column(name='OTA', format='E', unit='',
array=odi_2mass_cat[:, 8], disp='source OTA'),
coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns)
matchedhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU')
matchedhdu.update_ext_name("CAT.ODI+2MASS", comment=None)
matchedhdu.header['MATCHRAD'] = (2., "matching radius in arcsec")
# Compute the WCS quality statistics
# This also writes to the Primary and OTA-level headers
wcs_quality = dev_ccmatch.global_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_cat, ota_list)
if (options['fixwcs'] and options['create_qaplots']):
ota_outlines = derive_ota_outlines(ota_list)
# print "Creating some diagnostic plots"
diagnostic_plot_title = "%s\n(obsid: %s - filter: %s- exptime: %ds)" % (
ota_wcs_stats = wcs_quality #None #{}
# for extension in range(1, len(ota_list)):
# if (ota_list[extension] == None):
# continue
# # Compute the typical RMS of the alignment
# ota = int(ota_list[extension].header['EXTNAME'][3:5])
# results = podi_fixwcs.compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, ota, ota_list[extension].header)
# # print results
# ota_wcs_stats[ota_list[extension].header['EXTNAME']] = results
# results = podi_fixwcs.compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, None, ota_list[0].header)
# # print results
# ota_wcs_stats['full'] = results
import podi_diagnosticplots
title_info = ota_list[0].header.copy()
# Create the WCS scatter plot
plotfilename = create_qa_filename(outputfile, "wcs1", options)
# Create the WCS shift plot
plotfilename = create_qa_filename(outputfile, "wcs2", options)
filename=plotfilename, #outputfile[:-5]+".wcs2",
# Create the image quality plot
# This should be cleaned up to make the call for this plot nicer
flags = global_source_cat[:,7]
valid_flags = flags == 0
ra = global_source_cat[:,0][valid_flags]
dec= global_source_cat[:,1][valid_flags]
fwhm = global_source_cat[:,5][valid_flags]
ota = global_source_cat[:,8][valid_flags]
plotfilename = create_qa_filename(outputfile, "seeing", options)
podi_diagnosticplots.diagplot_psfsize_map(ra, dec, fwhm, ota,
output_filename=plotfilename, #outputfile[:-5]+".seeing",
if (options['photcalib'] and options['fixwcs']):
zeropoint_median, zeropoint_std, odi_sdss_matched, zeropoint_exptime = 99., 99., None, 99.
logger.info("Starting photometric calibration")
exptime = ota_list[0].header['EXPTIME']
titlestring = "%s\n(obsid: %s - filter: %s- exptime: %ds)" % (
filter_name = get_valid_filter_name(ota_list[0].header)
zeropoint_median, zeropoint_std, odi_sdss_matched, zeropoint_exptime = \
podi_photcalib.photcalib(global_source_cat, outputfile, filter_name,
ota_list[0].header["PHOTZP"] = (zeropoint_median, "phot. zeropoint corr for exptime")
ota_list[0].header["PHOTZPE"] = (zeropoint_std, "zeropoint std.dev.")
ota_list[0].header["PHOTZP_X"] = (zeropoint_exptime, "phot zeropoint for this frame")
ota_list[0].header["MAGZERO"] = (zeropoint_median, "phot. zeropoint corr for exptime")
ota_list[0].header["MAGZSIG"] = (zeropoint_std)
ota_list[0].header["MAGZERR"] = (zeropoint_std)
if (not options['nonsidereal'] == None):
logger.info("Starting non-sidereal WCS modification")
# This WCS in this frame should be corrected for non-sidereal tracking
# Tracking rates are given in arcseconds per hour
# Note that d_ra is given as dRA*cos(dec)
mjd = ota_list[0].header['MJD-OBS']
delta_t_hours = (mjd - options['nonsidereal']['ref_mjd']) * 24.
dra_t = options['nonsidereal']['dra'] * delta_t_hours / 3600.
ddec_t = options['nonsidereal']['ddec'] * delta_t_hours / 3600.
ota_list[0].header['NSIDPMRA'] = options['nonsidereal']['dra']
ota_list[0].header['NSIDPMDE'] = options['nonsidereal']['ddec']
ota_list[0].header['NSIDBASE'] = options['nonsidereal']['ref_mjd']
logger.info("Tracking rates are dRA=%(dra)f dDEC=%(ddec)f arcsec/hour" % options['nonsidereal'])
logger.info("Time-offset to reference frame: %f hours" % (delta_t_hours))
for ext in range(len(ota_list)):
if (not is_image_extension(ota_list[ext])):
declination = ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL2']
dra_corrected = dra_t / math.cos(math.radians(declination))
ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL1'] -= dra_corrected
ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL2'] -= ddec_t
ota_list[ext].header['NSIDDRA'] = dra_corrected
ota_list[ext].header['NSIDDDEC'] = ddec_t
logger.debug("Adding offset of %f %f arcsec to OTA %s" % (
dra_corrected*3600., ddec_t*3600, ota_list[ext].header['EXTNAME'])
# If requested by user via command line:
# Execute the fringing correction
if (not options['fringe_dir'] == None and not fringe_scaling == None): #.shape[0] > 0):
# Determine the global scaling factor
good_scalings = three_sigma_clip(fringe_scaling[:,6], [0, 1e9])
fringe_scaling_median = numpy.median(good_scalings)
fringe_scaling_std = numpy.std(good_scalings)
# and log the values in the primary header
ota_list[0].header["FRNG_SCL"] = fringe_scaling_median
ota_list[0].header["FRNG_STD"] = fringe_scaling_std
# Construct the name of the fringe map
filter_name = ota_list[0].header['FILTER']
fringe_filename = check_filename_directory(options['fringe_dir'], "fringe__%s.fits" % (filter_name))
# print fringe_filename
if (os.path.isfile(fringe_filename)):
additional_reduction_files['fringemap'] = fringe_filename
fringe_hdulist = pyfits.open(fringe_filename)
# Now do the correction
for ext in range(1, len(ota_list)):
extname = ota_list[ext].header['EXTNAME']
if (type(ota_list[ext]) != pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU):
# print "subtracting",extname
ota_list[ext].data -= (fringe_hdulist[extname].data * fringe_scaling_median)
# Create an association table from the master reduction files used.
master_reduction_files_used = collect_reduction_files_used(master_reduction_files_used,
assoc_table = create_association_table(master_reduction_files_used)
#print "Waiting for a bit"
#print "done waiting, writing output file"
#print ota_list
hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(ota_list)
for i in range(1, len(hdulist)):
if 'SIMPLE' in hdulist[i].header:
del hdulist[i].header['SIMPLE']
#print "hdulist=",hdulist
if (not batchmode):
stdout_write("writing output file (%s)..." % (outputfile))
hdulist.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True)
# afw.write(hdulist, outputfile)
stdout_write(" done!\n")
stdout_write(" continuing ...")
return hdulist
# afw.finish(userinfo=True)
return 0
[docs]def odi2wcs(xy, wcs):
radec = numpy.ones((xy.shape[0],2)) * 1e9
for i in range(xy.shape[0]):
x, y = xy[i,0], xy[i,1]
radec[i,0], radec[i,1] = wcs.pix2wcs(x, y)
return radec
[docs]def wcs2odi(radec, wcs):
xy = numpy.ones((radec.shape[0],2))
for i in range(radec.shape[0]):
xy[i,0], xy[i,1] = wcs.wcs2pix(radec[i,0], radec[i,1])
return xy
[docs]def twomasscat_to_tablehdu(catalog):
columns = [\
pyfits.Column(name='RA', format='D', array=catalog[:,0]),
pyfits.Column(name='DEC', format='D', array=catalog[:,1]),
coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns)
tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU')
tbhdu.update_ext_name("CAT.2MASS", comment=None)
return tbhdu
[docs]def odi_sources_to_tablehdu(source_cat):
Create a FITS table containing the source catalog created during reduction.
source_cat : numpy array
Global ODI source catalog collected from the source catalog of the
individual OTA catalogs
tbhdu : pyfits.TableHDU
Binary FITS table extension
columns = [\
pyfits.Column(name='RA', format='D', unit='degrees', array=source_cat[:, 0], disp='right ascension'),
pyfits.Column(name='DEC', format='D', unit='degrees', array=source_cat[:, 1], disp='declination'),
pyfits.Column(name='X', format='E', unit='pixel', array=source_cat[:, 2], disp='center x'),
pyfits.Column(name='Y', format='E', unit='pixel', array=source_cat[:, 3], disp='center y'),
pyfits.Column(name='FWHM_IMAGE', format='E', unit='pixel', array=source_cat[:, 4], disp='FWHM in pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='FWHM_WORLD', format='E', unit='deg', array=source_cat[:, 5], disp='FWHM in degrees'),
pyfits.Column(name='BACKGROUND', format='E', unit='counts', array=source_cat[:, 6], disp='background level'),
pyfits.Column(name='FLAGS', format='I', unit='', array=source_cat[:, 7], disp='SExtractor flags'),
pyfits.Column(name='OTA', format='I', unit='', array=source_cat[:, 8], disp='source OTA'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D05', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:, 9], disp='0.5 arcsec, 5 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D05', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,17], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D08', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,10], disp='0.8 arcsec, 7 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D08', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,18], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D10', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,11], disp='1.0 arcsec, 9 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D10', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,19], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D15', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,12], disp='1.5 arcsec, 14 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D15', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,20], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D20', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,13], disp='2.0 arcsec, 18 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D20', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,21], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D25', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,14], disp='2.5 arcsec, 23 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D25', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,22], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D30', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,15], disp='3.0 arcsec, 27 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D30', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,23], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='MAG_D35', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,16], disp='3.5 arcsec, 32 pixels'),
pyfits.Column(name='MAGERR_D35', format='E', unit='mag', array=source_cat[:,24], disp=''),
pyfits.Column(name='FLUX_MAX', format='E', unit='counts', array=source_cat[:,25], disp='max count rate'),
pyfits.Column(name='AWIN_IMAGE', format='E', unit='pixel', array=source_cat[:,26], disp='major semi-axis'),
pyfits.Column(name='BWIN_IMAGE', format='E', unit='pixel', array=source_cat[:,27], disp='minor semi-axis'),
pyfits.Column(name='THETAWIN_IMAGE', format='E', unit='degrees', array=source_cat[:,28], disp='position angle'),
pyfits.Column(name='ELONGATION', format='E', unit='', array=source_cat[:,29], disp='elongation'),
pyfits.Column(name='ELLIPTICITY', format='E', unit='', array=source_cat[:,30], disp='ellipticity'),
coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns)
tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU')
tbhdu.update_ext_name("CAT.ODI", comment=None)
return tbhdu
[docs]def set_default_options(options_in=None):
Initialize the options dictionary by defining all available options and
assigning safe and reasonable default values.
options_in : dictionary
If a directory already exists, add to it, otherwise create a new one.
options : dictionary
The options dictionary with default values set.
options = {}
if (options_in != None):
options = options_in
# Get directory of the executable. This also serves as the
# fall-back directory for some data
full_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
options['exec_dir'], dummy = os.path.split(full_path)
options['update_persistency_only'] = False
options['persistency_dir'] = None
options["persistency_map"] = None
options['max_persistency_time'] = 600
options['fringe_dir'] = None
options['fringe_vectors'] = "%s/.fringevectors/" % (options['exec_dir'])
options['pupilghost_dir'] = None
options['bias_dir'] = None
options['dark_dir'] = None
options['flat_dir'] = None
options['bpm_dir'] = None
options['gain_correct'] = False
options['nonlinearity'] = None
options['nonlinearity-set'] = False
options['fixwcs'] = False
options['wcs_distortion'] = None
options['indef_pixelvalue'] = numpy.NaN
options['offset_pointing'] = [0,0]
options['offset_dither'] = [0,0]
options['target_coords'] = None
options['verbose'] = False
options['central_only'] = False
options['bgmode'] = False
options['photcalib'] = False
options['plotformat'] = ['png']
options['otalevelplots'] = True
options['additional_fits_headers'] = {}
options['structure_qa_subdirs'] = False
options['structure_qa_subdir_name'] = "QA"
options['create_qaplots'] = True
options['skip_guide_ota'] = False
options['log_setup'] = None
options['skip_otas'] = []
options['nonsidereal'] = None
return options
[docs]def check_filename_directory(given, default_filename):
Some of the options support either a directory or a filename. This function
checks if the input is a directory or a filename. In the first case, add
the specified default filename and return the filename. In the latter case,
simply return the filename.
given : string
The value specified by the user, either a directory or filename
default_filename : string
In the case the user specified only a directory, append the name of this
This function is called e.g. during bias-subtraction. Using the -bias
option, the user can specify the bias file to be used during the reduction.
However, the default way of specifying the bias file is to simply give the
directory with the calibration files, and collectcells adds the 'bias.fits'
during execution.
if (given == None):
return None
elif (os.path.isfile(given)):
return given
elif (os.path.isdir(given)):
return "%s/%s" % (given, default_filename)
return ""
[docs]def read_options_from_commandline(options=None):
Read all command line options and store them in the options dictionary.
logger = logging.getLogger("ReadOptions")
if (options == None):
options = set_default_options()
options['verbose'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-verbose")
# Handle all reduction flags from command line
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-cals")):
cals_dir = get_cmdline_arg("-cals")
if (not os.path.isdir(cals_dir)):
logger.critical("The specified cals-directory (%s) does not exist!!!" % (cals_dir))
stdout_write("\n\n The specified cals-directory (%s) does not exist!!!\n\n\n" % (cals_dir))
options['bias_dir'] = cals_dir
options['dark_dir'] = cals_dir
options['flat_dir'] = cals_dir
options['bias_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-bias", options['bias_dir'])
options['dark_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-dark", options['dark_dir'])
options['flat_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-flat", options['flat_dir'])
options['bpm_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-bpm", options['bpm_dir'])
if (options['bpm_dir'] == "auto"):
options['bpm_dir'] = options['exec_dir']
if (options['verbose']):
print """
Calibration data:
Bias: %s
Dark: %s
Flatfields: %s
Bad pixel mask: %s
""" % (options['bias_dir'], options['dark_dir'], options['flat_dir'], options['bpm_dir'])
options['gain_correct'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-gain")
options['persistency_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-persistency', None)
if (not options['persistency_dir'] == None):
# This automatically creates the index.cat file
mjd_catalog_list = podi_persistency.get_list_of_saturation_tables(options['persistency_dir'])
options["update_persistency_only"] = cmdline_arg_isset("-update_persistency_only")
options['fringe_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-fringe', None)
options['fringe_vectors'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-fringevectors", options['fringe_vectors'])
options['pupilghost_dir'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-pupilghost', None)
options['fixwcs'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-fixwcs")
# For now assume that the WCS template file is located in the same directory as the executable
root_dir, py_exe = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
options['wcs_distortion'] = root_dir + "/wcs_distort2.fits"
options['wcs_distortion'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-wcs", options['wcs_distortion'])
if (not os.path.isfile(options['wcs_distortion'])):
options['wcs_distortion'] = None
options['clobber'] = not cmdline_arg_isset("-noclobber")
# Set the fallback value for undefined pixels (mostly the gaps between the OTA cells)
# This works perfectly fine in ds9, but not SExtractor
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-prep4sex")):
# Check if the user requested us to prepare the frame for SExtractor
# SExtractor doesn't like NaNs, so replace all of them with something
# more negative than -1e30 (that's -1 times SEx's BIG variable)
options['indef_pixelvalue'] = -1e31
tmp = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-indefval', numpy.NaN))
options['indef_pixelvalue'] = tmp
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-wcsoffset")):
tmp = get_cmdline_arg("-wcsoffset")
items = tmp.split(',')
options['offset_pointing'] = [float(items[0]), float(items[1])]
stdout_write("Applying a user-defined WCS offset of %.3f, %.3f degrees\n" % (options['offset_pointing'][0], options['offset_pointing'][1]))
# Read all offsets from command line
# For convenience, there are two sets of offset parameters, that internally simply
# get added up. The reason for this is to make specifying them on the command line
# easier, since the pointing offsets stay constant across a dither pattern, while
# the dither offsets change.
options['target_coords'] = None
options['offset_pointing'] = None
options['offset_dither'] = None
# -target: overwrites the pointing information from the wcs header
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-target")):
_target_coords = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-target", "0,0")
ra,dummy,dec = _target_coords.partition(",")
options['target_coords'] = (ra, dec)
# -pointing: applies a given offset to the pointing position
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-pointing")):
_offset_pointing = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-pointing", "0,0")
dx,dummy,dy = _offset_pointing.partition(",")
options['offset_pointing'] = [float(dx), float(dy)]
# -dither: identical to -pointing
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-dither")):
_offset_dither = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-dither", "0,0")
dx,dummy,dy = _offset_dither.partition(",")
options['offset_dither'] = [float(dx), float(dy)]
# .
# /-\
# | This section is likely outdated
options['central_only'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-centralonly")
options['bgmode'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-bgmode")
options['photcalib'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-photcalib")
options['nonlinearity-set'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-nonlinearity")
options['nonlinearity'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-nonlinearity", None)
if (cmdline_arg_isset('-plotformat')):
inputstr = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-plotformat", "png")
options['plotformat'] = inputstr.split(",")
print "writing plots as ",options['plotformat']
options['otalevelplots'] = not cmdline_arg_isset("-nootalevelplots")
options['structure_qa_subdirs'] = cmdline_arg_isset("-qasubdirs")
if (cmdline_arg_isset('-qasubdirname')):
options['structure_qa_subdir_name'] = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-qasubdirname', "QA")
options['structure_qa_subdirs'] = True
options['create_qaplots'] = not cmdline_arg_isset("-noqaplots")
# Now loop over all headers again and isolate the -addfitskey entries
for entry in sys.argv[1:]:
if (entry[:11] == "-addfitskey"):
key_value = entry[12:]
key, value = key_value.split(',', 2)
print "Adding fits keyword %s = %s" % (key, value)
options['additional_fits_headers'][key] = value
# Determine which, if any, OTAs are to be skipped
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-skipota")):
toskip = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-skipota", "")
items = toskip.split(',')
for i in items:
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-nonsidereal")):
logger.debug("Found -nonsidereal command line flag")
value = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-nonsidereal", None)
if (not value == None):
items = value.split(',')
if (len(items) == 3):
ns = {}
ns['dra'] = float(items[0])
ns['ddec'] = float(items[1])
ns['ref'] = items[2]
ns['ref_mjd'] = None
ns['ref_mjd'] = float(ns['ref'])
logger.debug("Found reference MJD (%f) on command line" % (ns['ref_mjd']))
if (os.path.isfile(ns['ref'])):
hdulist = pyfits.open(ns['ref'])
if ("MJD-OBS" in hdulist[0].header):
ns['ref_mjd'] = hdulist[0].header['MJD-OBS']
logger.debug("Found reference MJD (%f) in file %s" % (ns['ref_mjd'], ns['ref']))
if (not ns['ref_mjd'] == None):
options['nonsidereal'] = ns
logger.critical("I don't understand the -nonsidereal parameter")
logger.debug("non-sidereal setup: %s" % (str(ns)))
return options
[docs]def setup_logging(options):
# Setup everything we need for logging
log_master_info, log_setup = podi_logging.podi_log_master_start(options)
options['log_setup'] = log_setup
options['log_master_info'] = log_master_info
return options
if __name__ == "__main__":
if (len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == "-help"):
#print help('podi_matchpupilghost')
import podi_collectcells as me
print me.__doc__
m = multiprocessing.Manager()
process_tracker = m.Queue()
# Read the input directory that contains the individual OTA files
input = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
# Assign a fallback output filename if none is given
if (len(get_clean_cmdline())>2):
outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
print "No output filename has been given, setting to default mergedcells.fits"
outputfile = "mergedcells.fits"
print "Writing results into",outputfile
# Set the options for collectcells to some reasonable start values
options = set_default_options()
# Setup everything we need for logging
# Then read the actual given parameters from the command line
options = read_options_from_commandline(options)
# Collect all cells, perform reduction and write result file
if (cmdline_arg_isset('-profile')):
options['profile'] = True
import cProfile, pstats
cProfile.run("""collectcells(input, outputfile,
options=options)""", "profiler")
p = pstats.Stats("profiler")
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-timeout")):
timeout = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-timeout", 900))
print "Setting timeout to",timeout,"seconds"
collectcells_with_timeout(input, outputfile, options=options,
collectcells(input, outputfile, process_tracker=process_tracker, options=options)
print "Cleaning up left over child processes"
stdout_write("\n\n\n\n\n\nkilled main task...\n\n\n\n\n\n")
stdout_write("\n\n##############################\n#\n# Something terrible happened!\n")
etype, error, stackpos = sys.exc_info()
stdout_write("# Exception report:")
stdout_write("# ==> %s\n" % (error))
print traceback.format_exc()