#!/usr/bin/env python
This module contains a set of routines to read, manipulaten and write the
scamp-generated WCS system in ODI frames.
import sys
import numpy
import os
from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits
import datetime
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import scipy.ndimage
import itertools
from astLib import astWCS
ordering = numpy.array([
[ 0, 1, 4, 7, 12, 17],
[ 2, 5, 8, 13, 18, -1],
[ 6, 9, 14, 19, -1, -1],
[10, 15, 20, -1, -1, -1],
[16, 21, -1, -1, -1, -1],
[22, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
ordering_r = numpy.array([
[-1, 3, -1, 11, -1, 23]
[docs]def fill_entries(hdr, ordering, keyformat):
retarray = numpy.zeros(shape=ordering.shape)
for y in range(retarray.shape[0]):
for x in range(retarray.shape[1]):
keyname = keyformat % (ordering[y,x])
#retarray[y,x] = ordering[y,x] #hdr[keyname]
retarray[y,x] = hdr[keyname]
return retarray
[docs]def wcs_clear_distortion(wcs_polynomials, min=0):
print "clearing distortion"
xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_polynomials
xi[ordering>=min] = 0
xi_r[:] = 0
eta[ordering>=min] = 0
eta_r[:] = 0
xi[0,1] = 1.
eta[0,1] = 1
print ordering[0,1]
wcs_polynomials = xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix
return wcs_polynomials
[docs]def polyval2d(x, y, m):
ij = itertools.product(range(m.shape[0]), range(m.shape[1]))
# ij = itertools.product(range(2), range(2))
# numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, m)
# print
# print x[:3]
# print y[:3]
z = numpy.zeros_like(x)
for (i,j) in ij:
#print i,j
z += m[i,j] * x**j * y**i
# print i,j," [",m[i,j],"] -->",z[:3]
return z
[docs]def wcs_pix2wcs(xy, wcs_polynomials, include_distortion=True, debug=False):
c_xi, c_xi_r, c_eta, c_eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_polynomials
#use the input x,y and compute xi and eta first
xy_relative = xy[:,0:2] - crpix
xi = xy_relative[:,0] * cd[0,0] + xy_relative[:,1] * cd[0,1]
eta = xy_relative[:,1] * cd[1,0] + xy_relative[:,1] * cd[1,1]
r = numpy.hypot(xi, eta)
if (debug):
print "crpix=",crpix
print "xy=\n",xy
print "xy relative=\n",xy_relative
print "xi=\n",xi
print "eta=\n",eta
# compute r = sqrt(xi**2 + eta**2)
_xi = numpy.radians(xi)
_eta = numpy.radians(eta)
_r = numpy.hypot(_xi, _eta)
if (debug):
print "r=\n",_r
print "c_xi_r", c_xi_r
print "c_eta_r", c_eta_r
# xi_prime = polyval2d(_xi, _eta, c_xi) \
# + numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(_r, c_xi_r[0])
# eta_prime = polyval2d(_eta, _xi, c_eta) \
# + numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(_r, c_eta_r[0])
if (include_distortion):
xi_prime = polyval2d(xi, eta, c_xi) \
+ numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(r, c_xi_r[0])
eta_prime = polyval2d(eta, xi, c_eta) \
+ numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(r, c_eta_r[0])
# _xi_prime = polyval2d(_xi, _eta, c_xi) \
# + numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(_r, c_xi_r[0])
# _eta_prime = polyval2d(_eta, _xi, c_eta) \
# + numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(_r, c_eta_r[0])
xi_prime = xi
eta_prime = eta
# x = numpy.zeros(shape=(xy.shape[0],4))
# x[:,0] = xi
# x[:,1] = xi_prime
# x[:,2] = eta
# x[:,3] = eta_prime
# dummy_x = open("distortion","a")
# numpy.savetxt(dummy_x, x)
# print >>dummy_x, "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
# dummy_x.close()
# Uncomment the next line to disable distortion.
# xi_prime, eta_prime = xi, eta
CRVAL2 = crval[1]
cos_dec0 = math.cos(math.radians(crval[1]))
sin_dec0 = math.sin(math.radians(crval[1]))
_xi_prime = numpy.radians(xi_prime)
_eta_prime = numpy.radians(eta_prime)
# _ra = numpy.arctan2(_xi_prime,
# cos_dec0 - _eta_prime*sin_dec0)
# ra = numpy.degrees(_ra) + crval[0]
# ra[ra < 0] += 360.
# _dec_xxx = numpy.sqrt((cos_dec0 - _eta_prime*sin_dec0)**2 + _xi_prime**2)
# _dec = numpy.arctan2(_eta_prime*cos_dec0 + sin_dec0, _dec_xxx)
# dec = numpy.degrees(_dec)
a1 = _xi_prime / math.cos(math.radians(CRVAL2))
a2 = 1. - _eta_prime * math.tan(math.radians(CRVAL2))
alpha_prime = numpy.arctan2(a1, a2)
ra = numpy.degrees(alpha_prime) + crval[0]
d1 = (_eta_prime + math.tan(math.radians(CRVAL2))) * numpy.cos(alpha_prime)
d2 = 1. - _eta_prime * math.tan(math.radians(CRVAL2))
dec = numpy.degrees(numpy.arctan2(d1, d2))
rp = numpy.sqrt(_xi_prime**2 + _eta_prime**2)
phi = numpy.arctan2(_xi_prime, -_eta_prime)
phi[rp == 0] = 0
theta = numpy.arctan2(math.radians(CRVAL2), rp)
# if (debug):
# print "xi_prime=\n",xi_prime
# print "eta_prime=\n",eta_prime
# print "crval:",crval
output = numpy.zeros_like(xy) #xi.shape[0],2)
# r_p = (xi_prime**2 + eta_prime**2)
# phi = numpy.arctan2(xi_prime, -eta_prime)
# theta = numpy.arctan2( (180./math.pi), r_p)
# output[:,0] = phi #xi_prime
# output[:,1] = theta #eta_prime
# output[:,0:2] += crval
output[:,0] = ra
output[:,1] = dec
return output
[docs]def wcs_pix2wcs_astlib(xy, wcs_polynomials, include_distortion=True, debug=False):
c_xi, c_xi_r, c_eta, c_eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_polynomials
#use the input x,y and compute xi and eta first
xy_relative = xy[:,0:2] - crpix
# Apply CD matrix
dx = xy_relative[:,0] * cd[0,0] + xy_relative[:,1] * cd[0,1]
dy = xy_relative[:,1] * cd[1,0] + xy_relative[:,1] * cd[1,1]
r = numpy.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
dxr = numpy.radians(dx)
dyr = numpy.radians(dy)
rr = numpy.radians(r)
if (include_distortion):
dx_prime = polyval2d(dx, dy, c_xi) \
+ numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(r, c_xi_r[0])
dy_prime = polyval2d(dx, dy, c_eta) \
+ numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(r, c_eta_r[0])
# dx_prime = polyval2d(dxr, dyr, c_xi) \
# + numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(rr, c_xi_r[0])
# dy_prime = polyval2d(dxr, dyr, c_eta) \
# + numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(rr, c_eta_r[0])
dx, dy = dx_prime, dy_prime
# l, m = dx, dy
l = numpy.radians(dx)
m = numpy.radians(dy)
cos0 = math.cos(math.radians(crval[1]))
sin0 = math.sin(math.radians(crval[1]))
ra0 = math.radians(crval[0])
dec0 = math.radians(crval[1])
dect = cos0 - m * sin0
rat = ra0 + numpy.arctan2(l, dect)
dect = numpy.arctan( numpy.cos(rat-ra0) * (m * cos0 + sin0) / dect)
ra_out = rat
dec_out = dect
ra_out[ra_out < 0] += 2 * math.pi
output = numpy.zeros_like(xy) #xi.shape[0],2)
output[:,0] = numpy.degrees(ra_out)
output[:,1] = numpy.degrees(dec_out)
return output
[docs]def wcs_pix2wcs_2(xy, wcs_polynomials, debug=False):
# Now create a fits header and save all WCS keywords
hdr = pyfits.core.Header()
wcs_wcspoly_to_header(wcs_polynomials, hdr)
# print hdr
hdr['NAXIS'] = 2
hdr['NAXIS1'] = 4096
hdr['NAXIS2'] = 4096
hdr['CTYPE1'] = "RA---TPV"
hdr['CTYPE2'] = "DEC--TPV"
hdr['EQUINOX'] = 2000.0
wcs = astWCS.WCS(hdr, mode="pyfits")
#print wcs.getCentreWCSCoords()
#print "x=\n",xy[:,0]
#print "y=\n",xy[:,1]
#print "runnign the wcs.pix2wcs ..."
radec = wcs.pix2wcs(xy[:,0], xy[:,1])
#print radec
radec = numpy.array(radec)
#print radec
#print radec.shape
return radec
[docs]def update_etaxi(etaxi, etaxi_r, p, debug=False):
if (debug):
print "\n\n\nUpdateing ext/xi:\n"
print "eta/xi="
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, etaxi, "%9.2e")
print "eta/xi radial="
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, etaxi_r, "%9.2e")
skip = (ordering < 0) | (ordering >= p.shape[0])
valid = (ordering >= 0) & (ordering < p.shape[0])
order2d = ordering.copy()
order2d[skip] = 0
etaxi_change = p[order2d]
etaxi[valid] = etaxi_change[valid]
skip_r = (ordering_r < 0) | (ordering_r >= p.shape[0])
valid_r = (ordering_r >= 0) & (ordering_r < p.shape[0])
order1d = ordering_r.copy()
order1d[skip_r] = 0
etaxi_r_change = p[order1d]
etaxi_r[valid_r] = etaxi_r_change[valid_r]
if (debug):
print "order_1d=\n",order1d
print "skip_1d=\n",skip_r
print "valid_1d=\n",valid_r
print "eta/xi radial change="
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, etaxi_r_change, "%9.2e")
print "eta/xi radial after="
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, etaxi_r, "%9.2e")
return etaxi, etaxi_r
[docs]def update_polynomial(wcs_polynomials, px, py):
xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_polynomials
xi, xi_r = update_etaxi(xi, xi_r, px)
eta, eta_r = update_etaxi(eta, eta_r, py)
return xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix
[docs]def wcs_poly_to_arrays(wcs_poly, debug=False):
n_dim_xy = numpy.max(ordering)
n_dim_r = numpy.max(ordering_r)
n_dim = numpy.max([n_dim_xy, n_dim_r])
xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_poly
xi_1d = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_dim+1))
eta_1d = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_dim+1))
for xy in itertools.product(range(ordering.shape[0]), range(ordering.shape[1])):
x, y = xy
# print xy
i = ordering[x,y]
xi_1d[i] = xi[x,y]
eta_1d[i] = eta[x,y]
for x in range(xi_r.shape[0]):
i = ordering_r[x]
xi_1d[i] = xi_r[x]
eta_1d[i] = eta_r[x]
# for ((x,y) for x in A for y in B)
if (debug):
print "wcs_poly_to_arrays -> n_dim =",n_dim
print "xi-2d:"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, xi, "%9.2e")
print "xi-1d:"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, xi_1d, "%9.2e")
return xi_1d, eta_1d
[docs]def wcs_apply_rotation(wcs_poly, angle, debug=False):
# Extract the individual elements
xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_poly
# Rotation only affects the CD matrix
# compute rotation matrix
angle_rad = numpy.radians(angle)
cos_angle = math.cos(angle_rad)
sin_angle = math.sin(angle_rad)
rot_matrix = numpy.array([
[cos_angle, -sin_angle],
[sin_angle, cos_angle]
rotated_cd = cd.dot(rot_matrix)
if (debug):
print "input cd matrix"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, cd, "%+13.6e")
print "rotation matrix"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, rot_matrix, "%+13.6e")
print "input cd matrix"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, rotated_cd, "%+13.6e")
return xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, rotated_cd, crval, crpix
[docs]def wcs_apply_shift(wcs_poly, shift, debug=False):
# Extract the individual elements
xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_poly
# Rotation only affects the crval values
crval_shifted = crval + shift
if (debug):
print "input crval matrix"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, crval, "%+13.6e")
print "shift"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, shift, "%+13.6e")
print "output crval"
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, crval_shifted, "%+13.6e")
return xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval_shifted, crpix
[docs]def rotate_polynomial(poly, rotate):
out = numpy.zeros_like(poly)
# print "x'=", rotate[0]
# print "y'=", rotate[1]
# poly_coeffs = [
# [1],
# [1,2,1],
# [1,3,3,1],
# [1,4,6,4,1],
# [1,5,10,10,5,1],
# [1,6,15,20,15,6,1]
# ]
rotate_x = numpy.array([[0, math.cos(math.radians(angle))],
[math.sin(math.radians(angle)), 0]])
rotate_y = numpy.array([[0, math.cos(math.radians(angle))],
[-math.sin(math.radians(angle)), 0]])
for (i,j) in itertools.product(range(poly.shape[0]), range(poly.shape[1])):
print "\n\n",i,j
new_matrix = ax_plus_by_multipower(rotate_x, i, rotate_y, j)
sx, sy = new_matrix.shape[0], new_matrix.shape[1]
out[:sx, :sy] += poly[i,j] * new_matrix
return out
[docs]def ax_plus_by_multiply(in1, in2):
size = in1.shape[0] + in2.shape[0] - 1
out = numpy.zeros(shape=(size, size))
# Loop over all items in array 1
for (x,y) in itertools.product(range(in1.shape[0]), range(in1.shape[1])):
# now perform multiplication
to_add = in1[x,y] * in2
out[x:x+in2.shape[0], y:y+in2.shape[1]] += to_add
return out
[docs]def ax_plus_by_power(in1, power):
if (power == 0):
return numpy.array([[1]])
elif (power == 1):
return in1
out = in1
for i in range(power-1):
out = ax_plus_by_multiply(out, in1)
return out
[docs]def ax_plus_by_multipower(in1, power1, in2, power2):
out1 = ax_plus_by_power(in1, power1)
out2 = ax_plus_by_power(in2, power2)
return ax_plus_by_multiply(out1, out2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-rotate")):
# poly = numpy.array([
# [0. , 1.0],
# [1.0, 0.0]
# ])
# rotation = numpy.array([
# [0.9, 0.1],
# [0.1, 0.9]
# ])
# print rotation[0]
# result = rotate_polynomial(poly, rotation)
# print result
in1 = numpy.array([[0,1],[1,0]])
in2 = numpy.array([[0,0.5],[1,0]])
out = ax_plus_by_multiply(in1, in2)
print out
out3 = ax_plus_by_multiply(in1, out)
print out3
out4 = ax_plus_by_multiply(in1, out3)
print out4
out4b = ax_plus_by_multiply(out3, in1)
print out4b
out6 = ax_plus_by_multiply(out3, out3)
print out6
print "\n\n\n\n"
print ax_plus_by_power(in1, 0)
print ax_plus_by_power(in1, 1)
print ax_plus_by_power(in1, 2)
print ax_plus_by_power(in1, 3)
print ax_plus_by_power(in1, 4)
print ax_plus_by_power(in1, 5)
print "\n\n"
print ax_plus_by_multipower(in1,0,in2,0)
print ax_plus_by_multipower(in1,1,in2,0)
print ax_plus_by_multipower(in1,0,in2,1)
print ax_plus_by_multipower(in1,1,in2,1)
print "\n\n\ntrying rotation ...\n"
rot_angle = 0
new_x = numpy.array([[0, math.cos(math.radians(rot_angle))],
[math.sin(math.radians(rot_angle)), 0],
new_y = numpy.array([[0, math.cos(math.radians(rot_angle))],
[-math.sin(math.radians(rot_angle)), 0],
pure_x = numpy.array([[0, 1,],
[0, 0]])
rotated_x = ax_plus_by_multiply(pure_x, new_x)
rotated_y = ax_plus_by_multiply(pure_x, new_y)
print rotated_x
print rotated_y
print "# hello!"
fitsfile = sys.argv[1]
catfile = sys.argv[2]
cat = numpy.loadtxt(catfile)
xy = cat[:,2:4]
# Load the fits file and get the header
hdulist = pyfits.open(fitsfile)
wcspoly = header_to_polynomial(hdulist[0].header)
radec_cat = cat[:,0:2]
radec_computed = wcs_pix2wcs(xy, wcspoly, include_distortion=True)
radec_computed2 = wcs_pix2wcs_astlib(xy, wcspoly, include_distortion=True)
output = numpy.append(radec_cat, radec_computed, axis=1)
output = numpy.append(output, radec_computed2, axis=1)
# print output.shape
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, output)