Source code for podi_simplify_scamp

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import numpy
import os
from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits
import datetime

from astLib import astWCS
from podi_wcs import *

# This tool follows the initial part of the instructions found in 
# David Shupe, SPIE 8551, 84511M

[docs]def delete_distortion_headers(hdr): # now delete all PV headers if requested print "deleting headers:", len( deleted_one = True while (deleted_one): deleted_one = False for card in # print card key = card.keyword if (key[:2] == "PV"): # print key, key[:2] del hdr[key] deleted_one = True break # print hdr[key] print "done deleting headers:", len(
[docs]def update_wcspoly(p, wcspoly, min_fit_order): c_xi, c_xi_r, c_eta, c_eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcspoly # Update the crpix values crpix[:] = p[0:2] # Now loop over the xi/eta matrices and update the values p_idx = 2 for (i,j) in itertools.product( range(ordering.shape[0]), range(ordering.shape[1]) ): if ((i+j) >= min_fit_order and ordering[i,j] > 0): c_xi[i,j] = p[p_idx] p_idx += 1 for (i,j) in itertools.product( range(ordering.shape[0]), range(ordering.shape[1]) ): if ((i+j) >= min_fit_order and ordering[i,j] > 0): c_eta[i,j] = p[p_idx] p_idx += 1 wcs_poly_for_fitting = c_xi, c_xi_r, c_eta, c_eta_r, cd, crval, crpix return wcs_poly_for_fitting
[docs]def wcspoly_to_p_array(wcspoly, min_fit_order): c_xi, c_xi_r, c_eta, c_eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcspoly p = [crpix[0], crpix[1]] # Now loop over the xi/eta matrices and update the values for (i,j) in itertools.product( range(ordering.shape[0]), range(ordering.shape[1]) ): if ((i+j) >= min_fit_order and ordering[i,j] > 0): p.append(c_xi[i,j]) for (i,j) in itertools.product( range(ordering.shape[0]), range(ordering.shape[1]) ): if ((i+j) >= min_fit_order and ordering[i,j] > 0): p.append(c_eta[i,j]) return numpy.array(p)
[docs]def fit_wcs_model(p, xy, radec, wcspoly, min_fit_order = 2): # Given are the # - updated CD matrix <-- fixed # - CRPIX <-- can change # - CRVAL <-- fixed # - polynomial coefficients <-- can change above linear # - radial terms are not allowed wcs_poly_for_fitting = update_wcspoly(p, wcspoly, min_fit_order) computed_radec = wcs_pix2wcs(xy, wcspoly, include_distortion=True, debug=False) diff = radec - computed_radec return diff.ravel()
import dev_ccmatch if __name__ == "__main__": input_wcs = sys.argv[1] output_wcs = sys.argv[2] hdulist = d_crval1, d_crval2 = None, None dummyfile = open("simplify.debug", "w") n_stars = 5000 for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not type(hdulist[ext])== pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU): continue imghdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=hdulist[ext].header, data=numpy.array((4000,4000))) imghdu.header['NAXIS'] = 2 imghdu.header['NAXIS1'] = 4000 imghdu.header['NAXIS2'] = 4000 imghdu.header['CTYPE1'] = "RA---TPV" imghdu.header['CTYPE2'] = "DEC--TPV" imghdu.header['CRVAL1'] += 70 imghdu.header['CRVAL2'] += 30 newhdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=hdulist[ext].header, data=numpy.array((4000,4000))) newhdu.header['NAXIS'] = 2 newhdu.header['NAXIS1'] = 4000 newhdu.header['NAXIS2'] = 4000 newhdu.header['CTYPE1'] = "RA---TPV" newhdu.header['CTYPE2'] = "DEC--TPV" newhdu.header['CRVAL1'] += 70 newhdu.header['CRVAL2'] += 30 #print imghdu.header #print "="*100 hdr = hdulist[ext].header extname = hdr['EXTNAME'] print extname #hdr['NAXIS'] = 2 #hdr['NAXIS1'] = 4000 #hdr['NAXIS2'] = 4000 wcs_in = astWCS.WCS(imghdu.header, mode='pyfits') # Create a bunch of random x/y coordinates xy = numpy.random.random((n_stars,2)) * 4000. print xy.shape print xy[:5,:] # From the x/y, compute Ra/decs radec = numpy.array(wcs_in.pix2wcs(xy[:,0]-1, xy[:,1]-1)) # Now create a new WCS, with the most simple PV distortion # parameters disabled newhdu.header['PV1_0'] = 0. newhdu.header['PV1_1'] = 1. newhdu.header['PV1_2'] = 0. newhdu.header['PV2_0'] = 0. newhdu.header['PV2_1'] = 1. newhdu.header['PV2_2'] = 0. # if ('PV1_0' in newhdu.header): del newhdu.header['PV1_0'] # if ('PV1_1' in newhdu.header): del newhdu.header['PV1_1'] # if ('PV1_2' in newhdu.header): del newhdu.header['PV1_2'] # if ('PV2_0' in newhdu.header): del newhdu.header['PV2_0'] # if ('PV2_1' in newhdu.header): del newhdu.header['PV2_1'] # if ('PV2_2' in newhdu.header): del newhdu.header['PV2_2'] # print "before=",newhdu.header['CRPIX1'] # # newhdu.header['CRPIX1'] += 100 # # newhdu.header['CRVAL1'] += 0.2 # print "after =",newhdu.header['CRPIX1'] # print "\n"*5,"="*140 # print "newhdu=" # print newhdu.header # print "\n"*5,"="*140 # print "oldhdu=" # print imghdu.header wcs_out = astWCS.WCS(newhdu.header, mode='pyfits') # wcs_out.header['PV1_0'] = 0. # wcs_out.header['PV1_1'] = 1. # wcs_out.header['PV1_2'] = 0. # wcs_out.header['PV2_0'] = 0. # wcs_out.header['PV2_1'] = 1. # wcs_out.header['PV2_2'] = 0. # wcs_out.updateFromHeader() radec_new = numpy.array(wcs_out.pix2wcs(xy[:,0]-1, xy[:,1]-1)) # Now fit the new WCS system to absorb the changed values into the # CRVAL and CD matrix catalog = numpy.zeros((n_stars, 6)) # Columns of catalog to be compatible with optimize_wcs_solution # 3/4: x/y # last 2 columns: reference ra/dec catalog[:,0:2] = radec[:,:] catalog[:,2:4] = xy[:,:] catalog[:,4:6] = radec[:,:] numpy.savetxt("optimize.%s.x" % (extname), catalog) print "imghdu -> \n",radec[:5,:] print "newhdu -> \n",radec_new[:5,:] # header_keywords = ('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', # 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2',) #'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', header_keywords = ('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2', 'PV1_4', 'PV1_5', 'PV1_6', 'PV1_7', 'PV1_8', 'PV1_9', 'PV1_10', 'PV1_12', 'PV1_13', 'PV1_14', 'PV1_15', 'PV1_16', 'PV1_17', 'PV1_18', 'PV1_19', 'PV1_20', 'PV1_21', 'PV1_22', 'PV2_4', 'PV2_5', 'PV2_6', 'PV2_7', 'PV2_8', 'PV2_9', 'PV2_10', 'PV2_12', 'PV2_13', 'PV2_14', 'PV2_15', 'PV2_16', 'PV2_17', 'PV2_18', 'PV2_19', 'PV2_20', 'PV2_21', 'PV2_22', ) header_keywords = ('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2', 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2',) # Find the best solution. # The new header values are still in the wcs_out class #print "before xxx", wcs_out.header['CRPIX1'] #wcs_out.header['CRPIX1'] += 100 print "before fit", wcs_out.header['CRPIX1'] dev_ccmatch.optimize_wcs_solution(catalog, wcs_out.header, header_keywords) print "after fit", wcs_out.header['CRPIX1'] # Activate the changes to the WCS headers # print "\n"*20 # print "updateFromHeader\n" # print wcs_out.header wcs_out.updateFromHeader() # print "="*140 # print wcs_out.header # compute new catalog radec_new = numpy.array(wcs_out.pix2wcs(xy[:,0]-1, xy[:,1]-1)) #print radec[:5,:] catalog[:,0:2] = radec_new[:,:] catalog_out = numpy.append(radec, radec_new, axis=1) numpy.savetxt("optimize.%s" % (extname), catalog_out) dradec = radec - radec_new #catalog[:,0:2] - catalog[:,4:6] print dradec[:5,:] * 3600. * 1000. # Update all headers with the new fitted values for keyname in hdr: # print keyname, hdr[keyname] if (keyname in wcs_out.header): hdulist[ext].header[keyname] = wcs_out.header[keyname] if (wcs_out.header[keyname] != wcs_in.header[keyname]): print "found change in key",keyname,", was:",wcs_in.header[keyname]," now: ",wcs_out.header[keyname] # hdulist[ext].data = numpy.ones((4000,4000)) hdulist.writeto(output_wcs, clobber=True)
[docs]def dummy(): # print "CRVAL before", crval_1, crval_2 # print "CRVAL after ", crval_1_prime, crval_2_prime # The above step might have over- or under-corrected CRVAL # Compute how much offset we need to compensate via a change to CRPIX d_crval1_crpix = d_crval1 - crval_1_shift d_crval2_crpix = d_crval2 - crval_2_shift print "Left to compensate via crpix:", d_crval1_crpix, d_crval2_crpix # Invert the new CD' matrix cd_prime_inverse = cd_prime.I # print cd_prime print "\nCD'^-1=\n",cd_prime_inverse # Just as a sanity check, the product of CD and cd_inverse should be one unity = print unity d_crval_for_crpix = numpy.array([[d_crval1_crpix], [d_crval2_crpix]]) print "\nD-CRVAL=\n",d_crval_for_crpix d_crpix = print "delta crpix=\n",d_crpix print "CRPIX (unchanged):", crpix_1, crpix_2