Source code for podi_selectgoodOTAs

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
from podi_definitions import *

[docs]def load_exthead(fitsfile, filelist): extheads = [] for headname in filelist: filename = fitsfile[:-4]+headname if (not os.path.exists(filename)): continue exthead = [None] eh = open(filename) lines = eh.readlines() this_extension = [] for line in lines: items = line.split() this_extension.append(line.strip()) if (items[0] == "END"): exthead.append(this_extension) this_extension = [] extheads.append(exthead) # print len(extheads[0]) return extheads
if __name__ == "__main__": cmdline = get_clean_cmdline() filename = cmdline[1] outfits = cmdline[2] stdout_write("Reading %s ..." % (filename)) hdulist = out_list = [hdulist[0]] if (os.path.isfile(outfits) and cmdline_arg_isset("-noclobber")): print " file exists, skipping" sys.exit(0) extheads = [] exthead_names = cmdline[3:] extheads = load_exthead(filename, exthead_names) # # Create all output exthead files for swarp # exthead_files = [] for exthead in exthead_names: output_name = outfits[:-4]+exthead file = open(output_name, "w") exthead_files.append(file) # # Now go through the list of extensions, select only the central 3x3 # and only ones not marked as video cells # #print "# ext.headers =",len(extheads) #print "# ext.header files =",len(exthead_files) for extension in range(1, len(hdulist)): extname = hdulist[extension].header['EXTNAME'] if (extname[0:3] != "OTA" or extname[-3:] != "SCI"): continue cellmode = hdulist[extension].header['CELLMODE'] if (cellmode.find("V") >= 0): continue ota_x = int(extname[3]) ota_y = int(extname[4]) if (ota_x >= 2 and ota_x <= 4 and ota_y >= 2 and ota_y <= 4): out_list.append(hdulist[extension]) # Also make sure to add this extension to the external header file for i in range(len(extheads)): file = exthead_files[i] file.write(os.linesep.join(extheads[i][extension])) file.write("\n") # Close all external header files for file in exthead_files: file.close() out_hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(out_list) stdout_write(" writing %s ..." % (outfits)) out_hdulist.writeto(outfits, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n")