Source code for podi_search_ipprefcat

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

import sys
import numpy
import os
import math

from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits

IPP_DIR = "/Volumes/odifile/Catalogs/IPPRefCat/catdir.synth.grizy/"

[docs]def twomass_from_cds(ra, dec, radius, verbose): # Download the 2MASS PSC from Vizier print " Downloading 2MASS PSC catalog from Vizier ... (%.4f/%.4f +/- %.1f)" % (ra, dec, radius) twomass_cat = "/tmp/" cds = "find2mass -c %f %f -bd %f -e b -smJ > %s" % (ra, dec, radius, twomass_cat) os.system(cds) file = open(twomass_cat) catalog = [] for line in file: if (line[0] == "#"): continue items = line.split("|") ra_dec = items[0].split() ra, dec = float(ra_dec[0]), float(ra_dec[1]) jmag = items[2].split() hmag = items[3].split() kmag = items[4].split() mags = [float(jmag[0]), float(hmag[0]), float(kmag[0])] flags = items[5].split() for i in range(3): if (not flags[0][i] in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')): mags[i] = numpy.NaN entry = [ra, dec, mags[0], mags[1], mags[2]] catalog.append(entry) return numpy.array(catalog)
[docs]def get_reference_catalog(ra, dec, radius, basedir, cattype="2mass_opt", verbose=False): if (cattype == "2mass_web"): return twomass_from_cds(ra, dec, radius, verbose) # Load the SkyTable so we know in what files to look for the catalog" skytable_filename = "%s/SkyTable.fits" % (basedir) skytable_hdu = #print skytable = skytable_hdu['SKY_REGION'].data #print skytable[:3] # Select entries that match our list if (verbose): print "# Searching for stars within %.1f degress around %f , %f ..." % (radius, ra, dec) min_dec = dec - radius max_dec = dec + radius min_ra = ra - radius/math.cos(math.radians(dec)) max_ra = ra + radius/math.cos(math.radians(dec)) if (max_ra > 360.): # This wraps around the high end, shift all ra values by -180 # Now all search RAs are ok and around the 180, next also move the catalog values selected = skytable['R_MIN'] < 180 skytable['R_MAX'][selected] += 360 skytable['R_MIN'][selected] += 360 if (min_ra < 0): # Wrap around at the low end selected = skytable['R_MAX'] > 180 skytable['R_MAX'][selected] -= 360 skytable['R_MIN'][selected] -= 360 if (verbose): print "# Search radius: RA=%.1f ... %.1f DEC=%.1f ... %.1f" % (min_ra, max_ra, min_dec, max_dec) needed_catalogs = (skytable['PARENT'] > 0) & (skytable['PARENT'] < 25) & \ (skytable['R_MAX'] > min_ra) & (skytable['R_MIN'] < max_ra) & \ (skytable['D_MAX'] > min_dec) & (skytable['D_MIN'] < max_dec) #print skytable[needed_catalogs] files_to_read = skytable['NAME'][needed_catalogs] # Now quickly go over the list and take care of all filenames that still have a 0x00 in them for i in range(len(files_to_read)): found_at = files_to_read[i].find('\0') if (found_at > 0): files_to_read[i] = files_to_read[i][:found_at] # Now we are with the skytable catalog, so close it skytable_hdu.close() del skytable #print files_to_read # Load all frames, one by one, and select all stars in the valid range. # Then add them to the catalog with RAs and DECs full_catalog = None #numpy.zeros(shape=(0,6)) for catalogname in files_to_read: if (cattype == "IPPRef"): if (verbose): print "Reading IPPRef catalog" catalogfile = "%s/%s.cpt" % (basedir, catalogname) hdu_cat = # Read the RA and DEC values cat_ra = hdu_cat['DVO_AVERAGE_ELIXIR'].data.field('RA') cat_dec = hdu_cat['DVO_AVERAGE_ELIXIR'].data.field('DEC') photom_raw = hdu_cat['DVO_MEASURE_ELIXIR'].data.field('MAG') photom_grizy = photom_raw.reshape((cat_ra.shape[0], 5)) # To slect the right region, shift a temporary catalog cat_ra_shifted = cat_ra if (max_ra > 360.): cat_ra_shifted[cat_ra < 180] += 360 elif (min_ra < 0): cat_ra_shifted[cat_ra > 180] -= 360 select_from_cat = (cat_ra_shifted > min_ra) & (cat_ra_shifted < max_ra ) & (cat_dec > min_dec) & (cat_dec < max_dec) array_to_add = numpy.zeros(shape=(numpy.sum(select_from_cat),6)) array_to_add[:,0] = cat_ra[select_from_cat] array_to_add[:,1] = cat_dec[select_from_cat] array_to_add[:,2:6] = photom_grizy[:,0:4][select_from_cat] / 1e3 if (verbose): print "# Read %d stars from catalog %s ..." % (array_to_add.shape[0], catalogfile) elif (cattype in ('2mass_opt', '2mass_nir')): if (verbose): print "Reading 2mass catalog" catalogfile = "%s/%s.fits" % (basedir, catalogname) hdu_cat = # Read the RA and DEC values cat_ra = hdu_cat[1].data.field('ra') cat_dec = hdu_cat[1].data.field('dec') # To slect the right region, shift a temporary catalog cat_ra_shifted = cat_ra if (max_ra > 360.): cat_ra_shifted[cat_ra < 180] += 360 elif (min_ra < 0): cat_ra_shifted[cat_ra > 180] -= 360 select_from_cat = (cat_ra_shifted > min_ra) & (cat_ra_shifted < max_ra ) & (cat_dec > min_dec) & (cat_dec < max_dec) if (cattype == ('2mass_opt')): # select only sources with optical counterparts, i.e. valid b or vr magnitudes optical_counterparts = numpy.isfinite(hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_b')) | numpy.isfinite(hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_vr')) selected = select_from_cat & optical_counterparts array_to_add = numpy.zeros(shape=(numpy.sum(selected),4)) array_to_add[:,0] = cat_ra[selected] array_to_add[:,1] = cat_dec[selected] array_to_add[:,2] = hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_b')[selected] array_to_add[:,3] = hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_vr')[selected] # make sure that column 3 (which holds the magnitudes used for # alignment in fixwcs) is a valid entry array_to_add[:,3][numpy.isnan(array_to_add[:,3])] = array_to_add[:,2] else: array_to_add = numpy.zeros(shape=(numpy.sum(select_from_cat),5)) array_to_add[:,0] = cat_ra[select_from_cat] array_to_add[:,1] = cat_dec[select_from_cat] array_to_add[:,2] = hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_j')[select_from_cat] array_to_add[:,3] = hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_h')[select_from_cat] array_to_add[:,4] = hdu_cat[1].data.field('mag_k')[select_from_cat] if (verbose): print "# Read %d stars from catalog %s ..." % (array_to_add.shape[0], catalogfile) if (full_catalog == None): full_catalog = array_to_add else: full_catalog = numpy.append(full_catalog, array_to_add, axis=0) #print photom_grizy[:3,:] if (verbose): print "# Read a total of %d stars from %d catalogs!" % (full_catalog.shape[0], len(files_to_read)) return full_catalog
if __name__ == "__main__": ra = float(sys.argv[1]) dec = float(sys.argv[2]) radius = float(sys.argv[3]) basedir = "/Volumes/odifile/Catalogs/IPPRefCat/catdir.synth.grizy/" basedir = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-basedir", "/Volumes/odifile/Catalogs/IPPRefCat/catdir.synth.grizy/") catalog_type = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-cattype", "IPPRef") import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup basedir = sitesetup.wcs_ref_dir catalog_type = sitesetup.wcs_ref_type catalog = get_reference_catalog(ra, dec, radius, basedir=basedir, cattype=catalog_type) # if (True): #False): # for i in range(catalog.shape[0]): # for j in range(catalog.shape[1]): # print catalog[i,j], # print numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, catalog)