Source code for podi_scamp2minifits

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

How-to use:



import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import ephem

gain_correct_frames = False
from podi_definitions import *

[docs]def scamp_header_to_minifits(filename, minifits_outputname, reference_fits): if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): return None headfile = open(filename, "r") lines = headfile.readlines() values = {} values_list = [] comments = {} comments_list = [] extlist = [] primhdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() extlist.append(primhdu) for line in lines: #print line key, value, comment = line[0:8].strip(), line[9:30].strip(), line[32:].strip() if (key in ("HISTORY", "COMMENT", ) ): # Don't know what to do with those, so skip'em continue elif (key in ("FGROUPNO", "FLXSCALE", "MAGZEROP", "ASTINST", "PHOTIRMS", "PHOTINST", "PHOTLINK", ) ): # These are some scamp-specific headers, let's not copy them continue elif (key in ("CRVAL1", "CRVAL2", "CRPIX1", "CRPIX2", "CD1_1", "CD1_2", "CD2_1", "CD2_2", "EQUINOX", ) or (key[0:2] == "PV" and key[3] == "_")): value = float(value) elif (key in ("RADECSYS", "CTYPE1", "CTYPE2", "CUNIT1", "CUNIT2") ): # Strip the unnecessary quotes and spaces from the end value = value[1:-1].strip() elif (key == "END"): # This concludes one extension, add it to list and start new # list for the next OTA values_list.append(values) comments_list.append(comments) values = {} comments = {} continue values[key] = value comments[key] = comment refhdu = # Count how many image extensions exist in the reference frame n_imageext = 0; for i in range(len(refhdu)): try: extname = refhdu[i].header['EXTNAME'] if (extname[0:3] == "OTA" and extname[-3:] == "SCI"): n_imageext += 1 except: pass if (len(values_list) != n_imageext): stdout_write("Illegal scamp solution or wrong reference fits (%d vs %d)!\n" % (len(values_list), len(refhdu)-1)) return -1 # Now copy all scamp headers into the minifits # With this data at hand, work out the shift we need to apply to the scamp solution for ota in range(len(values_list)): # Create a new Image extension to hold the header hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU() # Copy all headers to the new HDU for key in values_list[ota]: hdu.header.update(key, values_list[ota][key], comments_list[ota][key]) # And add the HDU to the list that will form the minifits extlist.append(hdu) # Now go through both the minifits and the reference and assign the extname keywords ota33_found = False for ext in range(1, 14): #len(refhdu)): extname = refhdu[ext].header['EXTNAME'] if (extname == "OTA33.SCI"): ota33_found = True extlist[ext].update_ext_name(extname) # Create a proper HDUList from the list of new HDUs minifits_hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(extlist) # Next (and almost finally) we need to change the CRVAL keywords to account for the # offsets in pointing center and the center assumed by scamp # Adjust the solution for the known shift in CRPIX position # In pODI: True pointing of telescope is ~ at pixel 4200,4200 of OTA 3,3 # From scamp: Typically somewhere around 2000,2000 in OTA 3,3 # NB: 0.11 / 3600. is the pixel scale in degrees/pixel, ignoring rotation and distortion if (ota33_found): dx_crpix = 4200 - minifits_hdulist['OTA33.SCI'].header["CRPIX1"] dy_crpix = 4200 - minifits_hdulist['OTA33.SCI'].header["CRPIX2"] d_ra = dx_crpix * 0.11 / 3600. d_dec = dy_crpix * 0.11 / 3600. else: d_ra, d_dec = 0, 0 for ext in range(1, 14): minifits_hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL1'] = d_ra minifits_hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL2'] = d_dec # Last step: write the minifits to file minifits_hdulist.writeto(minifits_outputname, clobber=True) # That's it, all done! return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": scampfile = sys.argv[1] outputfile = sys.argv[2] reference = sys.argv[3] scamp_header_to_minifits(scampfile, outputfile, reference)