Source code for podi_photcalib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

This module contains all functionality for performing a photometric calibration
for a given frame. It does so by matching the ODI source catalog to a catalog
of stars from the SDSS. The comparison between instrumental and reference 
magnitudes then yields the calibration zeropoint.

If requested, podi_photcalib also creates diagnostic plots that allow to easily
judge the quality of the obtained calibration.

The module also contains all required functionality to access local SDSS star
catalogs or, if no local copies are available, query the SDSS online.

Command line options

* **-multi**

  Deprecated for now, do not use

* **-new**

* **-querysdss**

  Test-routine that queries the SDSS and prints the returned catalog

  Run as:

      ``podi_photcalib -querysdss ra_min ra_max dec_min dec_max (-print)``

  If the -print option is given as well print the entire catalog to stdout,
  otherwise only print the number of returned stars.

* **-swarp**

  Compute the photometric zeropoint for a frame created with swarp.

  Run as:

      '' -swarp swarped_frame.fits swarp_input_frame.fits``

  swarp_input_frame here is one of the frames that went into the swarped frame.
  This is necessary to obtain the FILTER and EXPTIME keywords that are required
  for the photometric calibration, but are typically not contained in the 
  swarped frame any longer.

* **-aucap**

  Compute the photometric zeropoint for a frame created with the Automatic
  Calibration Pipeline (AuCaP).

  Run as:
    `` -aucap file1.fits file2.fits file3.fits ...``

  In this mode, podi_photcalib can run on any number of input frames in sequence.

Note for the -aucap and -swarp modi
To save time during programming, two additional flags are supported in these 
modi. By default, if the source catalog for the specified input file already 
exists, it is simply re-used and not created. To force re-running SExtractor,
add the -resex flag. Additionally, in the ``-aucap`` mode, if the source catalog
exists, podi_photcalib also does not re-create the diagnostic plots. To change
this behavior and re-create the plots, add the ``-replot`` flag.



import sys
import numpy
import os
from query_usno import query_usno
from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits
#import date
import datetime
#import pywcs  
from astLib import astWCS
import pdb
import scipy
import scipy.stats

import podi_matchcatalogs
import podi_sitesetup

import podi_logging
import logging

arcsec = 1./3600.
number_bright_stars = 100
max_offset = 0.1

N = 200
N_brightest_ota = 70
N_brightest_ref = 150

# Compute matches in smaller blocks to not blow up memory
# Improve: Change execution to parallel !!!
blocksize = 100

[docs]def load_catalog_from_stripe82cat(ra, dec, calib_directory, sdss_filter): """ Load the source catalog from the custom pODI Stripe82 catalog. Parameters ---------- ra, dec -- float Center position of the search area. The search radius is set to 0.6 deg. calib_directory - string directory that contains the Stripe82 catalog sdss_filter - string Name of the filter for which the magnitudes should be returned. Returns ------- A catalog of sources within the search area, stored in an array. Columns are as follows. Ra, Dec, mag_median, mag_mean, mag_std, mag_var """ # Load the standard star catalog sdss_cat_filename = "%s/" % (calib_directory, sdss_filter) stdout_write("Loading standard stars (%s)..." % (sdss_cat_filename)) sdss_cat = numpy.load(sdss_cat_filename) stdout_write(" %d stars loaded!\n" % (sdss_cat.shape[0])) # Now take take of pointings close to RA of 0 hours if (ra < 5): stdout_write("Close to RA=0h, wrapping coordinates ...\n") sdss_cat[:,0][sdss_cat[:,0] > 180] -= 360. d_dec = 0.6 d_ra = d_dec / math.cos(math.radians(dec)) # Break down the full catalog to stars nearby nearby = (sdss_cat[:,0] > ra-d_ra) & (sdss_cat[:,0] < ra+d_ra) & (sdss_cat[:,1] > dec-d_dec) & (sdss_cat[:,1] < dec+d_dec) std_stars = sdss_cat[nearby] stdout_write("Found %d nearby (RA=%.1f, DEC=%.1f, +/- %.1fdeg) standard stars!\n" % (std_stars.shape[0], ra, dec, d_dec)) """ Output format is: Ra, Dec, mag_median, mag_mean, mag_std, mag_var """ return std_stars
[docs]def load_catalog_from_sdss(ra, dec, sdss_filter, verbose=False, return_query=False, max_catsize=-1): """ Query the SDSS online and return a catalog of sources within the specified area Parameters ---------- ra : float[2] (e.g. [165.5, 165.9] Min and max values for RA dec : float[2] Same as ra, just for declination sdss_filter : string (allowed are u,g,r,i,z) Name of the SDSS filter for which to return magnitudes verbose : Bool Add debugging output return_query : Bool If set to false, the return value also contains the SQL query used to query the SDSS catalog max_catsize : int Maximum number of SDSS stars to be returned Returns ------- The SDSS catalog, in the format Ra, Dec, mag_u, magerr_u, mag_g, magerr_g, ..r, ..i, ..z """ #import sqlcl logger = logging.getLogger("GetCatalogFromSDSS") #ra = 0 #print "# Loading catalog from SDSS online..." if (numpy.array(ra).ndim > 0): min_ra = ra[0] max_ra = ra[1] else: min_ra = ra - 0.6/math.cos(math.radians(dec)) max_ra = ra + 0.6/math.cos(math.radians(dec)) if (min_ra < 0): ra_query = "( ra > %(min_ra)f or ra < %(max_ra)f )" % {"min_ra": min_ra+360, "max_ra": max_ra,} elif (max_ra > 360): ra_query = "( ra > %(min_ra)f or ra < %(max_ra)f )" % {"min_ra": min_ra, "max_ra": max_ra-360.,} else: ra_query = "ra BETWEEN %(min_ra)f and %(max_ra)f" % {"min_ra": min_ra, "max_ra": max_ra,} if (numpy.array(dec).ndim > 0): min_dec = dec[0] max_dec = dec[1] else: min_dec = dec - 0.6 max_dec = dec + 0.6 # # This query is taken from the SDSS website and selects stars with clean photometry # --> # sql_query = """\ SELECT ra,dec, u, err_u, g, err_g, r, err_r, i, err_i, z, err_z FROM Star WHERE %(ra_query)s AND dec BETWEEN %(min_dec)f and %(max_dec)f AND ((flags_r & 0x10000000) != 0) -- detected in BINNED1 AND ((flags_r & 0x8100000c00a4) = 0) -- not EDGE, NOPROFILE, PEAKCENTER, NOTCHECKED, PSF_FLUX_INTERP, -- SATURATED, or BAD_COUNTS_ERROR AND (((flags_r & 0x400000000000) = 0) or (psfmagerr_r <= 0.2)) -- not DEBLEND_NOPEAK or small PSF error -- (substitute psfmagerr in other band as appropriate) AND (((flags_r & 0x100000000000) = 0) or (flags_r & 0x1000) = 0) -- not INTERP_CENTER or not COSMIC_RAY """ % {"filter": sdss_filter, "min_ra": min_ra, "max_ra": max_ra, "min_dec": min_dec, "max_dec": max_dec, "ra_query": ra_query, } if (verbose): print sql_query logger.debug("Downloading catalog from SDSS ...") logger.debug(sql_query) # stdout_write("Downloading catalog from SDSS ...") # Taken from Tomas Budavari's sqlcl script # see import urllib # Filter out comments starting with "--" fsql = "" for line in sql_query.split('\n'): fsql += line.split('--')[0] + ' ' + os.linesep; params = urllib.urlencode({'cmd': fsql, 'format': 'csv'}) url = '' sdss = urllib.urlopen(url+'?%s' % params) # Budavari end answer = [] for line in sdss: if (max_catsize > 0 and len(answer) >= max_catsize): break answer.append(line) if (((len(answer)-1)%10) == 0): if (verbose): stdout_write("\rFound %d stars so far ..." % (len(answer)-1)) #answer = sdss.readlines() if (answer[0].strip() == "No objects have been found"): stdout_write(" nothing found\n") if (return_query): return numpy.zeros(shape=(0,12)), fsql #sql_query return numpy.zeros(shape=(0,12)) # stdout_write(" found %d stars!\n" % (len(answer)-1)) logger.debug(" found %d stars!\n" % (len(answer)-1)) if (verbose): print "Returned from SDSS:" print "####################################################" print ''.join(answer) print "####################################################" # If we are here, then the query returned at least some results. # Dump the first line just repeating what the output was del answer[0] # if (verbose): print "Found %d results" % (len(answer)) results = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(answer),12)) # Results are comma-separated, so split them up and save as numpy array for i in range(len(answer)): items = answer[i].split(",") for col in range(len(items)): results[i, col] = float(items[col]) #ra, dec = float(items[0]), float(items[1]) #mag, mag_err = float(items[2]), float(items[3]) #results[i, :] = [ra, dec, mag, mag, mag_err, mag_err] if (return_query): return results, fsql #sql_query return results
[docs]def photcalib_old(fitsfile, output_filename, calib_directory, overwrite_cat=None): """ Deprecated, do not use. """ tmp, dummy = os.path.split(sys.argv[0]) dot_config_dir = tmp + "/.config/" print dot_config_dir hdulist = ra, dec = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL1'], hdulist[1].header['CRVAL2'] # # Run Sextractor on the input frame # sex_catalogfile = fitsfile[:-5]+"" sex_config_file = dot_config_dir+"fixwcs.conf" sex_param_file = dot_config_dir+"fixwcs.param" sex_logfile = fitsfile[:-5]+".sextractor.log" sex_cmd = "sex -c %s -PARAMETERS_NAME %s -CATALOG_NAME %s %s >& %s" % (sex_config_file, sex_param_file, sex_catalogfile, fitsfile, sex_logfile) print sex_cmd stdout_write("Running SExtractor to search for stars, be patient (logfile: %s) ..." % (sex_logfile)) if ((not cmdline_arg_isset("-skip_sex")) or (not os.path.isfile(sex_catalogfile)) or cmdline_arg_isset("-forcesex")): os.system(sex_cmd) else: stdout_write("Re-using previous source catalog\n") stdout_write(" done!\n") stdout_write("\nPreparing work ...\n\n") # Read the Sextractor output catalog sex_cat = numpy.loadtxt(sex_catalogfile) stdout_write("Reading %d stars from Sextractor catalog\n" % sex_cat.shape[0]) # Eliminate all stars with flags sex_cat = sex_cat[sex_cat[:,10] == 0] stdout_write("%d stars left after eliminating flags\n" % sex_cat.shape[0]) # Figure out which SDSS to use for calibration filter = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] sdss_filter = sdss_equivalents[filter] std_stars = numpy.array([]) if (overwrite_cat != None): # Read this catalog instead of any of the default ones: std_stars = numpy.loadtxt(overwrite_cat, delimiter=";") else: if (calib_directory != None): std_stars = load_catalog_from_stripe82cat(ra, dec, calib_directory, sdss_filter) print std_stars.shape if (std_stars.shape[0] <= 0): if (calib_directory != None): stdout_write("Couldn't find any stars in the Stripe82 Standard star catalog :(\n") stdout_write("Trying to get one directly from SDSS, please wait!\n\n") std_stars = load_catalog_from_sdss(ra, dec, sdss_filter) if (std_stars.shape[0] <= 0): stdout_write("No stars not found - looks like this region isn't covered by SDSS - sorry!\n\n") sys.exit(0) return dump = open("", "w") for i in range(std_stars.shape[0]): print >>dump, std_stars[i,0], std_stars[i,1] print >>dump, "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" for i in range(sex_cat.shape[0]): print >>dump, sex_cat[i,6], sex_cat[i,7] dump.close() # # Now go through each of the extension # Improve: Change execution to parallel !!! # stdout_write("\nStarting work, results in %s ...\n\n" % output_filename) results = open(output_filename, "w") # Now go through the reference catalog and search for matches. # To speed things up and avoid looking for matches between distant stars, break down the area into # a number of smaller blocks (scanning the full area in 5x5 blocks) ref_ra_min, ref_ra_max = numpy.min(std_stars[:,0]), numpy.max(std_stars[:,0]) ref_dec_min, ref_dec_max = numpy.min(std_stars[:,1]), numpy.max(std_stars[:,1]) ra_ranges = numpy.arange(ref_ra_min, ref_ra_max, 5) dec_ranges = numpy.arange(ref_dec_min, ref_dec_max, 5) dummy, ra_ranges = numpy.histogram([], bins=5, range=(ref_ra_min, ref_ra_max)) dummy, dec_ranges = numpy.histogram([], bins=5, range=(ref_dec_min, ref_dec_max)) # Reorganize the SExtractor oiutput file to have the RA/DEC values be in the first two columns # New order is then Ra, Dec, mag, mag_err, x, y, ota sex_reorg = numpy.zeros(shape=(sex_cat.shape[0], 7)) sex_reorg[:,0:2] = sex_cat[:,6:8] sex_reorg[:,2:6] = sex_cat[:,2:6] sex_reorg[:,6] = sex_cat[:,1] # Select one of the ranges and hand the parameters off to the matching routine matched_cat = podi_matchcatalogs.match_catalogs(std_stars, sex_reorg) if (matched_cat != None): numpy.savetxt(results, matched_cat, delimiter=" ") results.close()
[docs]def load_sdss_catalog_from_fits(sdss_ref_dir, ra_range, dec_range, verbose=True): """ Retrieve the SDSS catalog for the specified area, using the local FITS-based catalog of the SDSS. Parameters ---------- sdss_ref_dir : string Directory containing the local copy of the SDSS star catalog. This directory has to contain the catalog index in a file named "SkyTable.fits" ra_range : float[2] (e.g. [165.5, 165.9]) Minimum and maximum RA range, in degrees dec_range : float[2] as ra_range, just for declination verbose : Bool add some debugging output useful for error tracking Returns ------- source-catalog contains the following columns: ra, dec, mag_u, magerr_u, g, r, i, z """ #print "# Loading catalog from SDSS offline fits catalog..." logger = logging.getLogger("ReadSDSSCatalogFromFits") # Load the SkyTable so we know in what files to look for the catalog" skytable_filename = "%s/SkyTable.fits" % (sdss_ref_dir) skytable_hdu = skytable = skytable_hdu['SKY_REGION'].data # Select entries that match our list logger.debug("# Searching for stars in sky with ra=%s, dec=%s" % (ra_range, dec_range)) if (verbose): print "# Searching for stars in sky with ra=%s, dec=%s" % (ra_range, dec_range) min_dec = dec_range[0] max_dec = dec_range[1] min_ra = ra_range[0] max_ra = ra_range[1] if (verbose): print min_ra, max_ra, min_dec, max_dec if (max_ra > 360.): # This wraps around the high end, shift all ra values by -180 # Now all search RAs are ok and around the 180, next also move the catalog values selected = skytable['R_MIN'] < 180 skytable['R_MAX'][selected] += 360 skytable['R_MIN'][selected] += 360 if (min_ra < 0): # Wrap around at the low end selected = skytable['R_MAX'] > 180 skytable['R_MAX'][selected] -= 360 skytable['R_MIN'][selected] -= 360 if (verbose): print "# Search radius: RA=%.1f ... %.1f DEC=%.1f ... %.1f" % (min_ra, max_ra, min_dec, max_dec) needed_catalogs = (skytable['R_MAX'] > min_ra) & (skytable['R_MIN'] < max_ra) & \ (skytable['D_MAX'] > min_dec) & (skytable['D_MIN'] < max_dec) if (verbose): print skytable[needed_catalogs] files_to_read = skytable['NAME'][needed_catalogs] logger.debug(files_to_read) # Now we are with the skytable catalog, so close it skytable_hdu.close() del skytable # # Load all frames, one by one, and select all stars in the valid range. # Then add them to the catalog with RAs and DECs # catalog_columns = ['RA', 'DEC', 'MAG_U', 'MAGERR_U', 'MAG_G', 'MAGERR_G', 'MAG_R', 'MAGERR_R', 'MAG_I', 'MAGERR_I', 'MAG_Z', 'MAGERR_Z', ] full_catalog = numpy.zeros(shape=(0,len(catalog_columns))) for catalogname in files_to_read: if (verbose): print "Reading 2mass catalog" catalogfile = "%s/%s.fits" % (sdss_ref_dir, catalogname) hdu_cat = if (hdu_cat[1].header['NAXIS2'] <= 0): hdu_cat.close() continue # Read the RA and DEC values cat_ra = hdu_cat[1].data.field('RA') cat_dec = hdu_cat[1].data.field('DEC') # To select the right region, shift a temporary catalog cat_ra_shifted = cat_ra if (max_ra > 360.): cat_ra_shifted[cat_ra < 180] += 360 elif (min_ra < 0): cat_ra_shifted[cat_ra > 180] -= 360 in_search_range = (cat_ra_shifted > min_ra) & (cat_ra_shifted < max_ra ) & (cat_dec > min_dec) & (cat_dec < max_dec) array_to_add = numpy.zeros(shape=(numpy.sum(in_search_range),len(catalog_columns))) if (verbose): print catalogfile, numpy.sum(in_search_range) for col in range(len(catalog_columns)): array_to_add[:,col] = hdu_cat[1].data.field(catalog_columns[col])[in_search_range] full_catalog = numpy.append(full_catalog, array_to_add, axis=0) if (verbose): print "# Read a total of %d stars from %d catalogs!" % (full_catalog.shape[0], len(files_to_read)) logger.debug("# Read a total of %d stars from %d catalogs!" % (full_catalog.shape[0], len(files_to_read))) return full_catalog
[docs]def query_sdss_catalog(ra_range, dec_range, sdss_filter, verbose=False): """ High-level interface to the SDSS catalog search. Depending on the settings in podi_sitesetup (see sdss_ref_type) this forwards the query to search either the local Stripe82 catalog, the online SDSS catalog or the local FITS catalog. Parameters ---------- sdss_ref_dir : string Directory containing the local copy of the SDSS star catalog. This directory has to contain the catalog index in a file named "SkyTable.fits" ra_range : float[2] (e.g. [165.5, 165.9]) Minimum and maximum RA range, in degrees dec_range : float[2] as ra_range, just for declination verbose : Bool add some debugging output useful for error tracking Returns ------- source-catalog """ # # Get a photometric reference catalog one way or another # std_stars = None if (podi_sitesetup.sdss_ref_type == "stripe82"): std_stars = numpy.zeros(shape=(0,0)) #load_catalog_from_stripe82cat(ra, dec, calib_directory, sdss_filter) print std_stars.shape elif (podi_sitesetup.sdss_ref_type == 'local'): std_stars = load_sdss_catalog_from_fits(podi_sitesetup.sdss_ref_dir, ra_range, dec_range, verbose=verbose) elif (podi_sitesetup.sdss_ref_type == 'web'): #stdout_write("Trying to get one directly from SDSS, please wait!\n\n") #std_stars = load_catalog_from_sdss(ra, dec, sdss_filter) std_stars = load_catalog_from_sdss(ra_range, dec_range, sdss_filter, verbose=verbose) #print "returning",std_stars.shape[0],"stars..." return std_stars
[docs]def photcalib(source_cat, output_filename, filtername, exptime=1, diagplots=True, calib_directory=None, overwrite_cat=None, plottitle=None, otalist=None, options=None, verbose=False, eliminate_flags=True, matching_radius=3): """ Perform the photometric calibration, create the diagnostic plots and return the results. Parameters ---------- source_cat : ndarray Input source array containing the catalog output from the SExtractor run. output_filename : string Filename of the file containing the resulting image file. In the case of collectcells, this is the output filename, hence the name. However, if photcalib is run on existing images, this is the image INPUT filename. filtername : string Name of the ODI filter. Based on this filter name photcalib will decide the corresponding SDSS filter. exptime : float Exposure time of the frame, required to normalize the photometric zero- point. diagplots : Bool If True, create the diagnostic plots for the photometric calibration. calib_directory : string overwrite_cat : Bool plottitle : string Title of the diagnostic plot, e.g. containing the filename, or some information about the Object, etc. otalist : HDUList If given, photcalib uses the WCS information from the individual extensions to add OTA outlines to the global, focal-plane wide diagnostic plot. options : dictionary General options, containing information about some command line flags. eliminate_flags : Bool If set to True, only sources with no SourceExtractor flags (that might indicate problems with the photometry) are used for the calibration. If set, fewer stars are used but these stars are of the best possible quality. matching_radius : float Matching radius to be used when matching the ODI source catalog to the SDSS reference catalog. Returns ------- ZP-median : float median zeropoint across the entire focal plane ZP-Std : float standard deviation of the photometric zeropoint ODI-SDSS-matched : ndarray matched catalog of ODI sources and SDSS reference stars. ZP-normalized : float photometric zeropoint, corrected and normalized to an exposure time of 1 second. """ logger = logging.getLogger("PhotCalib") error_return_value = (99.9, 99.9, None, 99.9) # Figure out which SDSS to use for calibration sdss_filter = sdss_equivalents[filtername] logger.debug("Translating filter: %s --> %s" % (filtername, sdss_filter)) if (sdss_filter == None): # This filter is not covered by SDSS, can't perform photometric calibration return error_return_value pc = sdss_photometric_column[sdss_filter] # Eliminate all stars with flags if (eliminate_flags): flags = source_cat[:,7] no_flags_set = (flags == 0) source_cat = source_cat[no_flags_set] ra_min = numpy.min(source_cat[:,0]) ra_max = numpy.max(source_cat[:,0]) # Make sure we deal with RAs around 0 properly if (math.fabs(ra_max - ra_min) > 180): ra_min, ra_max = ra_max, ra_min+360. dec_min = numpy.min(source_cat[:,1]) dec_max = numpy.max(source_cat[:,1]) logger.debug("Starting photometric calibration!") #stdout_write("\nPreparing work ...\n\n") ra_range = [ra_min, ra_max] dec_range = [dec_min, dec_max] std_stars = query_sdss_catalog(ra_range, dec_range, sdss_filter) if (std_stars.shape[0] <= 0): logger.debug("No stars not found - looks like this region isn't covered by SDSS - sorry!") stdout_write("No stars not found - looks like this region isn't covered by SDSS - sorry!\n\n") return error_return_value if (verbose): stdout_write("Found %d reference stars in the SDSS...\n" % (std_stars.shape[0])) numpy.savetxt("", std_stars) # # Now go through each of the extension # Improve: Change execution to parallel !!! # stdout_write("\nStarting work, results in %s ...\n\n" % output_filename) # results = open(output_filename+".photcal", "w") odi_sdss_matched = podi_matchcatalogs.match_catalogs(source_cat, std_stars, matching_radius=matching_radius) if (verbose): print "ODI+SDSS matched:",odi_sdss_matched.shape # if (odi_sdss_matched != None): # numpy.savetxt(results, odi_sdss_matched, delimiter=" ") # Stars without match in SDSS have RA=-9999, let's sort them out found_sdss_match = odi_sdss_matched[:,2] >= 0 if (verbose): print "ODI+SDSS matched (good coords):",numpy.sum(found_sdss_match) odi_sdss_matched = odi_sdss_matched[found_sdss_match] odi_ra, odi_dec = odi_sdss_matched[:,0], odi_sdss_matched[:,1] sdss_ra, sdss_dec = odi_sdss_matched[:,2], odi_sdss_matched[:,3] # Use photometry for the 3'' aperture odi_mag, odi_magerr = odi_sdss_matched[:,17], odi_sdss_matched[:,25] sdss_mag = odi_sdss_matched[:,(source_cat.shape[1]+pc)] sdss_magerr = odi_sdss_matched[:,(source_cat.shape[1]+pc+1)] if (verbose): print "ODI/SDSS", odi_mag.shape, sdss_mag.shape zp_correction_exptime = -2.5 * math.log10(exptime) odi_mag -= zp_correction_exptime # Determine the zero point zp = sdss_mag - odi_mag zperr = numpy.hypot(sdss_magerr, odi_magerr) #import podi_collectcells if (zp.shape[0] <= 0): zp_median = 99 zp_std = 1 zp_exptime = 99 diagplots = False else: if (zp.shape[0] <=5): zp_clipped = zp else: zp_clipped = three_sigma_clip(zp) zp_upper1sigma = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(zp_clipped, 84) zp_lower1sigma = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(zp_clipped, 16) print zp_lower1sigma, zp_upper1sigma, 0.5*(zp_upper1sigma-zp_lower1sigma) zp_median = numpy.median(zp_clipped) zp_std = numpy.std(zp_clipped) print "zeropoint (clipped)",zp_median," +/-", zp_std zp_median_ = numpy.median(zp) zp_std_ = numpy.std(zp) zp_exptime = zp_median + zp_correction_exptime print "zeropoint (un-clipped)",zp_median_," +/-", zp_std_ # Make plots if (diagplots): import podi_diagnosticplots # zp_calib_plot = output_filename[:-5]+".photZP" zp_calib_plot = create_qa_filename(output_filename, "photZP", options) podi_diagnosticplots.photocalib_zeropoint(odi_mag, odi_magerr, sdss_mag, sdss_magerr, zp_calib_plot, zp_median, zp_std, sdss_filter, filtername, #"r", "odi_r", title=plottitle, options=options, also_plot_singleOTAs=options['otalevelplots']) print odi_sdss_matched[0,:] ota = odi_sdss_matched[:,10] ra = odi_sdss_matched[:,0] dec = odi_sdss_matched[:,1] # plotfilename = output_filename[:-5]+".photZP_map" plotfilename = create_qa_filename(output_filename, "photZP_map", options) ota_outlines = None if (otalist != None): ota_outlines = derive_ota_outlines(otalist) podi_diagnosticplots.photocalib_zeropoint_map(odi_mag, sdss_mag, ota, ra, dec, output_filename=plotfilename, sdss_filtername=sdss_filter, odi_filtername=filtername, title=plottitle, ota_outlines=ota_outlines, options=options, also_plot_singleOTAs=options['otalevelplots']) # results.close() return zp_median, zp_std, odi_sdss_matched, zp_exptime
if __name__ == "__main__": if (cmdline_arg_isset("-multi")): calibdir = get_cmdline_arg("-calib") for infile in get_clean_cmdline()[1:]: output_filename = infile[0:-5]+".photcalib.dat" if (os.path.isfile(output_filename)): continue photcalib(infile, output_filename, calibdir) elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-new")): fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] hdulist = catalogfile = fitsfile+"" source_cat = numpy.loadtxt(catalogfile) filtername = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] print catalogfile,"-->",source_cat.shape output_filename = get_clean_cmdline()[2] from podi_collectcells import read_options_from_commandline options = read_options_from_commandline(None) photcalib(source_cat, output_filename, filtername, exptime=100, diagplots=True, calib_directory=None, overwrite_cat="stdstars", otalist=hdulist, options=options) sys.exit(0) elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-querysdss")): ra_min = float(get_clean_cmdline()[1]) ra_max = float(get_clean_cmdline()[2]) dec_min = float(get_clean_cmdline()[3]) dec_max = float(get_clean_cmdline()[4]) ra_range = [ra_min, ra_max] dec_range = [dec_min, dec_max] catalog = query_sdss_catalog(ra_range, dec_range, "r", verbose=False) if (not catalog == None): #print catalog.shape pass else: print "there was a problem..." if (cmdline_arg_isset("-print")): numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, catalog) else: print "Found",catalog.shape[0],"results" #print catalog elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-swarp")): print "Starting phot-calib..." inputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] raw_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[2] import podi_collectcells import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup options = podi_collectcells.read_options_from_commandline() # Run SourceExtractor print "Running source-extractor" sex_config_file = "%s/.config/" % (options['exec_dir']) parameters_file = "%s/.config/wcsfix.sexparam" % (options['exec_dir']) catfile = "" % (inputfile[:-5]) sexcmd = "%s -c %s -PARAMETERS_NAME %s -CATALOG_NAME %s %s %s" % ( sitesetup.sextractor, sex_config_file, parameters_file, catfile, inputfile, sitesetup.sex_redirect) if (os.path.isfile(catfile) and not cmdline_arg_isset("-resex")): print "catalog exists, re-using it" else: if (options['verbose']): print sexcmd os.system(sexcmd) # Load the catalog src_catalog = numpy.loadtxt(catfile) print "Found",src_catalog.shape[0],"stars in frame" # Now eliminate all frames with magnitude 99 good_photometry = src_catalog[:,16] < 0 src_catalog = src_catalog[good_photometry] print src_catalog.shape[0],"stars with good photometry" hdulist = filter_name = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] exptime = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] pc = photcalib(src_catalog, inputfile, filtername=filter_name, exptime=exptime, diagplots=True, plottitle="swarped frame", otalist=None, options=options, verbose=True, eliminate_flags=True) zeropoint_median, zeropoint_std, odi_sdss_matched, zeropoint_exptime = pc print zeropoint_median print zeropoint_std elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-aucap")): import podi_collectcells import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup options = podi_collectcells.read_options_from_commandline() print "Starting phot-calib..." for inputfile in get_clean_cmdline()[1:]: print "Working on",inputfile if (inputfile[-3:] == ".fz"): if (os.path.isfile(inputfile[-3:])): print "given fz-compressed file, but uncompressed file also exists..." inputfile = inputfile[:-3] else: print "found fz-compressed file, unpacking..." os.system("funpack -v "+inputfile) inputfile = inputfile[:-3] print "continuing work on",inputfile if (not os.path.isfile(inputfile)): print "file not found, something must have gone wrong with funpack" continue # Run SourceExtractor print "Running source-extractor" sex_config_file = "%s/.config/" % (options['exec_dir']) parameters_file = "%s/.config/wcsfix.sexparam" % (options['exec_dir']) catfile = "" % (inputfile[:-5]) sexcmd = "%s -c %s -PARAMETERS_NAME %s -CATALOG_NAME %s %s %s" % ( sitesetup.sextractor, sex_config_file, parameters_file, catfile, inputfile, sitesetup.sex_redirect) print sexcmd if (os.path.isfile(catfile) and not cmdline_arg_isset("-resex")): print "catalog exists, re-using it" if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-replot")): continue else: if (options['verbose']): print sexcmd os.system(sexcmd) hdulist = filter_name = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] exptime = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] plottitle = "%s\nMAGZERO=%.3f/%.3f MAGZSIG=%.3f MAGZERR=%.3f" % (inputfile, hdulist[0].header['MAGZERO'], hdulist[0].header['MAGZERO']-2.5*math.log10(exptime), hdulist[0].header['MAGZSIG'], hdulist[0].header['MAGZERR']) hdulist.close() # Load the catalog src_catalog = numpy.loadtxt(catfile) print "Found",src_catalog.shape[0],"stars in frame" # Now eliminate all frames with magnitude 99 good_photometry = src_catalog[:,16] < 0 src_catalog = src_catalog[good_photometry] print src_catalog.shape[0],"stars with good photometry" outputfile = inputfile #[:-5]+".photcalib" pc = photcalib(src_catalog, output_filename=outputfile, filtername=filter_name, exptime=exptime, diagplots=True, plottitle=plottitle, otalist=None, options=options, verbose=False, eliminate_flags=True) zeropoint_median, zeropoint_std, odi_sdss_matched, zeropoint_exptime = pc print zeropoint_median print zeropoint_std else: fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] output_filename = get_clean_cmdline()[2] calibdir = get_clean_cmdline()[3] photcalib(fitsfile, output_filename, calibdir)