Source code for podi_persistency

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

This module handles all functionality related to saturation and persistency
effects. Most functions are called during reduction from within collectcells.

Standalone functions and command-line flags
* **-makecat**

  ``podi_persistency -makecat (-persistency=dir/) file1.fits file2.fits``

  Create saturation catalogs for a number of files and write results to the
  directory given with the -persistency flag.

* **-masksattrails**

  ``podi_persistency -masksattrails input.fits catalog.fits output.fits``

  Apply the persistency masking to the specified input file, using the
  saturation table from file catalog.fits and write the resulting file into
  output.fits. This assumes that the input.fits file is a valid file created
  with collectcells.

* **-findclosemjds**

  ``podi_persistency -findclosemjds (-persistency=/dir) input.fits``

  Test-routine to find saturation catalogs within a fixed range of 
  [-1,600] seconds around the MJD of the specified input frame.

* **-fixpersistency**

  ``podi_persistency -fixpersistency (-persistency=/dir) input.fits output.fits``

  Similar to the -masksettrails functionality, but using all files within a
  fixed MJD range ([-1,1800] seconds) around the MJD of the input frame. Results
  are written to output.fits. As above it is assumed that input.fits is a valid
  frame created with collectcells.



import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import pywcs
from astLib import astWCS
import jdcal

import time
import multiprocessing
import Queue

from podi_definitions import *
import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup

    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle

# if (sitesetup.number_cpus == "auto"):
#     try:
#         number_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
#         print "Yippie, found %d CPUs to use in parallel!" % (number_cpus)
#         if (number_cpus > sitesetup.max_cpu_count and sitesetup.max_cpu_count > 1):
#             number_cpus = sitesetup.max_cpu_count
#             print "... but using only %d of them!" % (number_cpus)
#     except:
#         pass
# else:
#     number_cpus = sitesetup.number_cpus

[docs]def mp_create_saturation_catalog(queue_in, queue_ret, verbose=False): """ This is a small helper routine for the process of creating the saturation catalogs. It reads filenames from job queue, creates the arrays of pixel coordinates, and posts the results to a return queue. Actually creating the fits tables is then handled by the main process. Parameters ---------- queue_in : Queue Holds all the input files queue_ret : Queue Queue to report results back to main process """ while (True): filename = queue_in.get() if (filename == None): queue_in.task_done() return cat_name = create_saturation_catalog_ota(filename, None, verbose=verbose, return_numpy_catalog=True) queue_ret.put( cat_name ) queue_in.task_done() return
[docs]def create_saturation_catalog(filename, output_dir, verbose=True, mp=False, redo=False): """ Create catalogs listing all saturated pixels to enable handling saturation and persistency effects later-on. The main purpose of this file is to call create_saturation_catalog_ota, possibly wrapped for with mp_create_saturation_table for parallel processing. Parameters ---------- filename : string One file of the exposure. This file is mainly used to obtain the necessary information to create all the other filenames for this exposure. output_dir : string Directory to hold all the saturation catalogs. This is the directory that will be fed into collectcells via the -persistency command line flag. mp : bool - not used redo : bool Recreate the saturation catalog if it already exists Returns ------- """ stdout_write(filename) if (os.path.isfile(filename)): # This is one of the OTA fits files # extract the necessary information to generate the # names of all the other filenames try: hdulist = except: stdout_write("\rProblem opening file %s...\n" % (filename)) return basename = hdulist[0].header['FILENAME'][:18] hdulist.close() # Split the input filename to extract the directory part directory, dummy = os.path.split(filename) elif (os.path.isdir(filename)): # As a safety precaution, if the first parameter is the directory containing # the files, extract just the ID string to be used for this script if (filename[-1] == "/"): filename = filename[:-1] basedir, basename = os.path.split(filename) directory = filename output_filename = "%s/%s.saturated.fits" % (output_dir, basename) stdout_write(" --> %s ...\n" % (output_filename)) if (os.path.isfile(output_filename) and not redo): print "File exists, skipping!" return # Setup parallel processing queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() return_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() #return_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() number_jobs_queued = 0 first_fits_file = None ota_list = [] for (ota_x, ota_y) in available_ota_coords: ota = ota_x * 10 + ota_y filename = "%s/%s.%02d.fits" % (directory, basename, ota) if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): filename = "%s/%s.%02d.fits.fz" % (directory, basename, ota) if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): continue queue.put( (filename) ) number_jobs_queued += 1 # Remember the very first fits file we find. This will serve as the primary HDU if (first_fits_file == None): first_fits_file = filename # Now start all the workers processes = [] for i in range(number_cpus): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=mp_create_saturation_catalog, args=(queue, return_queue, False)) p.start() processes.append(p) time.sleep(0.01) # Tell all workers to shut down when no more data is left to work on for i in range(len(processes)): if (verbose): stdout_write("Sending quit command!\n") queue.put( (None) ) # Create a primary HDU from the first found fits-file firsthdu = ota_list.append(pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=firsthdu[0].header)) firsthdu.close() firsthdu = None for i in range(number_jobs_queued): if (verbose): print "reading return ",i cat_name = return_queue.get() if (cat_name != None): final_cat, extension_name = cat_name columns = [\ pyfits.Column(name='CELL_X', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 0]), pyfits.Column(name='CELL_Y', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 1]), pyfits.Column(name='X', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 2]), pyfits.Column(name='Y', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 3]) ] # Create the table extension coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU') tbhdu.update_ext_name(extension_name, comment="catalog of saturated pixels") ota_list.append(tbhdu) return_queue.task_done() hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(ota_list) output_filename = "%s/%s.saturated.fits" % (output_dir, basename) clobberfile(output_filename) hdulist.writeto(output_filename, clobber=True) return
[docs]def create_saturation_catalog_ota(filename, output_dir, verbose=True, return_numpy_catalog=False): """ Create a saturation table for a given OTA exposure. Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename of the OTA FITS file. output_dir : string If return_numpy_catalog is not set, write the saturation catalog into this directory. return_numpy_catalog : bool If set, return the results as numpy array instead of writing individual files to disk. Returns ------- None - if no saturated pixels are found in this frame ndarray, extname - if return_numpy_catalog is set Nothing - if return_numpy_array is not set """ # Open filename if (verbose): stdout_write("Creating catalog of saturated pixels\n") stdout_write("Input filename: %s\n" % (filename)) try: hdulist = except: # Something bad happened return None mjd = hdulist[0].header['MJD-OBS'] obsid = hdulist[0].header['OBSID'] ota = int(hdulist[0].header['FPPOS'][2:4]) datatype = hdulist[0].header['FILENAME'][0] full_coords = numpy.zeros(shape=(0,4)) #, dtype=numpy.int16) saturated_pixels_total = 0 for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): if (type(hdulist[ext]) != pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU): continue # Find all saturated pixels (values >= 65K) data = hdulist[ext].data saturated = (data >= 65535) # Skip this cell if no pixels are saturated number_saturated_pixels = numpy.sum(saturated) if (number_saturated_pixels <= 0): continue saturated_pixels_total += number_saturated_pixels wn_cellx = hdulist[ext].header['WN_CELLX'] wn_celly = hdulist[ext].header['WN_CELLY'] if (verbose): print "number of saturated pixels in cell %d,%d: %d" % (wn_cellx, wn_celly, number_saturated_pixels) # Do some book-keeping preparing for the masking rows, cols = numpy.indices(data.shape) saturated_rows = rows[saturated] saturated_cols = cols[saturated] #print saturated_rows.shape, saturated_cols.shape coordinates = numpy.zeros(shape=(number_saturated_pixels,4)) coordinates[:,0] = wn_cellx coordinates[:,1] = wn_celly coordinates[:,2] = saturated_cols[:] coordinates[:,3] = saturated_rows[:] full_coords = numpy.append(full_coords, coordinates, axis=0) #coordinates if full_coords == None else final_cat = numpy.array(full_coords, dtype=numpy.dtype('int16')) if (saturated_pixels_total <= 0): return None # Now define the columns for the table columns = [\ pyfits.Column(name='CELL_X', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 0]), pyfits.Column(name='CELL_Y', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 1]), pyfits.Column(name='X', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 2]), pyfits.Column(name='Y', format='I', array=final_cat[:, 3]) ] # Create the table extension coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU') extension_name = "OTA%02d.SATPIX" % (ota) tbhdu.update_ext_name(extension_name, comment="catalog of saturated pixels") if (return_numpy_catalog): return final_cat, extension_name # Also copy the primary header into the new catalog primhdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header) # Create a HDUList for output out_hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([primhdu, tbhdu]) # And create the output file output_filename = "%s/%s%s.%02d.saturated.fits" % (output_dir, datatype, obsid, ota) stdout_write("Writing output: %s\n" % (output_filename)) clobberfile(output_filename) out_hdulist.writeto(output_filename, clobber=True) if (verbose): print "some of the saturated pixels:\n",final_cat[0:10,:] #numpy.savetxt("test", final_cat) #print full_coords.shape return final_cat
[docs]def mask_saturation_defects(catfilename, ota, data): """ Create a map, for the specified OTA, where are pixels affected by trailing are flagged. These pixels are then set to NaN to hopefully be removed during stacking. Parameters ---------- catfilename : string name of the saturation catalog file ota : int OTA ID of this OTA data block data : ndarray Input ndarray holding the data for this OTA Returns ------- ndarray with all pixels affected by saturation masked out. Warning ------- This function does not yet handle binned data! """ # Open the catalog file catlist = extension_name = "OTA%02d.SATPIX" % (ota) #print catfilename, ota, data.shape try: ota_cat = catlist[extension_name].data except: #print "couldn't find catalog",extension_name return data # Now we have a valid catalog extension # First of all, create a frame for the mask mask = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) cell_x = ota_cat.field('CELL_X') cell_y = ota_cat.field('CELL_Y') pixel_x = ota_cat.field('X') pixel_y = ota_cat.field('Y') # Combine the cell x/y coordinates cell_xy = cell_x * 10 + cell_y unique_cells = set(cell_xy) for cell in unique_cells: #print ota, cell in_this_cell = (cell_xy == cell) saturated_cols = pixel_x[in_this_cell] saturated_rows = pixel_y[in_this_cell] unique_cols = set(saturated_cols) # extract the mask block for the current cell cx, cy = int(math.floor(cell/10)), cell % 10 #print cx, cy bx, tx, by, ty = cell2ota__get_target_region(cx,cy) #print bx, tx, by, ty cell_mask = mask[by:ty, bx:tx] row_ids, col_ids = numpy.indices((cell_mask.shape[0],1)) for col in unique_cols: if (col >= cell_mask.shape[1]): continue this_col_saturated = saturated_rows[saturated_cols == col] ##print "working on col",col #saturated[col,:] #this_col_saturated = row_ids[saturated[:,col]] ##print "saturated in this col",this_col_saturated min_y = numpy.min(this_col_saturated) max_y = numpy.max(this_col_saturated) cell_mask[min_y:, col] = 1 # Re-insert the cell mask into the larger mask mask[by:ty, bx:tx] = cell_mask # Now we have the full mask, mark all pixels as invalid #print mask[0:10,0:10] data[mask == 1] = numpy.NaN return data
[docs]def load_saturation_table_list(indexfile, mjd_catalog_list): """ Reads the simple index file with the list of available saturation tables and their MJDs. This speed up processing. """ # Make sure the file exists if (not os.path.isfile(indexfile)): return mjd_catalog_list # Open the file, read its content, and add to the existing filelist pickled_file = indexfile+".pickle" mdj_catalog_list = None if (os.path.isfile(pickled_file)): try: pickle_dict = open(pickled_file, "rb") #print "Reading pickled file..." mjd_catalog_list = pickle.load(pickle_dict) close(pickle_dict) except: pass if (mjd_catalog_list == None): # This means we couldn't find or read the pickled catalog # in that case, read the regular ascii index file with open(indexfile, "r") as fh: lines = fh.readlines() for line in lines: items = line.strip().split("-->") try: abs_filename = items[0].strip() mjd = float(items[1].strip()) #print items,"-->", abs_filename, mjd # only add the file to the catalog if it exists if (os.path.isfile(abs_filename)): mjd_catalog_list[abs_filename] = mjd except: print "@@@@@ ERROR in podi_persistency:" print "@@@@@ Problem reading line:" print "@@@@@",line #print "read from file:\n",mjd_catalog_list,"\n\n" return mjd_catalog_list
[docs]def save_saturation_table_list(filename, mjd_catalog_list): """ Write the catalog back to an index file so we can access it again in the future without having to re-read the MJDs from each file. """ # Create the index filename if the input is only a directory if (os.path.isdir(filename)): filename = "%s/" % (filename) with open(filename, "w") as fh: for catfile, mjd in mjd_catalog_list.iteritems(): print >>fh, '%s --> %.12f' % (catfile, mjd) fh.close() pickled_cat = filename+".pickle" with open(pickled_cat, "wb") as pf: pickle.dump(mjd_catalog_list, pf) pf.close() return
[docs]def get_list_of_saturation_tables(directory, mjd_catalog_list=None): """ Search the specified directory and create an inventory of available saturation maps. For each file we store the filename and the MJD-OBS header value that we will later use to specify the amount of correct required. """ # Get a list of all files in the specified directory filelist = os.listdir(directory) if (mjd_catalog_list == None): mjd_catalog_list = {} indexfile = "%s/" % (directory) mjd_catalog_list = load_saturation_table_list(indexfile, mjd_catalog_list) for filename in filelist: # The file should contain the name "saturated.fits" if (filename.find("saturated.fits") < 0): # this does not look like a valid file continue full_filename = "%s/%s" % (directory, filename) abs_filename = os.path.abspath(full_filename) if (not abs_filename in mjd_catalog_list): hdulist = mjd = hdulist[0].header['MJD-OBS'] # print "Adding file",abs_filename,":",mjd mjd_catalog_list[abs_filename] = mjd hdulist.close() # At the end of the run, dump the list of files into the directory save_saturation_table_list(indexfile, mjd_catalog_list) return mjd_catalog_list
[docs]def select_from_saturation_tables(mjd_catalog_list, search_mjd, delta_mjd_range=[0,600]): """ This routine filters the list of saturation maps to select only files within the specified delta_mjd window. Intervals are given in second, and both the upper and lower limit are considered to be within the window. Parameters ---------- mjd_catalog_list : dictionary List of all known saturation tables and their respective MJD (modified julian date) times. search_mjd : float MJD of the frame currently being processes delta_mjd_range : float[2] Search range of MJDs. If a saturation catalog is within the search range, its filename is returned for further processing. If delta_mjd_range is ``None``, only the saturation catalog with an MJD identical to search_mjd is returned. Returns ------- close_mjd_files : dictionary Dictionary containing the filenames of all saturation catalogs with MJD in the search range and their respective MJD times. """ close_mjd_files = {} for full_filename, mjd in mjd_catalog_list.iteritems(): #mjd = mjd_catalog_list[full_filename] delta_mjd = (search_mjd - mjd) * 86400. if (delta_mjd_range == None): if (delta_mjd > -1 and delta_mjd < 1): return full_filename else: if (delta_mjd >= delta_mjd_range[0] and delta_mjd <= delta_mjd_range[1]): close_mjd_files[full_filename] = mjd #close_mjd_files.append( (mjd, full_filename) ) if (delta_mjd_range == None): return None return close_mjd_files
[docs]def correct_persistency_effects(ota, data, mjd, filelist): """ Create a map, for the specified OTA, where are pixels affected by persistency are flagged with the MJD of their last saturation. From this we can then derive the required correction. The detailed prescription for the amplitude of the correction is still unknown, so for the time being all persistent pixels are simply masked out (set to NaN). At the present, this function is more complicated than it would need to be, but it is prepared for future improvements that correct and not just mask out the persistency effect. Parameters ---------- ota : int Which OTA does the data belong to data : ndarray ndarray with the data for this OTA mjd : float MJD of this exposure, so we can correct the effect based on the time- difference between this exposure and the time of last saturation. filelist : dictionary dictionary of all saturation catalogs and their respective MJDs. Returns ------- corrected data : ndarray Returns the data with affected pixels being masked out (set to NaNs) Warning ------- This routine likely does not handle binning correctly. """ # First of all, create a frame for the mask mask = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) # extract all mjds mjds = [] catalog = [] for catfilename, cat_mjd in filelist.iteritems(): #print mjd, catfilename mjds.append(mjd) catalog.append( (cat_mjd, catfilename) ) # Now sort the list of MJD's from smallest (earliest) to largest (latest) mjd_sorting = numpy.argsort(numpy.array(mjds)) # And create a new filelist with MJDs sorted mjd_sorted_filelist = [] for i in range(len(mjds)-1, -1, -1): mjd_sorted_filelist.append(catalog[mjd_sorting[i]]) #print filelist[mjd_sorting[i]][0] #print "\n" #return for cat_mjd, catfilename in mjd_sorted_filelist: # Open the catalog file catlist = extension_name = "OTA%02d.SATPIX" % (ota) d_mjd = mjd - cat_mjd #print ota, catfilename, d_mjd, d_mjd*86400 try: ota_cat = catlist[extension_name].data except: #print "couldn't find catalog",extension_name continue # Now we have a valid catalog extension cell_x = ota_cat.field('CELL_X') cell_y = ota_cat.field('CELL_Y') pixel_x = ota_cat.field('X') pixel_y = ota_cat.field('Y') # Combine the cell x/y coordinates cell_xy = cell_x * 10 + cell_y unique_cells = set(cell_xy) for cell in unique_cells: #print ota, cell in_this_cell = (cell_xy == cell) saturated_cols = pixel_x[in_this_cell] saturated_rows = pixel_y[in_this_cell] unique_cols = set(saturated_cols) # extract the mask block for the current cell cx, cy = int(math.floor(cell/10)), cell % 10 #print cx, cy bx, tx, by, ty = cell2ota__get_target_region(cx,cy) #print bx, tx, by, ty cell_mask = mask[by:ty, bx:tx] row_ids, col_ids = numpy.indices((cell_mask.shape[0],1)) for col in unique_cols: if (col >= cell_mask.shape[1]): continue this_col_saturated = saturated_rows[saturated_cols == col] max_y = numpy.max(this_col_saturated) cell_mask[:max_y, col] = cat_mjd # Re-insert the cell mask into the larger mask mask[by:ty, bx:tx] = cell_mask # Now we have the full mask, mark all pixels as invalid correction = mask > 0 data[correction] = numpy.NaN return data
[docs]def map_persistency_effects(hdulist, verbose=False): """ outdated - do not use """ mask_thisframe_list = {} mask_timeseries_list = {} if (verbose): stdout_write("Creating persistency masks ...") saturated_pixels_total = 0 extensions_with_saturated_pixels = 0 pixels_masked_out_thisframe = 0 pixels_masked_out_timeseries = 0 # # Check all cells in this file (for on OTA) # for ext in range(len(hdulist)): # Skip extensions that are no Image HDUs if (str(type(hdulist[ext])) != "<class 'pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU'>"): continue extname = hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'] if (verbose): stdout_write("Working on extension %s (%d)\n" % (extname, ext)) # Find all saturated pixels (values >= 65K) data = hdulist[ext].data saturated = (data >= 65535) # Skip this cell if no pixels are saturated number_saturated_pixels = numpy.sum(saturated) if (number_saturated_pixels <= 0): continue if (verbose): print "number of saturated pixels:", number_saturated_pixels saturated_pixels_total += number_saturated_pixels extensions_with_saturated_pixels += 1 # Do some book-keeping preparing for the masking rows, cols = numpy.indices(data.shape) mask_thisframe = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) mask_thisframe = mask_thisframe > 1 mask_time = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) mask_time = mask_time > 1 #mask_time.fill(False) saturated_rows = rows[saturated] saturated_cols = cols[saturated] unique_cols = set(saturated_cols) # # Now convert the list of saturated pixels into a map # # Old, slow method if (False): for i in range(saturated_rows.shape[0]): mask_up = (cols == saturated_cols[i]) & (rows >= saturated_rows[i]) mask_down = (cols == saturated_cols[i]) & (rows <= saturated_rows[i]) #print "this:",mask_up.shape, mask_down.shape mask_thisframe = (mask_thisframe) | (mask_up) mask_time = (mask_time) | (mask_down) # New, optimized and way faster method row_ids, col_ids = numpy.indices((data.shape[0],1)) for col in unique_cols: #print "working on col",col #saturated[col,:] this_col_saturated = row_ids[saturated[:,col]] #print "saturated in this col",this_col_saturated min_y = numpy.min(this_col_saturated) max_y = numpy.max(this_col_saturated) mask_thisframe[min_y:, col] = True mask_time[:max_y, col] = True mask_thisframe_list[extname] = mask_thisframe mask_timeseries_list[extname] = mask_time pixels_masked_out_thisframe += numpy.sum(mask_thisframe) pixels_masked_out_timeseries += numpy.sum(mask_time) #data[mask_thisframe] = 100 #data[mask_time] = mjd #data[saturated] = 0 if (verbose): stdout_write("\n masked %d/%d pixels caused by %d saturated pixels in %d extensions\n" % ( pixels_masked_out_thisframe, pixels_masked_out_timeseries, saturated_pixels_total, extensions_with_saturated_pixels)) # return two maps: # mask_thisframe: Masks where all saturated pixels and # columns above the saturated pixels are masked # mask_timeseries: Mask with all persistent pixels (saturated pixels # and the rows below) are masked return mask_thisframe_list, mask_timeseries_list
[docs]def mjd_to_time(mjd): year, month, day, time = jdcal.jd2gcal(2400000.5, mjd) hour = int(math.floor(time * 24.)) x = time*24 - hour minute = int(math.floor(x * 60)) x = x * 60 - minute second = x * 60 return year, month, day, hour, minute, second
[docs]def get_timestamp_from_mjd(mjd): year, month, day, hour, minute, second = mjd_to_time(mjd) return "%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, int(math.floor(second)))
[docs]def get_mjd_from_timestamp(timestamp): year, month, day = int(timestamp[0:4]), int(timestamp[4:6]), int(timestamp[6:8]) hour, minute, second = int(timestamp[9:11]), int(timestamp[11:13]), int(timestamp[13:15]) off, mjd1 = jdcal.gcal2jd(year, month, day) mjd2 = hour/24. + minute/1440. + second/86400. return mjd1 + mjd2
mjd_seconds = 1. / 86400.
[docs]def find_latest_persistency_map(directory, mjd, verbose=False): # Get a list of all files in the specified directory filelist = os.listdir(directory) min_delta_mjd = 1e9 latest_map = None # # Now go over the files and find matching ones, and amonsgst the matching # ones the one file with the closest time stamp # filename structure is: persistency_map_20121220T162345.fits # | | # the usual timestamp # for file in filelist: #print file[:16] if (file[:16] != "persistency_map_" or file[31:] != ".fits"): continue # Extract timestamp and convert to MJD. timestamp = file[16:31] file_mjd = get_mjd_from_timestamp(timestamp) if (verbose): print file, file_mjd, mjd, "smaller:",(file_mjd<mjd) if (file_mjd >= mjd): # That's weird, this file shouldn't exist, but maybe it's just a # re-run of the pipeline. Let's ignore it continue # Check if this is a closer match than the one we had before # Set 5 seconds as a minimum time requirement to prevent us from potentially # finding the persistency map of this file from an earlier run. d_mjd = mjd - file_mjd if (d_mjd < min_delta_mjd and d_mjd > 5*mjd_seconds): latest_map = file min_delta_mjd = d_mjd if (verbose): print "Found better match: %s (MJD=%.6f, or %d secs)" % ( latest_map, file_mjd, min_delta_mjd*86400) if (latest_map == None): return None # Create full filename and return fullpath = "%s/%s" % (directory, latest_map) print "Using",fullpath,"as persistency map" return fullpath
[docs]def persistency_map_filename(directory, mjd): # First convert MJD to timestamp timestamp = get_timestamp_from_mjd(mjd) # And then create and return filename filename = "%s/persistency_map_%s.fits" % (directory, timestamp) return filename # # This routine converts the masks into the persistency map that will # a) be stored on disk to keep track of the persistency and b) be used # to compute the correction for the science frame #
[docs]def add_mask_to_map(mask, mjd, map_in): # Make a copy of the input frame map_out = map_in.copy() # Compute the width and height of one cell dx, dy = map_in.shape[1]/8, map_in.shape[0]/8 this_map = numpy.zeros(map_in.shape) #print mask #print map_in.shape for cell in mask: # print "in add_mask_to_map",cell, mask[cell].shape x,y = int(cell[2]), int(cell[3]) # Compute the bottom left and top right pixel coordinates of this cell in the existing map bx, tx, by, ty = cell2ota__get_target_region(x, y) # In this small cell region, apply mask and update the MJD with the given timestamp mask_datasec = cell2ota__extract_data_from_cell(mask[cell]) map_out[by:ty,bx:tx][mask_datasec] = mjd return map_out # # Mask out all saturated or saturation-effected pixels in the current # frame (i.e. the one where pixels are saturated) #
[docs]def apply_mask_to_data(mask, data): out = data out[mask] = numpy.NaN return out # # Compute the actual persistency correction from the persistency map. #
[docs]def get_correction(persistency_map, cell_position, mjd): # Compute how big each subframe is dx, dy = persistency_map.shape[1]/8, persistency_map.shape[0]/8 cell_x, cell_y = cell_position # From this and the cell-coordinates, determine the # bottom left and top right pixel coordinates bx, tx, by, ty = cell2ota__get_target_region(cell_x, cell_y) # Now extract frame and compute time-difference # between then and now, and convert delta_MJDs into seconds d_mjd = (persistency_map[by:ty,bx:tx] - mjd) * 86400. # Add some clever function here... # Only use correction if they are within 10 minutes of the frame invalid_range_dmjd = (d_mjd < -600) | (d_mjd >= 0) correction = 20. * numpy.exp(d_mjd / 125.) correction[invalid_range_dmjd] = 0 return correction
[docs]def subtract_persistency(persistency_map, image_hdu): return
[docs]def create_new_persistency_map(shape=None, write_fits=None): if (shape == None): sx, sy = 480, 494 px, py = 4096, 4096 else: sy, sx = shape px, py = 8*sx, 8*sy # Create a primary header. # This only contains the MJD of this exposure primary_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() primary_hdu.header["MJD"] = (0.0, "MJD of exposure") primary_hdu.header["CELL_X"] = (sx, "x-width of each cell") primary_hdu.header["CELL_Y"] = (sy, "y-width of each cell") # Add primary header to HDU list hdulist = [primary_hdu] # Define some sizes to be used for displaying the frame as "Mosaic IRAF" in ds9 iraf_gap = 100 iraf_size_x, iraf_size_y = px+iraf_gap, py+iraf_gap stdout_write("Creating mask for OTA") for ota_x,ota_y in available_ota_coords: ota = ota_x * 10 + ota_y stdout_write(" %02d" % (ota)) # Create new array with the full dimensions of the 8x8 cell array, # with overscan still attached data = numpy.zeros(shape=(py,px), dtype=numpy.float32) # Create extension name ext_name = "OTA%02d.PERS" % (ota) # Create the ImageHDU imghdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(data=data) imghdu.update_ext_name(ext_name) # Add some additional info so we can display it in ds9: detsec = '[%d:%d,%d:%d]' % (ota_x*iraf_size_x, ota_x*iraf_size_x+px, ota_y*iraf_size_y, ota_y*iraf_size_y+py) imghdu.header["DETSEC"] = (detsec, "Iraf mosaic area of the detector") detsize = '[1:%d,1:%d]' % (px, py) imghdu.header["DETSIZE"] = (detsize, "Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic") # Add this OTA to the list of all OTAs in this map hdulist.append(imghdu) stdout_write(" done!\n") if (write_fits != None): stdout_write("Writing persistency map (%s) ..." % write_fits) fits_hdu = pyfits.HDUList(hdulist) clobberfile(write_fits) fits_hdu.writeto(write_fits, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n") return else: stdout_write("Handing on results ...\n") return fits_hdu
if __name__ == "__main__": if (cmdline_arg_isset('-newmap')): pers_dir = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-persistency", "./") outputfile = "%s/persistency_map_00000000T000000.fits" % (pers_dir) # If this flag is set, simply create a new persistency map create_new_persistency_map(None, write_fits=outputfile) # Quit the program right here sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset('-findmap')): directory = get_clean_cmdline()[1] mjd = float(get_clean_cmdline()[2]) find_latest_persistency_map(directory, mjd, verbose=True) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset('-makecat')): output_dir = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-persistency', '.') verbose = cmdline_arg_isset("-verbose") for filename in get_clean_cmdline()[1:]: create_saturation_catalog(filename, output_dir=output_dir, verbose=verbose) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset('-masksattrails')): input_file = get_clean_cmdline()[1] catalog_file = get_clean_cmdline()[2] output_file = get_clean_cmdline()[3] inputhdu = for i in range(1, len(inputhdu)): if (not type(inputhdu[i]) == pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU): continue ota = int(inputhdu[i].header['EXTNAME'][3:5]) print ota inputhdu[i].data = mask_saturation_defects(catalog_file, ota, inputhdu[i].data) inputhdu.writeto(output_file, clobber=True) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-findclosemjds")): input_file = get_clean_cmdline()[1] catalog_dir = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-persistency', '.') inputhdu = mjd = inputhdu[0].header['MJD-OBS'] print input_file,":",mjd full_filelist = get_list_of_saturation_tables(catalog_dir) filelist = select_from_saturation_tables(full_filelist, mjd, [-1,600]) print "found closest:\n",filelist sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-fixpersistency")): input_file = get_clean_cmdline()[1] output_file = get_clean_cmdline()[2] catalog_dir = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-persistency', '.') inputhdu = mjd = inputhdu[0].header['MJD-OBS'] print input_file,":",mjd full_filelist = get_list_of_saturation_tables(catalog_dir) filelist = select_from_saturation_tables(full_filelist, mjd, [1,1800]) exact_filename = select_from_saturation_tables(full_filelist, mjd, None) print "previous files:",filelist print "this file:",exact_filename #inputhdu = for i in range(1, len(inputhdu)): if (not type(inputhdu[i]) == pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU): continue ota = int(inputhdu[i].header['EXTNAME'][3:5]) print "working on ota",ota #exact_filename = exact_filelist.keys()[0] #inputhdu[i].data = mask_saturation_defects(exact_file[0][1], ota, inputhdu[i].data) inputhdu[i].data = mask_saturation_defects(exact_filename, ota, inputhdu[i].data) inputhdu[i].data = correct_persistency_effects(ota, inputhdu[i].data, mjd, filelist) print "Writing ", output_file inputhdu.writeto(output_file, clobber=True) sys.exit(0) inputfile = sys.argv[1] hdulist = persistency_map_in = sys.argv[2] outputfile = sys.argv[3] persistency_map_out = sys.argv[4] hdulist = mjd = hdulist[0].header['MJD-OBS'] mask_thisframe, mask_timeseries = map_persistency_effects(hdulist, verbose=True) persistency_hdu = map_in = persistency_hdu[1].data map_out = add_mask_to_map(mask_timeseries, mjd, map_in) persistency_hdu[1].data = map_out persistency_hdu.writeto(persistency_map_out, clobber=True) for ext in range(0, len(hdulist)): if (str(type(hdulist[ext])) != "<class 'pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU'>"): continue extname = hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'] if (extname in mask_thisframe): hdulist[ext].data[mask_thisframe[extname]] = 100 # data[mask_time] = mjd # data[saturated] = 0 #hdulist.writeto("persistency.fits", clobber=True)