Source code for podi_nonlinearity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

"""This module contains all functionality related to creating and applying
non-linearity coefficients from and to data.

Standalone options

**Measure the intensity of each cell in each OTA in a number of 
input files**

  `` file1.fits file2.fits``

**Fit all data and compute non-linearity coefficients**

  `` -fit (-mint=0.0) (-maxt=100.0) (-minf=10.0) \
(-maxf=59000.0) (-order=3) input.datafile output.fits``
  *-mint=X* and *-maxt=X* specify the minimum and maximum exposure times to be
    included in the fit

  *-minf=X* and *-maxf* limit the intensity-range allowed during the fit. This
    is useful to limit problematic andor saturated intensity ranges.

  *-order=X* determines th epolynomial degree to be used in the fit.

**Load the coefficient file and print the coefficients for a given OTA**

  `` -load coefficients.fits OTA-number``

**Apply the correction to a overscan-subtracted raw-frame**

  `` -correctraw input.fits coeffs.fits output.fits``

**Apply the non-linearity correction to a collectcells-reduced frame**

  `` -correct input.fits coeffs.fits output.fits``

**Create a diagnostic plot, showing data, fit, and fit-residuals, for a given 

  `` -plotdatafit data.file ota cellx celly \
coeffs.fits output.png``

**Create a map, showing the relative amplitude of the non-linearity correction
relative to the input intensity, at a given intensity-level.**

  `` -nonlinmap coeffs.fits output.png fluxlevel``


import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import scipy.optimize

from podi_plotting import *

gain_correct_frames = False
from podi_definitions import *

import podi_plotting

colors = ['', '#900000', '#00a000', '#0000a0']

bordersize = 75

[docs]def create_nonlinearity_data(inputfiles): """ Prepare the non-linearity data by measuring the mean/median intensity level in each and all cells in each of the given files. All this data is then returned. During execution, the generated data is also written to disk into a file named "alldata.tmp" """ # Open all files, and loop over all cells in all extensions: all_data = [] for filename in inputfiles: try: hdulist = exptime = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] expmeas = hdulist[0].header['EXPMEAS'] print "Working on",filename, "exptime=",exptime except: print "#####" print "#####" print "Error opening file",filename print "#####" print "#####" continue for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): if (not type(hdulist[ext]) == pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU): continue extname = hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'] data = hdulist[ext].data ota = int(extname[3:5]) otax = int(extname[3]) otay = int(extname[4]) for cellx in range(8): for celly in range(8): cell_area = cell2ota__get_target_region(cellx, celly) x1, x2, y1, y2 = cell_area cell_data = data[y1:y2, x1:x2] cell_center = cell_data[bordersize:-bordersize,bordersize:-bordersize] median_int = numpy.median(cell_center) mean_int = numpy.mean(cell_center) std_int = numpy.std(cell_center) #print exptime, extname, ota, cellx, celly, median_int thiscell = [ota, otax, otay, cellx, celly, exptime, expmeas, median_int, mean_int, std_int] # if (ext == 1 and cellx == 0 and celly == 0): # print thiscell, # else: # stdout_write(".") if (not numpy.isnan(median_int)): stdout_write("\rOTA %02d, cell %d,%d: median=%6.0f, avg=%6.0f, std=%6.0f" % ( ota, cellx, celly, median_int, mean_int, std_int) ) all_data.append(thiscell) hdulist.close() numpy.savetxt("alldata.tmp", all_data) stdout_write("\n\n") return all_data
[docs]def fit_nonlinearity_sequence(pinit, args): """ Perform a polynomial fit to all data of a given cell. Mostly a wrapper around scipy.optimize.leastsq. """ def fit_fct(p, x): y = numpy.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(p.shape[0]): y += p[i] * x**(i+1) return y def err_fct(p,x,y,err, fitrange_x, fitrange_y): yfit = fit_fct(p,x) in_fit_range = numpy.isfinite(x) & numpy.isfinite(y) if (not fitrange_x == None): in_fit_range = in_fit_range & (x >= fitrange_x[0]) & (x <= fitrange_x[1]) if (not fitrange_y == None): in_fit_range = in_fit_range & (y >= fitrange_y[0]) & (y <= fitrange_y[1]) if (err == None): return ((y-yfit))[in_fit_range] return ((y-yfit)/err)[in_fit_range] # (medlevel, exptime, None, intensity_range, exptime_range) = args fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(err_fct, pinit, args=args, full_output=1) pfit = fit[0] uncert = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fit[1])) return pfit, uncert
[docs]def create_nonlinearity_fits(data, outputfits, polyorder=3, exptime_range=[0.1,2.5], intensity_range=[100,59000], verbose=False): """ Fit all non-linearity data for all cells, based on data created earlier. """ if (outputfits == None): print "No output FITS filename given, not doing any work!" return otas = set(data[:,0]) #print otas result_count = 0 result_ota = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape[0]), result_cellx = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape[0]), result_celly = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape[0]), result_coeffs = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape[0],polyorder-1)) result_coeffuncert = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape[0],polyorder-1)) result_lampgain = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape[0])) for ota in otas: for cellx in range(8): for celly in range(8): stdout_write("\rFitting OTA %02d, cell %1d,%1d ..." % (ota, cellx, celly)) this_cell = (data[:,0] == ota) & (data[:,3] == cellx) & (data[:,4] == celly) subset = data[this_cell] #print ota, cellx, celly,":\n",subset not_nans = numpy.isfinite(subset[:,7]) & numpy.isfinite(subset[:,9]) if (numpy.sum(not_nans) <= 0): continue exptime = subset[:,5][not_nans] medlevel = subset[:,7][not_nans] stdlevel = subset[:,9][not_nans] pinit = numpy.zeros(polyorder) # fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(err_fct, pinit, # args=(exptime, medlevel, stdlevel, exptime_ranges), # full_output=1) # fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(err_fct, pinit, # args=(medlevel, exptime, None, intensity_range, exptime_range), # full_output=1) # pfit = fit[0] # uncert = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fit[1])) args = (medlevel, exptime, None, intensity_range, exptime_range) pfit, uncert = fit_nonlinearity_sequence(pinit, args) if (verbose): print ota, cellx, celly, pfit, uncert linear_factor = pfit[0] coefficients_normalized = (pfit / linear_factor)[1:] coefficient_errors_normalized = (uncert / linear_factor)[1:] result_ota[result_count] = ota result_cellx[result_count] = cellx result_celly[result_count] = celly result_coeffs[result_count] = coefficients_normalized result_coeffuncert[result_count] = coefficient_errors_normalized result_lampgain[result_count] = linear_factor result_count += 1 print "completed",result_count,"fits" stdout_write(" done!\n") # Prepare all data to be written to a fits file #print result_coeffs[:10,:] #print result_coeffuncert[:10,:] # Compute a relative gain factor mean_lampgain = numpy.mean(result_lampgain[:result_count]) print "mean lampgain =",mean_lampgain result_relativegain = result_lampgain / mean_lampgain columns = [\ pyfits.Column(name='OTA', format='B', array=result_ota[:result_count], disp='ota'), pyfits.Column(name='CELLX', format='B', array=result_cellx[:result_count], disp='cell-x'), pyfits.Column(name='CELLY', format='B', array=result_celly[:result_count], disp='cell-y'), ] for i in range(polyorder-1): col = pyfits.Column(name="COEFF_X**%d" % (i+2), format='D', array=result_coeffs[:result_count,i], disp="polynomial coeff x^%d" % (i+2) ) columns.append(col) for i in range(polyorder-1): col = pyfits.Column(name="UNCERT_COEFF_X**%d" % (i+2), format='D', array=result_coeffuncert[:result_count,i], disp="uncertainty of polynomial coeff x^%d" % (i+2) ) columns.append(col) col = pyfits.Column(name="RELATIVE_GAIN", format='D', array=result_relativegain[:result_count], disp="relative gain factor, linear slope" ) columns.append(col) coldefs = pyfits.ColDefs(columns) tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(coldefs, tbtype='BinTableHDU') primhdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() primhdu.header["POLYORDR"] = polyorder hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([primhdu, tbhdu]) clobberfile(outputfits) hdulist.writeto(outputfits, clobber=True) return
[docs]def load_nonlinearity_correction_table(filename, search_ota): """ Load the fits table with all non-linearity coefficients and down-select coefficients for the specified OTA. """ # Load the catalog file hdulist = # Determine what the fittting order was polyorder = hdulist[0].header['POLYORDR'] # Create an array holding all coefficients nonlinearity_coeffs = numpy.zeros(shape=(8,8,polyorder-1)) relative_gains = numpy.zeros(shape=(8,8)) # Now load the full catalog and sort the coefficients # into the coefficient matrix ota = hdulist[1].data.field('OTA') cellx = hdulist[1].data.field('CELLX') celly = hdulist[1].data.field('CELLY') all_coeffs = numpy.zeros(shape=(ota.shape[0],polyorder-1)) for order in range(polyorder-1): columnname = "COEFF_X**%d" % (order+2) all_coeffs[:,order] = hdulist[1].data.field(columnname)[:] in_this_ota = ota == search_ota cellx = cellx[in_this_ota] celly = celly[in_this_ota] all_coeffs = all_coeffs[in_this_ota] relative_gains_all = hdulist[1].data.field('RELATIVE_GAIN') relative_gains_ota = relative_gains_all[in_this_ota] for i in range(cellx.shape[0]): nonlinearity_coeffs[cellx[i], celly[i], :] = all_coeffs[i] relative_gains[cellx[i], celly[i]] = relative_gains_ota[i] nonlin_data = {'coeffs': nonlinearity_coeffs, 'rel_gain': relative_gains, } return nonlin_data #nonlinearity_coeffs
[docs]def compute_nonlinearity_correction(data, coeffs): """ Evaluate the polynomial describing the non-linearity correction """ correction = numpy.zeros(data.shape) for i in range(coeffs.shape[0]): correction += coeffs[i] * data**(i+2) return correction #def compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(data, cellx, celly, all_coeffs):
[docs]def compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(data, cellx, celly, nonlin_data): """ Select the non-linearity coefficients for the specified cell and compute the correction. """ coeffs = nonlin_data['coeffs'][cellx, celly, :] return compute_nonlinearity_correction(data, coeffs)
[docs]def apply_gain_correction(data, cellx, celly, nonlin_data): """ Apply the gain correction """ gain = nonlin_data['rel_gain'][cellx,celly] return data * gain
[docs]def create_data_fit_plot(data, fitfile, ota, cellx, celly, outputfile): """ Create a plot, for a given individual cell, showing the non-linearity measurements, polynomial fits for various degrees and the difference between data and fit, """ import podi_plotting this_cell = (data[:,0] == ota) & (data[:,3] == cellx) & (data[:,4] == celly) subset = data[this_cell] # Average together values with identical exposure times exptimes = set(subset[:,5]) exptimes_sorted = numpy.zeros((len(exptimes))) print exptimes i=0 for x in exptimes: exptimes_sorted[i] = x i += 1 exptimes_sorted = numpy.sort(exptimes_sorted) print exptimes_sorted good_data = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(exptimes), subset.shape[1])) for exptime in range(exptimes_sorted.shape[0]): this_exptime = subset[:,5] == exptimes_sorted[exptime] values = subset[this_exptime] good_data[exptime] = numpy.mean(values, axis=0) subset = good_data # Determine the min and max exposure times exptime_min = 0 exptime_max = 1.05 * numpy.max(subset[:,6]) flux_min = 0 flux_max = 70000 medlevel = subset[:,8] exptimes = subset[:,6] #print medlevel fluxscaling = 1000 # Load the fit parameters fittable = load_nonlinearity_correction_table(fitfile, ota) fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() left = 0.1 width = 0.885 ax1 = fig.add_axes([left, 0.26,width,0.68]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([left, 0.08,width,0.18]) ax1.set_xlim([flux_min, flux_max/fluxscaling]) ax2.set_xlim([flux_min, flux_max/fluxscaling]) ax1.set_ylim([exptime_min, exptime_max]) ax1.scatter(medlevel/fluxscaling, exptimes, label="data") fit_x = numpy.linspace(flux_min, flux_max, 1000) delta_fit_y = compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(fit_x, cellx, celly, fittable) fit_y = fit_x + delta_fit_y intensity_range = [0, 63000] exptime_range = [0, 1e9] args = (medlevel, exptimes, None, intensity_range, exptime_range) #print args def evaluate_poly(x, pol): y = numpy.zeros(x.shape) for i in range(pol.shape[0]): y += x**(i+1) * pol[i] return y colors = ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'grey') poly_fits = [None] * 3 #len(colors) # error_range = [-0.4, 0.4] error_range = [-0.25, 0.25] # Draw zero line hline_x = numpy.linspace(0,70,700) hline_y = numpy.zeros_like(hline_x) ax2.plot(hline_x, hline_y, "-", color="#808080") ax1.set_title("OTA %02d, cell %1d,%1d" % (ota, cellx, celly)) for i in range(len(poly_fits)): fit, error = fit_nonlinearity_sequence(numpy.zeros(shape=(i+1)), args) poly_fits[i] = fit label = "fit-order: %d" % (i+1) ax1.plot(fit_x/fluxscaling, evaluate_poly(fit_x, fit), label=label, c=colors[i]) timediff = exptimes - evaluate_poly(medlevel, fit) within_errors = (timediff < error_range[1]) & (timediff > error_range[0]) # ax2.scatter(medlevel[within_errors]/fluxscaling, timediff[within_errors], c=colors[i]) ax2.plot(medlevel[within_errors]/fluxscaling, timediff[within_errors], 'o-', c=colors[i]) above = timediff > error_range[1] if (numpy.sum(above) > 0): med_above = medlevel[above] y_values = numpy.ones(shape=med_above.shape) * error_range[1] ax2.scatter(med_above/fluxscaling, y_values, c=colors[i], marker="^") below = timediff < error_range[0] if (numpy.sum(below) > 0): med_below = medlevel[below] y_values = numpy.ones(shape=med_below.shape) * error_range[0] ax2.scatter(med_below/fluxscaling, y_values, c=colors[i], marker="v") print "Order",i+1,":", fit if (i==2): # ax1.set_label() sign = "+" if fit[1] > 0 else "-" fig.text(0.93, 0.36, '3rd-order polynomial fit:\ny = x %s %.4e*x^2 + %.4e*x^3' % (sign, math.fabs(fit[1]/fit[0]), fit[2]/fit[0]), horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom') # Set maximum exposure time max_exptime_fit = 70000 * poly_fits[0][0] max_exptime_plot = numpy.max([max_exptime_fit, numpy.max(exptimes)]) ax1.set_ylim([exptime_min, max_exptime_plot]) ax1.legend(loc='upper left', borderaxespad=1) ax1.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) #set_visible(False) ax1.set_ylabel("exposure time t_exp (~ true flux)") ax2.set_ylabel("delta t_exp") ax2.set_xlabel("observed flux level (x1000 cts)") # ax2.set_ylim([-0.27,0.27]) ax2.set_ylim([1.1*error_range[0], 1.1*error_range[1]]) fig.savefig(outputfile) return
[docs]def create_nonlinearity_map(fitfile, outputfile, fluxlevel, minmax, labels=True): """ Create a non-linearity map, showing (color-coded) the ratio of non-linearity correction to input data, for each cell across the entire focalplane. """ import podi_plotting # Load the catalog file hdulist = # Determine what the fittting order was polyorder = hdulist[0].header['POLYORDR'] # Create an array holding all coefficients nonlinearity_coeffs = numpy.zeros(shape=(polyorder-1)) # Now load the full catalog and sort the coefficients # into the coefficient matrix ota = hdulist[1].data.field('OTA') cellx = hdulist[1].data.field('CELLX') celly = hdulist[1].data.field('CELLY') #print ota all_coeffs = numpy.zeros(shape=(ota.shape[0],polyorder-1)) for order in range(polyorder-1): columnname = "COEFF_X**%d" % (order+2) all_coeffs[:,order] = hdulist[1].data.field(columnname)[:] cellsize = 0.12 # Now loop over all OTAs and all cells and compute the corners of the cells all_corners = [] all_intensity = [] # fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() left = 0.1 width = 0.885 ax = fig.add_axes([0.00, 0.04, 0.97, 0.91]) data = numpy.array([fluxlevel]) for cell in (range(ota.shape[0])): _ota_x = int(math.floor(ota[cell] / 10)) _ota_y = int(math.fmod(ota[cell], 10)) x1 = _ota_x + cellx[cell] * cellsize y1 = _ota_y + (7-celly[cell]) * cellsize corners = [[x1,y1], [x1+cellsize,y1], [x1+cellsize,y1+cellsize], [x1, y1+cellsize]] all_corners.append(corners) intensity = compute_nonlinearity_correction(data, all_coeffs[cell])[0] / fluxlevel #print ota[cell], _ota_x, _ota_y, cellx[cell], celly[cell], x1, y1, intensity all_intensity.append(intensity) #poly = Polygon(corners,facecolor='blue',edgecolor='none') #plt.gca().add_patch(poly) if (labels): intensity_text = "%.1f" % (math.fabs(intensity)*100) label_x = x1 + 0.5 * cellsize label_y = y1 + 0.5 * cellsize ax.text(label_x, label_y, intensity_text, fontsize=2, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') #print all_corners #print all_intensity #cbar = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar() #cbar.solids.set_edgecolor("face") #cbar.draw() cmap ='spectral') #ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1., 1.]) corners = numpy.array(all_corners) ax.set_xlim([0,8]) ax.set_ylim([0,8]) #converter = matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter #colorvalues = cmap.to_rgb(all_intensity) #colorvalues = cmap(0.1) #colorvalues = [cm.jet(x) for x in np.random.rand(20)] #colorvalues = [ for x in all_intensity] nl_min = numpy.min(all_intensity[numpy.isfinite(all_intensity)]) if minmax[0] == None else float(minmax[0]) nl_max = numpy.max(all_intensity[numpy.isfinite(all_intensity)]) if minmax[1] == None else float(minmax[1]) colorvalues = cmap((numpy.array(all_intensity)-nl_min)/(nl_max-nl_min)) #[ for x in all_intensity] coll = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(corners, #facecolor='#505050', # facecolor=colorvalues, edgecolor='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.1,'spectral'), ) img = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow([[1e9],[1e9]], vmin=nl_min, vmax=nl_max, cmap=cmap, extent=(0,0,0,0), origin='lower') #colorbar = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar(cmap=cmap) fig.colorbar(img, format="%+.3f") #, text="non-linearity") ax.set_title("Non-linearity @ %d counts" % (int(fluxlevel))) ax.set_xlim(-0.1,8.1) ax.set_ylim(-0.1,8.1) ax.add_collection(coll) #colorbar = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar(cmap=cmap) fig.savefig(outputfile) return
[docs]def plot_cellbycell_map(fitfile, outputfile, minmax, labels=True, fontsize=2): import podi_plotting # Load the catalog file hdulist = cellsize = 0.12 all_corners = [] all_intensity = [] # Now loop over all OTAs and all cells and compute the corners of the cells fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): if (not ((type(hdulist[ext]) == pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU) or type(hdulist[ext]) == pyfits.hdu.compressed.CompImageHDU) ): continue for cellx in range(8): for celly in range(8): _ota_x = int(hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'][3]) _ota_y = int(hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'][4]) stdout_write("\rMeasuring OTA %d%d, cell %d,%d..." % (_ota_x, _ota_y, cellx, celly)) x1 = _ota_x + cellx * cellsize y1 = _ota_y + (7-celly) * cellsize corners = [[x1,y1], [x1+cellsize,y1], [x1+cellsize,y1+cellsize], [x1, y1+cellsize]] all_corners.append(corners) cell_area = cell2ota__get_target_region(cellx, celly) cx1, cx2, cy1, cy2 = cell_area cell_data = hdulist[ext].data[cy1:cy2, cx1:cx2] cell_center = cell_data[bordersize:-bordersize,bordersize:-bordersize] intensity = numpy.median(cell_center) all_intensity.append(intensity) if (labels): stdout_write(" %7.3f" % (intensity)) intensity_text = "%.2f" % (intensity) label_x = x1 + 0.5 * cellsize label_y = y1 + 0.5 * cellsize ax.text(label_x, label_y, intensity_text, fontsize=1, horizontalalignment='center', color='white', verticalalignment='center', zorder=99) cmap ='spectral') corners = numpy.array(all_corners) ax.set_xlim([0,8]) ax.set_ylim([0,8]) nl_min = numpy.min(all_intensity[numpy.isfinite(all_intensity)]) if minmax[0] == None else float(minmax[0]) nl_max = numpy.max(all_intensity[numpy.isfinite(all_intensity)]) if minmax[1] == None else float(minmax[1]) colorvalues = cmap((numpy.array(all_intensity)-nl_min)/(nl_max-nl_min)) coll = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(corners, #facecolor='#505050', # facecolor=colorvalues, edgecolor='black', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2,'spectral'), ) img = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow([[1e9],[1e9]], vmin=nl_min, vmax=nl_max, cmap=cmap, extent=(0,0,0,0), origin='lower') fig.colorbar(img) ax.set_title("Cell median intensity level") ax.set_xlim(-0.1,8.1) ax.set_ylim(-0.1,8.1) ax.add_collection(coll) fig.savefig(outputfile) return
[docs]def find_nonlinearity_coefficient_file(target_mjd, options): """ Select the appropriate non-linearity coefficient file based on a history file and a given MJD timestamp. """ # Construct the name of the history file history_filename = "%s/.nonlinearity/nonlinearity.history" % (options['exec_dir']) # Read the file and determine which coefficient file is the best one. history_file = open(history_filename, "r") lines = history_file.readlines() for line in lines: if (line[0] == '#'): continue items = line.split() mjd = float(items[0]) if (target_mjd > mjd): filename = items[1] else: break # Now assemble the entire filename full_filename = "%s/.nonlinearity/%s" % (options['exec_dir'], filename) return os.path.abspath(full_filename)
if __name__ == "__main__": if (cmdline_arg_isset("-fit")): datafile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2] data = numpy.loadtxt(datafile) min_exptime = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-mint", 0.0)) max_exptime = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-maxt", 100.0)) min_level = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-minf", 10.0)) max_level = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-maxf", 59000.0)) polyorder = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-order", 3)) verbose = cmdline_arg_isset("-verbose") stdout_write(""" Creating all fits ----------------------------------------------------- Polynomial order: %d Fit range exposure time [sec] = %.3f - %.3f Fit range intensity [counts] = %d - %d ----------------------------------------------------- """ % (polyorder, min_exptime, max_exptime, min_level, max_level)) create_nonlinearity_fits(data, outputfile, polyorder=polyorder, intensity_range=[min_level,max_level], exptime_range=[min_exptime, max_exptime], verbose=verbose ) stdout_write("\n") sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-load")): fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] ota = int(get_clean_cmdline()[2]) coeffs = load_nonlinearity_correction_table(fitsfile, ota) print coeffs sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-correctraw")): infile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] hdulist = ota = int(hdulist[0].header['FPPOS'][2:4]) catfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2] ota_coeffs = load_nonlinearity_correction_table(catfile, ota) for i in range(1, 65): stdout_write("\rcorrecting cell %d ..." % (i)) data = hdulist[i].data overscan_level = numpy.median(data[:,494:]) data -= overscan_level cellx = hdulist[i].header['WN_CELLX'] celly = hdulist[i].header['WN_CELLY'] correction = compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(data, cellx, celly, ota_coeffs) #data += correction hdulist[i].data = data stdout_write(" writing ...") outfile = get_clean_cmdline()[3] hdulist.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n\n") sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-correct")): infile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] hdulist = catfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2] for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): ota = int(hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'][3:5]) ota_coeffs = load_nonlinearity_correction_table(catfile, ota) data = hdulist[ext].data for cx in range(0,8): for cy in range(0,8): stdout_write("\rcorrecting ota %02d, cell %d,%d ..." % (ota, cx, cy)) x1, x2, y1, y2 = cell2ota__get_target_region(cx, cy) data[y1:y2, x1:x2] += compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(data[y1:y2, x1:x2], cx, cy, ota_coeffs) # data -= overscan_level # cellx = hdulist[i].header['WN_CELLX'] # celly = hdulist[i].header['WN_CELLY'] # correction = compute_cell_nonlinearity_correction(data, cellx, celly, ota_coeffs) #data += correction # hdulist[i].data = data hdulist[ext].data = data stdout_write(" writing ...") outfile = get_clean_cmdline()[3] hdulist.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n\n") sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-plotdatafit")): datafile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] ota = int(get_clean_cmdline()[2]) cellx = int(get_clean_cmdline()[3]) celly = int(get_clean_cmdline()[4]) fitfile = get_clean_cmdline()[5] outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[6] data = numpy.loadtxt(datafile) create_data_fit_plot(data, fitfile, ota, cellx, celly, outputfile) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-nonlinmap")): fitfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2] fluxlevel = float(get_clean_cmdline()[3]) min_value = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-min", None) max_value = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-max", None) minmax = [min_value, max_value] labels = cmdline_arg_isset("-labels") create_nonlinearity_map(fitfile, outputfile, fluxlevel, minmax, labels=labels) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-cellbycellmap")): fitfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2] min_value = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-min", None) max_value = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-max", None) fontsize = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-fontsize", 2)) minmax = [min_value, max_value] labels = True #cmdline_arg_isset("-labels") plot_cellbycell_map(fitfile, outputfile, minmax, labels=labels, fontsize=fontsize) sys.exit(0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-findfile")): target_mjd = float(get_clean_cmdline()[1]) import podi_collectcells options = podi_collectcells.read_options_from_commandline(None) filename = find_nonlinearity_coefficient_file(target_mjd, options) print filename sys.exit(0) # Read the input directory that contains the individual OTA files inputfiles = get_clean_cmdline()[1:] all_data = create_nonlinearity_data(inputfiles) numpy.savetxt("", all_data)