Source code for podi_matchcatalogs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


podi_matchcatalogs contains all functionality for matching source catalogs.


import sys
import numpy
import os
from podi_definitions import *

arcsec = 1./3600.

[docs]def match_catalogs(ref_full, odi_full, matching_radius=2, verbose=False): ref_ra_min, ref_ra_max = numpy.min(ref_full[:,0]), numpy.max(ref_full[:,0]) ref_dec_min, ref_dec_max = numpy.min(ref_full[:,1]), numpy.max(ref_full[:,1]) dummy, ra_ranges = numpy.histogram([], bins=5, range=(ref_ra_min, ref_ra_max)) dummy, dec_ranges = numpy.histogram([], bins=5, range=(ref_dec_min, ref_dec_max)) matched_cat = None for cur_ra in range(ra_ranges.shape[0]-1): for cur_dec in range(dec_ranges.shape[0]-1): # Select one of the ranges and hand the parameters off to the matching routine matched_cat_segment = match_catalog_segment(ref_full, odi_full, ra_ranges[cur_ra:cur_ra+2], dec_ranges[cur_dec:cur_dec+2], matching_radius=matching_radius, verbose=verbose) if (matched_cat_segment == None): continue matched_cat = matched_cat_segment if (matched_cat == None) \ else numpy.append(matched_cat, matched_cat_segment, axis=0) return matched_cat
[docs]def match_catalog_segment(ref_full, odi_full, ra_ranges, dec_ranges, matching_radius=2, verbose=False): # First of all extract only the reference stars in the selected box ref_select = (ref_full[:,0] > ra_ranges[0]) & (ref_full[:,0] <= ra_ranges[1]) \ & (ref_full[:,1] > dec_ranges[0]) & (ref_full[:,1] <= dec_ranges[1]) ref = ref_full[ref_select] if (ref.shape[0] <= 0): return None # Now do the same, just with ranges extended by the matching radius / cos(dec) max_cos_dec = numpy.max(numpy.fabs(ref[:,1])) d_ra = matching_radius * arcsec * math.cos(math.radians(max_cos_dec)) d_dec = matching_radius * arcsec odi_select = (odi_full[:,0] > ra_ranges[0]-d_ra ) & (odi_full[:,0] < ra_ranges[1]+d_ra ) \ & (odi_full[:,1] > dec_ranges[0]-d_dec) & (odi_full[:,1] < dec_ranges[1]+d_dec) odi = odi_full[odi_select] if (verbose): print "Searching for reference stars: RA: %3.1f - %3.1f, DEC: %+4.1f - %+4.1f" % ( ra_ranges[0]-d_ra, ra_ranges[1]+d_ra,dec_ranges[0]-d_dec,dec_ranges[1]+d_dec), # Create the output array, and set all ODI position to the "not found" standard value output_array = numpy.zeros(shape=(ref.shape[0], ref.shape[1]+odi.shape[1])) output_array[:, 2:4] = -99999.9 # Copy all values from the reference catalog odi_data_start = 4 + ref.shape[1] - 2 output_array[:, 0:2] = ref[:, 0:2] output_array[:, 4:odi_data_start] = ref[:, 2:] matches_found = 0 if (odi.shape[0] > 0): # # Now for each star, find the closest match in the reference catalog # matching_radius = 2 * arcsec matching_radius_squared = matching_radius * matching_radius for star in range(ref.shape[0]): d_ra = (ref[star,0] - odi[:,0]) * math.cos(math.radians(ref[star,1])) d_dec = (ref[star,1] - odi[:,1]) sq_d = d_ra * d_ra + d_dec * d_dec si = numpy.argsort(sq_d) if (sq_d[si[0]] < matching_radius_squared): # The closest match is a valid one, with distance < matching_radius # Copy the ODI coordinates and catalog data into the output format output_array[star, 2:4] = odi[si[0], 0:2] output_array[star, odi_data_start:] = odi[si[0], 2:] matches_found += 1 if (verbose): print " --> %5d matches (%5d vs %5d)" % (matches_found, ref.shape[0], odi.shape[0]) return output_array
if __name__ == "__main__": print "Hello"