Source code for podi_makeflatfield

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


This module handles the normalization of flat-fields.


import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy

from podi_definitions import *

[docs]def normalize_flatfield(filename, outputfile, binning_x=8, binning_y=8, repeats=3, batchmode_hdu=None): if (not batchmode_hdu == None): hdulist = batchmode_hdu else: hdulist = filter = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] # print "This is filter",filter # print "Using binning %d,%d" % (binning_x, binning_y) list_of_otas_to_normalize = otas_to_normalize_ff[filter] flatfield_data = numpy.zeros(shape=(13*4096*4096/(binning_x*binning_y)), dtype=numpy.float32) flatfield_data[:] = numpy.NaN # also prepare to store the global gain value gain_sum = 0 gain_count = 0 datapos = 0 for extension in range(1, len(hdulist)): #hdulist[1:]: if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[extension])): continue fppos = int(hdulist[extension].header['FPPOS'][2:4]) #print list_of_otas_to_normalize try: index = list_of_otas_to_normalize.index(fppos) except: # We didn't find this OTA in the list, so skip it hdulist[extension].header["FF_NORM"] = (False, "Used in normalization") extension += 1 continue hdulist[extension].header["FF_NORM"] = (True, "Used in normalization") gain_ota = hdulist[extension].header['GAIN'] gain_ota_count = hdulist[extension].header['GAIN_CNT'] gain_sum += gain_ota * gain_ota_count gain_count += gain_ota_count # We now know that we should include this OTA in the # calculation of the flat-field normalization stdout_write("\rAdding OTA %02d to flat-field ..." % fppos) #flatfield_data = numpy.concatenate((flatfield_data, #flatfield_data[extension,:,:] = if (binning_x>1 or binning_y>1): sx, sy = hdulist[extension].data.shape[0], hdulist[extension].data.shape[1] bx, by = sx/binning_x, sy/binning_y one_d = numpy.reshape(hdulist[extension].data, (by,binning_y,bx,binning_x)).mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=1).flatten() else: one_d = hdulist[extension].data.flatten() flatfield_data[datapos:datapos+one_d.shape[0]] = one_d datapos += one_d.shape[0] #print datapos del one_d # Remove all remaining NaN values and atruncate the array to the values actually used finite = numpy.isfinite(flatfield_data[:datapos]) flatfield_data = flatfield_data[:datapos][finite] # Now we are through all flatfields, compute the median value stdout_write(" computing median ...") sigma_min, sigma_max = -1e5, 1e6 for i in range(repeats): valid = (flatfield_data > sigma_min) & (flatfield_data < sigma_max) ff_median_level = numpy.median(flatfield_data[valid]) ff_std = numpy.std(flatfield_data[valid]) sigma_min = ff_median_level - 2 * ff_std sigma_max = ff_median_level + 3 * ff_std #print i, numpy.sum(valid), datapos, ff_median_level, ff_std, sigma_min, sigma_max if (ff_median_level <= 0): print "Something went wrong or this is no flatfield frame" ff_median_level = 1.0 stdout_write("\b\b\b(% 7.1f) ..." % (ff_median_level)) # Now normalize all OTAs with the median flatfield level stdout_write(" normalizing ...") for extension in range(1, len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[extension])): continue hdulist[extension].data /= ff_median_level hdulist[extension].data[hdulist[extension].data < 0.1] = numpy.NaN hdulist[extension].header.add_history("FF-level: %.1f" % (ff_median_level)) # # compute the global gain value and store it in primary header # global_gain = gain_sum / gain_count hdulist[0].header['GAIN'] = global_gain hdulist[0].header['GAIN_CNT'] = gain_count stdout_write(" writing results ...") if (os.path.isfile(outputfile)): os.remove(outputfile) hdulist.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n")
if __name__ == "__main__": binning_x = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-binx", 8)) binning_y = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-biny", 8)) repeats = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-reps", 3)) clean_list = get_clean_cmdline() if (cmdline_arg_isset("-multi")): # # Ok, we should work on a number of files # add_filter_to_output_filename = cmdline_arg_isset("-addfilter") for filename in clean_list[1:]: directory, basename = os.path.split(filename) # If -keeppath is specified, put the normalized output file in # the same directory where we got the files from if (cmdline_arg_isset("-keeppath")): if (directory == ""): out_directory = "." else: out_directory = directory # # Or maybe the user specified the output directory explicitely? # elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-outdir")): out_directory = get_cmdline_arg("-outdir") # # by default, put all output files in the current directory # else: out_directory = "." # # Now construct the output filename # if (add_filter_to_output_filename): hdulist = filter = hdulist[1].header['FILTER'] outputfile = "%s/%s.norm.%s.fits" % (out_directory, basename[:-5], filter) hdulist.close() del hdulist else: outputfile = "%s/%s.norm.fits" % (out_directory, basename[:-5]) print filename, outputfile # And finally, do the actual work normalize_flatfield(filename, outputfile, binning_x=binning_x, binning_y=binning_y, repeats=repeats) else: filename = clean_list[1] outputfile = clean_list[2] normalize_flatfield(filename, outputfile, binning_x=binning_x, binning_y=binning_y, repeats=repeats)