Source code for podi_makecalibrations

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

podi_makecalibrations is the main tool to create typical calibration products
(bias, dark, flat-field frames) from a list of raw frames. 

To do so, podi_makecalibrations reads a list of input files, sorts them by the 
type of frame (e.g. bias) and creates each calibration product in sequence, 
using the newly generated bias frame to correct the dark-frame, etc. Internally,
all work is done by podi_collectcells.

It transparently handles binned and unbinned data. 

Additional external calibration products to be used during the reduction
(pupilghost templates, non-linearity coefficients) are specified in the same was
as in podi_collectcells.

Temporary and intermediate calibration products (such as individual, normalized 
flat-field frames, are stored in a tmp sub-directory. By default, these files 
are deleted if no longer needed, but can be retained with the -keeptemps flag.

How to run podi_makecalibrations
``podi_makecalibrations input.list calib_directory (options)``

The typical way of execution is to create a calibration directory, and run 
podi_makecalibrations from within this directory, specifying . as calib_dir.

Command line options
* **-keeptemps**

  Do not delete the intermediate files once they are no longer needed. This 
  option is handy when testing, e.g., the quality of a pupilghost subtraction, 
  as the individual files do not need to be recomputed if podi_makecalibrations
  is called for the second time.

* **-only=(bias|dark|flat)**

  Only compute the specified calibration products. This is most commonly used to 
  inspect products as they are being created, e.g. making sure the bias-frame 
  look good before using it to reduce the dark-frames.

All other command-line options are handled by podi_collectcells, so see the full
list of command line options for this task.

Typical additional options are -nonlinearity and -pupilghost.


import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy

gain_correct_frames = False
from podi_definitions import *
from podi_collectcells import *
from podi_imcombine import *
from podi_makeflatfield import *
import podi_matchpupilghost

[docs]def strip_fits_extension_from_filename(filename): """ Remove the trailing .fits or .fits.fz from the given filename. """ if (filename[-5:] == ".fits"): return filename[:-5] elif (filename[-8:] == ".fits.fz"): return filename[:-8] return filename
if __name__ == "__main__": stdout_write("""\ ********************************************************************** * This is podi_makecalibrations * * (c) 2012-2013: Ralf Kotulla, * * University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee & Madison) * * WIYN Observatory, Inc * * * * Please acknowledge the author when using any products generated * * with this tool. For comments, questions or ideas for improvement * * please send an email to Thank you! * ********************************************************************** """) verbose = cmdline_arg_isset("-verbose") # Read the input file that has the list of files filelist_filename = get_clean_cmdline()[1] # Assign a fallback output filename if none is given output_directory = get_clean_cmdline()[2] tmp_directory = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-tmpdir", output_directory + "/tmp") if (not os.path.isfile(filelist_filename)): stdout_write("Unable to open input filelist %s" % (filelist_filename)) sys.exit(-1) if (not os.path.isdir(output_directory)): stdout_write("Specified output directory does not exists..." % (output_directory)) sys.exit(-2) # We also need a "tmp" subdirectory directory in the output directory if (not os.path.exists(tmp_directory)): os.makedirs(tmp_directory) # # Read the list of files # dark_list = [] bias_list = [] filters = [] flat_list = [] options = read_options_from_commandline() stdout_write("####################\n#\n# Sighting input data\n#\n####################\n") _list = open(filelist_filename, "r") calib_file_list = [] binning_list = [] filter_list = [] for full_filename in _list.readlines(): if (len(full_filename)<=1): continue if (full_filename[0] == "#"): continue ota00 = full_filename.strip().split()[0] #print ota00 directory, filename = os.path.split(ota00) hdulist = binning = get_binning(hdulist[1].header) obstype = hdulist[0].header['OBSTYPE'] print " %s --> %s BIN=%d" % (directory, obstype, binning) filter = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] if (obstype == "DFLAT"): filter_list.append(filter) elif (obstype == "DARK" or obstype == "BIAS"): filter = None else: stdout_write("%s is not a calibration frame" % (directory)) hdulist.close() continue hdulist.close() del hdulist calib_entry = (ota00, obstype, filter, binning) calib_file_list.append(calib_entry) binning_list.append(binning) # Determine all binning values encountered binning_set = set(binning_list) # Also create a unique set of filters. This, for now, ignores # the fact that not all filters have all binning factors. These # cases are handled below filter_set = set(filter_list) # # First of all, let's combine all bias frames # for binning in binning_set: bias_frame = "%s/bias_bin%d.fits" % (output_directory, binning) # From the full filelist, extract only the bias frames with the right bias bias_list = [] for (filename, obstype, filter, bin) in calib_file_list: if (obstype == "BIAS" and binning == bin): bias_list.append(filename) if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-only") or get_cmdline_arg("-only") == "bias"): stdout_write("####################\n#\n# Creating bias-frame (binning %d)\n#\n####################\n" % binning) bias_to_stack = [] if (not os.path.isfile(bias_frame) or cmdline_arg_isset("-redo")): for cur_bias in bias_list: if (verbose): print "Collecting cells for bias",cur_bias # First run collectcells dummy, basename = os.path.split(cur_bias) bias_outfile = "%s/bias.b%d.%s.fits" % (tmp_directory, binning, strip_fits_extension_from_filename(basename)) if (not os.path.isfile(bias_outfile) or cmdline_arg_isset("-redo")): collectcells(cur_bias, bias_outfile, options=options, process_tracker=None, batchmode=False, showsplash=False) bias_to_stack.append(bias_outfile) #print bias_list stdout_write("Stacking %d frames into %s ..." % (len(bias_to_stack), bias_frame)) imcombine(bias_to_stack, bias_frame, "median") stdout_write("done!\n") else: stdout_write("Bias-frame already exists!\n") if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-keeptemps")): for file in bias_to_stack: clobberfile(file) # # Now that we have the master bias frame, go ahead and reduce the darks # # For now set all darks to detector-glow "yes" for binning in binning_set: dark_frame = "%s/dark_yes_bin%d.fits" % (output_directory, binning) # From the full filelist, extract only the dark frames with the right binning dark_list = [] for (filename, obstype, filter, bin) in calib_file_list: if (obstype == "DARK" and binning == bin): dark_list.append(filename) if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-only") or get_cmdline_arg("-only") == "dark"): cmdline_opts = read_options_from_commandline() options['bias_dir'] = output_directory if (cmdline_opts['bias_dir'] == None) else cmdline_opts['bias_dir'] stdout_write("####################\n#\n# Creating dark-frame (binning %d)\n#\n####################\n" % (binning)) darks_to_stack = [] if (not os.path.isfile(dark_frame) or cmdline_arg_isset("-redo")): for cur_dark in dark_list: if (verbose): print "Collecting cells for dark",cur_dark # First run collectcells dummy, basename = os.path.split(cur_dark) dark_outfile = "%s/dark.b%d.%s.fits" % (tmp_directory, binning, strip_fits_extension_from_filename(basename)) if (not os.path.isfile(dark_outfile) or cmdline_arg_isset("-redo")): collectcells(cur_dark, dark_outfile, process_tracker=None, options=options, batchmode=False, showsplash=False) darks_to_stack.append(dark_outfile) #print darks_to_stack stdout_write("Stacking %d frames into %s ..." % (len(darks_to_stack), dark_frame)) imcombine(darks_to_stack, dark_frame, "median") stdout_write("done!\n") else: stdout_write("Darkframe already exists!\n") if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-keeptemps")): for file in darks_to_stack: clobberfile(file) # # And finally, reduce the flats using the biases and darks. # print "filter set", filter_set if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-only") or get_cmdline_arg("-only") == "flat"): cmdline_opts = read_options_from_commandline() options['bias_dir'] = output_directory if (cmdline_opts['bias_dir'] == None) else cmdline_opts['bias_dir'] options['dark_dir'] = output_directory if (cmdline_opts['dark_dir'] == None) else cmdline_opts['dark_dir'] pupilghost_dir = options['pupilghost_dir'] for binning in binning_set: for filter in filter_set: flat_frame = "%s/flat_%s_bin%d.fits" % (output_directory, filter, binning) # From the full filelist, extract only the dark frames with the right binning print "Workiing on", filter, binning flat_list = [] for (filename, obstype, _filter, bin) in calib_file_list: if (obstype == "DFLAT" and binning == bin and filter == _filter): flat_list.append(filename) if (len(flat_list) <= 0): continue # Overwrite the pupil ghost correction so we don't do it twice options['pupilghost_dir'] = None print "pupilghost dir=",pupilghost_dir flats_to_stack = [] if (not os.path.isfile(flat_frame) or cmdline_arg_isset("-redo")): stdout_write("####################\n#\n# Reducing flat-field %s (binning=%d)\n#\n####################\n" % (filter, binning)) for cur_flat in flat_list: if (verbose): print "Collecting cells for flat",cur_flat # First run collectcells dummy, basename = os.path.split(cur_flat) flat_outfile = "%s/nflat.b%d.%s.%s.fits" % (tmp_directory, binning, filter, strip_fits_extension_from_filename(basename)) if (not os.path.isfile(flat_outfile) or cmdline_arg_isset("-redo")): #wcs_solution = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))[0]+"/wcs_distort2.fits" #wcs_solution = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-wcs", wcs_solution) hdu_list = collectcells(cur_flat, flat_outfile, process_tracker=None, options=options, batchmode=True, showsplash=False) normalize_flatfield(None, flat_outfile, binning_x=8, binning_y=8, repeats=3, batchmode_hdu=hdu_list) flats_to_stack.append(flat_outfile) #print flats_to_stack stdout_write("Stacking %d frames into %s ... " % (len(flats_to_stack), flat_frame)) flat_hdus = imcombine(flats_to_stack, flat_frame, "median", return_hdu=True) stdout_write(" done!\n") # # Now apply the pupil ghost correction # Only do this if requested via keyword -pupilghost=(dirname) # if (not pupilghost_dir == None): #options['pupilghost_dir'] != None): # Also save a copy before the pupil ghost correction. print "Writing flat-field before pupil ghost correction ..." flat_hdus.writeto(flat_frame[:-5]+".prepg.fits", clobber=True) # Reset the pupil ghost option to enable it here options['pupilghost_dir'] = pupilghost_dir stdout_write("Performing pupil ghost correction ...") # Get level os active filter and determine what the template filename is filter_level = get_filter_level(flat_hdus[0].header) pg_filename = "pupilghost_template___level_%d__bin%d.fits" % (filter_level, binning) pg_template = check_filename_directory(options['pupilghost_dir'], pg_filename) print pg_template # If we have a template for this level if (os.path.isfile(pg_template)): stdout_write("\n Using file %s ... " % (pg_template)) pg_hdu = scaling = podi_matchpupilghost.scaling_factors[filter] podi_matchpupilghost.subtract_pupilghost(flat_hdus, pg_hdu, scaling) flat_hdus[0].header["PUPLGOST"] = (pg_template, "p.g. template") flat_hdus[0].header["PUPLGFAC"] = (scaling, "pupilghost scaling") stdout_write(" done!\n") else: stdout_write(" --> problem:\n") stdout_write("Couldn't find the pupilghost template for level %d\n" % (filter_level)) stdout_write(" I was looking for file %s\n" % (pg_template)) # And finally write the (maybe pupilghost-corrected) flat-field to disk flat_hdus.writeto(flat_frame, clobber=True) else: stdout_write("Flatfield (%s) already exists!\n" % filter) if (not cmdline_arg_isset("-keeptemps")): for file in flats_to_stack: clobberfile(file) # options['pupilghost_dir'] = pupilghost_dir stdout_write("\nAll done, yippie :-)\n\n")