#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# kotulla@uwm.edu
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are
# always welcome.
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
This module contains all functionality related to fringin in ODI frames, from
creating the fringe templates, to finding the ideal fringe scaling factor to
actually subtracting the fringe frame.
Standalone routines
* **-make_template**
Create a fringe template from collectcells-reduced frames
``./podi_fringing.py -make_template (-op=nanmedian.bn) output_template.fits file1.fits file2.fits``
* **-esomethod**
Determine the optimal fringe scaling and perform fringe removal
``./podi_fringing.py -esomethod fringe_template.fits input.fits output.fits``
import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import scipy.optimize
import bottleneck
import Queue
import threading
import multiprocessing
import ctypes
from podi_definitions import *
import podi_imcombine
import podi_fitskybackground
import time
avg_sky_countrates = {
"odi_i": 3.8,
"odi_z": 4.0,
"823_v2": 0.1,
number_cpus = 4
[docs]def make_fringing_template(input_filelist, outputfile, return_hdu=False, skymode='local'):
Create a fringe template from the given list of suitable input frames.
For each frame, compute the sky-level and the sky-countrate. Frames with
sky-countrates exceeding a filter-specific level are ignored, as the sky is
very likely contaminated by stray light. This also eliminates frames with
background gradients. Each frame is then background-subtracted and
normalized by its background-level, leaving only the fringe amplitude
To eliminate sources, all data for a given extension are then
median-combined. Once this is complete for all available extensions, the
resulting fringe maps are written to the output FITS file.
# First loop over all filenames and make sure all files exist
hdu_filelist = []
for file in input_filelist:
if (os.path.isfile(file)):
if (len(hdu_filelist) <= 0):
stdout_write("No existing files found in input list, hence nothing to do!\n")
# Read the input parameters
# Note that file headers are copied from the first file
# Create the primary extension of the output file
ref_hdulist = hdu_filelist[0]
primhdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=ref_hdulist[0].header)
# Add PrimaryHDU to list of OTAs that go into the output file
out_hdulist = [primhdu]
filtername = primhdu.header['FILTER']
if (outputfile == "auto"):
outputfile = "fringes__%s.fits" % (filtername)
print "Output file=",outputfile
# Now loop over all extensions and compute the mean
for cur_ext in range(1, len(ref_hdulist)):
data_blocks = []
# Check what OTA we are dealing with
if (not is_image_extension(ref_hdulist[cur_ext])):
extname = ref_hdulist[cur_ext].header['EXTNAME']
if (filtername in otas_for_photometry):
useful_otas = otas_for_photometry[filtername]
ota_id = int(extname[3:5])
if (not ota_id in useful_otas):
stdout_write("\rCombining frames for OTA %s (#% 2d/% 2d) ..." % (extname, cur_ext, len(ref_hdulist)-1))
# Now open all the other files, look for the right extension, and copy their image data to buffer
for file_number in range(0, len(filelist)):
this_hdu = hdu_filelist[file_number][extname]
# Skip all OTAs that are marked as video/guide OTAs
cellmode = this_hdu.header['CELLMODE']
if (cellmode.find("V") >= 0):
skylevel = this_hdu.header['SKY_MEDI']
if (skymode == 'global'):
skylevel = hdu_filelist[file_number][0].header['SKYLEVEL']
if ("EXPTIME" in hdu_filelist[file_number][0].header):
exptime = hdu_filelist[file_number][0].header['EXPTIME']
filter = hdu_filelist[file_number][0].header['FILTER']
if (filter in avg_sky_countrates):
max_skylevel = 2 * avg_sky_countrates[filter] * exptime
if (skylevel > max_skylevel):
stdout_write(" (%.1f)" % (skylevel/exptime))
fringing = (this_hdu.data - skylevel) / skylevel
stdout_write(" %.1f" % (skylevel/exptime))
# delete the data block to free some memory, since we won't need it anymore
del this_hdu.data
stdout_write(" combining ...")
#combined = podi_imcombine.imcombine_data(data_blocks, "nanmedian")
combined = podi_imcombine.imcombine_data(data_blocks, "nanmedian.bn")
# Create new ImageHDU
# Insert the imcombine'd frame into the output HDU
# Copy all headers from the reference HDU
# stdout_write(" creating HDU ...")
hdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(header=ref_hdulist[cur_ext].header, data=combined)
# Append the new HDU to the list of result HDUs
stdout_write(" done!\n")
del hdu
# Add the assumed skylevel countrate to primary header so we can use it
# when it comes to correcting actual data
out_hdulist[0].header["SKYCNTRT"] = (avg_sky_countrates[filter], "average countrate of dark sky")
return_hdu = False
out_hdu = pyfits.HDUList(out_hdulist)
if (not return_hdu and outputfile != None):
stdout_write(" writing results to file %s ..." % (outputfile))
out_hdu.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True)
del out_hdu
del out_hdulist
stdout_write(" done!\n")
elif (return_hdu):
stdout_write(" returning HDU for further processing ...\n")
return out_hdu
stdout_write(" couldn't write output file, no filename given!\n")
[docs]def compute_fringe_scale(datahdu, fringehdu):
Outdated, do not use
extname = datahdu.header['EXTNAME']
print "\n\n\n",extname,"\n"
data = datahdu.data
fringe = fringehdu.data
# rebin data to cut down on processing time
binning = 8
data_binned = rebin_image(data, binning)
fringe_binned = rebin_image(fringe, binning)
# compute mean fringe amplitude
mean_fringe = bottleneck.nanmean(fringe_binned)
fringe_binned -= mean_fringe
print "mean fringe =",mean_fringe
skylevel = datahdu.header['SKY_MEDI']
skysub = data_binned - skylevel
def min_stat(scale, data, fringe):
return bottleneck.nanmean( numpy.fabs((skysub - scale*fringe)*fringe) )
#return bottleneck.nanmean( ((skysub - scale*fringe)*fringe)**2 )
initial_guess = 100
res = scipy.optimize.fmin(min_stat, initial_guess,
args=(skysub, fringe_binned),
print res
res_fits = [[res[0][0], res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4]]]
return res_fits
[docs]def mpworker_fringe_scale(queue_jobs, queue_return): #datahdu, fringehdu):
Outdated, do not use
while (True):
cmd_quit, data = queue_jobs.get()
if (cmd_quit):
# Read all the data for the job to do
# datahdu, fringehdu = data
data_filename, fringe_filename, extname = data
# Open both fits files and select the right extension
data_hdulist = pyfits.open(data_filename)
fringe_hdulist = pyfits.open(fringe_filename)
datahdu = data_hdulist[extname]
fringehdu = fringe_hdulist[extname]
# Do the calculation
res_fits = compute_fringe_scale(datahdu, fringehdu)
# close the files and hopefully free up some memory
# return the data to the main process
return_data = (res_fits)
[docs]def match_subtract_fringing(data_filename, fringe_filename, verbose=True, output=None):
Outdated, do not use
# if (not type(fringe_hdulist) is pyfits.HDUList):
# # The fringe variable is a filename
# fringe_filename = fringe_hdulist
fringe_hdulist = pyfits.open(fringe_filename)
data_hdulist = pyfits.open(data_filename)
if (verbose): stdout_write("Creating queues\n")
queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
return_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
if (verbose): stdout_write("Handing out work\n")
all_results = None
number_extensions = 0
for ext in range(1, len(data_hdulist)):
if (type(data_hdulist[ext]) != pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU):
# Load data for each extension/OTA
extname = data_hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME']
print "Queuing work on",extname
cmd_data = (data_filename, fringe_filename, extname)
queue.put( (False, cmd_data) )
#queue.put( (False, (data_hdulist[extname], fringe_hdulist[extname]) ) )
number_extensions += 1
# Start all worker processes
if (verbose): stdout_write("Starting workers\n")
processes = []
for i in range(number_cpus):
worker_args = (queue, return_queue)
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=mpworker_fringe_scale, args=worker_args)
# Send one termination command to each worker
if (verbose): stdout_write("seinding quit commands\n")
for p in processes:
queue.put( (True, None) )
# Collect all results from all the workers
if (verbose): stdout_write("Collecting work\n")
all_results = None
for i in range(number_extensions):
res_fits = return_queue.get()
if (res_fits != None):
all_results = res_fits if (all_results == None) \
else numpy.append(all_results, numpy.array(res_fits), axis=0)
if (verbose): stdout_write("computing scaling\n")
print all_results[:, 0:3]
quality_sorted = numpy.sort(all_results[:,1])
use_for_median = all_results[:,1] < quality_sorted[5]
median_scaling = numpy.median(all_results[:,0][use_for_median])
std_scaling = numpy.std(all_results[:,0][use_for_median])
if (verbose): stdout_write("doing reduction\n")
for ext in range(1, len(data_hdulist)):
if (type(data_hdulist[ext]) != pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU):
extname = data_hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME']
data_hdulist[ext].data -= (fringe_hdulist[extname].data * median_scaling)
data_hdulist[ext].header["FRNG_SCL"] = (median_scaling, "fringe scaling")
data_hdulist[ext].header["FRNG_STD"] = (std_scaling, "fringe scaling std.dev.")
if (output != None):
data_hdulist.writeto(output, clobber=True)
return median_scaling, std_scaling, None
print data_hdulist
return median_scaling, std_scaling, data_hdulist
[docs]def get_fringe_scaling(data, fringe, region_file):
This routine implements the technique for determining the optimal
fringe scaling outlined in Snodgrass & Carry 2013, ESO Messenger 152, 14.
In short, it determines the mean value in a number of regions selected
visually to represent dark- and bright spots in the fringe map. The
difference between bright and dark represents the fringe amplitude. The
same measurements are taken for the same regions in the data frame,
informing about the fringe amplitude in the data frame. The ratio between
the two amplitudes represents the required fringe scaling factor.
data : ndarray
the data frame as 2-d numpy array
fringe : ndarray
the fringe map as 2-d numpy array
region_file : string
the filename of a ds9 region file defining the fringe vector regions
A vector of measurements, column 6 of which is the scaling factor for
each region.
if (not os.path.isfile(region_file)):
return None
# Read the region file
regfile = open(region_file, "r")
entries = regfile.readlines()
data = numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float32)
fringe = numpy.array(fringe, dtype=numpy.float32)
all_vectors = []
for line in entries:
#print line
if (line.find("vector(") < 0):
start = line.find("vector(") + 7
end = line.find(")", start)
#print line[start:end]," --> ",
items = line[start:end].split(",")
#print items
origx = int(float(items[0]))
origy = int(float(items[1]))
length = float(items[2])
angle = float(items[3])
dx = length * math.cos(math.radians(angle))
dy = length * math.sin(math.radians(angle))
darkx, darky = origx, origy
lightx, lighty = int(origx+dx), int(origy+dy)
#print darkx, darky, lightx, lighty
boxwidth = 10
data_dark = bottleneck.nanmedian(data[darky-boxwidth:darky+boxwidth,darkx-boxwidth:darkx+boxwidth])
data_light = bottleneck.nanmedian(data[lighty-boxwidth:lighty+boxwidth,lightx-boxwidth:lightx+boxwidth])
fringe_dark = bottleneck.nanmedian(fringe[darky-boxwidth:darky+boxwidth,darkx-boxwidth:darkx+boxwidth])
fringe_light = bottleneck.nanmedian(fringe[lighty-boxwidth:lighty+boxwidth,lightx-boxwidth:lightx+boxwidth])
data_diff = data_light - data_dark
fringe_diff = fringe_light - fringe_dark
scaling = data_diff / fringe_diff
#print data_light, data_dark, fringe_light, fringe_dark, data_diff, fringe_diff, scaling
one_vector = [data_light, data_dark, fringe_light, fringe_dark, data_diff, fringe_diff, scaling]
vecs = numpy.array(all_vectors)
return vecs
if __name__ == "__main__":
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-singles")):
for filename in get_clean_cmdline()[1:]:
outputfile = filename[:-5]+".fringe.fits"
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-noclobber") and os.path.isfile(outputfile)):
stdout_write("\n%s already exists, skipping!\n\n" % (outputfile))
stdout_write("Converting %s to fringemask ...\n" % (filename))
hdulist = pyfits.open(filename)
out_hdu = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdulist[0].header)]
for ext in range(len(hdulist)):
if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])):
# Skip all OTAs that are marked as video/guide OTAs
cellmode = hdulist[ext].header['CELLMODE']
if (cellmode.find("V") >= 0):
skylevel = hdulist[ext].header['SKY_MEDI']
fringing = (hdulist[ext].data - skylevel) / skylevel
stdout_write(" %s = %.1f\n" % (hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'], skylevel))
stdout_write("writing (%s)..." % (outputfile))
out_hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(out_hdu)
out_hdulist.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True)
stdout_write(" done!\n\n")
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-make_template")):
outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
filelist = get_clean_cmdline()[2:]
operation = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-op", "mean")
operation = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-op", "nanmedian.bn")
make_fringing_template(filelist, outputfile, operation)
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-samplesky")):
import podi_fitskybackground
boxsize = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-boxsize", "15"))
count = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-count", "12500"))
print "Using %d boxes with +/- %d pixel width" % (count, boxsize)
filename = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
print filename,"-->",outputfile
hdulist = pyfits.open(filename)
for i in range(3,len(hdulist)):
if (True): #is_image_extension(hdulist[i].header)):
extname = hdulist[i].header['EXTNAME']
stdout_write("\rWorking on %s ..." % (extname))
regions = numpy.array(podi_fitskybackground.sample_background(hdulist[i].data, None, None, min_found=count, boxwidth=boxsize))
median = numpy.median(regions[:,4])
std = numpy.std(regions[:,4])
histogram, binedges = numpy.histogram(regions[:,4], bins=500, range=(median-20*std,median+20*std))
nice_histogram = numpy.empty(shape=(histogram.shape[0], 3))
nice_histogram[:,0] = binedges[:-1]
nice_histogram[:,1] = binedges[1:]
nice_histogram[:,2] = histogram[:]
dumpfile = "%s.%s" % (outputfile, extname)
df = open(dumpfile, "w")
#numpy.savetxt(df, regions)
#print >>df, "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
#numpy.savetxt(df, nice_histogram)
#print >>df, "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
validpixels = hdulist[i].data
histogram, binedges = numpy.histogram(validpixels, bins=1000, range=(median-10*std,median+10*std))
nice_histogram = numpy.empty(shape=(histogram.shape[0], 3))
nice_histogram[:,0] = binedges[:-1]
nice_histogram[:,1] = binedges[1:]
nice_histogram[:,2] = histogram[:]
numpy.savetxt(df, nice_histogram)
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-correct")):
inputframe = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
template = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
scaling = int(get_clean_cmdline()[3])
output = get_clean_cmdline()[4]
inputhdu = pyfits.open(inputframe)
templatehdu = pyfits.open(template)
for i in range(len(inputhdu)):
if (not is_image_extension(inputhdu[i])):
extname = inputhdu[i].header['EXTNAME']
stdout_write("\rWorking on %s ... " % (extname))
fringemap = templatehdu[extname].data * scaling
inputhdu[i].data -= fringemap
print "Problem with extension",extname
stdout_write(" writing ...")
inputhdu.writeto(output, clobber=True)
stdout_write(" done!\n")
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-optimize")):
dataframe = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
fringemap = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
datahdu = pyfits.open(dataframe)
fringehdu = pyfits.open(fringemap)
for ext in range(1,14): #len(datahdu)):
# Load data for each extension/OTA
extname = datahdu[ext].header['EXTNAME']
print "\n\n\n",extname,"\n"
data = datahdu[extname].data
fringe = fringehdu[extname].data
# rebin data to cut down on processing time
binning = 16
data_binned = rebin_image(data, binning)
fringe_binned = rebin_image(fringe, binning)
output_hdulist = [pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = fringe_binned)]
output_hdulist[0].header["EXTNAME"] = "MAP"
valid_both = numpy.isfinite(data_binned) & numpy.isfinite(fringe_binned)
data_binned = data_binned[valid_both]
fringe_binned = fringe_binned[valid_both]
skylevel = datahdu[ext].header['SKY_MEDI']
data_binned -= skylevel
percent_limit = 15
# Now select top 10 and bottom 10% of all intensities in the fringe map
top10 = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(fringe_binned.ravel(), 100-percent_limit)
bottom10 = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(fringe_binned.ravel(), percent_limit)
print top10, bottom10
select_top10 = fringe_binned >= top10
select_bottom10 = fringe_binned <= bottom10
#fringe_top10 = numpy.median(fringe_binned[select_top10])
#fringe_bottom10 = numpy.median(fringe_binned[select_bottom10])
# x = fringe.copy()
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=x))
# x = fringe.copy()
# x[x < top10] = numpy.NaN
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=x))
# x = fringe.copy()
# x[x > bottom10] = numpy.NaN
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=x))
# x = data.copy()
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=x))
# x = data.copy()
# x[fringe < top10] = numpy.NaN
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=x))
# x = data.copy()
# x[fringe > bottom10] = numpy.NaN
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=x))
def clip3sigma(data):
med, sigma = 0, 1e9
valid = numpy.isfinite(data)
for rep in range(3):
med = numpy.median(data[valid])
sigma = 0.5 * (scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data[valid], 84) -
scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data[valid], 16))
valid = (data < med + 3*sigma) & (data > med - 3*sigma)
return numpy.median(data[valid])
fringe_top10 = clip3sigma(fringe_binned[select_top10])
fringe_bottom10 = clip3sigma(fringe_binned[select_bottom10])
# Now get intensities in the original frame for the same pixels
#sky_top10 = numpy.median(data_binned[select_top10])
#sky_bottom10 = numpy.median(data_binned[select_bottom10])
sky_top10 = clip3sigma(data_binned[select_top10])
sky_bottom10 = clip3sigma(data_binned[select_bottom10])
print top10, bottom10
print fringe_top10, fringe_bottom10, fringe_top10-fringe_bottom10
print sky_top10, sky_bottom10, sky_top10-sky_bottom10
fringe_scaling = (sky_top10-sky_bottom10)/(fringe_top10-fringe_bottom10)
print "scaling = ", fringe_scaling
def save_histogram(target, data, nbins=100):
valid = numpy.isfinite(data)
med = numpy.median(data[valid])
ls, us = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data[valid], 16), scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(data[valid], 84)
sigma = 0.5 * (us - ls)
min = med - 3*sigma
max = med + 3*sigma
histogram, binedges = numpy.histogram(data[valid], bins=nbins, range=(min,max))
nice_histogram = numpy.empty(shape=(histogram.shape[0], 3))
nice_histogram[:,0] = binedges[:-1]
nice_histogram[:,1] = binedges[1:]
nice_histogram[:,2] = histogram[:]
numpy.savetxt(target, nice_histogram)
dump = open("xxx.dump"+extname, "w")
save_histogram(dump, fringe_binned[select_top10])
print >>dump, "\n\n\n\n\n"
save_histogram(dump, fringe_binned[select_bottom10])
print >>dump, "\n\n\n\n\n"
save_histogram(dump, data_binned[select_top10])
print >>dump, "\n\n\n\n\n"
save_histogram(dump, data_binned[select_bottom10])
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=data))
# #output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=(data - fringe_scaling * fringe)))
# output_hdulist.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=(data - 0.5*fringe_scaling * fringe)))
# outhdulist = pyfits.HDUList(output_hdulist)
# outhdulist.writeto("output.fits", clobber=True)
datahdu[ext].data -= skylevel #fringe_scaling * fringe
datahdu.writeto("corrected.fits", clobber=True)
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-rmfringe")):
dataframe = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
fringemap = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
datahdu = pyfits.open(dataframe)
fringehdu = pyfits.open(fringemap)
all_results = None
for ext in range(1,14): #len(datahdu)):
# Load data for each extension/OTA
extname = datahdu[ext].header['EXTNAME']
print "\n\n\n",extname,"\n"
data = datahdu[extname].data
fringe = fringehdu[extname].data
# rebin data to cut down on processing time
binning = 8
data_binned = rebin_image(data, binning)
fringe_binned = rebin_image(fringe, binning)
# compute mean fringe amplitude
mean_fringe = bottleneck.nanmean(fringe_binned)
fringe_binned -= mean_fringe
print "mean fringe =",mean_fringe
skylevel = datahdu[ext].header['SKY_MEDI']
skysub = data_binned - skylevel
def min_stat(scale, data, fringe):
return bottleneck.nanmean( numpy.fabs((skysub - scale*fringe)*fringe) )
#return bottleneck.nanmean( ((skysub - scale*fringe)*fringe)**2 )
initial_guess = 100
res = scipy.optimize.fmin(min_stat, initial_guess,
args=(skysub, fringe_binned),
print res
res_fits = [[res[0][0], res[1], res[2], res[3], res[4]]]
all_results = numpy.array(res_fits) if all_results == None else numpy.append(all_results, res_fits, axis=0)
# xopt, fopt, iter, funcalls, warnflag, allvecs = res
# print xopt
# for s in range(0,2000,25):
# print extname, s, min_stat(s, skysub, fringe_binned)
#print "success=",res.success
#print "res.X=",res.x
#print "msg=",res.message
#print "\n\n"
print all_results
# Now that we got all best-fit factors, keep only the
# best 5 fits
quality_sorted = numpy.sort(all_results[:,1])
use_for_median = all_results[:,1] < quality_sorted[5]
median_scaling = numpy.median(all_results[:,0][use_for_median])
std_scaling = numpy.std(all_results[:,0][use_for_median])
print median_scaling, std_scaling
#datahdu.writeto("corrected.fits", clobber=True)
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-matchsubtract")):
dataframe = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
fringemap = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
#datahdu = pyfits.open(dataframe)
#fringehdu = pyfits.open(fringemap)
#match_subtract_fringing(datahdu, fringehdu)
datahdu = match_subtract_fringing(dataframe, fringemap, output="matchsubtract.fits")
#datahdu.writeto("matchsubtract.out.fits", clobber=True)
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-esomethod")):
fringe_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
data_frame = get_clean_cmdline()[2]
output_filename = get_clean_cmdline()[3]
data_hdulist = pyfits.open(data_frame)
fringe_hdulist = pyfits.open(fringe_frame)
filter_name = data_hdulist[0].header['FILTER']
print "\nThis is filter",filter_name,"\n"
all_vecs = None
for ext in range(1, len(data_hdulist)):
if (type(data_hdulist[ext]) != pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU):
if (not data_hdulist[ext].header['CELLMODE'].find("V") < 0):
# This is marked as a guide CCD and most likely useless
extname = data_hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME']
data = data_hdulist[extname].data
fringe = fringe_hdulist[extname].data
region_file = "fringe__%s__%s.reg" % (filter_name, extname[0:5])
vecs = get_fringe_scaling(data, fringe, region_file)
if (not vecs == None):
all_vecs = vecs if all_vecs == None else numpy.append(all_vecs, vecs, axis=0)
scaling_factors = all_vecs[:,6]
valid = scaling_factors > 0
median_scaling = numpy.median(scaling_factors[valid])
print "median scaling=",median_scaling
for rep in range(3):
lsig = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(scaling_factors[valid], 16)
hsig = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(scaling_factors[valid], 84)
median = numpy.median(scaling_factors[valid])
sigma = 0.5 * (hsig - lsig)
#print median, sigma
valid = (scaling_factors > median-3*sigma) & (scaling_factors < median+3*sigma)
#all_vecs[:,6][valid == False] *= -1.
#numpy.savetxt("all_vecs.dat", all_vecs)
final_scaling = numpy.median(scaling_factors[valid])
print "final scaling (OTA %s): %.3f" % (extname, final_scaling)
# Now do the correction
for ext in range(1, len(data_hdulist)):
if (type(data_hdulist[ext]) != pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU):
data_hdulist[extname].data -= (fringe_hdulist[extname].data * final_scaling)
data_hdulist.writeto(output_filename, clobber=True)