Source code for podi_fixwcs_rotation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Collection of routines used to improve the astrometric correction derived by
routines in podi_fixwcs by fitting and optimizing the rotator angle.


    Most functionality is now superseded by ccmatch.


import sys
import numpy
import os
from query_usno import query_usno
from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits
#import date
import datetime
#import pywcs  
from astLib import astWCS
import pdb
import scipy
import scipy.stats

import podi_matchcatalogs

output_debug_catalogs = False

[docs]def apply_transformation(p,x): x_ = x.copy() x_[:,0] = p[0] + x[:,0] * math.cos(p[2]) + x[:,1] * math.sin(p[2]) x_[:,1] = p[1] - x[:,0] * math.sin(p[2]) + x[:,1] * math.cos(p[2]) return x_
[docs]def improve_match_and_rotation(fixwcs_ref_ra, fixwcs_ref_dec, fixwcs_odi_ra, fixwcs_odi_dec, wcs_shift, matching_radius=2, n_repeats=3, verbose=False): # if (n_repeats > 0 and numpy.array(matching_radius).ndim == 0): matching_radii = numpy.ones(shape=(n_repeats)) * matching_radius elif (numpy.array(matching_radius).ndim == 1): matching_radii = numpy.array(matching_radius) # Apply the pre-defined correction fixwcs_odi_ra[:] += wcs_shift[0] fixwcs_odi_dec[:] += wcs_shift[1] # Now lets search for matching catalogs matching_radius = 2. / 3600. # = 2'' in degrees ref_full = numpy.empty(shape=(fixwcs_ref_ra.shape[0],2)) ref_full[:,0] = fixwcs_ref_ra[:] ref_full[:,1] = fixwcs_ref_dec[:] print "Read ",ref_full.shape, "reference stars" odi_full = numpy.empty(shape=(fixwcs_odi_ra.shape[0],4)) odi_full[:,0] = fixwcs_odi_ra[:] odi_full[:,1] = fixwcs_odi_dec[:] odi_full[:,2] = fixwcs_odi_ra[:] odi_full[:,3] = fixwcs_odi_dec[:] print "Read ",odi_full.shape, "ODI stars" odi_orig = odi_full.copy() # def fitfunc(p,x): # x_ = x.copy() # x_[:,0] = p[0] + x[:,0] * math.cos(p[2]) + x[:,1] * math.sin(p[2]) # x_[:,1] = p[1] - x[:,0] * math.sin(p[2]) + x[:,1] * math.cos(p[2]) # return x_ def errfunc(p,ref,odi): return (ref - apply_transformation(p,odi)).flatten() p_total = [0,0,0] for repeat in range(matching_radii.shape[0]): #n_repeats): if (verbose): print "\n\nThis is rotation iteration #",repeat return_cat = podi_matchcatalogs.match_catalogs(ref_full, odi_full, matching_radius=matching_radii[repeat]) if (verbose): print "return_Cat=",return_cat.shape # Now we should have almost matching catalogs, with the exception # of the mismatch in rotation good_matches = return_cat[:,2] > 0 matched_cat = return_cat[good_matches] if (verbose): print "after eliminating non-matched sources we have ",matched_cat.shape,"good matches left" #i f (verbose): print matched_cat[0:5,:] p_init = [0., 0., 0.] out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p_init, args=(matched_cat[:,0:2], matched_cat[:,2:4]), full_output=1) #print out p_final = out[0] covar = out[1] p_total += p_final if (verbose): print "best transformation:",p_final angle = math.degrees(p_final[2]) if (verbose): print "mismatched angle=",angle*60,"arcmin" if (output_debug_catalogs): numpy.savetxt("" % (repeat), matched_cat) # Now apply the new correction to the full array of stars odi_full[:,0:2] = apply_transformation(p_final, odi_full[:,0:2]) if (verbose): print "cumulative correction:", p_total, "-->",p_total[0]*60, p_total[1]*60, math.degrees(p_total[2])*60 print "\n\n" # Now we have iteratively refined the matched catalog # In a final step use the original catalog to get the full transformation # A backup of the unaltered corrdinates are at the back of the odi_full # array and subsequently copied into the matched_cat array p_init = [0,0,0] #p_total out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p_init, args=(matched_cat[:,0:2], matched_cat[:,4:6]), full_output=1) p_final = out[0] covar = out[1] print "final transformation:", p_final, "angle=", 60.*math.degrees(p_final[2]) if (verbose): print "straight sum of transformations: ", p_total odi_corr = apply_transformation(p_total, odi_orig) # and re-match the catalogs to see if now we can match more stars return_cat = podi_matchcatalogs.match_catalogs(ref_full, odi_corr, matching_radius=matching_radii[-1]) matched_cat = return_cat[return_cat[:,2]>=0] if (output_debug_catalogs): numpy.savetxt("matched.out", matched_cat) print "after some fiddling we can now match",matched_cat.shape,"stars" return p_final
if __name__ == "__main__": # First load all the data fixwcs_ref_ra = numpy.loadtxt("numsave.fixwcs_ref_ra.txt") fixwcs_ref_dec = numpy.loadtxt("numsave.fixwcs_ref_dec.txt") fixwcs_odi_ra = numpy.loadtxt("numsave.fixwcs_odi_ra.txt") fixwcs_odi_dec = numpy.loadtxt("numsave.fixwcs_odi_dec.txt") wcs_shift_guess = numpy.loadtxt("numsave.wcs_shift_guess.txt") wcs_shift_refinement = numpy.loadtxt("numsave.wcs_shift_refinement.txt") wcs_shift = wcs_shift_guess + wcs_shift_refinement final_transform = improve_match_and_rotation(fixwcs_ref_ra, fixwcs_ref_dec, fixwcs_odi_ra, fixwcs_odi_dec, wcs_shift, matching_radius=2, n_repeats=5, verbose=True) # Use the average position of the reference catalog med_ra = numpy.median(fixwcs_ref_ra) med_dec = numpy.median(fixwcs_ref_dec) print med_ra, med_dec dx = math.cos(final_transform[2])*med_ra + math.sin(final_transform[2])*med_dec dy = -math.sin(final_transform[2])*med_ra + math.cos(final_transform[2])*med_dec print final_transform print dx, dy print med_ra-dx, med_dec-dy