Source code for podi_fixwcs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Collection of routines used to perform the astrometric correction.


    Most functionality is now superseded by ccmatch.


import sys
import numpy
import os
from query_usno import query_usno
from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits
#import date
import datetime
#import pywcs  
from astLib import astWCS
import pdb
import scipy
import scipy.stats

import podi_search_ipprefcat
import podi_findstars
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

arcsec = 1./3600.
number_bright_stars = 100
max_offset = 0.1

N = 200
N_brightest_ota = 70
N_brightest_ref = 150

# Compute matches in smaller blocks to not blow up memory
# Improve: Change execution to parallel !!!
blocksize = 100

use_usno = False
use_sextractor = False
IPP_DIR = "/Volumes/odifile/Catalogs/IPPRefCat/catdir.synth.grizy/"

[docs]def compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, ota, hdr=None): valid_match = odi_2mass_matched[:,2] >= 0 odi_2mass_matched = odi_2mass_matched[valid_match] d_dec = (odi_2mass_matched[:,1] - odi_2mass_matched[:,3]) d_ra = ((odi_2mass_matched[:,0] - odi_2mass_matched[:,2]) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(odi_2mass_matched[:,1]))) if (not ota == None): in_this_ota = odi_2mass_matched[:,10] == ota d_ra = d_ra[in_this_ota] d_dec = d_dec[in_this_ota] numpy.savetxt("wcsquality.test", odi_2mass_matched) d_total = numpy.hypot(d_ra, d_dec) wcs_scatter = numpy.median(d_total) wcs_scatter2 = numpy.std(d_total) wcs_mean_dra = numpy.median(d_ra) * 3600. wcs_mean_ddec = numpy.median(d_dec) * 3600. rms_dra = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(d_ra**2)) * 3600. rms_ddec = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(d_dec**2)) * 3600. print "WCS quality:", ota, wcs_mean_dra*3600., wcs_mean_ddec*3600., wcs_scatter*3600., wcs_scatter2*3600., rms_dra, rms_ddec def make_valid(x): return x if numpy.isfinite(x) else -9999 results = {} results['RMS-RA'] = rms_dra results['RMS-DEC'] = rms_ddec results['RMS'] = numpy.hypot(rms_dra, rms_ddec) results['MEDIAN-RA'] = wcs_mean_dra results['MEDIAN-DEC'] = wcs_mean_ddec if (not hdr == None): hdr["WCS_RMSA"] = (make_valid(results['RMS-RA']), "RA r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_RMSD"] = (make_valid(results['RMS-DEC']), "DEC r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_RMS"] = (make_valid(results['RMS']), "r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_ERRA"] = (make_valid(results['MEDIAN-RA']), "RA median error WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_ERRD"] = (make_valid(results['MEDIAN-DEC']), "DEC median error of WCS matching [arcsec]") return results
[docs]def count_matches(ota_x, ota_y, ref_x, ref_y, verbose=False, max_offset=0.1, matching_radius_arcsec=3.6): ota_count = ota_x.shape[0] ref_count = ref_x.shape[0] # print "Using %d and %d stars in shift_align_wcs" % (ota_count, ref_count) matching_radius = matching_radius_arcsec * arcsec max_d2 = matching_radius * matching_radius if (verbose): print "Matching radius",matching_radius, max_d2 index_ota = numpy.arange(ota_count).reshape((ota_count,1)).repeat(ref_count, axis=1) index_ref = numpy.arange(ref_count).reshape((1,ref_count)).repeat(ota_count, axis=0) #print index_ota[0:10,0:10] #print index_ref[0:10,0:10] #print index_ota.shape, index_ref.shape #print index_ota[280,150], index_ref[280,150] match_results = numpy.zeros(shape=(ota_count, ref_count, 3)) match_results[:,:,:] = numpy.NaN #for o in range(ota_count): # print "PO",ota_x[o], ota_y[o] #for r in range(ref_count): # print "PR",ref_x[r], ref_y[r] matched_pair = 0 median_delta = numpy.median(ref_y) cos_delta = math.cos(math.radians(median_delta)) for o in range(ota_count): for r in range(ref_count): # Take some random shift shift_dx = ref_x[r] - ota_x[o] shift_dy = ref_y[r] - ota_y[o] if (math.fabs(shift_dx*cos_delta) > max_offset or math.fabs(shift_dy) > max_offset): continue # Apply shift to OTA coordinates aligned_x = ota_x + shift_dx aligned_y = ota_y + shift_dy # Compute distance between every star in the OTA # to every star in the reference frame dx1 = aligned_x.reshape((ota_count, 1)).repeat(ref_count, axis=1) dx2 = ref_x.reshape((1, ref_count)).repeat(ota_count, axis=0) dx = dx1 - dx2 #print dx.shape dy1 = aligned_y.reshape((ota_count, 1)).repeat(ref_count, axis=1) dy2 = ref_y.reshape((1, ref_count)).repeat(ota_count, axis=0) dy = dy1 - dy2 #print dy.shape d2 = dx*dx*cos_delta**2 + dy*dy #print d.shape close_match = d2 < max_d2 matched = numpy.sum(close_match) match_results[o,r,0] = matched match_results[o,r,1] = shift_dx match_results[o,r,2] = shift_dy #print "X_DXDY_count",o, r, shift_dx, shift_dy, matched if (matched > 1 and False): idx_ota, idx_ref = index_ota[close_match], index_ref[close_match] #print idx_ota.shape, idx_ref.shape for match in range(idx_ota.shape[0]): print "MATCH_%d"%(matched_pair),ota_x[idx_ota[match]], ota_y[idx_ota[match]], \ ref_x[idx_ref[match]], ref_y[idx_ref[match]], shift_dx, shift_dy matched_pair += 1 pass # # Now that we have the counts for all pairs, find out some # median background level of the number of (random) matches # good_datapoints = numpy.isfinite(match_results[:,:,0]) selected_matches = match_results[good_datapoints] if (verbose): print "Selected matches=",selected_matches.shape return selected_matches
[docs]def shift_align_wcs(ota_x, ota_y, ref_x, ref_y, verbose=False, max_offset=0.1): selected_matches = count_matches(ota_x, ota_y, ref_x, ref_y, verbose, max_offset) if (selected_matches.shape[0] <= 1): # No matches found, return no shift and signal that the solution is invalid (Nmatch<0) return 0, 0, -1, None median = numpy.median(selected_matches[:,0]) std = numpy.std(selected_matches[:,0]) sigma = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(selected_matches[:,0], 84) - median if (verbose): print "MATCH-RESULTS:" if (verbose): print "Random matches:",median,"+/-",std," (",sigma,")" most_matches_idx = numpy.argmax(selected_matches[:,0]) if (verbose): print "max position", most_matches_idx most_matches = selected_matches[most_matches_idx,0] if (verbose): print "maximum matches:", most_matches #max_index = numpy.unravel_index(max_position, (match_results.shape[0:2])) #print max_index #print match_results[max_index[0],max_index[1],:] if (verbose): print selected_matches[most_matches_idx] # # Now to be sure, make sure the peak we found is significant # if (most_matches >= median + 3*sigma): if (verbose): print "Found seemingly significant match:" else: if (verbose): print "Found match, but not sure how reliable it is:" if (verbose): print selected_matches[most_matches_idx] if (verbose): print "Random matches: %d +/- %d (1sigma) (3-sigma: %d)" % (median, sigma, median+3*sigma) return selected_matches[most_matches_idx,1], selected_matches[most_matches_idx,2], \ selected_matches[most_matches_idx,0], \ selected_matches
[docs]def refine_wcs_shift(ref_x, ref_y, ota_x, ota_y, best_guess, ota_px_x=None, ota_px_y=None, alignment_checkfile=None, verbose=False, matching_radius=3): #print "INPUT TO REFICE_WCS_SHIFT: =", ref_x.shape, ref_y.shape, ota_x.shape, ota_y.shape, best_guess.shape matches = numpy.zeros(shape=(ota_x.shape[0],2)) # 2 columns: dx, dy matched = numpy.zeros(shape=(ota_x.shape[0],8)) # 8 columns: ota_x, ota_y, ref_x, ref_y, id, matched_id, ota_pixel_x, ota_pixel_y if (ota_px_x == None): ota_px_x = numpy.ones(shape=(ota_x.shape[0])) * -999 if (ota_px_y == None): ota_px_y = numpy.ones(shape=(ota_y.shape[0])) * -999 #for i in range(ref_x.shape[0]): # print "REF",ref_x[i], ref_y[i] #for i in range(ota_cat.shape[0]): # print "SEX",ota_cat[i,6], ota_cat[i,7] # # Go through the ODI catalog and search for the closest match from the reference catalog # Do this is blocks as a compromise between speed and memory usage # full_aligned_x = ota_x + best_guess[0] full_aligned_y = ota_y + best_guess[1] #pl.plot(ref_x, ref_y, "ro", full_aligned_x, full_aligned_y, "b.") #pl.title("refine_wcs_shift: Reference/OTA after shift") start = 0 while(start < ota_x.shape[0]): # select a sub-sample o stars to keep memory under control aligned_x = full_aligned_x[start:start+blocksize] aligned_y = full_aligned_y[start:start+blocksize] # # Compute distances between each star in the OTA subsample and the full reference catalog # # x (=RA) needs to be multiplied with cos(declination) # to prevent problems at large declinations dx1 = aligned_x.reshape((aligned_x.shape[0], 1)).repeat(ref_x.shape[0], axis=1) dx2 = ref_x.reshape((1, ref_x.shape[0])).repeat(aligned_x.shape[0], axis=0) dx = (dx2 - dx1) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(dx1)) # No special treatment for declinations (=y) necessary dy1 = aligned_y.reshape((aligned_y.shape[0], 1)).repeat(ref_y.shape[0], axis=1) dy2 = ref_y.reshape((1, ref_y.shape[0])).repeat(aligned_y.shape[0], axis=0) dy = dy2 - dy1 # Compute distances between them d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy # And sort them by distance closest = numpy.argmin(d2, axis=1) # Compute the vector from each OTA star to the closest star in the reference catalog x = open("dump2", "a") for i in range(closest.shape[0]): matches[start+i,0] = dx[i, closest[i]] matches[start+i,1] = dy[i, closest[i]] #print matches[start+i,:] # Save the coordinate pairs and which reference star is the closest match # matched[start+i,0:6] = [aligned_x[i], aligned_y[i], ref_x[closest[i]], ref_y[closest[i]], start+i, closest[i]] matched[start+i,:] = [aligned_x[i], aligned_y[i], ref_x[closest[i]], ref_y[closest[i]], start+i, closest[i], ota_px_x[start+i], ota_px_y[start+i] ] print >>x, aligned_x[i], aligned_y[i], ref_x[closest[i]], ref_y[closest[i]], start+i, closest[i], ota_px_x[start+i], ota_px_y[start+i] x.close() start += blocksize # Continue with next block # # Now with all the matches for this OTA, left's determine the best solution # Again, use the 3-sigma clipping as above # # Start with limits excluding stars with separations > matching_radius arcsec #return 0, matched, matches dmin, dmax = [-matching_radius*arcsec, -matching_radius*arcsec], [matching_radius*arcsec, matching_radius*arcsec] clipping = matches.copy() for rep in range(2): valid_range = (clipping[:,0] < dmax[0]) & (clipping[:,0] > dmin[0]) & (clipping[:,1] > dmin[1]) & (clipping[:,1] < dmax[1]) if (verbose): print "valid_range.shape=",valid_range.shape if (verbose): print "count=",numpy.sum(valid_range) if (numpy.sum(valid_range) <= 0): median = [0,0] break median = numpy.median(clipping[valid_range], axis=0) sigma_p = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(clipping[valid_range], 84) sigma_m = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(clipping[valid_range], 16) sigma = 0.5*(sigma_p - sigma_m) dmin = median - 3*sigma dmax = median + 3*sigma if (verbose): print "MEDIAN/SIGMA=",median, sigma, dmin, dmax # # Dump some info into a file for later analysis and potentially plotting # if (alignment_checkfile != None): for i in range(matched.shape[0]): print >>alignment_check, \ matched[i,0], matched[i,1], matched[i,2], matched[i,3],\ ext,\ matched[i,0]-median[0],matched[i,1]-median[1],matches[i,0], matches[i,1] print >>alignment_check, "\n\n\n\n\n" if (verbose): print "Ref: %d, ODI: %d, Matched: %d" % (ref_x.shape[0], ota_x.shape[0], matched.shape[0]) return median, matched, matches
[docs]def pick_brightest(ra, dec, mag, N): # print "PICK_BRIGHTEST:", ra.shape, N if (N >= ra.shape[0]): return ra, dec, mag magsort = numpy.argsort(mag) _ra = numpy.zeros(shape=(N,)) _dec = numpy.zeros(shape=(N,)) _mag = numpy.zeros(shape=(N,)) for i in range(N): _ra[i] = ra[magsort[i]] _dec[i] = dec[magsort[i]] _mag[i] = mag[magsort[i]] return _ra, _dec, _mag
[docs]def get_overall_best_guess(frame_shift): full_shift = numpy.median(frame_shift, axis=0) full_shift_std = numpy.std(frame_shift, axis=0) #print full_shift.shape #print frame_shift #print full_shift,full_shift_std dmin, dmax = [-1, -1], [1,1] clipping = frame_shift.copy() #print full_shift,full_shift_std,dmin,dmax for rep in range(2): valid_range \ = (clipping[:,0] < dmax[0]) & (clipping[:,0] > dmin[0]) \ & (clipping[:,1] > dmin[1]) & (clipping[:,1] < dmax[1]) median = numpy.median(clipping[valid_range], axis=0) sigma_p = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(clipping[valid_range], 84) sigma_m = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(clipping[valid_range], 16) sigma = 0.5*(sigma_p - sigma_m) dmin = median - 3*sigma dmax = median + 3*sigma print median, sigma, dmin, dmax best_guess = median print "Best shift solution so far:",best_guess return best_guess
[docs]def fixwcs(fitsfile, output_filename, starfinder="findstars", refcatalog="ippref"): tmp, dummy = os.path.split(sys.argv[0]) dot_config_dir = tmp + "/.config/" print dot_config_dir hdulist = ra, dec = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL1'], hdulist[1].header['CRVAL2'] if (refcatalog == "usno"): # # Obtain catalog listing from USNO-B1 # usno_cat = fitsfile[:-5]+"" download_cat = (not cmdline_arg_isset("-skip_ref")) or (not os.path.isfile(usno_cat)) if (not download_cat): stdout_write("Using local copy of USNO reference catalog for WCS calibration\n") usno = query_usno(ra, dec, 45, 100000, usno_cat, download=download_cat) stdout_write("Read %s stars from USNO-B1\n" % (usno.shape[0])) usno_dumpfile = fitsfile[:-5]+".usno.coord" print "USNO dump-file:", usno_dumpfile usno_dump = open(usno_dumpfile, "w") for i in range(usno.shape[0]): print >>usno_dump, usno[i, 0], usno[i, 1] usno_dump.close() ref_ra = usno[:,0] ref_dec = usno[:,1] ref_mag = usno[:,4] else: ipp_cat = podi_search_ipprefcat.get_reference_catalog(ra, dec, 0.7, IPP_DIR) ref_ra = ipp_cat[:,0] ref_dec = ipp_cat[:,1] ref_mag = ipp_cat[:,3] if (starfinder == "sextractor"): # # Run Sextractor on the input frame # sex_catalogfile = fitsfile[:-5]+"" sex_config_file = dot_config_dir+"fixwcs.conf" sex_param_file = dot_config_dir+"fixwcs.param" sex_logfile = fitsfile[:-5]+".sextractor.log" sex_cmd = "sex -c %s -PARAMETERS_NAME %s -CATALOG_NAME %s %s >& %s" % (sex_config_file, sex_param_file, sex_catalogfile, fitsfile, sex_logfile) print sex_cmd stdout_write("Running SExtractor to search for stars, be patient (logfile: %s) ..." % (sex_logfile)) if ((not cmdline_arg_isset("-skip_sex")) or (not os.path.isfile(sex_catalogfile))): os.system(sex_cmd) else: stdout_write("Re-using previous source catalog\n") stdout_write(" done!\n") # Read the Sextractor output catalog sex_cat = numpy.loadtxt(sex_catalogfile) stdout_write("Reading %d stars from Sextractor catalog\n" % sex_cat.shape[0]) # Eliminate all stars with flags sex_cat = sex_cat[sex_cat[:,10] == 0] stdout_write("%d stars left after eliminating flags\n" % sex_cat.shape[0]) sex_dumpfile = fitsfile[:-5]+".sex.coord" sex_dump = open(sex_dumpfile, "w") for i in range(sex_cat.shape[0]): print >>sex_dump, sex_cat[i, 6], sex_cat[i, 7] sex_dump.close() odi_ra = sex_cat[:,6] odi_dec = sex_cat[:,7] odi_mag = sex_cat[:,2] odi_ota = sex_cat[:,1] else: full_source_cat = None for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): source_cat = podi_findstars.find_stars(hdulist[ext], binning=4, boxsize=24, dumpfile=None, verbose=False, detect_threshold=1.5, detect_minarea=6, roundness_limit=[-0.2,+0.2]) source_cat[:,7] = ext if (full_source_cat == None): full_source_cat = source_cat else: full_source_cat = numpy.append(full_source_cat, source_cat, axis=0) #print source_cat.shape, full_source_cat.shape # Now all OTAs have been searched odi_ra = full_source_cat[:,0] odi_dec = full_source_cat[:,1] odi_mag = -2.5 * numpy.log10(full_source_cat[:,6]) + 30 odi_ota = full_source_cat[:,7] # # Now go through each of the extension # Improve: Change execution to parallel !!! # frame_shift = numpy.ones(shape=(len(hdulist)-1, 2)) * -999 global_number_matches = None for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): # # Select a sub-catalog with stars in this OTA # this_ota = odi_ota == ext ota_odi_ra = odi_ra[this_ota] ota_odi_dec = odi_dec[this_ota] ota_odi_mag = odi_mag[this_ota] # Select the N brightest stars to make alignment faster # in the case of many stars, i.e. close to the milky way plane # or in the case of resolved external galaxies if (ota_odi_ra.shape[0] > N_brightest_ota): ota_odi_ra, ota_odi_dec, ota_odi_mag = pick_brightest(ota_odi_ra, ota_odi_dec, ota_odi_mag, N_brightest_ota) elif (ota_odi_ra.shape[0] < 5): stdout_write("Insufficient number of ODI stars (%d) for alignment!\n" % (ota_odi_ra.shape[0])) continue # # Compute the median central position of this OTA # #center_ra, center_dec centerx, centery = hdulist[ext].header['NAXIS1']/2, hdulist[ext].header['NAXIS2']/2 ota_center_ra = (centerx-hdulist[ext].header['CRPIX1'])*hdulist[ext].header['CD1_1'] \ + (centery-hdulist[ext].header['CRPIX2'])*hdulist[ext].header['CD1_2'] \ + hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL1'] ota_center_dec = (centerx-hdulist[ext].header['CRPIX1'])*hdulist[ext].header['CD2_1'] \ + (centery-hdulist[ext].header['CRPIX2'])*hdulist[ext].header['CD2_2'] \ + hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL2'] print "center:", ra, dec # # Now select stars that are within a given distance of this OTA # Assume a (half-)width of 6 arcmin, that's quite a bit larger than the 4armin of one OTA # width_ra = 0.1/math.cos(numpy.radians(dec)) width_dec = 0.1 print "RA-Range:",ra-width_ra,ra+width_ra print "DEC-Range:",dec-width_dec,dec+width_dec min_ra = ota_center_ra - width_ra max_ra = ota_center_ra + width_ra min_dec = ota_center_dec - width_dec max_dec = ota_center_dec + width_dec # Add here: Treatment in the case of ra <~ 0 ref_this_ota = (ref_ra > min_ra) & (ref_ra < max_ra) & (ref_dec > min_dec) & (ref_dec < max_dec) ota_ref_ra = ref_ra[ref_this_ota] ota_ref_dec = ref_dec[ref_this_ota] ota_ref_mag = ref_mag[ref_this_ota] # # Make sure we have not too few and not too many reference stars to work with # if (ota_ref_ra.shape[0] > N_brightest_ref): ota_ref_ra, ota_ref_dec, ota_ref_mag = pick_brightest(ota_ref_ra, ota_ref_dec, ota_ref_mag, N_brightest_ref) if (ota_ref_ra.shape[0] < 5 or ota_odi_ra.shape[0] < 5): stdout_write("Insufficient number of stars (ODI: %d, REF: %d) for alignment!\n" % (ota_odi_ra.shape[0], ota_ref_ra.shape[0])) continue # # Now find the number of matches between the ODI and REF catalogs # dx, dy, n, number_matches = shift_align_wcs(ota_odi_ra, ota_odi_dec, ota_ref_ra, ota_ref_dec) frame_shift[ext-1,:] = [dx, dy] tmp = numpy.ones(shape=(number_matches.shape[0], number_matches.shape[1]+1)) tmp[:,:-1] = number_matches tmp[:,-1] *= ota_id if (global_number_matches == None): global_number_matches = tmp else: global_number_matches = numpy.append(global_number_matches, tmp, axis=0) print "#######################" print "##" print "## OTA %d" % (ext) print "## dx,dy = %.5f, %.5f" % (dx, dy) print "## #matches = %d" % (n) print "##" print "#######################" # # Now that the individual OTAs have returned their shift positions, # compute the mean shift for the full frame # Also do some 2-step iterative sigma clipping to get rid of outliers # #best_guess = get_overall_best_guess(frame_shift) best_guess_x, contrast, drxy = podi_fixwcs.optimize_shift(global_number_matches) best_guess = best_guess_x[0:2] # # Now that we have a pretty good guess on what the offsets are, # extend the search on the full catalog and determine a better # and more accurate solution! # # # In an ideal world, the remainder should yield the same results for all OTAs, # but for now keep them separate and check if that's the case # #ref_x = usno[:,0] #ref_y = usno[:,1] #print ref_x.shape, ref_y.shape alignment_checkfile = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-checkalign", None) #alignment_check = None print "ali-check=",alignment_checkfile if (alignment_checkfile != None): alignment_check = open(alignment_checkfile, "w") print "Opened alignment check file" if (cmdline_arg_isset("-singleota_shift")): for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): # Extract just the source catalog for this OTA ota_ra = odi_ra[odi_ota ==ext] ota_dec = odi_dec[odi_ota ==ext] # Compute the average shift median = refine_wcs_shift(ref_ra, ref_dec, ota_ra, ota_dec, best_guess, alignment_check) # Add the previous (best-guess) shift and the new refinement full_shift = best_guess + median # And apply this offset to the CRVAL headers hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL1'] += full_shift[0] hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL2'] += full_shift[1] # Add some HISTORY comments to keep track of what's happening hdulist[ext].header.add_history("GLOBAL SHIFT: dRA,dDEC=") hdulist[ext].header.add_history("dRA=%.6f dDEC=%.6f" % (best_guess[0], best_guess[1])) hdulist[ext].header.add_history("LOCAL SHIFT: dRA,dDEC=") hdulist[ext].header.add_history("dRA=%.6f dDEC=%.6f" % (median[0], median[1])) else: # Compute the refinement for the full source catalog across all OTAs median = refine_wcs_shift(ref_ra, ref_dec, odi_ra, odi_dec, best_guess, alignment_check) # Add the previous (best-guess) shift and the new refinement full_shift = best_guess + median # Apply refinement to all OTAs for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): apply_wcs_shift(full_shift, hdulist[ext].header) # All work done, close the check-file if (alignment_checkfile != None): alignment_check.close() if (not cmdline_arg_isset('-computeonly')): stdout_write("Writing output file...\n") hdulist.writeto(output_filename, clobber=True) else: stdout_write("Skipping the output file, you requested -computeonly\n")
[docs]def apply_wcs_shift(shift, hdr, fixrot_trans=None, verbose=False): hdr['CRVAL1'] += shift[0] hdr['CRVAL2'] += shift[1] hdr['WCSOF_RA'] = (shift[0], "WCS Zeropoint offset RA") hdr['WCSOFDEC'] = (shift[1], "WCS Zeropoint offset DEC") if (fixrot_trans != None): angle = fixrot_trans[2] # Compute the new CRVAL1/2 values cr1 = hdr['CRVAL1'] cr2 = hdr['CRVAL2'] hdr['CRVAL1'] = math.cos(angle)*cr1 + math.sin(angle)*cr2 + fixrot_trans[0] hdr['CRVAL2'] = math.cos(angle)*cr2 - math.sin(angle)*cr1 + fixrot_trans[1] if (verbose): print "CR1/2 before=",cr1, cr2 print "CR1/2 after =",hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2'] cd11 = hdr['CD1_1'] cd12 = hdr['CD1_2'] cd21 = hdr['CD2_1'] cd22 = hdr['CD2_2'] co = math.cos(angle) si = math.sin(angle) hdr['CD1_1'] = cd11*co - cd12*si hdr['CD1_2'] = cd11*si + cd12*co hdr['CD2_1'] = cd21*co - cd22*si hdr['CD2_2'] = cd21*si + cd22*co hdr['WCSMROT1'] = fixrot_trans[0] hdr['WCSMROT2'] = fixrot_trans[1] hdr['WCSMROT3'] = math.degrees(fixrot_trans[2])*60. # Make sure the RA range stays in valid ranges if (hdr['CRVAL1'] < 0): hdr['CRVAL1'] += 360 if (hdr['CRVAL1'] >360): hdr['CRVAL1'] -= 360 # Also add some history #hdr.add_history("LOCAL SHIFT: dRA,dDEC=") #hdr.add_history("dRA=%.6f dDEC=%.6f" % (median[0], median[1])) #hdr.add_history("GLOBAL SHIFT: dRA,dDEC=") #hdr.add_history("dRA=%.6f dDEC=%.6f" % (best_guess[0], best_guess[1])) return
[docs]def apply_fit_params(wcsout, p): theta = numpy.radians(p[0]) sin_theta = math.sin(theta) cos_theta = math.cos(theta) cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22 = wcsout['CD1_1'], wcsout['CD1_2'], wcsout['CD2_1'], wcsout['CD2_2'] wcsout['CD1_1'] = cd11 * cos_theta + cd12 * sin_theta wcsout['CD1_2'] = cd12 * cos_theta - cd11 * sin_theta wcsout['CD2_1'] = cd21 * cos_theta + cd22 * sin_theta wcsout['CD2_2'] = cd22 * cos_theta - cd21 * sin_theta wcsout['CRVAL1'] += p[1] wcsout['CRVAL2'] += p[2] return
[docs]def rotate_optimize(ota_list, extensions, ref_ra, ref_dec, odi_x, odi_y): wcs = [None] * len(ota_list) for ext in range(len(ota_list)): wcs[ext] = astWCS.WCS(ota_list[ext].header, mode="pyfits") def odi2wcs(odi_x, odi_y, extensions, wcs): ra, dec = numpy.zeros(odi_x.shape[0]), numpy.zeros(odi_y.shape[0]) for src in range(odi_x.shape[0]): ext = int(extensions[src]) ra[src], dec[src] = wcs[ext].pix2wcs(odi_x[src], odi_y[src]) return ra, dec def d_radec(p, odi_x, odi_y, ref_ra, ref_dec, extensions, wcs): # Update the WCS by applying the shift and rotation wcs_thistime = [None] * len(wcs) for i in range(1, len(wcs)): if (wcs[i] != None): wcs_thistime[i] = wcs[i].copy() #apply_fit_params(wcs[i], p) #try: # print i, wcs_thistime[i].header['CRPIX1'] #except: # print i, "no header" #continue apply_fit_params(wcs_thistime[i].header, p) #apply_fit_params(wcs_thistime[i].header, wcs[i].header, p) wcs_thistime[i].updateFromHeader() print p # Compute the updated RA/DEC from the pixel X/Ys ra, dec = odi2wcs(odi_x, odi_y, extensions, wcs_thistime) d_ra = ref_ra - ra d_dec = ref_dec - dec d_radec = d_ra**2 + d_dec**2 # Mask out drastic outliers return numpy.sqrt(d_radec) df = open("dump", "w") ra, dec = odi2wcs(odi_x, odi_y, extensions, wcs) pinit = [0, 0, 0] out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(d_radec, pinit, args=(odi_x, odi_y, ref_ra, ref_dec, extensions, wcs), full_output=1) p_bestfit = out[0] #xxx = d_radec(pinit, odi_x, odi_y, ref_ra, ref_dec, extensions, wcs) #print xxx.shape, "\n",xxx for src in range(odi_x.shape[0]): print >>df, ref_ra[src], ref_dec[src], odi_x[src], odi_y[src], ra[src], dec[src] df.close() # Compute Ra/Dec with original WCS ra_orig, dec_orig = odi2wcs(odi_x, odi_y, extensions, wcs) # Compute Ra/Dec with new optimized WCS wcs_thistime = [None] * len(wcs) for i in range(1, len(wcs)): wcs_thistime[i] = wcs[i].copy() apply_fit_params(wcs_thistime[i].header, p_bestfit) wcs_thistime[i].updateFromHeader() ra_new, dec_new = odi2wcs(odi_x, odi_y, extensions, wcs_thistime) old_new = numpy.ones(shape=(odi_x.shape[0],8)) old_new[:,0] = ref_ra[:] old_new[:,1] = ref_dec[:] old_new[:,2] = ra_orig[:] old_new[:,3] = dec_orig[:] old_new[:,4] = ra_new[:] old_new[:,5] = dec_new[:] old_new[:,6] *= wcs[2].header['CRVAL1'] old_new[:,7] *= wcs[2].header['CRVAL2'] return p_bestfit, old_new
[docs]def optimize_shift(n_matches, verbose=False, declination=0, debuglogfile=None, sum_radius=5): # Sort out all matches that only have one match not_just_one = n_matches[:,0] > 1 n_multiple = n_matches[not_just_one] # print "\n\n\nReducing: ", n_matches.shape, n_multiple.shape,"\n\n\n\n\n" # Create memory to hold the alignment data # First two columns are dx, dy, third will be #matches total_sum = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_multiple.shape[0],4)) total_sum[:,0:2] = n_multiple[:,1:3] if (debuglogfile != None): debuglog = open(debuglogfile, "w") numpy.savetxt(debuglog, n_matches) print >>debuglog, "\n\n\n\n\n" numpy.savetxt(debuglog, n_multiple) print >>debuglog, "\n\n\n\n\n" numpy.savetxt(debuglog, total_sum) print >>debuglog, "\n\n\n\n\n" # Go through the list of possible shifts and sum up all shifts in the neighborhood d_neighbor = sum_radius / 3600. # i.e. 5 arcseconds d_ra_max = d_neighbor / math.cos(math.radians(declination)) d_dec_max = d_neighbor if (verbose): print "\n\n\nXXX Search-radius for match-conglomeration (arcsec): ",\ d_ra_max*3600, d_dec_max*3600,"\n\n\n" for i in range(total_sum.shape[0]): d_ra = numpy.fabs(total_sum[i,0] - total_sum[:,0]) d_dec = numpy.fabs(total_sum[i,1] - total_sum[:,1]) nearby = (d_ra < d_ra_max) & (d_dec < d_dec_max) #nearby = (total_sum[:,0] > total_sum[i,0]-d_ra) & (total_sum[:,0] < total_sum[i,0]+d_ra) \ # & (total_sum[:,1] > total_sum[i,1]-d_dec) & (total_sum[:,1] < total_sum[i,1]+d_dec) total_sum[i,2] = numpy.sum(n_multiple[:,0][nearby]) total_sum[i,3] = numpy.sum(nearby) if (debuglogfile != None): numpy.savetxt(debuglog, total_sum) print >>debuglog, "\n\n\n\n\n" # Sort the values to make it easy to find the maximum #si = numpy.argsort(total_sum[:,2]) best = numpy.argmax(total_sum[:,2]) best_guess = total_sum[best,:] if (verbose): print "max positions",best_guess max_matches = best_guess[2] # To find some level of uncertainty, determine the maximum shift positions with # a match-count above 10% of the maximum within_fmax = total_sum[:,2] > 0.5*max_matches #0.1*max_matches dxmin, dxmax = numpy.min(total_sum[:,0][within_fmax]), numpy.max(total_sum[:,0][within_fmax]) dymin, dymax = numpy.min(total_sum[:,1][within_fmax]), numpy.max(total_sum[:,1][within_fmax]) dr = numpy.sqrt( (dxmax-dxmin)**2 + (dymax-dymin)**2 ) if (verbose): stdout_write("best offset: %.3f deg %.3f deg\n" % (best_guess[0], best_guess[1])) stdout_write("Range: %.3f...%.3f deg %.3f...%.3f deg\n" % (dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax)) stdout_write("uncertainty: %.3f'' %.3f'' (%.3f)\n" % ( 0.5*3600.*(dxmax-dxmin), 0.5*3600*(dymax-dymin), 0.5*3600*dr ) ) # determine some contrast level: peak number of matches in this # peak relative to the maximum number of matches in the next-highest peak outside_peak = (total_sum[:,0] < best_guess[0]-2*d_neighbor) | (total_sum[:,0] > best_guess[0]+2*d_neighbor) | \ (total_sum[:,1] < best_guess[1]-2*d_neighbor) | (total_sum[:,1] > best_guess[1]+2*d_neighbor) secondary_solutions = total_sum[outside_peak] second_peak_idx = numpy.argmax(secondary_solutions[:,2]) second_peak = secondary_solutions[second_peak_idx,:] contrast = 1.0 * float(best_guess[2]) / float(second_peak[2]) if (debuglogfile != None): numpy.savetxt(debuglog, secondary_solutions) if (verbose): print "secondary peak:", second_peak print "contrast:", contrast if (debuglogfile != None): debuglog.close() return best_guess, contrast, [dr, dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax]
if __name__ == "__main__": starfinder = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-starfind", "findstars") refcatalog = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-refcatalog", "ippref") if (cmdline_arg_isset("-multi")): for infile in get_clean_cmdline()[1:]: outfile = infile[0:-5]+".wcs.fits" fixwcs(infile, outfile, starfinder, refcatalog) else: fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] output_filename = get_clean_cmdline()[2] fixwcs(fitsfile, output_filename, starfinder, refcatalog)