Source code for podi_fitskybackground

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Experimental routine to fit and subtract a 2-d surface of the sky-background of
a given input file.


import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import scipy.interpolate
import math

from podi_definitions import *
from podi_plotting import *

from astLib import astWCS

import bottleneck

boxwidth = 20

[docs]def find_maximum_extent(minmax_radec, wcs, max_xy): ra1, dec1 = wcs.pix2wcs(1, 1) ra2, dec2 = wcs.pix2wcs(1, max_xy[1]) ra3, dec3 = wcs.pix2wcs(max_xy[0], 1) ra4, dec4 = wcs.pix2wcs(max_xy[0], max_xy[1]) minmax_radec[0] = numpy.min( [minmax_radec[0], ra1, ra2, ra3, ra4] ) minmax_radec[1] = numpy.max( [minmax_radec[1], ra1, ra2, ra3, ra4] ) minmax_radec[2] = numpy.min( [minmax_radec[2], dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4] ) minmax_radec[3] = numpy.max( [minmax_radec[3], dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4] ) return minmax_radec
import itertools
[docs]def polyfit2d(x, y, z, order=3): ncols = (order + 1)**2 G = numpy.zeros((x.size, ncols)) ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1)) for k, (i,j) in enumerate(ij): G[:,k] = x**i * y**j m, _, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(G, z) return m
[docs]def polyval2d(x, y, m): order = int(numpy.sqrt(len(m))) - 1 ij = itertools.product(range(order+1), range(order+1)) z = numpy.zeros_like(x) for a, (i,j) in zip(m, ij): z += a * x**i * y**j return z
min_found = 200 max_tried = 1.5*min_found
[docs]def sample_background(data, wcs, starcat, min_found=200, boxwidth=30, fit_regions=[], box_center=None): # Now pick a number of random data points, and keep # searching until we either found 50 per OTA or have tried 100 times found = 0 tried = 0 max_tried = int(1.5*min_found) skip_nan_boxes = True if (box_center == None): box_center = numpy.zeros(shape=(max_tried,2)) box_center[:,0] = numpy.random.randint(boxwidth, data.shape[1]-boxwidth, max_tried) box_center[:,1] = numpy.random.randint(boxwidth, data.shape[0]-boxwidth, max_tried) else: min_found = max_tried = box_center.shape[0] skip_nan_boxes = False # Unpack the x/y coordinates of all known stars/sources in this frame if (starcat != None): ota_x, ota_y = starcat # # Now check the randomly selected regions # while (found < min_found and tried < max_tried): #print box_center[tried,:] x1, x2 = int(box_center[tried,0]-boxwidth), int(box_center[tried,0]+boxwidth) y1, y2 = int(box_center[tried,1]-boxwidth), int(box_center[tried,1]+boxwidth) cutout = numpy.array(data[y1:y2,x1:x2], dtype=numpy.float32) #cutout = data[y1:y2,x1:x2] if (not numpy.isfinite(numpy.min(cutout)) and skip_nan_boxes): # Contains an illegal value tried += 1 continue min_distance = 0 if (starcat != None and skip_nan_boxes): # Check if there's a star in or close to this box star_contaminated = False dx = box_center[tried,1] - ota_x dy = box_center[tried,0] - ota_y dr = numpy.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 ) dr_sorted = numpy.sort(dr) if (dr_sorted[0] < 5*boxwidth): # This means there's a star nearby tried += 1 continue pass min_distance = dr_sorted[0] #sky_level = numpy.median(cutout) sky_level = bottleneck.nanmedian(cutout) ra, dec = 0., 0. if (wcs != None): ra, dec = wcs.pix2wcs(box_center[tried,0], box_center[tried,1]) sky_point = [ra, dec, box_center[tried,0], box_center[tried,1], sky_level, tried, min_distance] fit_regions.append(sky_point) tried += 1 found += 1 return fit_regions
[docs]def fit_background(hdulist, plotname=None, exclude_videocells=True, fit_order=3, makeplots="none"): # First of all, get the list of sources in all the frames #print try: odicat = hdulist['CAT.ODI'] #print odi_x ="X") odi_y ="Y") odi_ota ="OTA") odi_ra ="RA") odi_dec ="DEC") except: odi_ota = numpy.zeros(shape=(0)) odi_ra = numpy.zeros(shape=(0)) odi_dec = numpy.zeros(shape=(0)) odi_x = numpy.zeros(shape=(0)) odi_y = numpy.zeros(shape=(0)) #odi_radec =[:,0:2] #print odi_radec # Now work out what the filter is and what OTAs' we should use for the background fit filter = hdulist['PRIMARY'].header['FILTER'] #print filter otas_to_fit = central_3x3 #otas_to_fit = otas_to_normalize_ff[filter] print "Fitting sky in OTAs",otas_to_fit # Now go through each of the OTAs, and pick a number of datapoints to determine # the background level. Measuring points should not be close to any stars and also # should not contain any NaN pixels. # For each region, save the median level and the sky-coordinates that we, in the last # step convert back into pixel coordinates fit_regions = [] #min_ra, max_ra, min_dec, max_dec = numpy.NaN, numpy.NaN, numpy.NaN, numpy.NaN minmax_radec = [1e9, -1e9, 1e9, -1e9] all_ra, all_dec = None, None for ota in otas_to_fit: ext_name = "OTA%02d.SCI" % (ota) stdout_write("\rRandom-sampling background of OTA %s ..." % (ext_name)) cellmode = hdulist[ext_name].header['CELLMODE'] if (cellmode.find("V") != -1): # this OTA contains at least one video cell. This screws up the # background, so let's ignore this OTA alltogether continue wcs = astWCS.WCS(hdulist[ext_name].header, mode="pyfits") # Select the X/Y coordinates of all sources in this ota ota_select = odi_ota == ota ota_x = odi_x[ota_select] ota_y = odi_y[ota_select] ota_ra = odi_ra[ota_select] ota_dec = odi_dec[ota_select] if (all_ra == None): all_ra = ota_ra all_dec = ota_dec else: all_ra = numpy.append(all_ra, ota_ra) all_dec = numpy.append(all_dec, ota_dec) max_xy = hdulist[ext_name].data.shape # Determine the maximum and minimum coordinates minmax_radec = find_maximum_extent(minmax_radec, wcs, max_xy) starcat = (ota_x, ota_y) if numpy.sum(ota_select) > 0 else None fit_regions = sample_background(hdulist[ext_name].data, wcs, starcat, min_found=200, boxwidth=20, fit_regions=fit_regions) continue if (False): # Now pick a number of random data points, and keep # searching until we either found 50 per OTA or have tried 100 times found = 0 tried = 0 box_center = numpy.zeros(shape=(max_tried,2)) box_center[:,0] = numpy.random.randint(boxwidth, max_xy[0]-boxwidth, max_tried) box_center[:,1] = numpy.random.randint(boxwidth, max_xy[1]-boxwidth, max_tried) while (found < min_found and tried < max_tried): #print box_center[tried,:] x1, x2 = box_center[tried,0]-boxwidth, box_center[tried,0]+boxwidth y1, y2 = box_center[tried,1]-boxwidth, box_center[tried,1]+boxwidth cutout = hdulist[ext_name].data[y1:y2,x1:x2] if (not numpy.isfinite(numpy.min(cutout))): # Contains an illegal value tried += 1 continue # Check if there's a star in or close to this box star_contaminated = False dx = box_center[tried,1] - ota_x dy = box_center[tried,0] - ota_y dr = numpy.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 ) dr_sorted = numpy.sort(dr) if (dr_sorted[0] < 5*boxwidth): # This means there's a star nearby tried += 1 continue pass sky_level = numpy.median(cutout) ra, dec = wcs.pix2wcs(box_center[tried,0], box_center[tried,1]) sky_point = [ra, dec, box_center[tried,0], box_center[tried,1], sky_level, tried, dr_sorted[0]] fit_regions.append(sky_point) tried += 1 found += 1 stdout_write(" done!\n") #dump = open("skyfit.dump", "w") #numpy.savetxt(dump, numpy.array(fit_regions)) #dump.close() skypoints = numpy.array(fit_regions) # # Now we have all points, let's interpolate the grid in Ra/Dec # #print minmax_radec #print "#points=",skypoints.shape #print "#\n#\n#\nfitorder=",fit_order,"\n\#\n#\n" if (fit_order < 1): stdout_write("Doing some simple bg-subtraction...\n") skylevels = skypoints[:,4] valid = numpy.isfinite(skylevels) # Do some iterative sigma-clipping to get rid of outliers median = 0 for repeat in range(3): median = numpy.median(skylevels[valid]) low_sigma = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(skylevels[valid], 16) hi_sigma = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(skylevels[valid], 84) sigma = 0.5 * (hi_sigma - low_sigma) min_value = median - 3 * sigma max_value = median + 3 * sigma valid = (skylevels > min_value) & (skylevels < max_value) if (numpy.sum(valid) < 0.1 * skypoints.shape[0]): break hdulist_out = [hdulist[0]] for ota in otas_to_fit: ext_name = "OTA%02d.SCI" % (ota) stdout_write("\rOTA %s: " % (ext_name)) cellmode = hdulist[ext_name].header['CELLMODE'] if (cellmode.find("V") >= 0): continue hdulist[ext_name].data -= median hdulist[ext_name].header["BGLVLCST"] = (median, "constant background level") hdulist_out.append(hdulist[ext_name]) stdout_write(" done!\n") else: # # Fit a polynomial to the sky-background # coordinates are still Ra/Dec for now # stdout_write("Creating global background map ...") x, y, z = skypoints[:,0], skypoints[:,1], skypoints[:,4] # Fit a 3rd order, 2d polynomial m = polyfit2d(x,y,z, order=fit_order) # Evaluate it on a grid... nx, ny = 50, 50 xx, yy = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), nx), numpy.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), ny)) zz = polyval2d(xx, yy, m) # Plot #print x.max(), x.min() #print y.min(), y.max() #print xx.min(), xx.max() #print zz #print x.min(), y.max(), x.max(), y.min() #matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(zz, extent=(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), origin='lower') if (plotname != None and (makeplots=="global" or makeplots=="all")): vmin = zz.min() vmax = zz.max() matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(zz, extent=(minmax_radec[0], minmax_radec[1], minmax_radec[2], minmax_radec[3]), origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar() matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(x, y, c=z, linewidth=0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) #matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(all_ra, all_dec, s=2, marker=',') matplotlib.pyplot.title("Global sky-background fit") matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("RA [degrees]") matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("DEC [degrees]") matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(plotname+".globalskyfit.png") matplotlib.pyplot.close() stdout_write(" done!\n") #dump = open("skyfit.dump.fit2", "w") #for x in range(nx): # for y in range(ny): # print >>dump, xx[x,y], yy[x,y], zz[x,y] #dump.close() # # Now that we have the sky as fct of Ra/Dec, convert it to x/y OTA by OTA # hdulist_out = [hdulist[0]] for ota in otas_to_fit: ext_name = "OTA%02d.SCI" % (ota) stdout_write("\rOTA %s: " % (ext_name)) wcs = astWCS.WCS(hdulist[ext_name].header, mode="pyfits") max_xy = hdulist[ext_name].data.shape # Sample the x/y grid with n steps n = 30 # Use 20 points in each axis, sampling the OTA in a total of 20x20=400 points #ota_xx, ota_yy = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.linspace(1, max_xy[0], n), # numpy.linspace(1, max_xy[1], n)) overlap = int(0.05 * max_xy[0]) ota_xx, ota_yy = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.linspace(-overlap, max_xy[0]+overlap, n), numpy.linspace(-overlap, max_xy[1]+overlap, n)) #print "otaxx/yy.shape=",ota_xx.shape, ota_yy.shape #print ota_xx # Convert x/y into ra/dec ... ra, dec = numpy.zeros_like(ota_xx), numpy.zeros_like(ota_yy) ij = itertools.product(range(n), range(n)) for (i,j) in ij: ra[i,j], dec[i,j] = wcs.pix2wcs(ota_xx[i,j], ota_yy[i,j]) # ... and look up the points from the sky-grid sky_radec = polyval2d(ra, dec, m) #print ra[0,0], dec[0,0] #vmin, vmax = sky_radec.min(), sky_radec.max() #matplotlib.pyplot.close() #matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(xx, yy, zz, extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()), origin='lower') #matplotlib.pyplot.close() x = open("dummy", "w") numpy.savetxt(x, sky_radec) x.close() #print "ra/dec/xy shapes:",ra.shape, dec.shape, sky_radec.shape, xx.shape, yy.shape # Now use the new 20x20 grid to interpolate the sky-background as a function of x/y stdout_write("Creating interpolation ...") f = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(ota_xx, ota_yy, sky_radec, kind='linear') #cubic') # Create the full resolution grid full_xx = numpy.linspace(1, max_xy[0], max_xy[0]) full_yy = numpy.linspace(1, max_xy[1], max_xy[1]) stdout_write(" performing interpolation ...") fullres_z = f(full_xx, full_yy) if (plotname != None and (makeplots=="ota" or makeplots=="all")): stdout_write(" plotting ...") #print "ra,dec, sky_radec", ra.shape, dec.shape, sky_radec.shape matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(ra, dec, c=sky_radec, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # extent=(minmax_radec[0], minmax_radec[1], minmax_radec[2], minmax_radec[3])) matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar() matplotlib.pyplot.title("Local OTA sky-background fit") matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("RA [degrees]") matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("DEC [degrees]") matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(plotname+".skyfit_"+ext_name+".png") matplotlib.pyplot.close() matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(fullres_z, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower') matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(ota_xx, ota_yy, c=sky_radec, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # extent=(minmax_radec[0], minmax_radec[1], minmax_radec[2], minmax_radec[3])) matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar() matplotlib.pyplot.title("Local OTA sky-background fit") matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("X [pixels]") matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Y [pixels]") matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(plotname+".skyfit_"+ext_name+"_1.png") matplotlib.pyplot.close() hdulist[ext_name].data -= fullres_z stdout_write(" done!\n") hdulist_out.append(hdulist[ext_name]) hdu = pyfits.HDUList(hdulist_out) print "done!" return hdu
if __name__ == "__main__": fit_order = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-fitorder",3)) plotting = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-plot", "all") noclobber = cmdline_arg_isset("-noclobber") if (cmdline_arg_isset("-multi")): filelist = get_clean_cmdline()[1:] #print filelist for filename in filelist: #filename = sys.argv[1] if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): continue hdulist = plotname = filename[:-5] outfile = filename[:-5]+".skysub.fits" if (noclobber and os.path.isfile(outfile)): stdout_write("%s already exists, skipping ...\n" % (outfile)) else: stdout_write("#########################\n") stdout_write("#\n# Sky-sub for frame %s\n#\n" % filename) stdout_write("#########################\n") hdu_out = fit_background(hdulist, plotname, fit_order=fit_order, makeplots=plotting) stdout_write("Writing output file %s ..." % (outfile)) clobberfile(outfile) hdu_out.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n") else: filename = sys.argv[1] outfile = sys.argv[2] hdulist = plotname = filename[:-5] hdu_out = fit_background(hdulist, plotname, fit_order=fit_order, makeplots=plotting) stdout_write("Writing output file %s ..." % (outfile)) hdu_out.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) stdout_write(" done!\n")