Source code for podi_fitpupilghost

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
#import ephem
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import scipy.interpolate
#import scipy.signal
import math
import scipy.optimize
import bottleneck

from podi_definitions import *
az_knot_limit = [50,600]

write_intermediate = True
use_buffered_files  = True

[docs]def add_circle(buffer, center_x, center_y, radius, amplitude): x, y = numpy.indices(buffer.shape) dx = x - center_x dy = y - center_y d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy print dx[0:10,0:10] print dy[0:10,0:10] print d2[0:10,0:10] #print d2[995:1005, 995:1005] tmp_buffer = numpy.zeros(shape=buffer.shape) tmp_buffer[d2 < radius*radius] = amplitude buffer += tmp_buffer return
[docs]def add_annulus(buffer, center_x, center_y, radius_i, radius_o, amplitude): x, y = numpy.indices(buffer.shape) dx = x - center_x dy = y - center_y d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy #print dx[0:10,0:10] #print dy[0:10,0:10] #print d2[0:10,0:10] #print d2[995:1005, 995:1005] tmp_buffer = numpy.zeros(shape=buffer.shape) selected_pixels = (d2 < radius_o*radius_o) & (d2 > radius_i*radius_i) tmp_buffer[selected_pixels] = amplitude buffer += tmp_buffer return
[docs]def create_from_template(command_file, buffer): # Load command file cmdfile = open(command_file, "r") cmds = cmdfile.readlines() print cmds for i in range(len(cmds)): line = cmds[i] if (line[0] == "#"): continue items = line.strip().split() print items shape = items[0] if (shape == "fillcircle"): center_x = float(items[1]) center_y = float(items[2]) radius = float(items[3]) amplitude = float(items[4]) add_circle(buffer, center_x, center_y, radius, amplitude) if (shape == "annulus"): center_x = float(items[1]) center_y = float(items[2]) radius_i = float(items[3]) radius_o = float(items[4]) amplitude = float(items[5]) add_annulus(buffer, center_x, center_y, radius_i, radius_o, amplitude) return buffer # # Get the median intensity level in an annulus between r_inner and r_outer #
[docs]def get_median_level(data, radii, ri, ro): selected = (radii > ri) & (radii < ro) #& (numpy.isfinite(data)) pixelcount = numpy.sum(selected) if (pixelcount > 0): #cutout = data[selected] #median = numpy.median(cutout[0:5001]) cutout = numpy.array(data[selected], dtype=numpy.float32) median = bottleneck.nanmean(cutout) else: median = numpy.NaN return median, pixelcount
[docs]def get_radii_angles(data_fullres, center, binfac): # # Rebin the image 4x to speed up calculations (the pupil ghost # doesn't vary on small scales, so this is ok to do) # data = rebin_image(data_fullres, binfac) center_x, center_y = center # # Convert x/y coordinates to polar coordinates # stdout_write(" Computing radii ...\n") x, y = numpy.indices(data.shape) dx = x - center_x/binfac dy = y - center_y/binfac radius = numpy.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) angle = numpy.arctan2(dx, dy) return data, radius, angle
[docs]def merge_OTAs(hdus, centers): combined = numpy.zeros(shape=(9000,9000), dtype=numpy.float32) combined[:,:] = numpy.NaN stdout_write(" Adding OTA") for i in range(len(hdus)): #stdout_write("Adding OTA %s ...\n" % (hdus[i].header['EXTNAME'])) stdout_write(" %s" % (hdus[i].header['EXTNAME'])) # Use center position to add the new frame into the combined frame # bx, by are the pixel position of the bottom left corner of the frame to be inserted bx = combined.shape[0] / 2 - centers[i][0] by = combined.shape[1] / 2 - centers[i][1] #print bx, by tx, ty = bx + hdus[i].data.shape[0], by + hdus[i].data.shape[1] combined[bx:tx, by:ty] = hdus[i].data[:,:] stdout_write("\n") return combined
[docs]def load_frame(filename, pupilghost_centers, binfac, bpmdir): hdu_ref = hdus = [] centers = [] rotator_angle = hdu_ref[0].header['ROTSTART'] stdout_write("\nLoading frame %s ...\n" % (filename)) combined_file = "pg_combined_%+04d.fits" % numpy.around(rotator_angle) print "combined-file:",combined_file if (use_buffered_files and os.path.isfile(combined_file)): hdu = combined = hdu[1].data hdu.close() else: for i in range(1, len(hdu_ref)): extname = hdu_ref[i].header['EXTNAME'] if (extname in pupilghost_centers): center_x, center_y = pupilghost_centers[extname] stdout_write("Using center position %d, %d for OTA %s\n" % (center_y, center_x, extname)) data = hdu_ref[i].data if (bpmdir != None): bpmfile = "%s/bpm_xy%s.reg" % (bpmdir, extname[3:5]) mask_broken_regions(data, bpmfile, verbose=False) hdus.append(hdu_ref[i]) centers.append((center_y, center_x)) combined = merge_OTAs(hdus, centers) if (use_buffered_files): pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), pyfits.ImageHDU(data=combined)]).writeto(combined_file, clobber=True) #pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=combined).writeto(combined_file, clobber=True) rotated_file = "pg_rotated_%+04d.fits" % numpy.around(rotator_angle) if (use_buffered_files and os.path.isfile(rotated_file)): hdu = combined_rotated = hdu[1].data hdu.close() else: #combined_rotated = rotate_around_center(combined, rotator_angle) #combined_rotated = rotate_around_center(combined, rotator_angle, mask_nans=False, spline_order=1) combined_rotated = rotate_around_center(combined, rotator_angle, mask_nans=True, spline_order=1) if (use_buffered_files): pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), pyfits.ImageHDU(data=combined_rotated)]).writeto(rotated_file, clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=combined_rotated).writeto(rotated_file, clobber=True) return combined_rotated, None, None, rotator_angle data_rotated, radius, angle = get_radii_angles(combined_rotated, (combined_rotated.shape[0]/2, combined_rotated.shape[1]/2), binfac) #angle -= math.radians(rotator_angle) angle[angle < 0] += 2*numpy.pi hdu_ref.close() return data_rotated, radius, angle, rotator_angle
[docs]def subtract_background(data, radius, angle, radius_range, binfac): # Compute the radial bin size in binned pixels print "subtracting background - binfac=",binfac r_inner, r_outer, dr_full = radius_range dr = dr_full/binfac r_inner /= binfac r_outer /= binfac # # Compute the number of radial bins # # Here: Add some correction if the center position is outside the covered area max_radius = 1.3 * r_outer #math.sqrt(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1]) # Splitting up image into a number of rings n_radii = int(math.ceil(max_radius / dr)) # # Compute the background level as a linear interpolation of the levels # inside and outside of the pupil ghost # stdout_write(" Computing background-level ...") # Define the background ring levels radii = numpy.arange(0, max_radius, dr) background_levels = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii)) background_level_errors = numpy.ones(shape=(n_radii)) * 1e9 background_levels[:] = numpy.NaN for i in range(n_radii): ri = i * dr ro = ri + dr if (ri < r_inner): ro = numpy.min([ro, r_inner]) elif (ro > r_outer): ri = numpy.max([ri, r_outer]) else: # Skip the rings within the pupil ghost range for now continue #print i, ri, ro median, count = get_median_level(data, radius, ri, ro) background_levels[i] = median background_level_errors[i] = 1. / math.sqrt(count) if count > 0 else 1e9 # Now fit a straight line to the continuum, assuming it varies # only linearly (if at all) with radius # define our (line) fitting function fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1] * x errfunc = lambda p, x, y, err: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) / err bg_for_fit = background_levels bg_for_fit[numpy.isnan(background_levels)] = 0 pinit = [0.0, 0.0] # Assume no slope and constant level of 0 out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(radii, background_levels, background_level_errors), full_output=1) pfinal = out[0] covar = out[1] stdout_write(" best-fit: %.2e + %.3e * x\n" % (pfinal[0], pfinal[1])) #print pfinal #print covar # # Now we have the fit for the background, compute the 2d background # image and subtract it out # x = numpy.linspace(0, max_radius, 100) y_fit = radii * pfinal[1] + pfinal[0] background = pfinal[0] + pfinal[1] * radius bg_sub = data - background #if (write_intermediate): # bgsub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=bg_sub) # bgsub_hdu.writeto("bgsub.fits", clobber=True) return bg_sub
[docs]def do_work(filenames, pupilghost_centers, binfac, radius_range, bpmdir): all_data, all_radius, all_angle, all_bgsub = None, None, None, None print "Running do_work" for filename in filenames: # Load and prepare all files stdout_write("\n\nWorking on file %s ...\n" % (filename)) data, radius, angle, rotator_angle = load_frame(filename, pupilghost_centers, binfac, bpmdir) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-onlyprepfiles")): continue bgsub_file = "pg_bgsub_%+04d.fits" % numpy.around(rotator_angle) if (use_buffered_files and os.path.isfile(bgsub_file)): hdu = bgsub = hdu[1].data hdu.close() else: bgsub = subtract_background(data, radius, angle, radius_range, binfac) if (use_buffered_files): pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(), pyfits.ImageHDU(data=bgsub)]).writeto(bgsub_file, clobber=True) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=bgsub).writeto(bgsub_file, clobber=True) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-onlyprepfiles")): continue # Create a master collection containing all files if (all_data == None): # If this is the first file, create the master list all_data = data all_radius = radius all_angle = angle all_bgsub = bgsub else: # if we already have some entries, add the new ones to the collection all_data = numpy.append(all_data, data, axis=0) all_radius = numpy.append(all_radius, radius, axis=0) all_angle = numpy.append(all_angle, angle, axis=0) all_bgsub = numpy.append(all_bgsub, bgsub, axis=0) if (cmdline_arg_isset("-onlyprepfiles")): sys.exit(0) # # Now we have a collection of a bunch of files, possibly each with separate rotator angles # hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = all_data) hdu.writeto("all_data.fits", clobber=True) hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = all_bgsub) hdu.writeto("all_bgsub.fits", clobber=True) pupil_sub, radial_profile, radial_2d = fit_radial_profile(all_data, all_radius, all_angle, all_bgsub, radius_range) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=pupil_sub).writeto("pupilsub.fits", clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=radial_2d).writeto("radial2d.fits", clobber=True) # create_mapped_coordinates(all_data, all_radius, all_angle, all_bgsub, pupil_sub, radius_range, binfac) azimuthal_fits = fit_azimuthal_profiles(all_data, all_radius, all_angle, all_bgsub, pupil_sub, radius_range) # # Now all the fitting is done, let's compute the output # # First get a fresh buffer of coordinates outbuffer = numpy.zeros(shape=(9000,9000)) out_data, out_radius, out_angle = get_radii_angles(outbuffer, (outbuffer.shape[0]/2, outbuffer.shape[1]/2), binfac) out_angle[out_angle < 0] += 2*numpy.pi azimuthal_2d = compute_pupilghost(out_data, out_radius, out_angle, radius_range, binfac, azimuthal_fits) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=azimuthal_2d).writeto("fit_nonradial.fits", clobber=True) # Compute the 2-d radial profile. The extreme values beyond the fitting radius # might be garbage, so set all pixels outside the pupil ghost radial range to 0 radial_2d = radial_profile(out_radius.ravel()).reshape(out_radius.shape) radial_2d[(radius > r_outer/binfac) | (radius < r_inner/binfac)] = 0 pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=radial_2d).writeto("fit_radial.fits", clobber=True) try: full_2d = azimuthal_2d + radial_2d full_2d[full_2d<0] = 0 print "Writing data" pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=full_2d).writeto("fit_rad+nonrad.fits", clobber=True) except: pass #leftover = bg_sub - fullprofile # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=leftover).writeto("fit_leftover.fits", clobber=True) return #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Until now the template is still binned, blow it up to the full resolution # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print "Interpolating to full resolution" xb, yb = numpy.indices(data.shape) # Prepare the 2-d interpolation spline interpol = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xb[:,0], yb[0,:], fullprofile) # And use above spline to compute the full-resolution version xo, yo = numpy.indices(data_fullres.shape) xo = xo * 1.0 / data_fullres.shape[0] * data.shape[0] yo = yo * 1.0 / data_fullres.shape[1] * data.shape[1] correction = interpol(xo[:,0], yo[0,:]).reshape(data_fullres.shape) return correction return
[docs]def fit_radial_profile(data, radius, angle, bgsub, radius_range, binfac=1, verbose=False, show_plots=False, force_positive=False, zero_edges=False, save_profile=None): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Here we assume that all files have their background removed. # Then we continue with the radial profile. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ r_inner, r_outer, dr_full = radius_range dr = dr_full/binfac r_inner /= binfac r_outer /= binfac n_radii = int(math.ceil(r_outer / dr)) stdout_write("\nComputing radial profile (ri=%d, ro=%d, n=%d, bin=%d)...\n" % (r_inner, r_outer, n_radii, binfac)) # # Next step: Fit the radial profile # pupil_radii = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii)) pupil_level = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii)) min_r, max_r = 10000, -10000 for i in range(n_radii): ri = i * dr ro = ri + dr # Only use rings within the pupil gost rings if (ri < r_outer and ro > r_inner): ri = numpy.max([ri, r_inner]) ro = numpy.min([ro, r_outer]) min_r = numpy.min([min_r, i]) max_r = numpy.max([max_r, i]) else: continue if (verbose): stdout_write("radius i=%4d" % (i)) median, count = get_median_level(bgsub, radius, ri, ro) pupil_radii[i] = 0.5 * (ri + ro) pupil_level[i] = median if (verbose): stdout_write(" ri: %4d ro: %4d med: %.4f\n" % (ri, ro, median)) if (force_positive): pupil_level[pupil_level < 0] = 0. if (zero_edges): pupil_level[min_r] = 0. pupil_level[max_r] = 0. if (save_profile != None): out = open(save_profile, "w") print >>out, "# Data: radius, median" dummy = numpy.empty(shape=(pupil_radii.shape[0],2)) dummy[:,0] = pupil_radii[:] dummy[:,1] = pupil_level[:] #dummy = numpy.append(pupil_radii, pupil_level, axis=1) numpy.savetxt(out, dummy) # # Now fit the profile with a 1-D spline # n_knots = (r_outer-r_inner-2*dr)/dr-1 if (n_knots > 75): n_knots=75 radial_knots = numpy.linspace(r_inner+0.7*dr, r_outer-0.7*dr, n_knots) if (verbose): print "radial knots=",radial_knots[0:5],"...",radial_knots[-5:] radial_profile = scipy.interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(pupil_radii[min_r:max_r+1], pupil_level[min_r:max_r+1], radial_knots, k=2) # In case of ValueError, this is what causes it (from scipy/intrpolate/ # if not alltrue(t[k+1:n-k]-t[k:n-k-1] > 0,axis=0): # raise ValueError('Interior knots t must satisfy ' # 'Schoenberg-Whitney conditions') if (save_profile != None): print >>out, "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" print >>out, "# spline fit: radius, level" smooth_radial_1d_x = numpy.linspace(r_inner, r_outer, 1300) smooth_radial_1d_y = radial_profile(smooth_radial_1d_x) dummy = numpy.empty(shape=(smooth_radial_1d_x.shape[0],2)) dummy[:,0] = smooth_radial_1d_x[:] dummy[:,1] = smooth_radial_1d_y[:] numpy.savetxt(out, dummy) out.close() if (show_plots): # create a smooth profile for plotting smooth_radial_1d_x = numpy.linspace(r_inner, r_outer, 1300) smooth_radial_1d_y = radial_profile(smooth_radial_1d_x) knots_y = radial_profile(radial_knots) plot.plot(pupil_radii, pupil_level, '.-', radial_knots, knots_y, 'o', smooth_radial_1d_x, smooth_radial_1d_y) # # Compute the 2-d radial profile # radius_1d = radius.ravel() pupil_radial_2d = radial_profile(radius.ravel()).reshape(radius.shape) # set all pixels outside the pupil ghost radial range to 0 pupil_radial_2d[(radius > r_outer) | (radius < r_inner)] = 0 # and subtract the pupil ghost pupil_sub = bgsub - pupil_radial_2d #if (write_intermediate): pupil_sub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = pupil_sub) pupil_sub_hdu.writeto("all_pupilsub.fits", clobber=True) return pupil_sub, radial_profile, pupil_radial_2d # template_radius_1d = template_radius.ravel() # template_radial = radial_profile(template_radius.ravel()).reshape(template_radius.shape) # template_radial[(template_radius > r_outer) | (template_radius < r_inner)] = 0 # pupil_sub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = template_radial) # pupil_sub_hdu.writeto("template_radial.fits", clobber=True) return
import scipy.ndimage
[docs]def create_mapped_coordinates(all_data, all_radius, all_angle, all_bgsub, pupil_sub, radius_range, binfac): # Create the output array so we know for what positions we have to compute values output = numpy.zeros(shape=(9000,9000)) output_binned, output_radius, output_angle = get_radii_angles(output, (output.shape[0]/2, output.shape[1]/2), binfac) # Convert positions into format scipy wants coords = numpy.zeros(shape=(output_binned.ravel().shape[0],2)) coords[:,0] = output_radius.ravel()[:] coords[:,1] = output_angle.ravel()[:] # Now do the hard work: Compute mean/median values for pupil ghost in polar coordinates r_inner, r_outer, dr_full = radius_range dr = dr_full/binfac r_inner /= binfac r_outer /= binfac n_radii = int(math.ceil(r_outer / dr)) n_angles = 360 d_angle = numpy.pi / n_angles polar = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii, n_angles)) for r in range(polar.shape[0]): stdout_write("\rWorking on radius %d of %d" % (r, polar.shape[0])) for phi in range(polar.shape[1]): r_min = r * dr r_max = (r+1) * dr phi_min = phi * d_angle phi_max = (phi+1) * d_angle in_sector = (all_radius > r_min) & (all_radius <= r_max) & (all_angle > phi_min) & (all_angle <= phi_max) pixels = all_bgsub[in_sector] valid_pixels = pixels[numpy.isfinite(pixels)] median = numpy.mean(valid_pixels) polar[r,phi] = median dummy = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=polar) dummy.writeto("polar_fit.fits", clobber=True) # matched = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates return
[docs]def fit_azimuthal_profiles(data, radius, angle, bgsub, pupil_sub, radius_range): show_plots = False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Now we have only the non-radial components of the pupil ghost left # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ stdout_write("\nComputing azimuthal profiles ...\n") r_inner, r_outer, dr_full = radius_range dr = dr_full/binfac r_inner /= binfac r_outer /= binfac n_radii = int(math.ceil(r_outer / dr)) min_r = 0 max_r = 1e6 radial_splines = [None] * n_radii for cur_radius in range(n_radii): ri = cur_radius * dr ro = ri + dr # Make sure we ignore points outside the pupil ghost area if (ri < r_outer and ro > r_inner): ri = numpy.max([ri, r_inner]) ro = numpy.min([ro, r_outer]) min_r = numpy.min([min_r, cur_radius]) max_r = numpy.max([max_r, cur_radius]) else: continue # Keep user informed and happy sys.stdout.write("\rFitting azimuthal profile in ring %d - %d" % (int(ri), int(ro))) sys.stdout.flush() # Get all pixels in this ring pixels_in_ring = (radius >= ri) & (radius < ro) ring_angles = angle[pixels_in_ring] ring_data = pupil_sub[pixels_in_ring] # Eliminate all NaN pixels valid_pixels_in_ring = numpy.isfinite(ring_data) # # Get min and max angles # min_angle = 0 max_angle = 2 * numpy.pi # min_angle = numpy.min(ring_angles[valid_pixels_in_ring]) # max_angle = numpy.max(ring_angles[valid_pixels_in_ring]) # Select valid pixels valid_angles = ring_angles[valid_pixels_in_ring] valid_data = ring_data[valid_pixels_in_ring] # compute the mean angle difference between two points mean_da = (max_angle - min_angle) / valid_angles.shape[0] # Select knots for the spline fitting number_knots = numpy.sum(valid_pixels_in_ring) / 100 if (number_knots < az_knot_limit[0]): number_knots = az_knot_limit[0] if (number_knots > az_knot_limit[1]): number_knots = az_knot_limit[1] angle_knots = numpy.linspace(min_angle, max_angle, number_knots) file = open("bincount.log", "a") print >>file, ri, ro, angle_knots.shape[0], numpy.sum(valid_pixels_in_ring) file.close() # Now eliminate knots in regions with no data for i in range(angle_knots.shape[0]): diff_angle = numpy.fabs(angle_knots[i] - valid_angles) min_diffangle = numpy.min(diff_angle) if (min_diffangle > 3 * mean_da or angle_knots[i] <= min_angle or angle_knots[i] >= max_angle): angle_knots[i] = numpy.NaN good_angle_knots = angle_knots[numpy.isfinite(angle_knots)] # sort all points in this ring, otherwise LSQUnivariateSplie chokes si = numpy.argsort(valid_angles) sorted_angles = numpy.zeros(valid_angles.shape) sorted_data = numpy.zeros(valid_data.shape) for i in range(si.shape[0]): sorted_angles[i] = valid_angles[si[i]] sorted_data[i] = valid_data[si[i]] # Fit spline try: az_profile = scipy.interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(sorted_angles, sorted_data, good_angle_knots, k=3) radial_splines[cur_radius] = az_profile except: stdout_write("\n#\n") print "# Serious problem found in ring %d - %d" % (int(ri), int(ro)) print "# Number of elements in ring: ", sorted_angles.shape, sorted_data.shape print "# Number of knots:", good_angle_knots.shape print "#" if (show_plots): fine_profile_x = numpy.linspace(min_angle, max_angle, 1000) fine_profile_y = az_profile(fine_profile_x) plot.plot(ring_angles, ring_data, '+', color="#aaaaaa") plot.plot(fine_profile_x, fine_profile_y) plot.plot(angle_knots, angle_knots_y, 'x') #plot.savefig("profile_az_%d-%d.png" % (ri,ro)) plot.close() print " - done!" return radial_splines
[docs]def compute_pupilghost(data, radius, angle, radius_range, binfac, radial_splines): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Now we have all components, so compute the pupil ghost template # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Go through all the pixels in the data block and compute the pupil ghost. # Radial profile is simple, for the azimuthal interpolate linearly between the two radii # r_inner, r_outer, dr = radius_range r_inner /= binfac r_outer /= binfac dr /= binfac nonradial_profile = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) for x in range(data.shape[0]): sys.stdout.write("\rCreating pupil-ghost template, %.1f %% done ..." % ((x+1)*100.0/data.shape[0])) sys.stdout.flush() for y in range(data.shape[1]): radius_here = radius[x,y] if (radius_here < r_inner or radius_here > r_outer): continue angle_here = angle[x,y] r_here = float(radius_here) / dr ri = int(math.floor(r_here-0.5)) ro = int(math.ceil(r_here-0.5)) if (ri < 0): continue elif (ro >= len(radial_splines) and ri < len(radial_splines)): ro = ri elif (ri >= len(radial_splines)): continue try: val_i, val_o = 0,0 if (radial_splines[ri] != None): val_i = radial_splines[ri](angle_here) if (radial_splines[ro] != None): val_o = radial_splines[ro](angle_here) except: print "Found a problem: x/y = ",x,y print " r_here/dr/ri/ro=",r_here, dr, ri, ro pass # Now interpolate linearly between the two if (ri == ro): nonradial_profile[x,y] = val_i else: slope = (val_o - val_i) / float(ro - ri) nonradial_profile[x,y] = (r_here - float(ri)) * slope + val_i # if (nonradial_profile[x,y] > pupil_radial_2d[x,y]): # nonradial_profile[x,y] = pupil_radial_2d[x,y] print " complete!" return nonradial_profile
[docs]def fit_pupilghost(hdus, centers, rotator_angles, radius_range, dr_full, write_intermediate=True, show_plots=False): # Choose binning of raw-data to speed up computation binfac = 4 # Compute the radial bin size in binned pixels dr = dr_full/binfac r_inner, r_outer = radius_range r_inner /= binfac r_outer /= binfac # Allocate some memory to hold the template template = numpy.zeros(shape=(9000,9000)) template_binned, template_radius, template_angle = get_radii_angles(template, (4500,4500), 4) combined = merge_OTAs(hdus, centers) data, radius, angle = get_radii_angles(combined, (combined.shape[0]/2, combined.shape[1]/2), binfac) angle -= rotator_angles[0] # write some intermediate data products if (write_intermediate): raw_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=data) raw_hdu.writeto("raw.fits", clobber=True) combined_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=combined) combined_hdu.writeto("raw_combined.fits", clobber=True) sys.exit(0) # # Compute the number of radial bins # # Here: Add some correction if the center position is outside the covered area max_radius = 1.3 * r_outer #math.sqrt(data.shape[0] * data.shape[1]) # Splitting up image into a number of rings n_radii = int(math.ceil(max_radius / dr)) # # Compute the background level as a linear interpolation of the levels # inside and outside of the pupil ghost # stdout_write(" Computing background-level ...") # Define the background ring levels radii = numpy.arange(0, max_radius, dr) background_levels = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii)) background_level_errors = numpy.ones(shape=(n_radii)) * 1e9 background_levels[:] = numpy.NaN for i in range(n_radii): ri = i * dr ro = ri + dr if (ri < r_inner): ro = numpy.min([ro, r_inner]) elif (ro > r_outer): ri = numpy.max([ri, r_outer]) else: # Skip the rings within the pupil ghost range for now continue #print i, ri, ro median, count = get_median_level(data, radius, ri, ro) background_levels[i] = median background_level_errors[i] = 1. / math.sqrt(count) if count > 0 else 1e9 # Now fit a straight line to the continuum, assuming it varies # only linearly (if at all) with radius # define our (line) fitting function fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1] * x errfunc = lambda p, x, y, err: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) / err bg_for_fit = background_levels bg_for_fit[numpy.isnan(background_levels)] = 0 pinit = [1.0, 0.0] # Assume no slope and constant level of 1 out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(radii, background_levels, background_level_errors), full_output=1) pfinal = out[0] covar = out[1] stdout_write(" best-fit: %.2f + %f * x\n" % (pfinal[0], pfinal[1])) #print pfinal #print covar # # Now we have the fit for the background, compute the 2d background # image and subtract it out # x = numpy.linspace(0, max_radius, 100) y_fit = radii * pfinal[1] + pfinal[0] background = pfinal[0] + pfinal[1] * radius bg_sub = data - background if (write_intermediate): bgsub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=bg_sub) bgsub_hdu.writeto("bgsub.fits", clobber=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Now we got rid of background gradients, continue with the radial profile # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Next step: Fit the radial profile # pupil_radii = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii)) pupil_level = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_radii)) min_r, max_r = 10000, -10000 for i in range(n_radii): ri = i * dr ro = ri + dr # Only use rings within the pupil gost rings if (ri < r_outer and ro > r_inner): ri = numpy.max([ri, r_inner]) ro = numpy.min([ro, r_outer]) min_r = numpy.min([min_r, i]) max_r = numpy.max([max_r, i]) else: continue median, count = get_median_level(bg_sub, radius, ri, ro) pupil_radii[i] = 0.5 * (ri + ro) pupil_level[i] = median # # Now fit the profile with a 1-D spline # radial_knots = numpy.linspace(r_inner+0.7*dr, r_outer-0.7*dr, (r_outer-r_inner-1.4*dr)/dr/1.5) radial_profile = scipy.interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(pupil_radii[min_r:max_r+1], pupil_level[min_r:max_r+1], radial_knots, k=2) if (show_plots): # create a smooth profile for plotting smooth_radial_1d_x = numpy.linspace(r_inner, r_outer, 1300) smooth_radial_1d_y = radial_profile(smooth_radial_1d_x) knots_y = radial_profile(radial_knots) plot.plot(pupil_radii, pupil_level, '.-', radial_knots, knots_y, 'o', smooth_radial_1d_x, smooth_radial_1d_y) # # Compute the 2-d radial profile # radius_1d = radius.ravel() pupil_radial_2d = radial_profile(radius.ravel()).reshape(radius.shape) # set all pixels outside the pupil ghost radial range to 0 pupil_radial_2d[(radius > r_outer) | (radius < r_inner)] = 0 # and subtract the pupil ghost pupil_sub = bg_sub - pupil_radial_2d if (write_intermediate): pupil_sub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = pupil_sub) pupil_sub_hdu.writeto("pupilsub.fits", clobber=True) template_radius_1d = template_radius.ravel() template_radial = radial_profile(template_radius.ravel()).reshape(template_radius.shape) template_radial[(template_radius > r_outer) | (template_radius < r_inner)] = 0 pupil_sub_hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data = template_radial) pupil_sub_hdu.writeto("template_radial.fits", clobber=True) sys.exit(0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Now we have only the non-radial components of the pupil ghost left # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ radial_splines = [None] * n_radii for cur_radius in range(n_radii): ri = cur_radius * dr ro = ri + dr # Make sure we ignore points outside the pupil ghost area if (ri < r_outer and ro > r_inner): ri = numpy.max([ri, r_inner]) ro = numpy.min([ro, r_outer]) min_r = numpy.min([min_r, cur_radius]) max_r = numpy.max([max_r, cur_radius]) else: continue # Keep user informed and happy sys.stdout.write("\rFitting azimuthal profile in ring %d - %d" % (int(ri), int(ro))) sys.stdout.flush() # Get all pixels in this ring pixels_in_ring = (radius >= ri) & (radius < ro) ring_angles = angle[pixels_in_ring] ring_data = pupil_sub[pixels_in_ring] # Eliminate all NaN pixels valid_pixels_in_ring = numpy.isfinite(ring_data) # # Get min and max angles # min_angle = numpy.min(ring_angles[valid_pixels_in_ring]) max_angle = numpy.max(ring_angles[valid_pixels_in_ring]) # Select valid pixels valid_angles = ring_angles[valid_pixels_in_ring] valid_data = ring_data[valid_pixels_in_ring] # compute the mean angle difference between two points mean_da = (max_angle - min_angle) / valid_angles.shape[0] # Select knots for the spline fitting number_knots = numpy.sum(valid_pixels_in_ring) / 100 if (number_knots < 30): number_knots = 30 angle_knots = numpy.linspace(min_angle, max_angle, number_knots) # Now eliminate knots in regions with no data for i in range(angle_knots.shape[0]): diff_angle = numpy.fabs(angle_knots[i] - valid_angles) min_diffangle = numpy.min(diff_angle) if (min_diffangle > 3 * mean_da or angle_knots[i] <= min_angle or angle_knots[i] >= max_angle): angle_knots[i] = numpy.NaN good_angle_knots = angle_knots[numpy.isfinite(angle_knots)] # sort all points in this ring, otherwise LSQUnivariateSplie chokes si = numpy.argsort(valid_angles) sorted_angles = numpy.zeros(valid_angles.shape) sorted_data = numpy.zeros(valid_data.shape) for i in range(si.shape[0]): sorted_angles[i] = valid_angles[si[i]] sorted_data[i] = valid_data[si[i]] # Fit spline az_profile = scipy.interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(sorted_angles, sorted_data, good_angle_knots, k=3) radial_splines[cur_radius] = az_profile if (show_plots): fine_profile_x = numpy.linspace(min_angle, max_angle, 1000) fine_profile_y = az_profile(fine_profile_x) plot.plot(ring_angles, ring_data, '+', color="#aaaaaa") plot.plot(fine_profile_x, fine_profile_y) plot.plot(angle_knots, angle_knots_y, 'x') #plot.savefig("profile_az_%d-%d.png" % (ri,ro)) plot.close() print " - done!" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Now we have all components, so compute the pupil ghost template # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Go through all the pixels in the data block and compute the pupil ghost. # Radial profile is simple, for the azimuthal interpolate linearly between the two radii # nonradial_profile = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) for x in range(data.shape[0]): sys.stdout.write("\rCreating pupil-ghost template, %.1f %% done ..." % ((x+1)*100.0/data.shape[0])) sys.stdout.flush() for y in range(data.shape[1]): radius_here = radius[x,y] if (radius_here < r_inner or radius_here > r_outer): continue angle_here = angle[x,y] r_here = float(radius_here) / dr ri = int(math.floor(r_here-0.5)) ro = int(math.ceil(r_here-0.5)) val_i, val_o = 0,0 if (radial_splines[ri] != None): val_i = radial_splines[ri](angle_here) if (radial_splines[ro] != None): val_o = radial_splines[ro](angle_here) # Now interpolate linearly between the two if (ri == ro): nonradial_profile[x,y] = val_i else: slope = (val_o - val_i) / float(ro - ri) nonradial_profile[x,y] = (r_here - float(ri)) * slope + val_i if (nonradial_profile[x,y] > pupil_radial_2d[x,y]): nonradial_profile[x,y] = pupil_radial_2d[x,y] print " complete!" fullprofile = nonradial_profile + pupil_radial_2d fullprofile[fullprofile<0] = 0 if (write_intermediate): print "Writing data" # Save non-radial as fits pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=nonradial_profile).writeto("fit_nonradial.fits", clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=pupil_radial_2d).writeto("fit_radial.fits", clobber=True) # print "nonradial=",nonradial_profile.shape # print "pupil2d=",pupil_radial_2d.shape # nonradial_profile = numpy.min([nonradial_profile, pupil_radial_2d]) # pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=nonradial_profile).writeto("fit_nonradial2.fits", clobber=True) pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=fullprofile).writeto("fit_rad+nonrad.fits", clobber=True) leftover = bg_sub - fullprofile pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=leftover).writeto("fit_leftover.fits", clobber=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Until now the template is still binned, blow it up to the full resolution # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print "Interpolating to full resolution" xb, yb = numpy.indices(data.shape) # Prepare the 2-d interpolation spline interpol = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xb[:,0], yb[0,:], fullprofile) # And use above spline to compute the full-resolution version xo, yo = numpy.indices(data_fullres.shape) xo = xo * 1.0 / data_fullres.shape[0] * data.shape[0] yo = yo * 1.0 / data_fullres.shape[1] * data.shape[1] correction = interpol(xo[:,0], yo[0,:]).reshape(data_fullres.shape) return correction
[docs]def bin_azimuthal_profile(angles, data, d_angle, min_angle=None, max_angle=None, verbose=False): if (min_angle == None): min_angle = numpy.min(angles) if (max_angle == None): max_angle = numpy.max(angles) n_angles = int(math.floor((max_angle - min_angle) / d_angle)) median = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_angles)) angle = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_angles)) count = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_angles)) var = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_angles)) for i in range(n_angles): a_start = min_angle + i * d_angle a_end = numpy.min([a_start + d_angle, max_angle]) selected = (angles >= a_start) & (angles < a_end) this_sector_data = data[selected] this_sector_angle = angles[selected] count[i] = numpy.sum(selected) # Check if any of the pixels are marked as NaN nan_count = numpy.sum(numpy.isnan(this_sector_data)) good_value = numpy.isfinite(this_sector_data) if (numpy.sum(good_value) < 1): angle[i] = 0.5*(a_start + a_end) median[i] = 0 var[i] = 1e9 else: angle[i] = numpy.median(this_sector_angle[good_value]) median[i] = numpy.median(this_sector_data[good_value]) var[i] = numpy.std(this_sector_data[good_value]) / count[i] #if (nan_count > 0.1 * count[i]): # # That's too many NaNs # var[i] = 1e9 median_var = numpy.median(var) var[var == 0] = 1e9 ## compute mean pixels per bin #npixels = numpy.median(count) #var[count < 0.2*npixels] = 1e9 if (verbose): print "Results from az binning", a_start, a_end print angle[:5] print median[:5] print count[:5] print var[:5] print return angle, median, var
[docs]def sort_angles(angles, data): si = numpy.argsort(angles) out_angle = numpy.zeros(shape=(angles.shape)) out_data = numpy.zeros(shape=(data.shape)) for i in range(si.shape[0]): out_angle[i] = angles[si[i]] out_data[i] = data[si[i]] return out_angle, out_data ################################# # # Important note: # Many x/y values are swapped, because fits data is arranged in y/x coordinates, not x/y # #################################
if __name__ == "__main__": print """\ fit-pupilghost tool part of the pODI QuickReduce pipeline (c) 2013, Ralf Kotulla ( Contact the author with questions and comments. Website: --> Research --> podi-pipeline """ # Read in the input parameters template = sys.argv[1] output_filename = sys.argv[2] r_inner = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-ri", 700)) r_outer = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-ri", 4000)) dr = float(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-dr", 20)) binfac = int(cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-prebin", 4)) bpmdir = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-bpm", None) filenames = get_clean_cmdline()[1:-1] output = get_clean_cmdline()[-1] do_work(filenames, pupilghost_centers, binfac, (r_inner, r_outer, dr), bpmdir) sys.exit(0) hdu_ref = hdulist_out = [hdu_ref[0]] hdus = [] centers = [] for i in range(1, len(hdu_ref)): extname = hdu_ref[i].header['EXTNAME'] rotator_angles = [hdu_ref[0].header['ROTOFF']] if (extname in pupilghost_centers): center_x, center_y = pupilghost_centers[extname] print "Using center position %d, %d for OTA %s" % (center_y, center_x, extname) data = hdu_ref[i].data if (bpmdir != None): bpmfile = "%s/bpm_xy%s.reg" % (bpmdir, extname[3:5]) mask_broken_regions(data, bpmfile, True) hdus.append(hdu_ref[i]) centers.append((center_y, center_x)) correction = fit_pupilghost(hdus, centers, rotator_angles, (r_inner, r_outer), dr) #hdu_ref[i].data = correction #hdulist_out.append(hdu_ref[i]) #hdu_out = pyfits.HDUList(hdulist_out) #hdu_out.writeto(output_filename, clobber=True)