Source code for podi_findstars

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import scipy
import pywcs
from astLib import astWCS

from podi_definitions import *

FWHM = 2 *math.sqrt(2*math.log(2))

[docs]def calculate_moments(data): # Corners are as follows: # # 3 -------- 0 # | | # | | # | | # 2 -------- 1 # # corner = [None]*4 corner_size = 3 corner[0] = data[-corner_size:, -corner_size:] corner[1] = data[-corner_size:, :corner_size] corner[2] = data[:corner_size , :corner_size] corner[3] = data[:corner_size , -corner_size:] # First determine some background level, based on the mean value of the 4 corners corner_level = numpy.zeros(shape=(4)) corner_variance = numpy.zeros(shape=(4)) for i in range(4): corner_level[i] = numpy.mean(corner[i]) corner_variance[0] = numpy.mean(numpy.power((corner[i] - corner_level[0]), 2)) bg_level = numpy.max([0, numpy.median(corner_level)]) bg_variance = numpy.mean(corner_variance) # Subtract the background signal = data - bg_level # Some stats about pixels above the detection threshold minimumFlux = 3 * bg_variance total = signal.sum() significant_pixel = signal > minimumFlux total_above_min = signal[significant_pixel].sum() area = numpy.sum(significant_pixel) # Compute the moments of the distribution, i.e. the x/y fwhms X, Y = numpy.indices(data.shape) center_x = (X*signal).sum()/total center_y = (Y*signal).sum()/total dx = X - center_x dy = Y - center_y if (total_above_min > 0): momentXX = numpy.sum((signal * dx * dx)[significant_pixel]) / total_above_min momentYY = numpy.sum((signal * dy * dy)[significant_pixel]) / total_above_min momentXY = numpy.sum((signal * dx * dy)[significant_pixel]) / total_above_min fwhm_x = numpy.sqrt(momentXX) * FWHM fwhm_y = numpy.sqrt(momentYY) * FWHM roundness = (fwhm_x - fwhm_y) / (fwhm_x + fwhm_y) else: fwhm_x, fwhm_y, roundness = 0, 0, -5 #col = data[:, int(y)] #print col #width_x = numpy.sqrt(abs((numpy.arange(col.size)-y)**2*col).sum()/col.sum()) #row = data[int(x), :] #width_y = numpy.sqrt(abs((numpy.arange(row.size)-x)**2*row).sum()/row.sum()) peak = data.max() amplitude = peak - bg_level # Important: signal/noise s_n = amplitude / bg_variance return amplitude, center_x, center_y, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, roundness, peak, bg_level, bg_variance, s_n, area
[docs]def find_stars(hdu, binning=4, boxsize=24, dumpfile="find_stars.dump", verbose=True, detect_threshold=2, detect_minarea=5, saturation_limit=60000, roundness_limit=[-1,1], max_starcount=1e9, extension_id=0 ): # Extract data and WCS solution from HDU data = wcs = astWCS.WCS(hdu.header, mode="pyfits") # Prepare the data: Set all NaNs to something illegal data[numpy.isnan(data)] = -1e10 # Create the binned array we will use to search for maxima binned = rebin_image(data, binning) bboxsize = boxsize / binning # Determine some global background level global_bg = numpy.median(binned[binned > 0]) global_bg_rms = math.sqrt(global_bg) print "# Found Background %d +/- %d" % (global_bg, global_bg_rms) # Prepare some indices so we can reconstruct the pixel position of each peak indices_x, indices_y = numpy.indices(binned.shape) indices_x_1d = indices_x.ravel() indices_y_1d = indices_y.ravel() # Create the output file that will hold the star catalog if (dumpfile != None): outcat_file = dumpfile outcat = open(outcat_file, "w") # # Begin the actual work # # Sort the binned image by brightness binned_1d = binned.ravel() sorted_1d = numpy.argsort(binned_1d) nstars_found = 0 npeaks_found = 0 peak_value = 1e9 current_peak = 0 # Holds where we are in the sorted list source_list = [] min_peak_level = global_bg+detect_threshold*global_bg_rms #print "min peak level=",min_peak_level # Continue searching for peaks as long there's a chance of finding a significant one while(peak_value > min_peak_level and len(source_list)<max_starcount): current_peak += 1 # Which pixel in the 1-d array are we talking about idx = sorted_1d[-1*current_peak] # Now determine the x,y positions of this pixel x,y = indices_x_1d[idx], indices_y_1d[idx] # Ignore this pixel if it's already marked as invalid if (binned_1d[idx] < -1e9 or binned[x,y] < -1e9): #current_peak += 1 #print "skipping" continue peak_value = binned[x,y] if (verbose): print current_peak, idx, binned_1d[idx] if (verbose): print "---> ",x, y, binned[x,y], binned_1d[idx] full_x, full_y = x*binning, y*binning if (verbose): print "maxima = ",binned_1d.max(), binned[x,y], " @ ",x, y, " (",full_x, full_y,")" bx1 = 0 if x-bboxsize < 0 else x-bboxsize bx2 = binned.shape[0] if x+bboxsize > binned.shape[0] else x+bboxsize by1 = 0 if y-bboxsize < 0 else y-bboxsize by2 = binned.shape[1] if y+bboxsize > binned.shape[1] else y+bboxsize #bx1, bx2 = max([0, x-bboxsize]), min([binned.shape[0], x+bboxsize]) #by1, by2 = max([0, y-bboxsize]), min([binned.shape[1], y+bboxsize]) if (verbose): print "binned box = %4d - %4d, %4d - %4d" % (bx1, bx2, by1, by2) fx1 = 0 if full_x-boxsize < 0 else full_x-boxsize fx2 = data.shape[0] if full_x+boxsize > data.shape[0] else full_x+boxsize fy1 = 0 if full_y-boxsize < 0 else full_y-boxsize fy2 = data.shape[1] if full_y+boxsize > data.shape[1] else full_y+boxsize #fx1, fx2 = max([0, full_x-boxsize]), min([data.shape[0], full_x+boxsize]) #fy1, fy2 = max([0, full_y-boxsize]), min([data.shape[1], full_y+boxsize]) if (verbose): print "full-res box = %4d - %4d, %4d - %4d" % (fx1, fx2, fy1, fy2) binned[bx1:bx2, by1:by2] = -1e10 blocking_radius = boxsize center_x, center_y = full_x, full_y npeaks_found += 1 if (data[x,y] < saturation_limit): minibox = data[fx1:fx2, fy1:fy2] if (numpy.min(minibox) > -1e9): amplitude, mb_center_x, mb_center_y, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, roundness, peak, bg_level, bg_variance, s_n, area = calculate_moments(minibox) if (verbose): print "Found star %d at pos %02d, %02d ===> " % (nstars_found, full_x, full_y), #center_x, center_y), if (s_n < detect_threshold): if (verbose): print "too faint, s/n=",s_n,"\n" elif (roundness < roundness_limit[0] or roundness > roundness_limit[1]): if (verbose): print "not round enough, %.3f vs %.3f" % (fwhm_x, fwhm_y),"\n" elif (area < detect_threshold): if (verbose): print "Insufficent significant area (%d < 10)" % (area) else: center_x, center_y = mb_center_x + fx1, mb_center_y + fy1 nstars_found += 1 #print amplitude, center_x, center_y, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, roundness, peak, bg_variance, s_n if (verbose): print print " --> pos = %8.2f %8.2f" % (center_x, center_y) print " --> fwhm = %8.2f %8.2f" % (fwhm_x, fwhm_y) print " --> S/N = %8.2f (noise=%6.1f)" % (s_n, bg_variance) print " --> Peak = %6d (bg=%6d, total=%6d)" % (amplitude, bg_level, peak) print if (dumpfile != None): print >>outcat, center_y+1, center_x+1, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, s_n stdout_write("\rFound %d stars (%d peaks, [%d >= %d])..." % (nstars_found, npeaks_found, peak_value, min_peak_level)) blocking_radius = numpy.min([5 * math.sqrt(fwhm_x * fwhm_y), 3*boxsize]) # Add 1 pixel, as fits starts counting at 1, whereas numpy starts at 0 center_x += 1 center_y += 1 ra, dec = wcs.pix2wcs(center_x, center_y) source_info = [ ra, dec, center_x, center_y, fwhm_x, fwhm_y, amplitude, peak, bg_level, bg_variance, s_n, area, extension_id] source_list.append(source_info) del minibox else: if (verbose): print "Too close to a flagged region\n" pass else: if (verbose): print "This is something saturated!\n" pass blocking_radius = numpy.max([blocking_radius, boxsize]) b_cenx, b_ceny = center_x / binning, center_y / binning b_blockrad = blocking_radius / binning _bx1 = 0 if b_cenx-b_blockrad < 0 else b_cenx-b_blockrad _bx2 = binned.shape[0] if b_cenx+b_blockrad > binned.shape[0] else b_cenx+b_blockrad _by1 = 0 if b_ceny-b_blockrad < 0 else b_ceny-b_blockrad _by2 = binned.shape[1] if b_ceny+b_blockrad > binned.shape[1] else y+bboxsize #if (verbose): # print "BLOCKING OUT= %4d,%4d %4d,%4d" % (bx1, bx2, by1, by2) # print " %4d,%4d %4d,%4d" % (_bx1, _bx2, _by1, _by2) binned[_bx1:_bx2, _by1:_by2] = -1e10 #outfile = dumpfile+".fits" #clobberfile(outfile) #prim = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=data, header=None) #out_hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([prim]) #out_hdulist.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) source_cat = numpy.array(source_list) stdout_write("done!\n") return source_cat
[docs]def findstar_allota(inputfile): hdulist = for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): dumpfile = "fs_dump.%s" % (hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME']) data = hdulist[ext].data find_stars(data, binning=4, boxsize=24, dumpfile=dumpfile, verbose=False)
if __name__ == "__main__": inputfile = sys.argv[1] hdulist = for ext in range(1, len(hdulist)): print "\n\n\n\n\n%s\n\n\n\n\n" % (hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME']) dumpfilename = "fs_dump.%s" % (hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME']) dumpfile = open(dumpfilename, "w") source_cat = find_stars(hdulist[ext], binning=4, boxsize=24, dumpfile=dumpfilename, verbose=False, detect_threshold=1.5, detect_minarea=6, roundness_limit=[-0.2,+0.2]) #ra, dec = pix2sky(source_cat[:,0], source_cat[:,1], hdulist[ext].header) #print source_cat[:,0:2] #wcs = pywcs.WCS(header=hdulist[ext].header) #ra_dec = wcs.all_pix2sky(source_cat[:,0:2], 0) #xxx.fits") #print ra_dec numpy.savetxt(dumpfile, source_cat[:,0:4], delimiter=" ") dumpfile.close() #import cProfile, pstats'findstar_allota(inputfile)', "profiler") #p = pstats.Stats("profiler") #p.strip_dirs().sort_stats('time').print_stats() #p.sort_stats('time').print_stats()