Source code for podi_diagnosticplots

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


Module containing all code pertaining to creating the diagnostic plots.


import sys
import os
import pyfits
import numpy
import math

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.colors
from podi_plotting import *

gain_correct_frames = False

import matplotlib.lines

from podi_definitions import *
import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup

import Queue
import multiprocessing
import podi_logging, logging

# This creates the WCS scatter plots

[docs]def plot_wcsdiag_scatter(d_ra, d_dec, filename, extension_list, title="WCS Scatter", ota_stats = None, ota_global_stats = None): """ Function generating the WCS scatter plot from the given data. """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_WCSScatter") #fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() count, xedges, yedges = numpy.histogram2d(d_ra*3600., d_dec*3600., bins=[60,60], range=[[-3,3], [-3,3]]) img = ax.imshow(count.T, extent=(xedges[0],xedges[-1],yedges[0],yedges[-1]), origin='lower', cmap=cmap_bluewhite) # interpolation='nearest', fig.colorbar(img, label='point density') # # Draw the rings in the center to outline the RMS of the OTA and focal-plane # if (not ota_global_stats == None): x = ota_global_stats['MEDIAN-RA'] y = ota_global_stats['MEDIAN-DEC'] width = ota_global_stats['RMS-RA'] height = ota_global_stats['RMS-DEC'] ellipse = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse(xy=(x,y), width=width, height=height, edgecolor='r', fc='None', lw=1) ax.add_patch(ellipse) global_text = """\ Overall WCS (N=%(STARCOUNT)d): offset: %(MEDIAN-RA)+0.3f'' / %(MEDIAN-DEC)+0.3f'' R.M.S. %(RMS-RA)0.3f'' / %(RMS-DEC)0.3f'' %(RMS).3f'' (combined)\ """ % ota_global_stats ax.text(2.9, -2.9, global_text, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=10, backgroundcolor='white') if (not ota_stats == None): x = ota_stats['MEDIAN-RA'] y = ota_stats['MEDIAN-DEC'] width = ota_stats['RMS-RA'] height = ota_stats['RMS-DEC'] ellipse = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse(xy=(x,y), width=width, height=height, edgecolor='b', fc='None', lw=1) ax.add_patch(ellipse) local_text = """\ This OTA (N=%(STARCOUNT)d): offset: %(MEDIAN-RA)+0.3f'' / %(MEDIAN-DEC)+0.3f'' R.M.S. %(RMS-RA)0.3f'' / %(RMS-DEC)0.3f'' %(RMS).3f'' (combined)\ """ % ota_stats ax.text(-2.9, -2.9, local_text, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=10, backgroundcolor='white') # # Add some histograms to the borders to illustrate the distribution # Only do so if there are at least 5 stars # if (d_ra.shape[0] > 5): from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde x = numpy.linspace(-3,3,600) density_ra = gaussian_kde(d_ra*3600.) density_ra.covariance_factor = lambda : .1 density_ra._compute_covariance() peak_ra = numpy.max(density_ra(x)) ax.plot(x,3.-density_ra(x)/peak_ra, "-", color='black') density_dec = gaussian_kde(d_dec*3600.) density_dec.covariance_factor = lambda : .1 density_dec._compute_covariance() peak_dec = numpy.max(density_dec(x)) ax.plot(density_dec(x)/peak_dec-3., x, "-", color='black') ax.plot(d_ra*3600., d_dec*3600., "b,", linewidth=0) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("error RA * cos(DEC) [arcsec]") ax.set_ylabel("error DEC [arcsec]") ax.set_xlim((-3,3)) ax.set_ylim((-3,3)) ax.grid(True) ax.set_aspect('equal') if (filename == None): else: for ext in extension_list: logger.debug("saving file: %s.%s" % (filename, ext)) fig.savefig(filename+"."+ext) matplotlib.pyplot.close() return
[docs]def wcsdiag_scatter(matched_radec_odi, matched_radec_2mass, matched_ota, filename, options=None, ota_wcs_stats=None, also_plot_singleOTAs=True, title_info = None, ): """ Function preparing the data for WCS scatter plot and forwarding all plotting tasks to `plot_wcsdiag_scatter` """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_WCSScatter")"Creating the WCS scatter plot ...") # Eliminate all matches with somehow illegal coordinates good_matches = numpy.isfinite(matched_radec_odi[:,0]) & numpy.isfinite(matched_radec_2mass[:,0]) matched_radec_odi = matched_radec_odi[good_matches] matched_radec_2mass = matched_radec_2mass[good_matches] matched_ota = matched_ota[good_matches] # matches_zeroed = matched_cat # good_matches = matches_zeroed[matches_zeroed[:,2] >= 0] cos_declination = numpy.cos(numpy.radians(0.5 * (matched_radec_odi[:,1] + matched_radec_2mass[:,1]))) d_ra = (matched_radec_odi[:,0] - matched_radec_2mass[:,0]) * cos_declination d_dec = matched_radec_odi[:,1] - matched_radec_2mass[:,1] ota = matched_ota if (options == None): extension_list = ('png') else: extension_list = options['plotformat'] # Create one plot for the full focalplane ota_global_stats = None if ota_wcs_stats == None else ota_wcs_stats['full'] title = "WCS Scatter - full focal plane" if (not title_info == None): logger.debug("Received information for a more descriptive plot title for WCS scatter") try: title = "WCS Scatter - %(OBSID)s (focal-plane) \n%(OBJECT)s - %(FILTER)s - %(EXPTIME)dsec" % title_info logger.debug(title) except: pass processes = [] plot_args= {"d_ra": d_ra, "d_dec": d_dec, "filename": filename, "extension_list": extension_list, "ota_stats": None, "ota_global_stats": ota_global_stats, "title": title, } p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_wcsdiag_scatter, kwargs=plot_args) p.start() processes.append(p) # plot_wcsdiag_scatter(d_ra, d_dec, filename, extension_list, # title=title, # ota_stats=None, ota_global_stats=ota_global_stats) # Now break down the plots by OTA if (also_plot_singleOTAs): list_of_otas = available_ota_coords if (options['central_only']): list_of_otas = central_array_ota_coords for (otax, otay) in list_of_otas: this_ota = otax * 10 + otay in_this_ota = (ota == this_ota) if (numpy.sum(in_this_ota) <= 0): continue extname = "OTA%02d.SCI" % (this_ota) ota_stats = None if (not ota_wcs_stats == None): if (extname in ota_wcs_stats): ota_stats = ota_wcs_stats[extname] title = "WSC Scatter - OTA %02d" % (this_ota) if (not title_info == None): title_info['OTA'] = this_ota try: title = "WCS Scatter - %(OBSID)s - OTA %(OTA)02d\n%(OBJECT)s - %(FILTER)s - %(EXPTIME)dsec" % title_info except: pass logger.debug(extname+" -> "+str(ota_stats)) ota_plotfile = create_qa_otaplot_filename(filename, this_ota, options['structure_qa_subdirs']) # ota_plotfile = "%s_OTA%02d" % (filename, this_ota) # if (options['structure_qa_subdirs']): # ota_plotfile = "%s/OTA%02d" % (filename, this_ota) plot_args= {"d_ra": d_ra[in_this_ota], "d_dec": d_dec[in_this_ota], "filename": ota_plotfile, "extension_list": extension_list, "title": title, "ota_stats": ota_stats, "ota_global_stats": ota_global_stats, } p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_wcsdiag_scatter, kwargs=plot_args) p.start() processes.append(p) # plot_wcsdiag_scatter(d_ra[in_this_ota], d_dec[in_this_ota], ota_plotfile, extension_list, # title=title, # ota_stats=ota_stats, ota_global_stats=ota_global_stats) for p in processes: p.join() # Create some plots for WCS diagnosis logger.debug("done!") ##################################################################################### # # # WCS shift vector plots # # #####################################################################################
[docs]def plot_wcsdiag_shift(radec, d_radec, # matched_cat, filename, extension_list=('png'), ota_outlines=None, title=None, ): """ Function generating the WCS shift plot from the given data. """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_WCSShift") fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) # d_ra = matched_cat[:,0] - matched_cat[:,2] # d_dec = matched_cat[:,1] - matched_cat[:,3] # ramin, ramax = numpy.min(matched_cat[:,0]), numpy.max(matched_cat[:,0]) # decmin, decmax = numpy.min(matched_cat[:,1]), numpy.max(matched_cat[:,1]) ramin, ramax = numpy.min(radec[:,0]), numpy.max(radec[:,0]) decmin, decmax = numpy.min(radec[:,1]), numpy.max(radec[:,1]) dimension = numpy.min([ramax-ramin, decmax-decmin]) vector_scaling = 10 * dimension/100 * 3600. # size of 1 arcsec in percent of screen size ax.plot(radec[:,0], radec[:,1], color='red', marker='o', linestyle='None', markeredgecolor='none', markersize=4, ) Q = ax.quiver(radec[:,0], radec[:,1], d_radec[:,0]*vector_scaling, d_radec[:,1]*vector_scaling, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', pivot='tail', zorder=99, scale=1, headwidth=2, headlength=2, headaxislength=1.8, width=1e-4, linewidth=1, edgecolor='#000000', color='#000000', ) # Determine min and max values ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlim((ramin-0.02, ramax+0.02)) ax.set_ylim((decmin-0.02, decmax+0.02)) ax.set_xlabel("RA [degrees]") ax.set_ylabel("DEC [degrees]") # draw some arrow to mark how long the other arrows are #arrow_x = ramin + 0.05 * (ramax - ramin) #arrow_y = decmax - 0.05 * (decmax - decmin) arrow_length = 1 / 3600. # arcsec # ax.plot(arrow_x, arrow_y, "ro") # ax.quiver(arrow_x, arrow_y, arrow_length*vector_scaling, 0, linewidth=0, # angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, pivot='middle', # headwidth=0) logger.debug("Adding quiverkey at pos") #, arrow_x, arrow_y # qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, arrow_x, arrow_y, arrow_length, # label="1''", labelpos='S', # coordinates='data' # ) qk = ax.quiverkey(Q, 0.05, 0.95, arrow_length*vector_scaling, label="1''", labelpos='S', coordinates='axes' ) # ax.quiver(arrow_x, arrow_y, arrow_length*vector_scaling, 0, linewidth=0, # angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, pivot='middle', # headwidth=0) if (not ota_outlines == None): corners = numpy.array(ota_outlines) coll = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(corners,facecolor='none',edgecolor='#808080', linestyle='-') ax.add_collection(coll) # add a line # x,y = numpy.array([[arrow_x-arrow_length*vector_scaling, arrow_x+arrow_length*vector_scaling], [arrow_y, arrow_y]]) # ax.plot(x,y, linewidth=3, color='black') # add label saying "2''" # ax.text(arrow_x, arrow_y-2*vector_scaling/3600., "%d''" % (2*arrow_length*3600), # horizontalalignment='center') if (filename == None): else: for ext in extension_list: logger.debug("saving file: %s.%s" % (filename, ext)) fig.savefig(filename+"."+ext) matplotlib.pyplot.close() logger.debug("done!") return
[docs]def wcsdiag_shift(matched_radec_odi, matched_radec_2mass, matched_ota, filename, options=None, ota_outlines=None, ota_wcs_stats=None, also_plot_singleOTAs=True, title_info = None, ): """ Function preparing the data for WCS shift plot and forwarding all plotting tasks to `plot_wcsdiag_shift` """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_WCSShift")"Creating the WCS offset/shift plot ...") # Eliminate all matches with somehow illegal coordinates good_matches = numpy.isfinite(matched_radec_odi[:,0]) & numpy.isfinite(matched_radec_2mass[:,0]) matched_radec_odi = matched_radec_odi[good_matches] matched_radec_2mass = matched_radec_2mass[good_matches] matched_ota = matched_ota[good_matches] cos_declination = numpy.cos(numpy.radians(0.5 * (matched_radec_odi[:,1] + matched_radec_2mass[:,1]))) d_radec = matched_radec_odi - matched_radec_2mass d_radec[:,0] *= cos_declination ota = matched_ota # d_ra = matched_radec_odi[:,0] - matched_radec_2mass[:,0] # d_dec = matched_radec_odi[:,1] - matched_radec_2mass[:,1] # matches_zeroed = matched_cat # good_matches = matches_zeroed[matches_zeroed[:,2] >= 0] # d_ra = good_matches[:,0] - good_matches[:,2] # d_dec = good_matches[:,1] - good_matches[:,3] # ota = good_matches[:,10] if (options == None): extension_list = ('png') else: extension_list = options['plotformat'] processes = [] # Create one plot for the full focalplane title = "WCS errors - full focal plane" if (not title_info == None): logger.debug("Received information for a more descriptive plot title for WCS scatter") try: title = "WCS Errors - %(OBSID)s (focal-plane) \n%(OBJECT)s - %(FILTER)s - %(EXPTIME)dsec" % title_info logger.debug(title) except: pass plot_args = {"radec": matched_radec_2mass, "d_radec": d_radec, "filename": filename, "extension_list": extension_list, "ota_outlines": None, "title": title, } p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_wcsdiag_shift, kwargs=plot_args) p.start() processes.append(p) # Now break down the plots by OTA if (also_plot_singleOTAs): list_of_otas = available_ota_coords if (options['central_only']): list_of_otas = central_array_ota_coords for (otax, otay) in list_of_otas: this_ota = otax * 10 + otay in_this_ota = (ota == this_ota) if (numpy.sum(in_this_ota) <= 0): continue extname = "OTA%02d.SCI" % (this_ota) title = "WSC Error - OTA %02d" % (this_ota) if (not title_info == None): title_info['OTA'] = this_ota try: title = "WCS Errors - %(OBSID)s OTA %(OTA)02d\n%(OBJECT)s - %(FILTER)s - %(EXPTIME)dsec" % title_info except: pass ota_radec = matched_radec_2mass[in_this_ota] ota_d_radec = d_radec[in_this_ota] ota_plotfile = create_qa_otaplot_filename(filename, this_ota, options['structure_qa_subdirs']) # ota_plotfile = "%s_OTA%02d" % (filename, this_ota) # if (options['structure_qa_subdirs']): # ota_plotfile = "%s/OTA%02d" % (filename, this_ota) plot_args = {"radec": ota_radec, "d_radec": ota_d_radec, "filename": ota_plotfile, "extension_list": extension_list, "ota_outlines": None, "title": title, } p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_wcsdiag_shift, kwargs=plot_args) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() # fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() # #matched_zeroed = matched_cat # #matched_zeroed[:,0:2] -= wcs_shift_refinement # #matplotlib.pyplot.plot(matched_zeroed[:,0], matched_zeroed[:,1], ",", color=(1,1,1)) # #matching_radius_arcsec = 3. / 3600. # #valid = (numpy.fabs(matched_zeroed[:,0]-matched_zeroed[:,2]) < matching_radius_arcsec) & \ # # (numpy.fabs(matched_zeroed[:,1]-matched_zeroed[:,3]) < matching_radius_arcsec) # #matched_zeroed = matched_zeroed[valid] # ramin, ramax = numpy.min(matches_zeroed[:,0]), numpy.max(matches_zeroed[:,0]) # decmin, decmax = numpy.min(matches_zeroed[:,1]), numpy.max(matches_zeroed[:,1]) # dimension = numpy.min([ramax-ramin, decmax-decmin]) # vector_scaling = 2 * dimension/100 * 3600. # size of 1 arcsec in percent of screen size # #vector_scaling = 0.02 * 3600. # matplotlib.pyplot.quiver(good_matches[:,0], good_matches[:,1], # d_ra*vector_scaling, d_dec*vector_scaling, # linewidth=0, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, pivot='middle') # # Determine min and max values # #ramin, ramax = numpy.min(good_matches[:,0]), numpy.max(good_matches[:,0]) # #decmin, decmax = numpy.min(good_matches[:,1]), numpy.max(good_matches[:,1]) # matplotlib.pyplot.title("WCS misalignment") # matplotlib.pyplot.xlim((ramin-0.02, ramax+0.02)) # matplotlib.pyplot.ylim((decmin-0.02, decmax+0.02)) # matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("RA [degrees]") # matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("DEC [degrees]") # # draw some arrow to mark how long the other arrows are # arrow_x = ramin + 0.05 * (ramax - ramin) # arrow_y = decmax - 0.05 * (decmax - decmin) # arrow_length = 1 / 3600. # arcsec # matplotlib.pyplot.quiver(arrow_x, arrow_y, arrow_length*vector_scaling, 0, linewidth=0, # angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1, pivot='middle', # headwidth=0) # if (not ota_outlines == None): # corners = numpy.array(ota_outlines) # coll = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(corners,facecolor='none',edgecolor='#808080', linestyle='-') # ax.add_collection(coll) # # add a line # x,y = numpy.array([[arrow_x-arrow_length*vector_scaling, arrow_x+arrow_length*vector_scaling], [arrow_y, arrow_y]]) # matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x,y, linewidth=3, color='black') # # add label saying "2''" # matplotlib.pyplot.text(arrow_x, arrow_y-2*vector_scaling/3600., "%d''" % (2*arrow_length*3600), # horizontalalignment='center') # # matplotlib.pyplot.text(arrow_x, arrow_y, "%d''" % (2*arrow_length*3600), # # horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top') # if (filename == None): # # else: # if (not options == None): # for ext in options['plotformat']: # if (ext != ''): # fig.savefig(filename+"."+ext) # else: # fig.savefig(filename+".png") # matplotlib.pyplot.close() # stdout_write(" done!\n") return 0
[docs]def photocalib_zeropoint(odi_mag, odi_magerr, sdss_mag, sdss_magerr, output_filename, zp_median, zp_std, sdss_filtername, odi_filtername, zp_upper1sigma=None, zp_lower1sigma=None, zp_distribfull=None, zp_distribclipped=None, title=None, options=None, also_plot_singleOTAs=False, ): """ Generate the photometric zeropoint plot """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_PhotZP")"Creating the photometric calibration plot ...") fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() zp_raw = sdss_mag - odi_mag zp_err = numpy.hypot(sdss_magerr, odi_magerr) if (zp_raw.shape[0] < 5): zp_clipped = zp_raw clipped = numpy.isfinite(zp_clipped) else: zp_clipped, clipped = three_sigma_clip(zp_raw, return_mask=True) delta = 0.3 if zp_std < 0.3 else zp_std close_to_median = (zp_raw > zp_median - 3 * delta) & (zp_raw < zp_median + 3 * delta) #zp_max, zp_min = zp_median+3*delta, zp_median-3*delta zp_min = zp_median-sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_ZPrange[0] if \ (sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_ZPrange[0] > 0) else zp_median-5*zp_std-0.3 zp_max = zp_median+sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_ZPrange[1] if \ (sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_ZPrange[1] > 0) else zp_median+5*zp_std+0.3 # Determine the min and max sdss magnitudes sdss_min = numpy.min(sdss_mag - sdss_magerr) - 1 sdss_max = numpy.max(sdss_mag + sdss_magerr) # now round them to the nearest integer sdss_minint = sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_magrange[0] if \ (sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_magrange[0] > 0) else int(math.floor(sdss_min)) sdss_maxint = sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_magrange[1] if \ (sitesetup.diagplot__zeropoint_magrange[1] > 0) else int(math.ceil(sdss_max)) # Prepare some helpers for horizontal lines # There has to be a more elegant way to do this x_values = numpy.linspace(sdss_minint, sdss_maxint, 10) y_values = numpy.ones(shape=x_values.shape) # # Draw a grey-shaded region outlining the 1-sigma range # ax.barh(zp_median-zp_std, (sdss_maxint-sdss_minint), height=2*zp_std, left=sdss_minint, label=u"1 sigma range", color="#a0a0a0", edgecolor='#a0a0a0') # # Compute and plot a histogram showing the distribution of ZPs # # Prepare a histogram to illustrate the distribution of ZP values binwidth = numpy.max([(0.2 * zp_std), 0.05]) nbins = (zp_max - zp_min) / binwidth count, edges = numpy.histogram(zp_raw, bins=nbins, range=[zp_min, zp_max], normed=True) # Normalize histogram count = count * (zp_std*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)) / numpy.sum(count) / binwidth # also add a gaussian with the determined distribution overlayed on the histogram gauss_y = numpy.linspace(zp_min, zp_max, 1000) gauss_x = float(sdss_minint) + numpy.exp(-(gauss_y-zp_median)**2/(2*zp_std**2)) #/(zp_std*math.sqrt(2*math.pi)) #/(zp_std*math.sqrt(2*math.pi))*binwidth*numpy.sum(clipped) ax.barh(edges[:-1], count*1.5, height=binwidth, left=sdss_minint, edgecolor='green', color='green', label='distribution') matplotlib.pyplot.plot(gauss_x, gauss_y, linewidth=1, ls='-', color='black') #print gauss_y, gauss_x # # Plot the actual measurments and values deemed to be outliers # ax.errorbar(sdss_mag[clipped==False], zp_raw[clipped==False], xerr=sdss_magerr[clipped==False], yerr=zp_err[clipped==False], capsize=0, fmt="r+", fillstyle='none', label='outliers') ax.errorbar(sdss_mag[clipped], zp_raw[clipped], xerr=sdss_magerr[clipped], yerr=zp_err[clipped], capsize=0, fmt="b+", linewidth=1, label='valid') # # Overplot a white line to illustrate the median value # matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x_values+1, y_values*zp_median, linewidth=1, ls='-', color='white') ax.grid(True) ax.legend(loc='upper left', borderaxespad=1) photzp_text = u"ZP = %.3f \u00b1 %.3f mag" % (zp_median, zp_std) ax.text(0.96, 0.05, photzp_text, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.8, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0)) title_string = title if (title != None) else "" matplotlib.pyplot.title(title_string) matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("SDSS magnitude in %s" % (sdss_filtername), labelpad=7) matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("zeropoint (sdss [%s] - odi [%s])" % (sdss_filtername, odi_filtername), labelpad=20) matplotlib.pyplot.xlim((sdss_minint, sdss_maxint)) matplotlib.pyplot.ylim((zp_min, zp_max)) # matplotlib.pyplot.axes().set_aspect('equal') if (output_filename == None): else: if (not options == None): for ext in options['plotformat']: if (ext != ''): fig.savefig(output_filename+"."+ext) logger.debug("plot saved as %s.%s" % (output_filename, ext)) else: fig.savefig(output_filename+".png") matplotlib.pyplot.close() logger.debug("done!") ##################################################################################### # # # Following are the routines to create the zeropoint maps # # #####################################################################################
[docs]def plot_zeropoint_map(ra, dec, zp, ota_outlines, output_filename, options, zp_range): """ Plot the photometric zeropoint, color-coded, as function of position """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_ZPmap") fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) zp_min, zp_max = zp_range if (ra.shape[0] < 5): zp_clipped = zp clipped = numpy.isfinite(zp) else: zp_clipped, clipped = three_sigma_clip(zp, return_mask=True) zp_median_ota = numpy.median(zp_clipped) zp_std_ota = numpy.std(zp_clipped) #print ra_ota #print zp_ota sc = matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(ra, dec, c=zp, alpha=0.75, vmin=zp_min, vmax=zp_max, edgecolor='none', s=9,'spectral')) #matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar(sc, cm) if (not ota_outlines == None): corners = numpy.array(ota_outlines) coll = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(corners,facecolor='none',edgecolor='#808080', linestyle='-') ax.add_collection(coll) ax.set_xlabel("RA [degrees]") ax.set_ylabel("DEC [degrees]") ax.autoscale_view() colorbar = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar('spectral')) colorbar.set_label("phot. zeropoint") if (output_filename == None): else: if (not options == None): for ext in options['plotformat']: if (ext != ''): fig.savefig(output_filename+"."+ext) logger.debug("saving plot to %s.%s" % (output_filename, ext)) else: fig.savefig(output_filename+".png") matplotlib.pyplot.close() return
[docs]def photocalib_zeropoint_map(odi_mag, sdss_mag, ota, ra, dec, output_filename, sdss_filtername, odi_filtername, title=None, ota_outlines=None, options=None, also_plot_singleOTAs=True, allow_parallel=True ): """ Prepare all necessary data and generate all photometric zeropoint maps. """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_ZPmap")"Creating the photometric calibration per OTA plot ...") processes = [] zp_raw = sdss_mag - odi_mag zp_median = numpy.median(zp_raw) zp_min = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(zp_raw, 5) if \ (sitesetup.diagplot__zerpointmap_range[0] <= 0) else \ zp_median - sitesetup.diagplot__zerpointmap_range[0] zp_max = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(zp_raw, 95) if \ (sitesetup.diagplot__zerpointmap_range[1] <= 0) else \ zp_median + sitesetup.diagplot__zerpointmap_range[1] # Create one plot for the full focal plane, using boxes to outlines OTAs zp_range = (zp_min, zp_max) kwargs = {"ra": ra, "dec": dec, "zp": zp_raw, "ota_outlines": ota_outlines, "output_filename": output_filename, "options": options, "zp_range": zp_range, } if (not allow_parallel): plot_zeropoint_map(ra, dec, zp_raw, ota_outlines, output_filename, options, zp_range) else: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_zeropoint_map, kwargs=kwargs) p.start() processes.append(p) logger.debug(ota_outlines) # If requested, do the same for the individual OTAs if (also_plot_singleOTAs): list_of_otas = available_ota_coords if (options['central_only']): list_of_otas = central_array_ota_coords for (otax, otay) in list_of_otas: this_ota = otax * 10 + otay in_this_ota = (ota == this_ota) if (numpy.sum(in_this_ota) <= 0): continue zp_ota = zp_raw[in_this_ota] ra_ota = ra[in_this_ota] dec_ota = dec[in_this_ota] # ota_plotfile = "%s_OTA%02d" % (output_filename, this_ota) ota_plotfile = create_qa_otaplot_filename(output_filename, this_ota, options['structure_qa_subdirs']) kwargs = {"ra": ra_ota, "dec": dec_ota, "zp": zp_ota, "ota_outlines": None, "output_filename": ota_plotfile, "options": options, "zp_range": zp_range, } if (not allow_parallel): plot_zeropoint_map(ra_ota, dec_ota, zp_ota, None, ota_plotfile, options, zp_range) else: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_zeropoint_map, kwargs=kwargs) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() logger.debug("done!") return ##################################################################################### # # # Following are the routines to create the PSF size maps # These plots show the psf size for each source color-coded at its # position in the field of view # # #####################################################################################
[docs]def plot_psfsize_map(ra, dec, fwhm, output_filename, fwhm_range, title=None, ota_outlines=None, options=None ): """ Generate a PSF size map, with points representing sources. The color of the point encodes the image quality / PSF FWHM. """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_PSFSize") fig, ax = matplotlib.pyplot.subplots() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) fwhm_min, fwhm_max = fwhm_range sc = matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(ra, dec, c=fwhm, alpha=0.75, vmin=fwhm_min, vmax=fwhm_max, edgecolor='none', s=9,'spectral')) if (not ota_outlines == None): corners = numpy.array(ota_outlines) coll = matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection(corners,facecolor='none',edgecolor='#808080', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5) ax.add_collection(coll) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("RA [degrees]") ax.set_ylabel("DEC [degrees]") ax.autoscale_view() colorbar = matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar('spectral')) colorbar.set_label("FWHM [arcsec]") if (output_filename == None): else: if (not options == None): for ext in options['plotformat']: if (ext != ''): fig.savefig(output_filename+"."+ext) logger.debug("saving plot to %s.%s" % (output_filename, ext)) else: fig.savefig(output_filename+".png") matplotlib.pyplot.close()
[docs]def diagplot_psfsize_map(ra, dec, fwhm, ota, output_filename, title=None, ota_outlines=None, options=None, also_plot_singleOTAs=True, title_info=None, ): """ Generate all PSF FWHM plots for the entire flocalplane and, optioanlly, for each OTA. """ logger = logging.getLogger("DiagPlot_PSFSize")"Creating the PSF size as heatmap plot ...") fwhm_scale_arcsec = 3600.0 * 0.11 fwhm *= fwhm_scale_arcsec fwhm_min = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(fwhm, 5) fwhm_max = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(fwhm, 95) fwhm_clipped, clipmask = three_sigma_clip(fwhm, return_mask=True) fwhm_range = (fwhm_min, fwhm_max) processes = [] title = "PSF map" if (not title_info == None): try: title = "FWHM map - %(OBSID)s (focal plane)\n%(OBJECT)s - %(FILTER)s - %(EXPTIME)dsec)" % title_info except: pass # Create one plot for the full focal plane, using boxes to outlines OTAs plot_args = {"ra": ra, "dec": dec, "fwhm": fwhm, "output_filename": output_filename, "fwhm_range": fwhm_range, "title": title, "ota_outlines": ota_outlines, "options": options, } p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_psfsize_map, kwargs=plot_args) p.start() processes.append(p) # plot_psfsize_map(ra, dec, fwhm, output_filename, # fwhm_range=fwhm_range, # title=title, # ota_outlines=ota_outlines, # options=options) logger.debug("OTA-outlines:") logger.debug(ota_outlines) # If requested, do the same for the individual OTAs if (also_plot_singleOTAs): list_of_otas = available_ota_coords if (options['central_only']): list_of_otas = central_array_ota_coords for (otax, otay) in list_of_otas: this_ota = otax * 10 + otay in_this_ota = (ota == this_ota) if (numpy.sum(in_this_ota) <= 0): continue fwhm_ota = fwhm[in_this_ota] ra_ota = ra[in_this_ota] dec_ota = dec[in_this_ota] title = "PSF map, OTA %02d" % (this_ota) if (not title_info == None): title_info['OTA'] = this_ota try: title = "FWHM map - %(OBSID)s OTA %(OTA)02d\n%(OBJECT)s - %(FILTER)s - %(EXPTIME)dsec)" % title_info except: pass ota_plotfile = create_qa_otaplot_filename(output_filename, this_ota, options['structure_qa_subdirs']) plot_args = {"ra": ra_ota, "dec": dec_ota, "fwhm": fwhm_ota, "output_filename": ota_plotfile, "fwhm_range": fwhm_range, "title": title, "ota_outlines": None, "options": options, } p = multiprocessing.Process(target=plot_psfsize_map, kwargs=plot_args) p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() logger.debug("done!") return ##################################################################################### # # # Stand-alone routines are below. # # #####################################################################################
if __name__ == "__main__": if (cmdline_arg_isset("-psfplot")): fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] hdulist = catalogfile = fitsfile+"" source_cat = numpy.loadtxt(catalogfile) from podi_collectcells import read_options_from_commandline options = read_options_from_commandline(None) flags = source_cat[:,7] valid_flags = flags == 0 ra = source_cat[:,0][valid_flags] dec = source_cat[:,1][valid_flags] fwhm = source_cat[:,5][valid_flags] ota = source_cat[:,8][valid_flags] print fwhm ota_outlines = derive_ota_outlines(hdulist) output_filename = fitsfile[:-5]+".seeing" output_filename = "test.seeing" diagplot_psfsize_map(ra, dec, fwhm, ota, output_filename, title="PSF size", ota_outlines=ota_outlines, options=options, also_plot_singleOTAs=True ) sys.exit(0) elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-zeropoint_map")): fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] hdulist = filtername = hdulist[0].header['FILTER'] print filtername from podi_collectcells import read_options_from_commandline options = read_options_from_commandline(None) ota_outlines = derive_ota_outlines(hdulist) import podi_photcalib source_cat = numpy.loadtxt(fitsfile+"") podi_photcalib.photcalib(source_cat, "test.fits", filtername, exptime=1, diagplots=True, calib_directory=None, overwrite_cat=None, plottitle="standalone", otalist=ota_outlines, options=options) sys.exit(0) elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-wcstest")): fitsfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1] hdulist = matched = hdulist['CAT.ODI+2MASS'] table = n_src = matched.header['NAXIS2'] ra = table['ODI_RA'].reshape((n_src,1)) dec = table['ODI_DEC'].reshape((n_src,1)) matched_radec_odi = numpy.append(ra, dec, axis=1) print matched_radec_odi.shape ra = table['TWOMASS_RA'].reshape((n_src,1)) dec = table['TWOMASS_DEC'].reshape((n_src,1)) matched_radec_2mass = numpy.append(ra, dec, axis=1) matched_ota = table['OTA'] import podi_collectcells options = podi_collectcells.read_options_from_commandline() wcsdiag_scatter(matched_radec_odi, matched_radec_2mass, matched_ota, "wcs_test", options=options, ota_wcs_stats=None, also_plot_singleOTAs=True, title_info = None, ) else: matched_cat = numpy.loadtxt("odi+2mass.matched") filename = "output" # make_plots(matched_cat, filename) wcsdiag_scatter(matched_cat, filename+".wcs1") wcsdiag_shift(matched_cat, filename+".wcs2") # wcsdiag_shift(matched_cat, None)