Source code for podi_definitions

# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


This module contains a number of global constants required during reduction, as
well as functions that are widely used throughout the other modules.  Some
general definitions useful in a number of podi scripts


import sys
import os
import numpy
import ctypes
import math
import numpy
import pyfits
import subprocess
import scipy
import scipy.ndimage
from bottleneck import nanmean, nanmedian

# Update this variable below when changing versions
pipeline_plver = "QuickReduce Version 0.9"
pipeline_name = "QuickReduce"
pipeline_version = "0.9"

#                  | | |
#  Experimental    | | |
#                  V V V

#pyfits.USE_MEMMAP = False

#                  A A A
#  Experimental    | | |
#                  | | |

available_ota_coords = [

central_array_ota_coords = [

broken_ota_cells = {
    "OTA00": [(7,0),(7,1),(7,2),(7,3),(7,4),(7,5),(7,6),(7,7)],  #00
    "OTA16": [],#1.6
    "OTA22": [],#2.2
    "OTA23": [(6,6)],#2,3
    "OTA24": [],#2,4
    "OTA32": [],#3,2
    "OTA33": [],#3,3
    "OTA34": [(1,7),(3,1),],#3,4
    "OTA42": [],#4,2
    "OTA43": [],#4,3
    "OTA44": [],#4,4
    "OTA55": [],#55
    "OTA61": [(1,3),(3,1)]

all_otas = [00, 16, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44, 55, 61]
central_3x3 = [22, 23,24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44]
central_2x2 = [22,23,32,33]
non_vignetted = [16, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44, 55, 61]

# Enter here the OTAs with full coverage in each of the filters. These OTAs
# will then be used to compute the median illumination level to correct/normalize the flat-fields
otas_to_normalize_ff = {
    # Full ODI filters
    "odi_g": non_vignetted,
    "odi_i": non_vignetted,
    "odi_r": non_vignetted,
    "odi_z": non_vignetted,
    # All other filters
    "823_v2": central_2x2,
    "918R_v1": central_2x2,
    "BATC_390": central_2x2,
    "BATC_420": central_2x2,
    "CTIO_Ha": central_2x2,
    "CTIO_Ha_8nm": central_2x2,
    "CTIO_OIII": central_2x2,
    "Halpha_and_odiz": central_2x2,
    "KPNO_815": central_2x2,
    "mosaic_u": central_2x2,
    "MosaicU_and_odir": central_2x2,
    "OPEN": non_vignetted,
    "s2_SII": central_2x2,
    "sdss_u": central_2x2,
    "UG5": central_2x2,
    "unknown": central_2x2,
    "UNKNOWN": central_2x2,
    "Us_solid": central_2x2,
    "windowGlass": all_otas,
    "WRC3": central_2x2,

# These are the OTAs that have at least partial coverage in each filter
otas_for_photometry = {
    # Full ODI filters
    "odi_g": all_otas,
    "odi_r": all_otas,
    "odi_i": all_otas,
    "odi_z": all_otas,
    # All other filters
    "823_v2": central_3x3,
    "918R_v1": central_3x3,
    "BATC_390": central_3x3,
    "BATC_420": central_3x3,
    "CTIO_Ha": central_3x3,
    "CTIO_Ha_8nm": central_3x3,
    "CTIO_OIII": central_3x3,
    "Halpha_and_odiz": central_3x3,
    "KPNO_815": central_3x3,
    "mosaic_u": central_3x3,
    "MosaicU_and_odir": central_3x3,
    "OPEN": all_otas,
    "sdss_u": central_3x3,
    "s2_SII": central_3x3,
    "UG5": central_3x3,
    "unknown": central_3x3,
    "UNKNOWN": central_3x3,
    "Us_solid": central_3x3,
    "windowGlass": all_otas,
    "WRC3": central_3x3,

# This list is used for photometric calibration.
# Enter the SDSS equivalent name for each of the filters
sdss_equivalents = {
    # Full ODI filters
    "odi_g": 'g',
    "odi_r": 'r',
    "odi_i": 'i',
    "odi_z": 'z',
    # All other filters
    "823_v2": None,
    "918R_v1": None,
    "BATC_390": None,
    "BATC_420": None,
    "CTIO_Ha": None,
    "CTIO_Ha_8nm": None,
    "CTIO_OIII": None,
    "Halpha_and_odiz": None,
    "KPNO_815": None,
    "mosaic_u": 'u',
    "MosaicU_and_odir": None,
    "OPEN": None,
    "sdss_u": 'u',
    "s2_SII": None,
    "UG5": None,
    "unknown": None,
    "UNKNOWN": None,
    "Us_solid": 'u',
    "windowGlass": None,
    "WRC3": None,

sdss_photometric_column = {"u":  2,
                           "g":  4,
                           "r":  6,
                           "i":  8,
                           "z": 10,

cellmode_ids = {
    "S": 0,
    "V": 1,
    # Add other cellmodes and some numerical representation here

list_of_valid_filter_ids = {
    "4": "odi_g",
    "w104": "odi_g",
    "w105": "odi_r",
    "w103": "odi_i",
    "w101": "odi_z",
    "c6009": "CTIO_Ha",
    "c6022": "sdss_u",
    "c6014": "CTIO_OIII",
    "k1053": "BATC_420",
    "k1052": "BATC_390",
    "clear": "OPEN",
#    "4": "mosaic_u",
#    "1": "s2_SII",
    "k1047": "823_v2",
    "k1028": "918R_v1",
#    "1": "Us_solid",

# Source Extractor flags
# 0b00000001 =   1: near neighbor
# 0b00000010 =   2: deblended source
# 0b00000100 =   4: >1 pixel saturated
# 0b00001000 =   8: truncated / image boundary
# 0b00010000 =  16: aperture data incomplete/corrupted
# 0b00100000 =  32: isophotal data incomplete/corrupted
# 0b01000000 =  64: memory overflow during deblending
# 0b10000000 = 128: memory overflow during extraction
# The following flags define the FLAGS that exclude a source
# WCS can handle saturated/deblended/crowded sources
sexflag_wcs  = 0b11111000
# Photometric calibration needs perfect stars
sexflag_phot = 0b11111111

[docs]def get_valid_filter_name(hdr): """ Convert the header FILTERID entry into a valid filtername. This is necessary as some of the filter names change over time, but the filter-id should remain unchanged. """ try: filter_id = hdr['FILTERID'].strip() if (filter_id in list_of_valid_filter_ids): filter_name = list_of_valid_filter_ids[filter_id] return filter_name except: try: filter = hdr['FILTER'] return filter except: return "unknown" return 'unknown'
[docs]def get_cellmode(primhdr, cellhdr): """ Check if the specified cell, identified by OTA and CELL-ID, is either broken or marked as a guide/video cell. """ ota = int(primhdr['FPPOS'][2:4]) ota_name = "OTA%02d" % ota extname = "OTA%02d.SCI" % ota cell = cellhdr['EXTNAME'] # Check if this is one of the permanently broken cells wm_cellx, wm_celly = cellhdr['WN_CELLX'], cellhdr['WN_CELLY'] broken = False list_of_broken_cells = broken_ota_cells[ota_name] for broken_cell in list_of_broken_cells: x,y = broken_cell if (wm_cellx == x and wm_celly == y): return -1 break # It's not one of the broken cells, but it might still be a guide/video cell idx = wm_cellx + 8 * wm_celly cellmode = primhdr['CELLMODE'] this_cellmode = cellmode[idx] cell_id = cellmode_ids[this_cellmode] return cell_id
[docs]def stdout_write(str): """ Write a given text to stdout and flush the terminal. Pretty much what print does, but flushing the output afterwards. """ sys.stdout.write(str) sys.stdout.flush() return
[docs]def clobberfile(filename): """ Delete a file if it already exists, otherwise do nothing. """ if (os.path.isfile(filename)): os.remove(filename) return
from types import *
[docs]def shmem_as_ndarray( raw_array ): """ Helper function needed to allocate shared memory numpy-arrays. """ _ctypes_to_numpy = { ctypes.c_char : numpy.int8, ctypes.c_wchar : numpy.int16, ctypes.c_byte : numpy.int8, ctypes.c_ubyte : numpy.uint8, ctypes.c_short : numpy.int16, ctypes.c_ushort : numpy.uint16, ctypes.c_int : numpy.int32, ctypes.c_uint : numpy.int32, ctypes.c_long : numpy.int32, ctypes.c_ulong : numpy.int32, ctypes.c_float : numpy.float32, ctypes.c_double : numpy.float64 } address = raw_array._wrapper.get_address() size = raw_array._wrapper.get_size() dtype = _ctypes_to_numpy[raw_array._type_] class Dummy(object): pass d = Dummy() d.__array_interface__ = { 'data' : (address, False), 'typestr' : ">f4", #FloatType, #"uint8", #numpy.uint8.str, 'descr' : "", #"UINT8", #numpy.uint8.descr, 'shape' : (size/4,), 'strides' : None, 'version' : 3 } return numpy.asarray(d)#.view( dtype=numpy.float32 )
[docs]def cmdline_arg_isset(arg): """ Check if the given argument was given on the command line """ # Go through all command line arguments and check # if the requested argument is one of them for cur in sys.argv[1:]: name,sep,value = cur.partition("=") if (name == arg): return True return False
[docs]def get_cmdline_arg(arg): """ Retreive the value of a command-line argument """ # Check all arguments if for cur in sys.argv[1:]: name,sep,value = cur.partition("=") if (name == arg): return value return None
[docs]def get_clean_cmdline(): """ Return all values entered on the command line with all command-line flags removed. Example: The user called a program ``./podi_something param1 -flag1 -flag2 param2`` This function would then return a list containing ['./podi_something', 'param1', 'param2'] """ list = [] for cur in sys.argv: if (cur[0] != "-" or cur[1].isdigit()): list.append(cur) return list
[docs]def cmdline_arg_set_or_default(name, defvalue): """ Return the value of a command line argument. If no argument was passed (for example -flag= ), assign the specified default value instead. """ if (cmdline_arg_isset(name)): return get_cmdline_arg(name) return defvalue
[docs]def sexa2deg(sexa): """ Convert a sexa-decimal coordinate string (e.g. 12:30:00.0") into a float (12.5 in the example). """ components = sexa.split(":") if (len(components) != 3): return 1e99 deg = float(components[0]) min = float(components[1]) sec = float(components[2]) return math.copysign(math.fabs(deg) + math.fabs(min/60.0) + math.fabs(sec/3600.0), deg)
[docs]def deg2sexa(deg, signed=False): """ Convert a float coordinate into the more user-friednly sexa-decimal format """ unsigned = math.fabs(deg) degrees = math.floor(unsigned) rest = (unsigned - degrees) * 60.0 minutes = math.floor(rest) rest = (rest - minutes) * 60.0 seconds = math.floor(rest) num = [math.copysign(degrees, deg), minutes, seconds] if (signed): text = "%+03d:%02d:%04.1f" % (int(math.copysign(degrees, deg)), int(minutes), seconds) else: text = "%02d:%02d:%04.1f" % (int(math.copysign(degrees, deg)), int(minutes), seconds) return text, num
headers_to_inherit = [ 'RA', 'DEC', 'TARGRA', 'TARGDEC', 'TELRAOFF', 'TELDECOF', 'FILTER', 'FILTERID', 'FILTDSCR', 'EXPTIME', 'OBSID', 'OBJECT', 'OBSTYPE', 'WCSASTRM', 'EXPMEAS', 'ORIGIN', 'INSTRUME', 'FILENAME', 'OBSLOGIN', 'RADESYS', 'TIMESYS', 'LSTHDR', 'OBSERVAT', 'TELESCOP', 'OBSERVER', 'PROPOSER', 'PROPID', 'PROGID', 'TACID', 'PROPPERD', 'DATE-OBS', 'TIME-OBS', 'MJD-OBS', 'DATE', 'ZD', 'AIRMASS', 'TELFOCUS', 'TRACK', 'ELMAP', 'AZMAP', 'ROTPORT', 'FOLDPOS','OBSBLOCK', 'ADCMODE', 'ADCANG1', 'ADCANG2', 'ADCJD', 'ROTSTART', 'ROTEND', 'ROTOFF', 'TEMPSTAT', 'DEWAR', 'COOLHEAD', 'COLPLATE', 'FOCPLATE', 'DEWPRESS', 'FLTARM1A', 'FLTARM1B', 'FLTARM1C', 'FLTARM2A', 'FLTARM2B', 'FLTARM2C', 'FLTARM3A', 'FLTARM3B', 'FLTARM3C', 'SHUTDIR', 'SHUTOPEN', 'SHUTCLOS', 'CONTROLR', 'IMAGESWV', ] headers_to_delete_from_otas = [ 'CELLGAP1', 'CELLGAP2', 'CNAXIS1', 'CNAXIS2', 'NAMPS', 'NEXTEND', 'PRESCAN1', 'PRESCAN2', 'OVRSCAN1', 'OVRSCAN2', 'IMNAXIS1', 'IMNAXIS2', 'EXTEND' ] # .13 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4190, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4205, -165), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # for ext in pupilghost_centers: # cx, cy = pupilghost_centers[ext] # cx += -9 # cy += +4 # pupilghost_centers[ext] = (cx, cy) # pupilghost_centers[ext][0] += 1 # pupilghost_centers[ext][1] += 1 # .14 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4181, 4154), "OTA34.SCI": (4196, -161), "OTA44.SCI": ( 1, -181), "OTA43.SCI": ( 1, 4134), } # .15 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4181+2, 4154+2), "OTA34.SCI": (4196+2, -161-2), "OTA44.SCI": ( 1-2, -181-2), "OTA43.SCI": ( 1, 4134), } # .16 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4181-8, 4154+2), "OTA34.SCI": (4196-10, -161-2), "OTA44.SCI": ( 1+5, -181-7), "OTA43.SCI": ( 1, 4134), } pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4186, -163), "OTA44.SCI": ( 6, -188), "OTA43.SCI": ( 1, 4134), } # 17 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 6, -188), "OTA43.SCI": ( 1, 4134), } # 18 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4195, -172), "OTA44.SCI": ( 6, -188), "OTA43.SCI": ( 1, 4134), } # 19 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 6, -188), "OTA43.SCI": ( -4, 4139), } # 20 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 6, -188), "OTA43.SCI": ( -2, 4137), } # 21 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 8, -186), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 22 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 4, -190), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 23 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4173, 4156), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 0, -194), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 24 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4158), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 6, -188), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 25 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4158), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 16, -178), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 26 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4158), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 21, -173), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 27 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4170, 4153), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 16, -178), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 28 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4170, 4153), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 21, -173), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 29 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4164, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 15, -179), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 30 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4167, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 18, -176), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 31 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4166, 4149), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 17, -177), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 32 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4166, 4149), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 18, -176), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 33 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4167, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 17, -177), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 34 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4167, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 12, -177), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 35 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4167, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 12, -172), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 36 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4170, 4153), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 15, -169), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 37 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4164, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 9, -175), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 38 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4148), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -174), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 39 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4148), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 9, -175), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 40 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4164, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -174), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 41 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4164, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 15, -169), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 42 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4167, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 16, -168), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 43 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4161, 4144), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 16, -168), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 44 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4144), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 16, -164), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 45 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4144), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 28, -152), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 46 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4144), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 20, -160), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 47 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4144), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 16, -164), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 48 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4144), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 20, -160), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 49 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4140), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 20, -155), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 50 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4140), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -155), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # 51 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4165, 4140), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -167), "OTA44.SCI": ( 20, -145), "OTA43.SCI": ( -1, 4136), } # .13 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4190, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4205, -165), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .52 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4185, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4200, -165), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .53 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4180, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4195, -165), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .54 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4150), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -165), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .55 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4190, -165), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .56 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4195, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .57 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4185, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .58 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4175, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .59 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4175, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 15, 4130), } # .60 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4180, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .61 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4172, -173), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 13, 4133), } # .62 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4170, -175), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .63 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4165, -180), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .64 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4185, -160), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .65 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4175, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 20, 4140), } # .66 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4165, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4130), } # .67 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4165, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4125), #0,-5 } # .68 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4178, 4148), # +3 +3 "OTA34.SCI": (4165, -170), # "OTA44.SCI": ( 7, -188), # -3 -3 "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4125), # } # .69 from 66 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4165, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4128), #0,-2 } # .70 from 66 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4175, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4165, -170), "OTA44.SCI": ( 10, -185), "OTA43.SCI": ( 10, 4133), #0,+3 } # using swarp and d_pixel offsets pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4168, 4170), "OTA34.SCI": (4209, -175), "OTA44.SCI": ( 22, -200), "OTA43.SCI": ( 7, 4144), #0,+3 } pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4158, 4170), "OTA34.SCI": (4199, -175), "OTA44.SCI": ( 12, -200), "OTA43.SCI": ( -3, 4144), #0,+3 } #try_33.1 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4168, 4170),} #try33.2 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4118, 4120),} #try33.3 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4125, 4115),} #try33.4 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4110, 4130),} #try33.5 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4100, 4110),} #try33.6 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4107, 4117),} #try33.7 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4117, 4117),} #try33.8 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4095, 4117),} #try33.9 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4100, 4117),} #try33.10 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4100, 4130),} #try33.11 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4105, 4125),} #try33.12 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4115, 4115),} #try33.13 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4125, 4105),} #try33.14 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4135, 4095),} #try33.15/16/17 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4140, 4090),} #try33.18 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4130, 4090),} #try33.19 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4124, 4082),} #try33.18 <- best fit for ota 33 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4130, 4090),} # try34.01 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA34.SCI": (4199, -175)} # try34.02 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA34.SCI": (4230, -225)} # try34.02 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA34.SCI": (4230, -237)} # try 43.01 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA43.SCI": ( -3, 4144)} # try 43.02 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA43.SCI": ( 17, 4127)} # try 43.03 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA43.SCI": ( 3, 4107)} # try 43.04 <-- nailed it ;-) pupilghost_centers = {"OTA43.SCI": ( -8, 4151)} # try 44.01 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA44.SCI": ( 12, -200)} # try 44.02 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA44.SCI": ( 12, -204)} #try33.18 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4130, 4090),} #try33.20 pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4176, 4182),} #try33.21 <- good enough pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4172, 4182),} # now all together pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4172, 4182), "OTA43.SCI": ( -8, 4151), "OTA34.SCI": (4230, -237), "OTA44.SCI": ( 12, -204)} # try34.02 # This works well for creating a template from the g-band pupilghost_centers = {"OTA33.SCI": (4182, 4155), "OTA43.SCI": ( -23, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4207, -189), "OTA44.SCI": ( -12, -204)} # pupilghost_centers = { "odi_g": {"OTA33.SCI": (4182, 4155), "OTA43.SCI": ( -23, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4207, -189), "OTA44.SCI": ( -12, -204)}, # "odi_i": {"OTA33.SCI": (4064, 4148), # "OTA34.SCI": (4084, -216), # "OTA44.SCI": ( -84, -240), # "OTA43.SCI": (-104, 4124)}, "odi_i": {"OTA33.SCI": (4225, 4145), "OTA34.SCI": (4225, -143), "OTA44.SCI": ( -31, -207), "OTA43.SCI": ( -63, 4081)}, # use the direct coordinates as a backup for compatibility for now "OTA33.SCI": (4182, 4155), "OTA43.SCI": ( -23, 4147), "OTA34.SCI": (4207, -189), "OTA44.SCI": ( -12, -204), }
[docs]def inherit_headers(header, primary_header): """Copy all headers from the primary header into the current header """ for header in headers_to_inherit: if (not header in primary_header): print "Problem with header ",header continue card = primary_header.ascardlist()[header] header[card.key] = (card.value, card.comment)
[docs]def rebin_image(data, binfac, operation=numpy.mean): """ Apply a binning factor to a data array. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Input data array. Only tested to work on two-dimensional data. binfac : int binning factor, e.g. 2 for 2xw binning. Only identical binning in both dimensions is supported at the present. operation : function (default: numpy.mean) What operation to use when combining the pixels. All functions operating on ndarrays are supported, but typical cases are likely one of the following: * numpy.mean * numpy.average * numpy.sum * numpy.median Or from the bottleneck package: * bottleneck.nanmean * bottleneck.nanmedian """ if (binfac < 1): stdout_write("Rebinning at the moment only supports binning to larger pixels with binfac>1\n") return None elif (binfac == 1): return data out_size_x, out_size_y = int(math.ceil(data.shape[0]*1.0/binfac)), int(math.ceil(data.shape[1]*1.0/binfac)) if (out_size_x*binfac != data.shape[0] or out_size_y*binfac != data.shape[1]): # The input array size is not a multiple of the new binning # Create a slightly larger array to hold the data to be rebinned container = numpy.zeros(shape=(out_size_x*binfac, out_size_y*binfac)) # And insert the original data container[0:data.shape[0], 0:data.shape[1]] = data[:,:] else: container = data # rebinned = numpy.reshape(container, (out_size_x, binfac, out_size_y, binfac)).mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=1) rb1 = numpy.array(numpy.reshape(container, (out_size_x, binfac, out_size_y, binfac)), dtype=numpy.float32) rb2 = operation(rb1, axis=-1) rebinned = operation(rb2, axis=1) # rb1 = numpy.array(numpy.reshape(container, (out_size_x, binfac, out_size_y, binfac)), dtype=numpy.float32) # rb2 = nanmedian(rb1, axis=-1) # rebinned = nanmedian(rb2, axis=1) # #.nanmean(axis=-1).nanmean(axis=1) return rebinned
[docs]def center_coords(hdr): """ Return the center coordinates of a given HDU, based on the WCS information (does not include distortion). """ try: centerx, centery = hdr['NAXIS1']/2, hdr['NAXIS2']/2 except: centerx, centery = 2048., 2048. center_ra = (centerx-hdr['CRPIX1'])*hdr['CD1_1'] + (centery-hdr['CRPIX2'])*hdr['CD1_2'] + hdr['CRVAL1'] center_dec = (centerx-hdr['CRPIX1'])*hdr['CD2_1'] + (centery-hdr['CRPIX2'])*hdr['CD2_2'] + hdr['CRVAL2'] return center_ra, center_dec
[docs]def break_region_string(str_region): """ Break down a IRAF-like string (e.g. [0:100,0:200]) into its four components and return them separately. """ reg = str_region[1:-1] x,dummy,y = reg.partition(",") x1,dummy,x2 = x.partition(":") y1,dummy,y2 = y.partition(":") return int(x1)-1, int(x2)-1, int(y1)-1, int(y2)-1
[docs]def extract_region(data, str_region): """Extract a region based on the a IRAF-like region definition. See also -------- `break_region_string` """ x1,x2,y1,y2 = break_region_string(str_region) return data[y1:y2+1, x1:x2+1]
[docs]def insert_into_array(data, from_region, target, target_region): """ Copy data from one array into another array, with source and target coordinates specified in the IRAF-style format. """ fx1, fx2, fy1, fy2 = break_region_string(from_region) tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2 = break_region_string(target_region) if (fx2-fx1 != tx2-tx1 or fy2-fy1 != ty2-ty1): print "Dimensions do not match, doing nothing" else: target[ty1:ty2+1, tx1:tx2+1] = data[fy1:fy2+1, fx1:fx2+1] return 0
[docs]def mask_broken_regions(datablock, regionfile, verbose=False): """ Mask out broken regions in a data array. Regions are defined via a ds9 region file to allow for ay creation by the user. """ counter = 0 file = open(regionfile) for line in file: if (line[0:3] == "box"): coords = line[4:-2] coord_list = coords.split(",") if (not datablock == None): x, y = int(float(coord_list[0])), int(float(coord_list[1])) dx, dy = int(0.5*float(coord_list[2])), int(0.5*float(coord_list[3])) #mask[y-dy:y+dy,x-dx:x+dx] = 1 x1 = numpy.max([0, x-dx]) x2 = numpy.min([datablock.shape[1], x+dx]) y1 = numpy.max([0, y-dy]) y2 = numpy.min([datablock.shape[0], y+dy]) datablock[y1:y2, x1:x2] = numpy.NaN # print x,x+dx,y,y+dy counter += 1 file.close() if (verbose): print "Marked",counter,"bad pixel regions" return datablock
[docs]def is_image_extension(hdu): """ Check if a given HDU is a Image extension """ return (type(hdu) == pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU or type(hdu) == pyfits.hdu.compressed.CompImageHDU)
[docs]def get_svn_version(): """ Return current SVN version as given by the `svnversion` command. """ try: p = subprocess.Popen('svnversion -n', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) svn_version, err = p.communicate() ret = p.wait() if (ret != 0): svn_version = "problem_with_svn" except: svn_version="no_svnversion_found" return svn_version
[docs]def log_svn_version(hdr): """ Add SVN version number to FITS header. """ svn = get_svn_version() hdr["QPIPESVN"] = (svn, "QuickReduce Revision") return
[docs]def rotate_around_center(data, angle, mask_limit = 0.1, verbose=True, safety=1, mask_nans=True, spline_order=3): """ Rotate a given data array. Rotation center is the center of the data frame. """ if (verbose): stdout_write("Rotating data block by %.1f deg ..." % (angle)) # Prepare mask so we can mask out undefined regions mask = numpy.zeros(shape=data.shape) mask[numpy.isnan(data)] = 1. # Replace NaN's with some numer to make interpolation work data[numpy.isnan(data)] = 0. # Now rotate both the image and its mask rotated = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate(input=data, angle=angle, axes=(1, 0), reshape=False, order=spline_order, mode='constant', cval=0, ) if (mask_nans): rotated_mask = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate(input=mask, angle=angle, axes=(1, 0), reshape=False, order=1, mode='constant', cval=1, ) # Blur out the NaN mask to make sure we get clean edges. This approach # is on the conservative side, rather clipping some pixels too many then to # add artificial edges that later are hard to remove and/or deal with filter_gaussed = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(input=rotated_mask, order=0, sigma=safety) # And finally apply the mask # rotated[rotated_mask > mask_limit] = numpy.NaN rotated[filter_gaussed > mask_limit] = numpy.NaN # and return the results if (verbose): stdout_write(" done!\n") return rotated
[docs]def get_filter_level(header): """ Return the level of the installed filter, based on the information in the FLTARM header keywords. If more than one filter is active, this function returns the level of the lowest populated filter arm. """ filter_level = 0 filter_count = 0 for lvl in range(1,4): for arm in "ABC": keyword = "FLTARM%d%s" % (lvl, arm) # print keyword if (header[keyword].strip() == "IN"): filter_count += 1 if (filter_count == 1): filter_level = lvl if (filter_count > 1): return -1 return filter_level
[docs]def cell2ota__extract_data_from_cell(data_in=None): """ Don't use anymore! """ if (data_in == None): return numpy.zeros(shape=(494,480)) return data_in[0:494, 0:480]
[docs]def cell2ota__get_target_region(x, y, binning=1): """ Get the location of a given cell in the monolithic OTA array, accounting for binning (only 1x1 and 2x2 supported). """ #taken from ODI OTA Technical Datasheet (det area 480x494, streets 11/28 px) # Y-coordinates of cell numbers are counted top down, # but pixel coordinates are counted bottom up _y = 7 - y if (binning == 1): y1 = (505*_y) #was 503 y2 = y1 + 494 x1 = 508 * x x2 = x1 + 480 elif (binning == 2): y1 = int(math.ceil(252.5 * _y)) y2 = y1 + 247 x1 = 254 * x x2 = x1 + 240 return x1, x2, y1, y2
[docs]def three_sigma_clip(input, ranges=[-1e9,1e9], nrep=3, return_mask=False): """ Perfom an iterative 3-sigma clipping on the passed data array. """ old_valid = numpy.isfinite(input) valid = (input > ranges[0]) & (input < ranges[1]) for rep in range(nrep): if (numpy.sum(valid) < 1): valid = old_valid break lsig = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(input[valid], 16) hsig = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(input[valid], 84) median = numpy.median(input[valid]) sigma = 0.5 * (hsig - lsig) mingood = numpy.max([median - 3*sigma, ranges[0]]) maxgood = numpy.min([median + 3*sigma, ranges[1]]) #print median, sigma old_valid = valid valid = (input > mingood) & (input < maxgood) if (return_mask): return input[valid], valid return input[valid]
[docs]def derive_ota_outlines(otalist): """ For each OTA (extension) in the pased list, derive the sky-position of all 4 corners. """ from astLib import astWCS all_corners = [] for ext in range(len(otalist)): if (type(otalist[ext]) == pyfits.hdu.image.ImageHDU): wcs = astWCS.WCS(otalist[ext].header, mode='pyfits') corner_coords = [] corner_coords.append(wcs.pix2wcs( 0, 0)) corner_coords.append(wcs.pix2wcs(otalist[ext].header['NAXIS1'], 0)) corner_coords.append(wcs.pix2wcs(otalist[ext].header['NAXIS1'], otalist[ext].header['NAXIS2'])) corner_coords.append(wcs.pix2wcs( 0, otalist[ext].header['NAXIS2'])) all_corners.append(corner_coords) return all_corners
[docs]def create_qa_filename(outputfile, plotname, options): """ Return the filename for a given diagnostic plot, accounting for user-specified preferences. """ if (options['structure_qa_subdirs']): dirname, basename = os.path.split(outputfile) if (dirname == None or dirname == ''): dirname = "." qa_plotdir = "%s/%s/" % (dirname, options['structure_qa_subdir_name']) if (not os.path.isdir(qa_plotdir)): os.mkdir(qa_plotdir) qa_plotfile = "%s/%s" % (qa_plotdir, plotname) else: qa_plotfile = "%s.%s" % (outputfile[:-5], plotname) return qa_plotfile
[docs]def create_qa_otaplot_filename(plotname, ota, structure_qa_subdirs): """ Return the filename for a given OTA-level diagnostic plot, accounting for user-specified preferences. """ if (structure_qa_subdirs): # in this case, plotname is to be taken as directory if (not os.path.isdir(plotname)): os.mkdir(plotname) # The actual filenames are the directory and the OTA qa_plotfile = "%s/OTA%02d" % (plotname, ota) else: qa_plotfile = "%s_OTA%02d" % (plotname, ota) return qa_plotfile # # Additional functions to handle binned data more elegantly #
[docs]def get_binning(hdr): """ Get the binning factor of a given frame/cell based on its header. """ # print "determining binning factor" # The CCDBIN1 keyword should be foung in primary header, so try this one first try: binfac = hdr['CCDBIN1'] # print binfac return int(binfac) except: pass # Couldn't find the CCDBIN1 header, so this is likely not a primary HDU # Try the CCDSUM keyword next try: ccdsum = hdr['CCDSUM'] # print ccdsum items = ccdsum.split() return int(items[0]) except: pass # # If we still don't find a valid header, look at the size of the data section # # Still no luck finding a header? Assume it's 1 and continue return 1
[docs]def get_collected_image_dimensions(binning): """ Return the dimension of the monolithic OTA frame, accounting for binning """ if (binning == 1): sizex, sizey = 4096, 4096 elif (binning == 2): sizex, sizey = 2048, 2048 return sizex, sizey
[docs]def extract_datasec_from_cell(data, binning): """ Return the science region of a given cell, accounting for binning """ if (binning == 1): dx, dy = 480, 494 elif (binning == 2): dx, dy = 240, 247 # print "extracting datasec", dx, dy return data[0:dy, 0:dx]
[docs]def extract_biassec_from_cell(data, binning): """ Return the overscan region of a given cell, accounting for binning """ if (binning == 1): dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2 = 500, 550, 0, 494 elif (binning == 2): dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2 = 260, 277, 0, 246 # print dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2 return data[dy1:dy2, dx1:dx2]
[docs]def match_catalog_areas(src, to_match, radius): """ Match the area coverage of two catalogs, allowing for some extra coverage around the edges. """ src_radec = src[:,0:2].copy() #src_radec[:,0] *= numpy.cos(numpy.radians(src_radec[:,1])) src_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(src_radec) match_radec = to_match[:,0:2].copy() #match_radec[:,0] *= numpy.cos(numpy.radians(match_radec[:,1])) match_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(match_radec) # Now select all neighbors within the search radius matches = match_tree.query_ball_tree(src_tree, radius, p=2) valid = numpy.ones(shape=to_match.shape[0]) for i in range(len(matches)): if (len(matches[i]) > 0): # This means we found a star in the source catalog close enough to this star # don't do anything pass else: # We didn't find a nearby neighbor, so this is a source to be removed. valid[i] = 0 matched = to_match[valid == 1] # matched[:,0] /= numpy.cos(numpy.radians(matched[:,1])) return matched