Source code for podi_crosstalk

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012-2013 Ralf Kotulla
# This file is part of the ODI QuickReduce pipeline package.
# If you find this program or parts thereof please make sure to
# cite it appropriately (please contact the author for the most
# up-to-date reference to use). Also if you find any problems 
# or have suggestiosn on how to improve the code or its 
# functionality please let me know. Comments and questions are 
# always welcome. 
# The code is made publicly available. Feel free to share the link
# with whoever might be interested. However, I do ask you to not 
# publish additional copies on your own website or other sources. 
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


This module contains all data and most functionality to correct raw pODI
frames for the effects of cross-talk amongst cells.

For now, the crosstalk coefficient is defined globally, but the data structure
supports a more sophisticated system specifying the cross-talk coefficients
based on source and target-cell.


import os
import sys
from podi_definitions import *
import pyfits
import scipy
import scipy.stats

x0 =  5.6E-5 #1.2e-4

xtalk_saturated_correction = 8
xtalk_saturation_limit = 65535

xtalk_coeffs = {

        # Row 0:
        # Row 1:
        # Row 2:
        # Row 3:
        # Row 4:
        # Row 5:
        # Row 6:
        # Row 7:
     ), # end OTA33

xtalk_coeffs['OTA34.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA32.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA44.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA43.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA42.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA24.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA23.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA22.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA55.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA61.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA16.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']
xtalk_coeffs['OTA00.SCI'] = xtalk_coeffs['OTA33.SCI']

xtalk_matrix = {}

import numpy

[docs]def invert_all_xtalk(): """ By default, the crosstalk coefficients are specified as the amplitude of the target cell. However, fto correct for cross-talk, we need to onvert the linear algebra system. This function handles all required steps. """ global xtalk_matrix for ota in xtalk_coeffs: # print ota ota_matrices = [] for row_matrix in xtalk_coeffs[ota]: #print row_matrix,"\n\n" inverted = numpy.linalg.inv(row_matrix) ota_matrices.append(inverted) xtalk_matrix[ota] = ota_matrices
invert_all_xtalk() if __name__ == "__main__": print "Hello!" filename = sys.argv[1] hdulist = overscan = numpy.ones((8,8)) * -1e9 bglevel = numpy.ones((8,8)) * -1e9 for row in range(8): for col in range(8): cell_name = "xy%d%d" % (col, row) data = extract_datasec_from_cell(hdulist[cell_name].data, binning=1) saturated = data >= 65535 n_saturated = numpy.sum(saturated) if (n_saturated <= 10): # Nothing saturated in this cell, let's move on continue # We found at least a few saturated pixels for othercol in range(8): if (othercol == col): # No crosstalk to the source cell continue other_cellname = "xy%d%d" % (othercol, row) data = hdulist[other_cellname].data if (overscan[othercol,row] < 0): # Compute overscan subtracted image overscan_level = numpy.median(extract_biassec_from_cell(data, binning=1)) overscan[othercol,row] = overscan_level else: overscan_level = overscan[othercol,row] image = extract_datasec_from_cell(data, binning=1) - overscan_level if (bglevel[othercol,row] < 0): # Estimate the background level bg_pixels = three_sigma_clip(image) bgmedian = numpy.median(bg_pixels) bgmode = 3*numpy.median(bg_pixels) - 2*numpy.mean(bg_pixels) bglevel[othercol,row] = bgmode else: bgmode = bglevel[othercol,row] image -= bgmode # Average the flux in the saturated pixels xtalk_affected = image[saturated] xtalk_cleaned, xtalk_mask = three_sigma_clip(xtalk_affected, return_mask=True) xtalk_effect = numpy.mean(xtalk_cleaned) print cell_name, other_cellname, overscan_level, bgmedian, numpy.mean(bg_pixels), bgmode, bgmode+overscan_level, xtalk_effect, numpy.sum(xtalk_mask), n_saturated