Source code for podi_SAMPListener

#!/usr/bin/env python


This module listens to SAMP message announcing new ODI frames. Each frame is
this automatically quick-reduced, either locally or on a remote-machine via


    import sampy
except ImportError:
    print "For this to work you need the SAMPy package installed"

import os
import sys
import time
import multiprocessing
import datetime

from podi_definitions import *
import podi_collectcells
import podi_logging

import podi_SAMPsetup as setup

import subprocess
import logging

m = multiprocessing.Manager()
process_tracker = m.Queue()

worker_queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()

metadata = {"":
                "QuickReduce SAMP Listener",
                "Ralf Kotulla",
                "University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee",

[docs]def worker_slave(queue): """ This function handles all work, either running collectcells locally or remotely via ssh. Files to reduce are read from a queue. """ print "Worker process started, ready for action..." if (not setup.use_ssh): # If we reduce frames locally, prepare the QR logging. options = podi_collectcells.read_options_from_commandline() options = podi_collectcells.setup_logging(options) options['clobber'] = False while (True): try: # print "\n\nWaiting for stuff to do\n\n" task = queue.get() except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit: # print "worker received termination notice" # Ignore the shut-down command here, and wait for the official # shutdown command from main task continue if (task == None): print "Shutting down worker" queue.task_done() break filename = task print "starting work on file",filename ccopts = "" if (len(sys.argv) > 2): # There are some parameters to be forwarded to collectcells ccopts = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) # print "ccopts=",ccopts if (cmdline_arg_isset("-dryrun")): print "Sending off file",filename,"for reduction" elif (setup.use_ssh): # # Run collectcells on a different machine # remote_inputfile = setup.translate_filename_local2remote(filename) kw = { 'user': setup.ssh_user, 'host': setup.ssh_host, 'collectcells': setup.ssh_executable, 'options': ccopts, 'filename': remote_inputfile, 'outputfile': setup.output_format, } ssh_command = "ssh %(user)s@%(host)s %(collectcells)s %(filename)s %(outputfile)s %(options)s -noclobber" % kw cmd_items = ssh_command.split() # print "\nExecuting:\n%s\n" % (ssh_command) # Run ssh via a subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_items, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) _stdout, _stderr = process.communicate() else: # # Run collectcells locally # print "\nRunning collectcells (%s)\n" % (filename) podi_collectcells.collectcells_with_timeout(input=filename, outputfile=setup.output_format, options=options, timeout=300, process_tracker=process_tracker) # # If requested, also send the command to ds9 # if (cmdline_arg_isset("-forward2ds9")): local_filename = setup.translate_filename_remote2local(filename, setup.output_format) forward2ds9_option = cmdline_arg_set_or_default("-forward2ds9", "image") if (forward2ds9_option == "irafmosaic"): cmd = "mosaicimage iraf %s" % (local_filename) else: cmd = "fits %s" % (local_filename) print "filename", filename print "remote file", remote_inputfile print "local file", local_filename try: cli1 = sampy.SAMPIntegratedClient(metadata = metadata) cli1.connect() cli1.enotifyAll(mtype='ds9.set', cmd=cmd) cli1.disconnect() except: print "Problems sending message to ds9" pass # # Once the file is reduced, mark the current task as done. # print "task done!" queue.task_done() if (not setup.use_ssh): print "Shutting down QuickReduce logging" podi_logging.podi_log_master_quit(options['log_master_info']) print "Terminating worker process..." return
[docs]def get_filename_from_input(input): """ Convert the input string, which can be either a FITS filename or a directory, into a valid FITS filename of one OTA of the exposure. """ if (os.path.isfile(input)): return input elif (os.path.isdir(input)): if (input.endswith("/")): input = input[:-1] dirname, base = os.path.split(input) filename = "%s/%s.33.fits" % (input, base) if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): filename += ".fz" if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): return None return filename return filename return input
[docs]def check_obstype(filename): with as hdulist: obstype = hdulist[0].header['OBSTYPE'] return obstype
[docs]def receive_msg(private_key, sender_id, msg_id, mtype, params, extra): """ This function is a callbakc handler that is called everytime a message is received from the SAMP hub. """ #print "\n"*5,"new file received!\n" #print private_key, sender_id, msg_id, mtype, params, extra #cli1.reply(msg_id, {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, # "samp.result": {"result": "ok guys"}}) filename = params['filename'] print "\nReceived command to reduce %s ..." % (filename) if (not os.path.isdir(filename)): print "filename %s is not a valid directory" % (filename) return if (cmdline_arg_isset("-onlyscienceframes")): fits_file = get_filename_from_input(filename) obstype = check_obstype(fits_file) if (obstype != "OBJECT"): print """ Received input %s (translated to %s) ... This is not a OBJECT frame. I was told to ignore non-OBJECT frames \ """ % (filename, fits_file) return worker_queue.put( (filename) ) print "Done with this one, hungry for more!" return
[docs]def create_client(metadata, wait=0): # Create client, connect to Hub, and install message listener cli1 = sampy.SAMPIntegratedClient(metadata = metadata) try: cli1.connect() except sampy.SAMPHubError, sampy.SAMPClientError: if (wait>0): time.sleep(wait) return None except : print "some other problem with connecting" raise try: cli1.bindReceiveMessage(setup.message_queue, receive_msg) except: print "Problem with bindReceiveMessage" return cli1
[docs]def SAMPListener(): print """ ******************************************************************* * SAMPListener for automatic image reduction (locally/remote) * * Part of the QuickReduce package for the WIYN One Degree Imager * * Author: Ralf Kotulla, * ******************************************************************* """ # Create a client print "Starting receiver ..." print "Trying to connect to Hub ..." try: while (True): cli1 = create_client(metadata) if (cli1 == None): time.sleep(1) else: break except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit: print "\rAborting and shutting down SAMPListener ..." sys.exit(0) print "Starting execution process..." worker_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker_slave, kwargs={ 'queue': worker_queue, } ) worker_process.start() print "Setup complete, waiting for messages..." try: while (True): # Ping the Hub try: ret = cli1.ecallAndWait("hub", "", "5") # if successful, wait a little and check again time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit: #print "Received abort command, forwarding exception" raise except Exception as e: # If timeout expires than a SAMPProxyError is returned # Make sure to terminate the client to terminate the background # thread. Otherwise the program won't close as it's waiting for # the thread to finish. cli1.client.stop() del cli1 # This means that most likely there's no Hub (anymore) # Try to connect print "\nLost connection to hub, trying to re-establish it ..." while (True): cli1 = create_client(metadata) if (cli1 == None): time.sleep(1) else: break sys.stdout.write("\rCurrent system-time: %s (press Crtl-C to quit)" % ( sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit: #print "Got termination notice" pass print # to get off the "current system time" line try: # Disconnect from hub print "Disconnecting from SAMP Hub ..." cli1.disconnect() except: pass # Finish up left over work print "Finishing up work (%d jobs), please wait ..." % (worker_queue.qsize()) worker_queue.put(None) worker_process.join(1) print "All done, goodbye!"
if __name__ == "__main__": if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-testconnect"): try: cli1 = sampy.SAMPIntegratedClient() cli1.connect() cli1.bindReceiveMessage(setup.message_queue, receive_msg) cli1.disconnect() print "\nConnection successful!\n" except: print "\nProblem connecting\n" pass sys.exit(0) else: SAMPListener()