import pyfits
import math
import scipy
import sys
import os
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.stats
import scipy.signal
import numpy
import bottleneck
from podi_definitions import *
import itertools
numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
# def rebin_image(data, binfac):
# if (binfac < 1):
# stdout_write("Rebinning at the moment only supports binning to larger pixels with binfac>1\n")
# return None
# elif (binfac == 1):
# return data
# out_size_x, out_size_y = int(math.ceil(data.shape[0]*1.0/binfac)), int(math.ceil(data.shape[1]*1.0/binfac))
# if (out_size_x*binfac != data.shape[0] or out_size_y*binfac != data.shape[1]):
# # The input array size is not a multiple of the new binning
# # Create a slightly larger array to hold the data to be rebinned
# container = numpy.zeros(shape=(out_size_x*binfac, out_size_y*binfac))
# # And insert the original data
# container[0:data.shape[0], 0:data.shape[1]] = data[:,:]
# else:
# container = data
# rebinned = numpy.reshape(container, (out_size_x, binfac, out_size_y, binfac)).mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=1)
# #rebinned = numpy.reshape(container, (out_size_x, binfac, out_size_y, binfac)).nm(axis=-1).nm(axis=1)
# #rs = numpy.array(numpy.reshape(container, (out_size_x, binfac, out_size_y, binfac)), dtype=numpy.float32)
# #rb1 = bottleneck.nanmean(rs, axis=-1)
# #rb2 = bottleneck.nanmean(rb1, axis=1)
# #rebinned = rb2
# return rebinned
[docs]def find_center(hdu_data, coord_x, coord_y,
#lx, ly,
#r_minmax=[100,200], x_minmax=[400,600], y_minmax=[400,600],
search_x=[0, 300, 10],
search_y=[0, 300, 10],
search_r=[800, 1400, 10],
# dx=2, dy=2, dr=2
# Bin the data frame and the corresponding coordinate frames
ot33b = rebin_image(hdu_data, prebin, operation=numpy.mean)
all_x = rebin_image(coord_x, prebin, operation=numpy.mean)
all_y = rebin_image(coord_y, prebin, operation=numpy.mean)
if (debugname != None):
pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=ot33b.T)]).writeto("debug_"+debugname+"___data.fits", clobber=True)
pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=all_x.T)]).writeto("debug_"+debugname+"___all_x.fits", clobber=True)
pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=all_y.T)]).writeto("debug_"+debugname+"___all_y.fits", clobber=True)
ot33_orig = ot33b.copy()
ot33b[numpy.isnan(ot33b)] = 0
# Compute the gradient frame by differentiating the image
# frame using a Sobel filter
x33 = scipy.ndimage.sobel(ot33b, axis=0, mode='constant')
y33 = scipy.ndimage.sobel(ot33b, axis=1, mode='constant')
abs33 = numpy.hypot(x33, y33)
if (debugname != None):
pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=abs33.T)]).writeto("debug_"+debugname+"___sobel.fits", clobber=True)
# Create a mask of all valid images
# This is needed to get rid of all the artificial edges
# at the edges of each cell
# This mask is set to 1 for all NaN-masked pixels in the input frame
mask = numpy.array(numpy.isnan(ot33_orig), dtype=numpy.float32)
mask[3,3] = 1.
numpy.savetxt("mask", mask)
# Convolve the mask with a simple flat kernel to widen all gaps
# and get rid of cell edges
kernel = numpy.ones(shape=(5,5))
kernel_norm = kernel
if (verbose): print "number valid pixels before growing",numpy.sum((mask == False))
mask_grown_float = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(mask, kernel)
mask_grown = mask_grown_float > 0
numpy.savetxt("mask.g", mask_grown)
if (verbose): print "number valid pixels after growing",numpy.sum((mask_grown == False))
if (debugname != None):
pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=mask_grown_float.T)]).writeto("debug_"+debugname+"___mask.fits", clobber=True)
# Apply the now widened mask to the gradient map
abs33[numpy.isnan(ot33_orig)] = numpy.NaN
abs33_binary = abs33.copy()
abs33_binary[abs33 < 0.1] = 0
abs33_binary[abs33 >= 0.1] = 1
abs33[mask_grown] = numpy.NaN
if (debugname != None):
pyfits.HDUList([pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data=abs33.T)]).writeto("debug_"+debugname+"___sobel_filtered.fits", clobber=True)
# Now apply a threshold so we only deal with strong gradients and get rid
# of a lot of the underlying background noise
# Figure out what contrast we need
valid_pixels = numpy.isfinite(abs33)
#print "number valid pixels",numpy.sum(valid_pixels)
top10percent = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(abs33[valid_pixels].ravel(), 90)
if (threshold == None):
strong_values = abs33 > top10percent
if (verbose): print "Only using pixels >",top10percent
strong_values = abs33 > threshold
if (verbose): print "Only using pixels >",threshold
# all_y, all_x = numpy.indices(abs33.shape)
# All we need from now on are the coordinates of pixels with strong gradients
pixel_x = all_x[strong_values]
pixel_y = all_y[strong_values]
pixel_value = abs33[strong_values]
if (verbose): print numpy.sum(strong_values),"pixels with enough signal left"
# setup the array for the pattern recognition
if (verbose):
print "search-r=",search_r
print "search-x=",search_x
print "search-y=",search_y
n_x = int(math.ceil((search_x[1] - search_x[0])/search_x[2]))
x_values_to_try = (numpy.arange(n_x) * search_x[2]) + search_x[0]
n_y = int(math.ceil((search_y[1] - search_y[0])/search_y[2]))
y_values_to_try = (numpy.arange(n_y) * search_y[2]) + search_y[0]
# Make sure each ring is at least one (binned) pixel wide
if (search_r[2] < prebin): search_r[2] = prebin
n_r = int(math.ceil((search_r[1] - search_r[0])/search_r[2]))
r_values_to_try = (numpy.arange(n_r+1) * search_r[2]) + search_r[0]
#print "search box x=",x_values_to_try
#print "search box y=",y_values_to_try
#print "search box r=",r_values_to_try
# Now do the hough transformation:
# Loop over all possible center positions and count how
# many pixels fall into the radial slices
bincount = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_x, n_y, n_r))
bincount_w = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_x, n_y, n_r))
for i_cx, i_cy in itertools.product(range(n_x), range(n_y)):
cx = x_values_to_try[i_cx]
cy = y_values_to_try[i_cy]
pixel_radius = numpy.sqrt( (cx-pixel_x)**2 + (cy-pixel_y)**2 )
# Count pixels in each of the rings.
# Also use intensity as weight to emphasize stronger features
count_w,edges = numpy.histogram(pixel_radius, bins=r_values_to_try,
count, edges = numpy.histogram(pixel_radius, bins=r_values_to_try)
# Compute the area of this ring
outer_r = edges[1:]**2
inner_r = edges[:-1]**2
area_full_circle = outer_r - inner_r
# Insert the ring count into the overall structure
bincount[i_cx, i_cy, :] = count[:]
bincount_w[i_cx, i_cy, :] = count_w[:] / area_full_circle
if (not fixed_radius == None):
# Find what radial bin is covered by the specified radius
ir = int(math.floor((fixed_radius - search_r[0]) / search_r[2]))
if (verbose): print "using fixed radius",fixed_radius, ir
# For this radius, find the center position with the strongest signal
center_only = bincount_w[:,:,ir]
index = numpy.argmax(center_only)
#print "argmax=",index
ix, iy = numpy.unravel_index(index, center_only.shape)
#print "unraveled:",ix,iy
#print x_values_to_try[ix], ix*search_x[2]+search_x[0]
index = numpy.argmax(bincount_w)
ix, iy, ir = numpy.unravel_index(index, bincount.shape)
if (verbose):
print "found some results:"
print " center-x=",x_values_to_try[ix],"(",ix,")"
print " center-y=",y_values_to_try[iy],"(",iy,")"
print " radius=",r_values_to_try[ir],"(",ir,")"
return x_values_to_try[ix], y_values_to_try[iy], r_values_to_try[ir], bincount, bincount_w, abs33
pupilghost_center_guess = {
"OTA33.SCI": (4050, 4050),
"OTA34.SCI": (4050, -100),
"OTA44.SCI": (-100, -100),
"OTA43.SCI": (-100, 4050),
fiducial_centers = {
'OTA43.SCI': (-8, 4136, 1268, -8, 4136, 1268),
'OTA34.SCI': (4172, -188, 1268, 4172, -188, 1268),
'OTA33.SCI': (4152, 4156, 1268, 4152, 4156, 1268),
'OTA44.SCI': (32, -190, 1268, 32, -190, 1268)
[docs]def find_pupilghost_center(hdu, verbose=False, fixed_radius=1270, debugname=None):
# returns fixed_r_x, fixed_r_y, fixed_r_r, var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r
cx, cy = pupilghost_center_guess[hdu.header["EXTNAME"]]
rawdata = hdu.data.T.copy()
# trim the edges generously
rawdata[3980:,:] = numpy.NaN
rawdata[:,3980:] = numpy.NaN
rawdata[:50,:] = numpy.NaN
rawdata[:,:50] = numpy.NaN
rawdata[500:1000,0:500] = numpy.NaN
px, py = numpy.indices(rawdata.shape)
search_r = [1240,1320, 2]
search_x = [cx-search_width, cx+search_width,10]
search_y = [cy-search_width, cy+search_width,10]
if (verbose):
print "search-r=",search_r
print "search-x=",search_x
print "search-y=",search_y
x, y, r, bincount, bincount_w, edge_frame = \
find_center(rawdata, px, py,
search_r = search_r, search_x = search_x, search_y = search_y,
debugname=None if (debugname==None) else (debugname + hdu.header["EXTNAME"] + "__lowres__"),
if (verbose): print "Initial rough center (binning",prebin,") ---> ", x, y, r
# numpy.savetxt("bincount"+hdu[i].header["EXTNAME"], numpy.sum(numpy.sum(bincount, axis=0), axis=0))
# log = open("bincount"+hdu[i].header["EXTNAME"]+".full", "w")
# for x,y,z in itertools.product(range(bincount.shape[0]),
# range(bincount.shape[1]),
# range(bincount.shape[2])):
# print >>log, x, y, z, bincount[x,y,z]
# log.close()
# hdu[i].data = edge_frame
# print
# Now we have a rough idea where the center is.
# Extract a sub-region of the frame close to the center
# that contains the signal plus some extra, re-run the
# center-finding routine and refine the solution.
center_x = x#*prebin
center_y = y#*prebin
radius = r#*prebin
margin = 50 # pixels
min_x, max_x = center_x - radius - margin, center_x + radius + margin
min_y, max_y = center_y - radius - margin, center_y + radius + margin
min_valid_x = numpy.max([0, min_x])
max_valid_x = numpy.min([rawdata.shape[0], max_x])
min_valid_y = numpy.max([0, min_y])
max_valid_y = numpy.min([rawdata.shape[1], max_y])
midres_data = rawdata[min_valid_x:max_valid_x, min_valid_y:max_valid_y]
midres_filtered = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(midres_data, 7)
midres_px = px[min_valid_x:max_valid_x, min_valid_y:max_valid_y]
midres_py = py[min_valid_x:max_valid_x, min_valid_y:max_valid_y]
search_r = [radius-20,radius+20,2]
search_x = [center_x-30,center_x+30,4]
search_y = [center_y-30,center_y+30,4]
fixed_r_x, fixed_r_y, fixed_r_r, bincount2, bincount2_w, edge_frame2 = \
midres_px, midres_py,
search_r = search_r, search_x = search_x, search_y = search_y,
debugname=None if (debugname==None) else (debugname + hdu.header["EXTNAME"]+"__midres_f__"),
if (verbose): print "Better resolution (binning",prebin,", fixed r=",fixed_radius,"px): ---> ", fixed_r_x, fixed_r_y, fixed_r_r
var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r, bincount_var, bincount_var_w, edge_frame2 = \
midres_px, midres_py,
search_r = search_r, search_x = search_x, search_y = search_y,
debugname=None if (debugname==None) else (debugname + hdu.header["EXTNAME"]+"__midres_v__"),
if (verbose): print "Better resolution (binning",prebin,", variable radius): ---> ", var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r
return fixed_r_x, fixed_r_y, fixed_r_r, var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r
import podi_wcs
[docs]def get_reliable_pupilghost_center(hdulist):
pg_centers = {}
for i in range(len(hdulist)):
if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[i])):
print hdulist[i].header["EXTNAME"]
extname = hdu[i].header["EXTNAME"]
if (not extname in fiducial_centers):
fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr = find_pupilghost_center(hdu[i], verbose=True)
print " fixed radius:", fx, fy, fr
print "variable radius:", vx, vy, vr
pg_centers[extname] = fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr
wcspoly = podi_wcs.header_to_polynomial(hdulist[i].header)
radec = podi_wcs.wcs_pix2wcs(numpy.array([[vx*1.0, vy*1.0]]), wcspoly, False)
print radec
print pg_centers
# # angle = -140
# pg_centers = {'OTA43.SCI': (-4, 4142, 1268, -4, 4142, 1268), 'OTA34.SCI': (4210, -170, 1268, 4210, -170, 1268), 'OTA33.SCI': (4146, 4144, 1268, 4146, 4144, 1268), 'OTA44.SCI': (16, -170, 1268, 16, -170, 1268)}
# # angle = -5
# # pg_centers = {'OTA43.SCI': (8, 4132, 1268, 8, 4132, 1268), 'OTA34.SCI': (4166, -178, 1268, 4166, -178, 1268), 'OTA33.SCI': (4150, 4162, 1268, 4150, 4162, 1268), 'OTA44.SCI': (22, -188, 1268, 22, -188, 1268)}
# # fiducial angle = +5
# # pg_centers = fiducial_centers
# Now compute the shift between the found center
# and the fiducial reference solution
all_shifts = []
for ota, centers in pg_centers.iteritems():
if (not ota in fiducial_centers):
if (ota == 'OTA33.SCI'):
# Get the values for this frame
fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr = centers
# Get the fiducial coordinates
_fx, _fy, _fr, _vx, _vy, _vr = pg_centers['OTA33.SCI']
_, _, _, fidx, fidy, _ = fiducial_centers[ota]
_, _, _, _fidx, _fidy, _ = fiducial_centers['OTA33.SCI']
# fiducial_centers[ota]
dx = (vx - _vx) - (fidx - _fidx)
dy = (vy - _vy) - (fidy - _fidy)
all_shifts.append([dx, dy])
print ota, "this=", (vx - _vx), (vy - _vy), " fiducial=", (fidx - _fidx), (fidy - _fidy)
# Compute the best fitting shift
all_shifts = numpy.array(all_shifts)
numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, all_shifts, "%d")
median_shift = numpy.median(all_shifts, axis=0)
print median_shift
for ota, centers in fiducial_centers.iteritems():
fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr = centers
print ota," --> ", vx-median_shift[0], vy-median_shift[1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if (cmdline_arg_isset("-template")):
hdu = pyfits.open(get_clean_cmdline()[1])
coord_x, coord_y = numpy.indices(hdu[1].data.shape)
var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r, bincount_var, bincount_var_w, edge_frame2 = \
find_center(hdu[1].data, coord_x, coord_y,
#lx, ly,
#r_minmax=[100,200], x_minmax=[400,600], y_minmax=[400,600],
search_x=[4300, 4700, 10],
search_y=[4300, 4700, 10],
search_r=[800, 1400, 10],
# dx=2, dy=2, dr=2
print var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r
var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r, bincount_var, bincount_var_w, edge_frame2 = \
find_center(hdu[1].data, coord_x, coord_y,
#lx, ly,
#r_minmax=[100,200], x_minmax=[400,600], y_minmax=[400,600],
search_x=[4480, 4520, 2],
search_y=[4480, 4520, 2],
search_r=[1265, 1300, 1],
# dx=2, dy=2, dr=2
print var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r
elif (cmdline_arg_isset("-flat")):
flatfile = get_clean_cmdline()[1]
hdulist = pyfits.open(flatfile)
for i in range(2): #len(hdulist)):
if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[i])):
# print hdulist[i].header["EXTNAME"]
extname = hdulist[i].header["EXTNAME"]
print "\n\n\n",extname
fixed_r_x, fixed_r_y, fixed_r_r, var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r = find_pupilghost_center(
print "center position (fixed/var)"
print fixed_r_x, fixed_r_y, fixed_r_r
print var_r_x, var_r_y, var_r_r
# # get_reliable_pupilghost_center(hdu)
# prebin=8
# pg_centers = {}
# for i in range(1,5):
# print hdu[i].header["EXTNAME"]
# extname = hdu[i].header["EXTNAME"]
# fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr = find_pupilghost_center(hdu[i], verbose=True)
# print " fixed radius:", fx, fy, fr
# print "variable radius:", vx, vy, vr
# pg_centers[extname] = fx, fy, fr, vx, vy, vr
# print pg_centers
# hduout = hdu[0:5]
# hduout.writeto("/scratch/edges.fits", clobber=True)