Source code for dev_ccmatch

#!/usr/bin/env python


This module contains all functionality to perform the astrometric correction of
a frame by matching the source catalog to a catalog of reference stars.


import sys
import numpy
import os
import pyfits
import datetime
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import math
import scipy.spatial
import itertools

from  podi_definitions import *
import podi_search_ipprefcat
from podi_wcs import *
import podi_search_ipprefcat
import podi_sitesetup as sitesetup

import Queue
import multiprocessing

max_pointing_error = 8.

import podi_logging
import logging

create_debug_files = True

[docs]def select_brightest(radec, mags, n): """ Create a new catalog containing only the n brightest members of the input catalog. """ # print mags si = numpy.argsort(mags[:,0]) # print si output_radec = numpy.zeros(shape=(n, radec.shape[1])) output_mags = numpy.zeros(shape=(n, mags.shape[1])) for i in range(n): # print si[i], mags[si[i],0] output_radec[i,:] = radec[si[i],:] output_mags[i,:] = mags[si[i],:] return output_radec, output_mags
[docs]def count_matches(src_cat, ref_cat, pointing_error=(max_pointing_error/60.), matching_radius=(4./3600.), debugangle=None): """ This is the main routine in ccmatch. First, find for each source in catalog 1 all nearby sources in catalog 2. In a second step, determine the approximate relative position that occurs the most frequently. """ logger = logging.getLogger() # # Now loop over all stars in the source catalog and find nearby stars in the reference catalog # Use a rather large matching radius for this step # # matching_radius = 1./60. # 1 arcmin ref_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(ref_cat) src_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(src_cat) # print "\n\n\nIn count_matches:" # print "src-cat:",src_cat.shape # print "ref-cat:",ref_cat.shape # # First create a catalog of nearby reference stars for each source star # # find all matches matches = src_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_tree, pointing_error, p=2) # also count how many matches in total we have found n_matches = src_tree.count_neighbors(ref_tree, pointing_error, p=2) all_offsets = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_matches,2)) cur_pair = 0 # dummy = open("ccmatch.offsets.%d" % int(round((debugangle*60),0)), "w") for cur_src in range(len(matches)): if (len(matches[cur_src]) <= 0): continue #if (verbose): print "\n",cur_src # print matches[cur_src] # # matches[cur_src] contains the indices of matching stars from the reference catalog # So extract the actual coordinates of all nearby reference stars # cur_matches = numpy.array(ref_cat[matches[cur_src]]) #if (verbose): print cur_matches # print cur_matches.shape # matches[cur_src] -= src_cat[cur_src] # Subtract the source position to get relative offsets cur_matches -= src_cat[cur_src] #if (verbose): print cur_matches #numpy.savetxt(dummy, cur_matches) #print >>dummy, "\n\n\n\n\n" # And add all offsets into the global offset registry for cur_refstar in range(len(matches[cur_src])): all_offsets[cur_pair,:] = cur_matches[cur_refstar] cur_pair += 1 all_offsets = all_offsets[:cur_pair,:] # print "found", all_offsets.shape, "potential offsets", cur_pair, n_matches if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.dump",all_offsets) # # At this stage, we have a catalog of all potential offsets, # so we now need to figure out which one is the most likely, # i.e. the most frequently occuring # candidate_offset_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(all_offsets) n_coincidences = candidate_offset_tree.count_neighbors( candidate_offset_tree, matching_radius, p=2) coincidences = candidate_offset_tree.query_ball_tree( candidate_offset_tree, matching_radius, p=2) search_weights = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(coincidences),3)) for i in range(len(coincidences)): search_weights[i,0] = len(coincidences[i]) search_weights[i,1:3] = all_offsets[i,:] # search_weights = numpy.zeros(shape=(all_offsets.shape[0],3)) # search_weights[:,1:3] = all_offsets # for i in range(all_offsets.shape[0]): # neighbors = candidate_offset_tree.query_ball_point(search_weights[i,1:3], 1e-8, p=2) # search_weights[i,0] = len(neighbors) # #search_weights[i,0] = candidate_offset_tree.count_neighbors( # # scipy.spatial.cKDTree(search_weights[i,1:3]), (5./3600.), p=2) # Find which offset has the highest weight max_coincidence_count = numpy.argmax(search_weights[:,0]) best_offset = all_offsets[max_coincidence_count,:] #print "best offset", best_offset, "matching in",search_weights[max_coincidence_count][0],"fields" logger.debug("best offset %s matching in %d fields" % ( best_offset, search_weights[max_coincidence_count][0])) if (not debugangle == None): if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.offsetcount.%d" % int(round((debugangle*60),0)), search_weights) return search_weights[max_coincidence_count,0], best_offset
[docs]def rotate_shift_catalog(src_cat, center, angle, shift=None, verbose = False): """ Apply a rotation and shift to a catalog. """ if (verbose): print "\n\n\nIn rotate_shift_catalog" print "angle =", angle print "shift =", shift print "center =", center print "src-cat=\n", src_cat[:3] center_ra, center_dec = center # print center_ra, center_dec src_rotated = numpy.zeros(shape=(src_cat.shape[0],2)) src_rel_to_center = src_cat[:,0:2] - [center_ra, center_dec] # print "\n\n\nDuring rotation" # print "src-cat=\n",src_cat[:5,:] # print "src-cat rel to center=\n",src_rel_to_center[:5,:] # print "rotation end...\n\n" # angles are given in arcmin angle_rad = math.radians(angle) if (verbose): print "angle radians =",angle_rad # print "in rot_shift: angle-rad=",angle_rad # Account for cos(declination) src_rel_to_center[:,0] *= math.cos(math.radians(center_dec)) if (verbose and not shift == None): print "@@@@ shift rotation" print "shift=", shift print "angle=", angle*60, "arcmin" print "X=",math.cos(angle_rad) * shift[0] - math.sin(angle_rad) * shift[1] print "y=",math.sin(angle_rad) * shift[0] + math.cos(angle_rad) * shift[1] # Apply rotation src_rotated[:,0] \ = math.cos(angle_rad) * src_rel_to_center[:,0] \ - math.sin(angle_rad) * src_rel_to_center[:,1] src_rotated[:,1] \ = math.sin(angle_rad) * src_rel_to_center[:,0] \ + math.cos(angle_rad) * src_rel_to_center[:,1] \ # Fix cos(declination) src_rotated[:,0] /= math.cos(math.radians(center_dec)) # Add center position src_rotated += [center_ra, center_dec] # if requested, add shift if (not shift == None): src_rotated += shift if (verbose): print "src_rotated=\n", src_rotated[:3,0:2] print "src-final=\n", src_rotated[:3],"\n\n\n" src_output = src_cat.copy() src_output[:,0:2] = src_rotated[:,0:2] return src_output
[docs]def kd_match_catalogs(src_cat, ref_cat, matching_radius, max_count=1): """ Match two catalogs using kD-trees. Parameters: src_cat : ndarray input catalog 1. first two columns have to be Ra/Dec ref_cat : ndarray input catalog 2. again, columns 1 &2 have to be Ra/Dec. matching_radius : float matching radius in arcsec. If two sources are closer than this, they are considered a match. max_count : int Exclude all sources that have more than (max_count) matches. Returns ------- The matched catalog. The columns of this output catalog first contain all columns from the input catalog 1, followed by all columns of the matched sources in catalog 2. If no counterpart is found in catalog 2, this source is omitted from the output catalog. Currently only the first match is returned for each input source. """ src_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(src_cat[:,0:2]) ref_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(ref_cat[:,0:2]) # print src_cat[0:5] # print ref_cat[0:5] # Create an array to hold the matched catalog output_cat = numpy.empty(shape=(src_cat.shape[0], src_cat.shape[1]+ref_cat.shape[1])) # and insert the source catalog n_src_columns = src_cat.shape[1] output_cat[:,0:n_src_columns] = src_cat # print output_cat[0:5] # also create an array holding for which sources we found a match match_found = numpy.zeros(shape=(src_cat.shape[0])) # match the catalogs using a kD-tree match_indices = src_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_tree, matching_radius, p=2) # print src_tree.count_neighbors(ref_tree, matching_radius, p=2) # Now loop over all matches and merge the found matches for cur_src in range(src_cat.shape[0]): # Determine how many reference stars are close to this source # Do not keep match if none or too many reference stars are nearby n_matches = len(match_indices[cur_src]) if (n_matches <= 0 or n_matches > max_count): continue output_cat[cur_src, n_src_columns:] = ref_cat[match_indices[cur_src][0]] match_found[cur_src] = 1 # Now eliminate all sources without matches final_cat = output_cat[match_found == 1] return final_cat
[docs]def count_matches_parallelwrapper(work_queue, return_queue, src_cat, ref_cat, center_ra, center_dec, pointing_error=(max_pointing_error/60.), matching_radius=(4./3600.), debugangle=None ): """ Just a small wrapper to enable parallel execution of `count_matches`. """ logger = logging.getLogger() while (True): task = work_queue.get() if (task == None): break angle_id, angle = task logger.debug("Starting work on angle %f deg / %f arcmin" % (angle,angle*60)) # print "Starting work on angle",angle,angle*60,"(deg/arcmin)" src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_cat, (center_ra, center_dec), angle, None) # print "Angle:",angle*60.," --> ", n_matches, offset = count_matches(src_rotated, ref_cat, pointing_error=pointing_error, matching_radius=matching_radius, debugangle=angle) return_queue.put((angle_id, n_matches, offset)) work_queue.task_done() return
[docs]def find_best_guess(src_cat, ref_cat, center_ra, center_dec, pointing_error=(max_pointing_error/60.), angle_max=5., #degrees d_angle=3, # arcmin matching_radius=5./3600., allow_parallel=True, ): """Find the best-guess astrometric correction by finding the shift and rotation angle that yields the most matching stars by iterating over a number of possible rotator angles. Parameters ---------- src_cat : ndarray Catalog of sources in ODI image ref_cat : ndarray Reference catalog of stars from, e.g., 2MASS center_ra : double center of rotation in RA - this has to be CRVAL1 to make the solution compatible with the FITS WCS convention center_dec : double center of rotation in Dec - has to be CRVAL2 pointing_error : double Maximum positional uncertainty, in degrees. Larger is safer, but takes more time to compute and doesn't help if pointing errors are small. angle_max : double or double[2] Maximum uncertainty in the rotator angle position, in degrees. Can either be a single angle or a float[2], e.g. [-1,2]. matching_radius : double radius to use when computing the density of overlapping points. Smaller numbers give slightly more accurate results, but larger values are more reliable when frames show some distortion. allow_parallel : Bool Run the catalog matching in parallel (faster, recommended) or as a single process (slower, needs fewer resources) Returns ------- The best_guess shift and rotation angle """ # # Now loop over all stars in the source catalog and find nearby stars in the reference catalog # Use a rather large matching radius for this step # #matching_radius = 1./60. # 1 arcmin ref_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(ref_cat) #angle_max = 2. #d_angle = 5. logger = logging.getLogger('findbestguess') if (angle_max == None): # This means there's no rotation at all n_angles = 1 all_results = numpy.zeros(shape=(1, 4)) all_results[0,0] = 0. elif (type(angle_max) == int or type(angle_max) == float): # Just a number given, assume the range is from -x to +x n_angles = int(math.ceil((2 * angle_max) / (d_angle / 60.))) + 1 all_results = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_angles, 4)) all_results[:,0] = numpy.linspace(-angle_max, angle_max, n_angles) elif (len(angle_max) == 2): # Two angles given, interpret them as min and max n_angles = int(math.ceil((angle_max[1] - angle_max[0]) / (d_angle / 60.))) + 1 all_results = numpy.zeros(shape=(n_angles, 4)) all_results[:,0] = numpy.linspace(angle_max[0], angle_max[1], n_angles) else: print "We don't know how to handle this case" print "in find_best_guess, angle_max =",angle_max sys.exit(0) if (allow_parallel): processes = [] queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() return_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() # Feed all angles to check into the queue for cur_angle in range(n_angles): angle = all_results[cur_angle,0] queue.put((cur_angle, angle)) # worker_args = (queue, return_queue, # src_cat, ref_cat, center_ra, center_dec, # matching_radius, # fine_radius, # angle) worker_args = { "work_queue": queue, "return_queue": return_queue, "src_cat": src_cat, "ref_cat": ref_cat, "center_ra": center_ra, "center_dec": center_dec, "pointing_error": pointing_error, "matching_radius": matching_radius, "debugangle": None, } number_cpus = sitesetup.number_cpus logger.debug("Running ccmatch on %d CPUs, hold on ..." % (number_cpus)) for i in range(number_cpus): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=count_matches_parallelwrapper, kwargs=worker_args) p.start() processes.append(p) # Also send a quit signal to each process queue.put(None) # And finally, collect all results for i in range(n_angles): returned = return_queue.get() cur_angle, n_matches, offset = returned all_results[cur_angle,1:3] = offset all_results[cur_angle,3] = n_matches # Join all processes to make sure they terminate alright # without leaving zombie processes behind. for p in processes: p.join() else: for cur_angle in range(n_angles): angle = all_results[cur_angle,0] logger.debug("Working on angle %f deg / %f arcmin" % (angle,angle*60)) src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_cat, (center_ra, center_dec), angle, None) logger.debug("Angle: %f -->" % (angle*60.)) n_matches, offset = count_matches(src_rotated, ref_cat, matching_radius, fine_radius=fine_radius, debugangle=angle) all_results[cur_angle,1:3] = offset all_results[cur_angle,3] = n_matches logger.debug(all_results) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.allresults", all_results) # # Now find the best solution (the one with the highest matched star density) # idx_best_angle = numpy.argmax(all_results[:,3]) best_guess = all_results[idx_best_angle] logger.debug("Best guess: angle=%f arcmin" % (best_guess[0]*60.)) logger.debug(best_guess) # print best_guess, "angle=",best_guess[0]*60.,"arcmin" # # Also determine a contrast as quality estimator # best_angle = best_guess[0] # select all results with rotator angles differing by >20 arcmin wrong_angles = numpy.fabs(all_results[:,0]-best_angle) > 20./60. # number random matches: if (numpy.sum(wrong_angles) <= 0): n_random_matches = 1 else: n_random_matches = numpy.median(all_results[:,3][wrong_angles]) contrast = best_guess[3] / n_random_matches return best_guess, n_random_matches, contrast
[docs]def fit_best_rotation_shift(src_cat, ref_cat, best_guess, center_ra, center_dec, matching_radius=(6./3600.) ): """ optimize the astroemtric solution by minimizing the difference betweeen source and reference positions in a matched catalog. """ logger = logging.getLogger("OptimizeShiftRotation") src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_cat, (center_ra, center_dec), angle=best_guess[0], shift=best_guess[1:3]) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.roughalign", src_rotated) # Match up stars ref_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(ref_cat) src_tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(src_rotated) # matching_radius = 3./3600. matched_src_ref_idx = src_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_tree, matching_radius, p=2) src_ref_pairs = numpy.ones(shape=(src_rotated.shape[0],4)) src_ref_pairs[:,0:2] = src_rotated[:,0:2] src_ref_pairs[:,2:4] = numpy.NaN # # Merge the two catalogs to make fitting easier # for i in range(len(matched_src_ref_idx)): # Ignore all points with no or more than 1 closest match n_close_stars = len(matched_src_ref_idx[i]) if (not n_close_stars == 1): continue src_ref_pairs[i, 2:4] = ref_cat[matched_src_ref_idx[i][0]] if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.srcrefmatched", src_ref_pairs) # # Further optimize the rotation angle by introducing the # shift and rotation as free parameters and fitting to minimize # the deviations # def difference_ref_src_catalogs(src, ref, declination): diff = src - ref diff[:,0] *= math.cos(math.radians(declination)) distance = numpy.hypot(diff[:,0], diff[:,1]) # return diff.ravel() #stance return distance # Optimize rotation angle by fitting offsets with rotation as a free parameter def optimize_rotation_angle(p, src, ref, center): ra, dec = center # print p src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src, center, angle=p[0], shift=p[1:2]) return difference_ref_src_catalogs(src_rotated, ref, dec) r_mismatch = difference_ref_src_catalogs(src_ref_pairs[:,0:2], src_ref_pairs[:,2:4], center_dec) p_init = [best_guess[0], best_guess[2], best_guess[3]] x_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_cat, (center_ra, center_dec), angle=best_guess[0], shift=best_guess[1:3]) def difference_source_reference_cat(p, src_cat, ref_cat, center, for_fitting=False): src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_cat, center, angle=p[0], shift=p[1:3]) diff = src_rotated - ref_cat if (for_fitting): return diff.ravel() return diff if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.x_rotated", x_rotated) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.r_mismatch", r_mismatch) center_radec = (center_ra, center_dec) diff = difference_source_reference_cat(p_init, src_cat, # src-cat src_ref_pairs[:,2:4], # matched ref-cat center_radec) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.diff", diff) # # Eliminate all source stars without nearby/unique # match in the reference catalog # valid_matches = numpy.isfinite(src_ref_pairs[:,2]) matched_src = src_cat[valid_matches] matched_ref = src_ref_pairs[:,2:4][valid_matches] # diff2 = difference_source_reference_cat(p_init, # matched_src, # matched_ref, # center_radec, # for_fitting=False) # numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.diff2", diff2) args = (matched_src, matched_ref, center_radec, True) fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(difference_source_reference_cat, p_init, args=args, full_output=1) best_fit = fit[0] logger.debug("optimized parameters: " + str(best_fit)) # print "\n\nbefore/after fit" # print p_init # print fit[0] # # Compute uncertainty on the shift and rotation # uncert = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fit[1])) # print uncert # best_shift_rotation_solution = fit[0] diff_afterfit = difference_source_reference_cat(fit[0], matched_src, matched_ref, center_radec, for_fitting=False) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.diff_afterfit", diff_afterfit) return_value = [best_fit[0], best_fit[1], best_fit[2], src_ref_pairs.shape[0]] return return_value
[docs]def optimize_shift_rotation(p, guessed_match, hdulist, fitting=True): """ outdated, don't use. """ diff = numpy.zeros(shape=(guessed_match.shape[0],2)) n_start = 0 for ext in range(3): #len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota_extension = hdulist[ext] ota = int(ota_extension.header['FPPOS'][2:4]) # sources from this OTA in_this_ota = (guessed_match[:,8] == ota) number_src_in_this_ota = numpy.sum(in_this_ota) # print number_src_in_this_ota if (number_src_in_this_ota <= 0): continue ota_cat = guessed_match[in_this_ota] # Read the WCS imformation from the fits file wcs_poly = header_to_polynomial(ota_extension.header) # And apply the current shift and rotation values wcs_poly = wcs_apply_rotation(wcs_poly, p[0]) wcs_poly = wcs_apply_shift(wcs_poly, p[1:3]) # hdr = ota_extension.header.copy() # wcs_wcspoly_to_header(wcs_poly, hdr) # hdr['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TPN' # hdr['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TPN' # wcs = astWCS.WCS(hdr, mode='pyfits') # ra_dec = numpy.array(wcs.pix2wcs(ota_cat[:,2], ota_cat[:,3])) # print ra_dec.shape, number_src_in_this_ota # Extract only the stars in this OTA - # only for these is the WCS solution applicable ota_cat = guessed_match[in_this_ota] # Convert pixel coordinates into Ra/Dec ra_dec = wcs_pix2wcs(ota_cat[:,2:4], wcs_poly, False) # And compute the offset between ODI and reference catalog ota_diff = ra_dec - ota_cat[:,0:2] #ota_cat[:,-2:] # and save differences until we have all of them diff[n_start:n_start+number_src_in_this_ota] = ota_diff n_start += number_src_in_this_ota if (not fitting): return diff if (create_debug_files): x = open("ccmatch.wcsfitting", "a") numpy.savetxt(x, diff) print >>x, "\n\n\n\n\n" x.close() y = open("ccmatch.fitparams", "a") print >>y, p[0], p[1], p[2] y.close() return diff.ravel()
[docs]def verify_wcs_model(cat, hdulist): """ for debugging only, don't use """ comp = numpy.zeros(shape=(cat.shape[0],8)) n_start = 0 for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota_extension = hdulist[ext] extname = hdulist[ext].header['EXTNAME'] ota = int(ota_extension.header['FPPOS'][2:4]) # sources from this OTA in_this_ota = (cat[:,8] == ota) number_src_in_this_ota = numpy.sum(in_this_ota) # print number_src_in_this_ota if (number_src_in_this_ota <= 0): continue # Read the WCS imformation from the fits file wcs_poly = header_to_polynomial(ota_extension.header) # wcs_poly = wcs_clear_distortion(wcs_poly) # Extract only the stars in this OTA - # only for these is the WCS solution applicable ota_cat = cat[in_this_ota] ota_cat[:,2:4] -= [1,1] # Convert pixel coordinates into Ra/Dec ra_dec = wcs_pix2wcs(ota_cat[:,2:4], wcs_poly) comp[n_start:n_start+number_src_in_this_ota,0:4] = ota_cat[:,0:4] comp[n_start:n_start+number_src_in_this_ota,4:6] = ra_dec[:,0:2] ota_extension.header['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TPV' ota_extension.header['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TPV' wcs = astWCS.WCS(ota_extension.header, mode='pyfits') wcs2 = numpy.array(wcs.pix2wcs(ota_cat[:,2], ota_cat[:,3])) #print wcs2.shape #print wcs2[0:4,0:2] comp[n_start:n_start+number_src_in_this_ota,6:8] = wcs2[:,0:2] dump_file = "debug.verifywcs."+extname print "writing",dump_file numpy.savetxt(dump_file, comp[n_start:n_start+number_src_in_this_ota,:]) n_start += number_src_in_this_ota return comp
[docs]def optimize_wcs_solution(ota_cat, hdr, optimize_header_keywords): """ Optimize the WCS by allowing the given set of header keywords to vary. """ # Create a astLib WCS class to handle the conversion from X/Y to Ra/Dec astwcs = astWCS.WCS(hdr, mode='pyfits') def minimize_wcs_error(p, src_xy, ref_radec, astwcs, optimize_header_keywords): # Transfer all fitting parameters to astWCS for i in range(len(optimize_header_keywords)): astwcs.header[optimize_header_keywords[i]] = p[i] # and update astWCS so the changes take effect astwcs.updateFromHeader() # Now compute all Ra/Dec values based on the new WCS solution src_radec = numpy.array(astwcs.pix2wcs(src_xy[:,0], src_xy[:,1])) # This gives us the Ra/Dec values as 2-d array # compute difference from the Ra/Dec of the reference system src_ref = src_radec - ref_radec # return the 1-d version for optimization return src_ref.ravel() # Prepare all values we need for fitting src_xy = ota_cat[:,2:4] - [1.,1.] ref_radec = ota_cat[:,-2:] p_init = [0] * len(optimize_header_keywords) for i in range(len(optimize_header_keywords)): p_init[i] = hdr[optimize_header_keywords[i]] fit_args = (src_xy, ref_radec, astwcs, optimize_header_keywords) fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(minimize_wcs_error, p_init, args=fit_args, maxfev=1000, full_output=1) # New, optimized values are in fit[0] better_wcs = fit[0] # Copy the optimized values into the header for i in range(len(optimize_header_keywords)): hdr[optimize_header_keywords[i]] = better_wcs[i] return p_init, better_wcs
[docs]def optimize_shear_and_position(ota_cat, hdr): """ Optimize the WCS by allowing the CRVAL and CD matrix as free parameters """ # Create a astLib WCS class to handle the conversion from X/Y to Ra/Dec astwcs = astWCS.WCS(hdr, mode='pyfits') keyword_order = ('CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2') def fit_shear_and_position(p, src_xy, ref_radec, astwcs): # Transfer all fitting parameters to astWCS for i in range(6): astwcs.header[keyword_order[i]] = p[i] # and update astWCS so the changes take effect astwcs.updateFromHeader() # Now compute all Ra/Dec values based on the new WCS solution src_radec = numpy.array(astwcs.pix2wcs(src_xy[:,0], src_xy[:,1])) # This gives us the Ra/Dec values as 2-d array # compute difference from the Ra/Dec of the reference system src_ref = src_radec - ref_radec # return the 1-d version for optimization return src_ref.ravel() # Prepare all values we need for fitting src_xy = ota_cat[:,2:4] - [1.,1.] ref_radec = ota_cat[:,-2:] p_init = [0] * 6 for i in range(6): p_init[i] = hdr[keyword_order[i]] fit_args = (src_xy, ref_radec, astwcs) fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(fit_shear_and_position, p_init, args=fit_args, full_output=1) # New, optimized values are in fit[0] better_wcs = fit[0] # Copy the optimized values into the header for i in range(6): hdr[keyword_order[i]] = better_wcs[i] return
[docs]def ccmatch_shift(source_cat, reference_cat, center=None, #[center_ra, center_dec], pointing_error=(max_pointing_error/60.), #(max_pointing_error/60.) ): """ Perform a simple astrometric calibration, allowing for a shift only """ if (center == None): center_ra = numpy.median(source_cat[:,0]) center_dec = numpy.median(source_cat[:,1]) else: center_ra, center_dec = center best_guess, n_random_matches, contrast = find_best_guess(source_cat, reference_cat, center_ra, center_dec, pointing_error=pointing_error, angle_max=None, allow_parallel=False, ) logger = logging.getLogger("CCMatchShift") logger.debug("found best guess:") logger.debug(best_guess) logger.debug("offset="+str(best_guess[1:3]*3600.)) return best_guess, n_random_matches, contrast
[docs]def log_shift_rotation(hdulist, params, n_step=1, description="", n_random_matches=None, wcs_contrast = None, ): """ Add some additional keywords to primary FITS header to keep track of the shift and rotation found during astrometric calibration of the frame. """ hdulist[0].header['WCS%d_DA' % n_step] = (params[0], "%s angle [deg]" % (description)) hdulist[0].header['WCS%d_DRA' % n_step] = (params[1]*3600., "%s d_RA [arcsec]" % (description)) hdulist[0].header['WCS%d_DDE' % n_step] = (params[2]*3600, "%s d_DEC [arcsec]" % (description)) hdulist[0].header['WCS%d_N' % n_step] = (params[3], "%s n_matches" % (description)) if (not n_random_matches == None): hdulist[0].header['WCS_NRND'] = (n_random_matches, "number of random matches") if (not wcs_contrast == None): hdulist[0].header['WCS_QUAL'] = (wcs_contrast, "WCS quality") return
[docs]def apply_correction_to_header(hdulist, best_guess, verbose=False): """ Apply the optimzied shift and rotation found during astrometric calibration to the output FITS header. """ for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota_extension = hdulist[ext] # Read all WCS relevant information from the FITS header print "\nApplying shift",best_guess[1:3],"to extension",ota_extension.header['EXTNAME'] print hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL1'], hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL2'] wcs_poly = header_to_polynomial(ota_extension.header) # Apply the shift and rotation wcs_poly = wcs_apply_shift(wcs_poly, best_guess[1:3]) # Write the updated, WCS relevant keywords back to FITS header wcs_wcspoly_to_header(wcs_poly, hdulist[ext].header) #ota_extension.header) if (verbose): print hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL1'], hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL2'] hdulist[ext].header['XVAL1'] = hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL1'] hdulist[ext].header['XVAL2'] = hdulist[ext].header['CRVAL2'] return
[docs]def pick_isolated_stars(catalog, radius=10.): """ Break down the catalog and eliminate all sources with nearby neighbors. """ kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(catalog[:,0:2]) # Create an array holding for which sources we found a match isolated = numpy.zeros(shape=(catalog.shape[0])) # match the catalogs using a kD-tree matching_radius = radius / 3600. match_indices = kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, matching_radius, p=2) #match_count = kdtree.count_neighbors(kdtree, matching_radius, p=2) # print match_count # Now loop over all matches and merge the found matches for cur_src in range(catalog.shape[0]): # Determine how many reference stars are close to this source # Do not keep match if none or too many reference stars are nearby # # Keep in mind that each source has at least 1 nearby source: itself # so only neighbor counts > 1 count as having a real neighbor n_matches = len(match_indices[cur_src]) if (n_matches <= 1): isolated[cur_src] = 1 # print cur_src, catalog[cur_src, 0], catalog[cur_src,1], n_matches # Now eliminate all sources without matches # final_cat = catalog[match_count < 1] #isolated == 1] final_cat = catalog[isolated == 1] return final_cat
[docs]def parallel_optimize_wcs_solution(queue_in, queue_out): """ This is a minimal wrapper around optimize_wcs_solution to enable parallel execution. All input commands are received via a multiprocessing.JoinableQueue and reported back via a separate multiprocessing.Queue. """ logger = logging.getLogger("ParallelOptimizeWCS") while (True): data_in = queue_in.get() if (data_in == None): logger.debug("Received end signal, shutting down") queue_in.task_done() return # Extract all necessary data from command queue catalog, header, headers_to_optimize, extension_id = data_in logger.debug("Starting work for OTA %s..." % (header['EXTNAME'])) optimize_wcs_solution(catalog, header, headers_to_optimize) # Now that we have the optimized WCS solution, recompute the source # Ra/Dec values with the better system astwcs = astWCS.WCS(header, mode='pyfits') ota_xy = catalog[:,2:4] - [1.,1.] ota_radec = numpy.array(astwcs.pix2wcs(ota_xy[:,0], ota_xy[:,1])) catalog[:,0:2] = ota_radec # Prepare and return results to main process return_data = catalog, header, extension_id queue_out.put(return_data) queue_in.task_done() logger.debug("Down with work for OTA %s..." % (header['EXTNAME'])) return
[docs]def recompute_radec_from_xy(hdulist, src_catalog): global_cat = None # # Now re-compute the OTA source catalog including the updated WCS solution # for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota = hdulist[ext].header['OTA'] in_this_ota = src_catalog[:,8] == ota ota_full = src_catalog[in_this_ota] astwcs = astWCS.WCS(hdulist[ext].header, mode='pyfits') ota_xy = ota_full[:,2:4] - [1.,1.] ota_radec = numpy.array(astwcs.pix2wcs(ota_xy[:,0], ota_xy[:,1])) ota_full[:,0:2] = ota_radec global_cat = ota_full if (global_cat == None) else numpy.append(global_cat, ota_full, axis=0) return global_cat
[docs]def improve_wcs_solution(src_catalog, ref_catalog, hdulist, headers_to_optimize, matching_radius=(3./3600), min_ota_catalog_size=15, output_catalog = None, allow_parallel = True, ): """ This function is a wrapper around the optimize_wcs_solution routine. It splits up the full catalog into sub-catalogs for each OTA, and optimizes each catalog by fiddling with some of the WCS keywords until the distance between source coordiantes and reference coordiantes is minimized. """ logger = logging.getLogger("ImproveWCSSolutionOTA") # Match the entire input catalog with the reference catalog # Allow a matching radius of 3'', but only unique matches matched_global = kd_match_catalogs(src_catalog, ref_catalog, matching_radius=matching_radius, max_count=1) global_cat = None # Prepare what we need for the parallel execution processes = [] queue_cmd = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() queue_return = multiprocessing.Queue() number_tasks = 0 logger.debug("Running improve_wcs_solution in %s mode!" % ("parallel" if allow_parallel else "serial")) for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota = hdulist[ext].header['OTA'] in_this_ota = matched_global[:,8] == ota ota_cat = matched_global[in_this_ota] logger.debug("OTA %d: % 4d sources, have >= % 4d for this step : %s" % ( ota, ota_cat.shape[0], min_ota_catalog_size, "yes" if ota_cat.shape[0] > min_ota_catalog_size else "no")) # Don't optimize if we have to few stars to constrain solution if (ota_cat.shape[0] > min_ota_catalog_size): if (not allow_parallel): # # This is the work to be done serially # optimize_wcs_solution(ota_cat, hdulist[ext].header, headers_to_optimize) else: # # Do the work in parallel # task = (ota_cat, hdulist[ext].header, headers_to_optimize, ext) queue_cmd.put(task) number_tasks += 1 if (allow_parallel): worker_args = {'queue_in': queue_cmd, 'queue_out': queue_return, } # All work is queued, start the processes to do the work for i in range(sitesetup.number_cpus): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=parallel_optimize_wcs_solution, kwargs=worker_args) p.start() processes.append(p) # Also send a quit signal to each process queue_cmd.put(None) # Receive all results for i_results in range(number_tasks): catalog, header, extension_id = queue_return.get() # Merge the catalogs # global_cat = catalog if (global_cat == None) else numpy.append(global_cat, catalog, axis=0) # And re-insert the updated header hdulist[extension_id].header = header # Wait until all work is complete for p in processes: p.join() # # Now re-compute the OTA source catalog including the updated WCS solution # for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota = hdulist[ext].header['OTA'] in_this_ota = src_catalog[:,8] == ota if (numpy.sum(in_this_ota) <= 0): continue ota_full = src_catalog[in_this_ota] astwcs = astWCS.WCS(hdulist[ext].header, mode='pyfits') ota_xy = ota_full[:,2:4] - [1.,1.] ota_radec = numpy.array(astwcs.pix2wcs(ota_xy[:,0], ota_xy[:,1])) ota_full[:,0:2] = ota_radec global_cat = ota_full if (global_cat == None) else numpy.append(global_cat, ota_full, axis=0) # Match the new, improved catalog with the reference catalog # Allow a matching radius of 2'', but only unique matches logger.debug("Matching optimized source catalog to reference catalog") matched_global = kd_match_catalogs(global_cat, ref_catalog, matching_radius=(2./3600.), max_count=1) if (not output_catalog == None): numpy.savetxt(output_catalog, matched_global) # print "Returning from improve_wcs_solution", src_catalog.shape, global_cat.shape, matched_global.shape return global_cat, hdulist, matched_global ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # # # ############################################################################# #############################################################################
[docs]def ccmatch(source_catalog, reference_catalog, input_hdu, mode, max_pointing_error=7, max_rotator_error=[-1,1.5]): """ Perform the astrometric correction. Parameters ---------- source_catalog : ndarray Catalog of sources in the ODI frames. This needs to be in the proper format, as ccmatch splits the catalog by OTA and eliminates sources with flags. reference_catalog : ndarray Astrometric reference catalog. The first two columns have to be Ra/Dec. input_hdu : HDUList HDUlist containing the frame to be calibrated. mode : string Calibration mode for ccmatch. Currently available are: * "shift" * "rotation" * "distortion" max_pointing_error : double maximum position uncertainty that can be tolerated. If the data exceeds this value the astrometric calibration is likely to yield wrong results. max_rotator_error : float[2] maximum error for the rotator angle. """ logger = logging.getLogger("CCMatch") # Prepare the structure for the return values return_value = {} if (type(source_catalog) == str): # Load the source catalog file src_catfile = source_catalog src_raw = numpy.loadtxt(src_catfile) else: src_raw = source_catalog # # Make sure we have a valid input catalog # if (type(input_hdu) == str): # Load the input frame print "optimizing rotation in frame",input_hdu hdulist = else: hdulist = input_hdu # # compute the center of the field # center_ra = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL1'] center_dec = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL2'] logger.debug("field center at %f %f" % (center_ra, center_dec)) # # Create the reference catalog # if (reference_catalog == None): search_size = 0.8 ref_raw = podi_search_ipprefcat.get_reference_catalog(center_ra, center_dec, search_size, basedir=sitesetup.wcs_ref_dir, cattype=sitesetup.wcs_ref_type) ref_raw = ref_raw[:,0:2] else: ref_raw = reference_catalog #numpy.loadtxt(ref_catfile)[:,0:2] logger.debug("ref. cat (raw) ="+str(ref_raw.shape)) # # Reduce the reference catalog to approx. the coverage of the source catalog # ref_close = match_catalog_areas(src_raw, ref_raw, max_pointing_error/60.) logger.debug("area matched ref. catalog: "+str(ref_close.shape)) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.matched_ref_cat", ref_close) # Save the matched 2MASS catalog as return data return_value['2mass-catalog'] = ref_close # # eliminate all stars with problematic flags # flags = numpy.array(src_raw[:,7], dtype=numpy.int8) & sexflag_wcs full_src_cat = src_raw[flags == 0] logger.debug("src_cat: "+str(full_src_cat.shape)) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.src_cat", full_src_cat[:,0:2]) # # Exclude all stars with nearby neighbors to limit confusion # only_isolated_stars = True if (only_isolated_stars): logger.debug("Selecting isolated stars - ODI source catalog") numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.odi_full", full_src_cat) isolated_stars = pick_isolated_stars(full_src_cat, radius=10) numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.odi_isolated", full_src_cat) logger.debug("Down-selected source catalog to %d isolated stars" % (full_src_cat.shape[0])) else: isolated_stars = full_src_cat # # Cut down the catalog size to the brightest n stars # n_max = 1500 #750 if (isolated_stars.shape[0] > n_max): logger.debug("truncating src_cat:"+str(isolated_stars.shape)+"--> "+str(n_max)) # That's more than we need, limited the catalog to the brightest n stars src_cat, bright_mags = select_brightest(isolated_stars, isolated_stars[:,10:13], n_max) else: src_cat = isolated_stars n_max_ref = 2000 if (ref_close.shape[0] > n_max_ref): logger.debug("Lots of stars (%d) in the reference catalog" % (ref_close.shape[0])) ref_cat = ref_close.copy() min_distance = 8 logger.debug("Selecting isolated stars - reference catalog") numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.2mass_full", ref_cat) while (ref_cat.shape[0] > n_max_ref or min_distance < 10): min_distance += 2 ref_cat = pick_isolated_stars(ref_cat, radius=min_distance) numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.2mass_isolated", ref_cat) logger.debug("Down-selected reference catalog to %d isolated stars (min_d=%d)" % (ref_cat.shape[0], min_distance)) logger.debug("Final reference catalog: %d sources, isolated by >%d" % (ref_cat.shape[0], min_distance)) # # Get rid of all data except the coordinates # src_cat = src_cat[:,0:2] current_best_rotation = 0 current_best_shift = [0.,0.] if (mode == "shift"): # Prepare source catalog # Load & Prepare reference catalog center_ra = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL1'] center_dec = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL2'] # Compute the optimal shift vector wcs_correction, n_random_matches, contrast = \ ccmatch_shift(source_cat=src_cat, reference_cat=ref_cat, center=(center_ra, center_dec), pointing_error=(max_pointing_error/60.) ) logger.debug(wcs_correction) # For testing, apply correction to the input catalog, # match it to the reference catalog and output both to file src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_raw, (center_ra, center_dec), angle=0., shift=wcs_correction[1:3], verbose=False) matched = kd_match_catalogs(src_rotated, ref_cat, matching_radius=(2./3600.), max_count=1) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.after_shift", matched) # src_raw_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_raw, (center_ra, center_dec), # angle=0., # shift=wcs_correction[1:3], # verbose=False) # Add the best fit shift to outut header to keep track # of the changes we are making log_shift_rotation(hdulist, params=wcs_correction, n_step=1, description="WCS calib best guess", n_random_matches=n_random_matches, wcs_contrast = contrast, ) # Now apply this shift to the output file and write results apply_correction_to_header(hdulist, wcs_correction, verbose=False) # All work is done, write the output FITS file # print "writing results ..." # hdulist.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True) return_value['hdulist'] = hdulist return_value['transformation'] = wcs_correction return_value['matched_src+2mass'] = matched return_value['calibrated_src_cat'] = src_rotated return return_value #hdulist, wcs_correction, ################################################################################## # # End of shift only # ################################################################################## # # | # | # | This is the end of computing for mode="shift" # \1/ The code below optimizes rotation and possibly distortion # " # # # Find 1st order best guess # center_ra = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL1'] center_dec = hdulist[1].header['CRVAL2'] initial_guess, n_random_matches, contrast = find_best_guess(src_cat, ref_cat, center_ra, center_dec, pointing_error=(max_pointing_error/60.), angle_max=max_rotator_error, #[-2,2], #degrees d_angle=10, # arcmin allow_parallel=True ) logger = logging.getLogger("CCMatchShift") logger.debug("found initial best guess:") logger.debug(initial_guess) logger.debug("offset = "+str(initial_guess[1:3]*3600.)+" arcsec in Ra/Dec") # # Add the best fit shift to output header to keep track # of the changes we are making # log_shift_rotation(hdulist, params=initial_guess, n_step=1, description="WCS initial guess", n_random_matches=n_random_matches, wcs_contrast = contrast, ) # # Apply the best guess transformation to the input catalog. # use the larger source catalog (only problematic sources removed, no # selection for brightness or isolation) to have more sources for better # results # current_best_rotation = initial_guess[0] current_best_shift = initial_guess[1:3] logger.debug("Improving global shift/rotation solution") logger.debug("Full ODI source catalog: %d" % (full_src_cat.shape[0])) guessed_cat = rotate_shift_catalog(full_src_cat[:,0:2], (center_ra, center_dec), angle=current_best_rotation, shift=current_best_shift, verbose=False) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.guessed_cat", guessed_cat) # # With this best guess at hand, match each star in the source # catalog to a closest match in the reference catalog. # Use the full catalog of all close 2MASS stars to have a larger sample # logger.debug("2MASS reference stars nearby: %d" % (ref_close.shape[0])) crossmatch_radius = 5./3600. # 5 arcsec guessed_match = kd_match_catalogs(guessed_cat, ref_close, crossmatch_radius, max_count=1) logger.debug("Matched ODI+2MASS: %d" % (guessed_match.shape[0])) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.guessed_match", guessed_match) # # Now optimize the shift and rotation # logger.debug("Starting minimization routine to optimze shift & rotation") best_shift_rotation_solution = fit_best_rotation_shift( src_cat, ref_cat, initial_guess, center_ra, center_dec, matching_radius=(5./3600.) ) # best_shift_rotation_solution = optimize_shift_rotation(guessed_match, hdulist, ) # print "Alternative method:\n" # print "best fit:",best_shift_rotation_solution logger.debug("resulting fit solution: "+str(best_shift_rotation_solution)) src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(full_src_cat, (center_ra, center_dec), angle=best_shift_rotation_solution[0], shift=best_shift_rotation_solution[1:3], verbose=False) matched = kd_match_catalogs(src_rotated, ref_close, matching_radius=(2./3600.), max_count=1) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.after_shift+rot", matched) current_best_rotation = best_shift_rotation_solution[0] current_best_shift = best_shift_rotation_solution[1:3] n_matches = numpy.sum(numpy.isfinite(matched[:,2])) # Add the refined shift and rotation to output header to keep track # of the changes we are making log_shift_rotation(hdulist, params=best_shift_rotation_solution, n_step=2, description="WCS rot refi", ) logger.debug("Writing shift/rotation to output file") for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota_extension = hdulist[ext] wcs_poly = header_to_polynomial(ota_extension.header) wcs_poly = wcs_apply_rotation(wcs_poly, current_best_rotation) wcs_poly = wcs_apply_shift(wcs_poly, current_best_shift) wcs_wcspoly_to_header(wcs_poly, ota_extension.header) # For testing, apply correction to the input catalog, # match it to the reference catalog and output both to file src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(src_raw, (center_ra, center_dec), angle=current_best_rotation, shift=current_best_shift, verbose=False) matched = kd_match_catalogs(src_rotated, ref_close, matching_radius=(2./3600.), max_count=1) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.after_rotation", matched) # We only asked for rotation optimization, so # end the processing right here if (mode == "rotation"): return_value['hdulist'] = hdulist return_value['transformation'] = best_shift_rotation_solution return_value['matched_src+2mass'] = matched return_value['calibrated_src_cat'] = src_rotated logger.debug("All done here, returning") return return_value #newcat = recompute_radec_from_xy(hdulist, src_rotated) #numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.newcat-afterrot", newcat) #matched_newcat = kd_match_catalogs(newcat, ref_close, matching_radius=(2./3600.), max_count=1) #numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.newcat-afterrot2", matched_newcat) # # | # | All code below is allowing a OTA-level optimization. # | Proceed with caution !! # \1/ # " # # First, most simple step: Refine the location of each OTA to account # for some large-scale distortion logger.debug("Optimizing each OTA separately, shift only (ODI: %d, 2MASS: %d)" % ( src_rotated.shape[0], ref_close.shape[0])) global_cat, hdulist, matched_global = \ improve_wcs_solution(src_rotated, ref_close, hdulist, headers_to_optimize=( 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', ), matching_radius=(3./3600), min_ota_catalog_size=4, output_catalog = "ccmatch.after_otashift", ) if (mode == "otashift"): return_value['hdulist'] = hdulist return_value['transformation'] = best_shift_rotation_solution return_value['matched_src+2mass'] = matched_global return_value['calibrated_src_cat'] = global_cat logger.debug("All done here, returning") return return_value # # Next refinement step, allow for smaller scale distortion by allowing for # shear in the CD matrix # logger.debug("Optimizing each OTA separately, shift+shear (ODI: %d, 2MASS: %d)" % ( global_cat.shape[0], ref_close.shape[0])) global_cat, hdulist, matched_global = \ improve_wcs_solution(global_cat, ref_close, hdulist, headers_to_optimize=( 'CRVAL1', 'CRVAL2', 'CD1_1', 'CD1_2', 'CD2_1', 'CD2_2' ), matching_radius=(3./3600), min_ota_catalog_size=9, output_catalog = "ccmatch.after_shear2", ) if (mode == "otashear"): return_value['hdulist'] = hdulist return_value['transformation'] = best_shift_rotation_solution return_value['matched_src+2mass'] = matched_global return_value['calibrated_src_cat'] = global_cat logger.debug("All done here, returning") return return_value # # | # | All code below is to optimize # | the distortion within the frame # | Proceed with caution !! # \1/ # " # # Now we have the best fitting rotation and shift position. # In a next step, go ahead and refine the distortion in the frame # print "\n\n\nOptimizing distortion..." print "Using initial guess", best_shift_rotation_solution # Apply the best-fit rotation to all coordinates in source catalog # src_raw = numpy.loadtxt(src_catfile) full_src_cat = src_raw.copy() if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.opt_src", full_src_cat) src_rotated = rotate_shift_catalog(full_src_cat[:,0:2], (center_ra, center_dec), angle=current_best_rotation, shift=current_best_shift, verbose=True) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.opt_rot", src_rotated) # Update the Ra/Dec in the full source catalog full_src_cat[:,0:2] = src_rotated[:,0:2] # Now we have the full source catalog, with better matching star coordinates # Next, eliminate all stars with flags valid_stars = full_src_cat[:,7] == 0 valid_src_cat = full_src_cat[valid_stars] if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.opt_ref", ref_cat) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.opt_valid", valid_src_cat) # diff = full_src_cat[:,0:2] - src_raw[:,0:2] # diff2 = src_rotated[:,0:2] - src_raw[:,0:2] # numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.opt_diff", diff) # numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.opt_diff2", diff2) # # Next we can do the actual coordinate matching between the source and # reference star catalog # matched_catalog = kd_match_catalogs(valid_src_cat, ref_cat, matching_radius=(2./3600)) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.match_cat_for_distopt", matched_catalog) print "OTAs of each source:\n",matched_catalog[:,8] for ext in range(len(hdulist)): if (not is_image_extension(hdulist[ext])): continue ota_extension = hdulist[ext] # print ota_extension.header['FPPOS'], ota_extension.header['FPPOS'][2:4] ota = int(ota_extension.header['FPPOS'][2:4]) print "\n\n\nworking on OTA %02d ..." %(ota) # sources from this OTA in_this_ota = (matched_catalog[:,8] == ota) print numpy.sum(in_this_ota) number_src_in_this_ota = numpy.sum(in_this_ota) # Read the WCS imformation from the fits file wcs_poly = header_to_polynomial(ota_extension.header) # And apply the best results for shift and rotation wcs_poly = wcs_apply_rotation(wcs_poly, best_shift_rotation_solution[0]) wcs_poly = wcs_apply_shift(wcs_poly, best_shift_rotation_solution[1:3]) if (number_src_in_this_ota < 15): print "Not enough stars to optimize distortion" wcs_poly_after_fit = wcs_poly else: # print in_this_ota # print matched_catalog[:,8] ota_cat = matched_catalog[in_this_ota] ota_ref = matched_catalog[in_this_ota][:,-2:] #31:33] print "sources in ota %d = %s ..." % (ota, str(ota_cat.shape)) xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_poly #numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, xi, "%9.2e") #numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, xi_r, "%9.2e") # wcs_poly = update_polynomial(wcs_poly, # numpy.array([1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44]), # numpy.array([1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44]), # ) # Read starting values from current WCS solution wcs_poly_to_arrays(wcs_poly) # # Now with the updated header, compute ra,dec from x,y # ra_dec = wcs_pix2wcs(ota_cat[:,2:4], wcs_poly) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.true_radec.OTA%02d" % (ota), ota_cat[:,0:2]) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.computed_radec.OTA%02d" % (ota), ra_dec) xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_poly xi[0,0] = 10000 wcs_poly2 = xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix ra_dec2 = wcs_pix2wcs_2(ota_cat[:,2:4], wcs_poly2) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.computed_radec2.OTA%02d" % (ota), ra_dec2) # sys.exit(0) xi, xi_r, eta, eta_r, cd, crval, crpix = wcs_poly print #numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, xi, "%9.2e") #numpy.savetxt(sys.stdout, xi_r, "%9.2e") def optimize_distortion(p, input_xy, input_ref, wcs_poly, fit=True): n_params = p.shape[0] / 2 p_xi = p[:n_params] p_eta = p[-n_params:] wcs_poly_for_fit = update_polynomial(wcs_poly, p_xi, p_eta) ra_dec_computed = wcs_pix2wcs(input_xy, wcs_poly_for_fit) diff = input_ref - ra_dec_computed if (not fit): return diff print p_xi,p_eta,numpy.sum(diff**2) return diff.ravel() # # Determine initial guesses from the current wcs distortion # xi_1d, eta_1d = wcs_poly_to_arrays(wcs_poly) # For now, let's optimize only the first 4 factors n_free_parameters = 3 # or 4 or 7 or 12 or 17 or 24 p_init = numpy.append(xi_1d[:n_free_parameters], eta_1d[:n_free_parameters]) print p_init print "ota-cat=\n",ota_cat[:,2:4] print "ota-ref=\n",ota_ref diff = optimize_distortion(p_init, ota_cat[:,2:4], ota_ref, wcs_poly, fit=False) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.optimize_distortion_before_OTA%02d" % (ota), diff) if (True): print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\nStarting fitting\n\n\n\n\n" args = (ota_cat[:,2:4], ota_ref, wcs_poly, True) fit = scipy.optimize.leastsq(optimize_distortion, p_init, args=args, full_output=1) print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDone with fitting" print p_init print fit[0] print "\n\n\n\n\n" p_afterfit = fit[0] else: p_afterfit = p_init diff_after = optimize_distortion(p_afterfit, ota_cat[:,2:4], ota_ref, wcs_poly, fit=False) if (create_debug_files): numpy.savetxt("ccmatch.optimize_distortion_after_OTA%02d" % (ota), diff_after) wcs_poly_after_fit = update_polynomial(wcs_poly, p_afterfit[:n_free_parameters], p_afterfit[-n_free_parameters:] ) # # Make sure to write the updated WCS header back to the HDU # This is done even if not enough sources for distortion fitting were found # wcs_wcspoly_to_header(wcs_poly_after_fit, ota_extension.header) #print "writing results ..." #hduout = pyfits.HDUList(hdulist[0:3]) #hduout.append(hdulist[13]) #hduout.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True) # hdulist.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True) return hdulist
[docs]def global_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, ota_list): wcs_quality = {} logger = logging.getLogger("ComputeWCSQuality") # compute global values logger.debug("Global:") q = compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, ota_list[0].header) wcs_quality['full'] = q for ext in range(0, len(ota_list)): if (not is_image_extension(ota_list[ext])): continue extname = ota_list[ext].header['EXTNAME'] ota = ota_list[ext].header['OTA'] in_this_ota = odi_2mass_matched[:,8] == ota matched_ota = odi_2mass_matched[in_this_ota] logger.debug(extname) q = compute_wcs_quality(matched_ota, ota_list[ext].header) wcs_quality[extname] = q return wcs_quality
[docs]def compute_wcs_quality(odi_2mass_matched, hdr=None): logger = logging.getLogger("ComputeWCSQuality") d_dec = (odi_2mass_matched[:,1] - odi_2mass_matched[:,-1]) d_ra = ((odi_2mass_matched[:,0] - odi_2mass_matched[:,-2]) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(odi_2mass_matched[:,1]))) numpy.savetxt("wcsquality.test", odi_2mass_matched) d_total = numpy.hypot(d_ra, d_dec) wcs_scatter = numpy.median(d_total) wcs_scatter2 = numpy.std(d_total) wcs_mean_dra = numpy.median(d_ra) * 3600. wcs_mean_ddec = numpy.median(d_dec) * 3600. rms_dra = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(d_ra**2)) * 3600. rms_ddec = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(d_dec**2)) * 3600. rms_comb = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(d_dec**2+d_ra**2)) * 3600. try: lsig_ra = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d_ra, 16) hsig_ra = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d_ra, 84) sigma_ra = 0.5 * (hsig_ra - lsig_ra) * 3600. lsig_dec = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d_dec, 16) hsig_dec = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d_dec, 84) sigma_dec = 0.5 * (hsig_dec - lsig_dec) * 3600. lsig_total = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d_total, 16) hsig_total = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(d_total, 84) sigma_total = 0.5 * (hsig_total - lsig_total) * 3600. except: sigma_ra, sigma_dec, sigma_total = -99, -99, -99 pass def make_valid(x): return x if numpy.isfinite(x) else -9999 results = {} results['RMS-RA'] = rms_dra results['RMS-DEC'] = rms_ddec results['RMS'] = rms_comb #numpy.hypot(rms_dra, rms_ddec) results['SIGMA-RA'] = sigma_ra results['SIGMA-DEC'] = sigma_dec results['SIGMA'] = sigma_total #numpy.hypot(rms_dra, rms_ddec) results['MEDIAN-RA'] = wcs_mean_dra results['MEDIAN-DEC'] = wcs_mean_ddec results['STARCOUNT'] = d_ra.shape[0] logger.debug("WCS quality: mean-offset=%(MEDIAN-RA).3f , %(MEDIAN-DEC).3f [arcsec]" % results) logger.debug("WCS quality: mean-rms=%(RMS-RA).3f , %(RMS-DEC).3f , %(RMS).3f [arcsec]" % results) logger.debug("WCS quality: sigma=%(SIGMA-RA).3f , %(SIGMA-DEC).3f , %(SIGMA).3f [arcsec]" % results) # print "WCS quality:", ota, wcs_mean_dra*3600., wcs_mean_ddec*3600., wcs_scatter*3600., wcs_scatter2*3600., rms_dra, rms_ddec if (not hdr == None): hdr["WCS_RMSA"] = (make_valid(results['RMS-RA']), "RA r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_RMSD"] = (make_valid(results['RMS-DEC']), "DEC r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_RMS"] = (make_valid(results['RMS']), "r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_ERRA"] = (make_valid(results['MEDIAN-RA']), "RA median error WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_ERRD"] = (make_valid(results['MEDIAN-DEC']), "DEC median error of WCS matching [arcsec]") hdr["WCS_NSRC"] = (results['STARCOUNT'], "number of sources for WCS calibration") hdr["WCS_SIGA"] = (sigma_ra, "1-sigma width of WCS error in Ra") hdr["WCS_SIGD"] = (sigma_dec, "1-sigma width of WCS error in Dec") hdr["WCS_SIG"] = (sigma_total, "1-sigma width of WCS error combined") return results
if __name__ == "__main__": verbose=False if (cmdline_arg_isset('-isolate')): source_catalog = get_clean_cmdline()[1] radius = float(get_clean_cmdline()[2]) catalog = numpy.loadtxt(source_catalog) isolated = pick_isolated_stars(catalog, radius=radius) numpy.savetxt(source_catalog+".isolated", isolated) sys.exit(0) elif (cmdline_arg_isset('-verify')): source_catalog = numpy.loadtxt(get_clean_cmdline()[1]) input_hdu = get_clean_cmdline()[2] hdulist = verify_wcs_model(source_catalog, hdulist) else: mode = cmdline_arg_set_or_default('-mode', 'xxx') print mode valid_modes = ( "shift", "rotation", "otashift", "otashear", "distortion" ) # valid_mode = (mode == "shift" or mode == "rotation" or mode == "distortion") if (not mode in valid_modes): print "This mode is not known" print "valid modes are:",valid_modes # print """\ # This mode is not known. # Valid modes are only # * shift # * rotation # * distortion # """ sys.exit(0) source_catalog = get_clean_cmdline()[1] reference_catalog = None input_hdu = get_clean_cmdline()[2] ccmatched = ccmatch(source_catalog, reference_catalog, input_hdu, mode) output_hdu = ccmatched['hdulist'] outputfile = get_clean_cmdline()[3] output_hdu.writeto(outputfile, clobber=True)