improve_wcs = None #"CRVAL" # or "CRPIX" or "shift" or None
# matched_cat contains the reference coordinates and some info on source pairing
#if (improve_wcs != None):
# improve_wcs_solution(ota_list, matched_cat, fixwcs_odi_sourcecat)
def wcserr_crpix(p, xy, radec, wcs):
[docs] #print "\n\n\n\n"
#print "p=",p
wcs.header['CRPIX1'] = p[0]
wcs.header['CRPIX2'] = p[1]
if (len(p) > 2):
wcs.header['CD1_1'] = p[2]
wcs.header['CD1_2'] = p[3]
wcs.header['CD2_1'] = p[4]
wcs.header['CD2_2'] = p[5]
xy_comp = wcs2odi(radec, wcs)
dxy = xy_comp - xy
#print dxy[0:10]
err2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(dxy**2,axis=1)) #* 3600.0
return err2
def wcserr_crval(p, xy, radec, wcs):
[docs] #print "\n\n\n\n"
#print "p=",p
wcs.header['CRVAL1'] = p[0]
wcs.header['CRVAL2'] = p[1]
radec_comp = odi2wcs(xy, wcs)
dradec = radec_comp - radec
dradec[:,0] *= numpy.cos(numpy.radians(radec[:,1]))
#print "median_radec err (crval)", numpy.median(dradec, axis=0), "(",p,")"
err2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(dradec**2,axis=1)) * 3600.0
return err2
def wcserr_shift(p, ref, odi):
odi_x = odi + p
[docs] err2 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((ref-odi_x)**2,axis=1))
return err2
def improve_wcs_solution(ota_list, matched_cat, fixwcs_odi_sourcecat):
[docs] print "Improving WCS solution..."
for ext in range(1, len(ota_list)):
ota = int(ota_list[ext].header['EXTNAME'][3:5])
#print wcs.header
# Now select all stars from this extension
in_this_ota = fixwcs_odi_sourcecat[:,12] == ota
matched_ota = matched_cat[in_this_ota]
sources_ota = fixwcs_odi_sourcecat[in_this_ota]
# Pick sources that are within a matching radius
match_distance = numpy.sqrt((matched_ota[:,0] - matched_ota[:,2])**2 + (matched_ota[:,1] - matched_ota[:,3])**2)
nearby_matches = match_distance < 5 * (1./3600.)
# Merge both catalogs and dump to temporary file
if (False):
print "Writing matchcat files"
dump_matchcat = numpy.zeros((nearby_matches.shape[0],4))
dump_matchcat[:,0:2] = sources_ota[:,2:4]
#dump_matchcat[:,2:4] = matched_ota[:,0:2]
dump_matchcat[:,2:4] = matched_ota[:,2:4]
x = open("matchcat_%02d.dat" % ota, "w")
numpy.savetxt(x, dump_matchcat)
del x
if (numpy.sum(nearby_matches) < 5):
matched_good = matched_ota[nearby_matches]
sources_good = sources_ota[nearby_matches]
n_matches = sources_good.shape[0]
# Now we have to match up pixel coordinates with sky-coordinates
xy = sources_good[:,2:4]
radec = matched_good[:, 0:2]
### if (False):
### pixel = 0.11 / 3600.
### nrepeat = 0
### mederr = 1e9
### while (mederr > 1*pixel and nrepeat < 2):
### xy_comp = wcs2odi(radec, wcs)
### dxy = xy_comp - xy
### print dxy
### median_shift = numpy.median(dxy, axis=0)
### print median_shift
### wcs.header['CRPIX1'] -= median_shift[0]
### wcs.header['CRPIX2'] -= median_shift[1]
### nrepeat += 1
### ota_list[ext].header['CRPIX1'] = wcs.header['CRPIX1']
### ota_list[ext].header['CRPIX2'] = wcs.header['CRPIX2']
wcs = astWCS.WCS(ota_list[ext].header, mode="pyfits")
if (improve_wcs == "CRPIX"):
errfunc = lambda p, xy, radec, wcs: wcserr_crpix(p, xy, radec, wcs)
pinit = [wcs.header['CRPIX1'], wcs.header['CRPIX2']]
out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit,
args=(xy, radec, wcs), full_output=1)
ota_list[ext].header['CRPIX1'] = out[0][0]
ota_list[ext].header['CRPIX2'] = out[0][1]
elif (improve_wcs == "CRVAL"):
wcs = astWCS.WCS(ota_list[ext].header, mode="pyfits")
errfunc = lambda p, xy, radec, wcs: wcserr_crval(p, xy, radec, wcs)
pinit = [wcs.header['CRVAL1']+(2./3600.), wcs.header['CRVAL2']-(1./3600.)]
out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit,
args=(xy, radec, wcs), full_output=1)
d_crval1, d_crval2 = out[0][0]-pinit[0], out[0][1]-pinit[1]
ota_list[ext].header.update("D_CRVAL1", d_crval1)
ota_list[ext].header.update("D_CRVAL2", d_crval2)
print "BF_CRVAL:",out[0][0], wcs.header['CRVAL1']
ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL1'] = out[0][0]
ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL2'] = out[0][1]
elif (improve_wcs == "shift"):
ref = matched_good[:, 0:2]
odi = matched_good[:, 2:4]
errfunc = lambda p, ref, odi: wcserr_shift(p, ref, odi)
pinit = [0, 0]
out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit,
args=(ref, odi), full_output=1)
print "Final shift", out[0], out[0]*3600.
ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL1'] -= out[0][0]
ota_list[ext].header['CRVAL2'] -= out[0][1]
radec_computed = odi2wcs(xy, wcs)
d_radec = radec - radec_computed
d_radec += numpy.random.randn(d_radec.shape[0], d_radec.shape[1]) * (0.5/3600.)
d2 = matched_good[:, 0:2] - matched_good[:, 3:5]
extname = ota_list[ext].header['EXTNAME']
if (False):
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(d_radec[:,0]*3600., d_radec[:,1]*3600., 'rs')
matplotlib.pyplot.plot(d2[:,0]*3600., d2[:,1]*3600., 'bx')
# matplotlib.pyplot.xlim(-2e-3,2e-3)
# matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(-2e-3,2e-3)
# print radec
# print radec_computed
# print d_radec
# matplotlib.pyplot.plot(radec[:,0], radec[:,1], 'o', radec_computed[:,0], radec_computed[:,1], 'x')
#matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(radec_computed[:,0], radec_computed[:,1])
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("d_RA [arcsec]")
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("d_DEC [arcsec]")
fsdump_file = "source_%s.dmp" % (extname)
wcsx = astWCS.WCS(ota_list[ext].header, mode="pyfits")
sources_ota[:,0:2] = odi2wcs(sources_ota[:,2:4], wcsx)
x = open(fsdump_file, "w")
numpy.savetxt(x, sources_ota)
fsdump_file = "source_%s.dmp" % (extname)
wcsx = astWCS.WCS(ota_list[ext].header, mode="pyfits")
sources_ota[:,0:2] = odi2wcs(sources_ota[:,2:4], wcsx)
x = open(fsdump_file, "w")
numpy.savetxt(x, sources_ota)
#if (n_matches>10):
# print "Found enough matches to refine CDx_y"
# pinit.append(wcs.header['CD1_1'])
# pinit.append(wcs.header['CD1_2'])
# pinit.append(wcs.header['CD2_1'])
# pinit.append(wcs.header['CD2_2'])
#print "Before fit", pinit
#print "after fit", out[0]
#if (n_matches>10):
# print "Found enough matches to refine CDx_y"
# ota_list[ext].header['CD1_1'] = out[0][2]
# ota_list[ext].header['CD1_2'] = out[0][3]
# ota_list[ext].header['CD2_1'] = out[0][4]
# ota_list[ext].header['CD2_2'] = out[0][5]
#print matched_cat.shape, fixwcs_odi_sourcecat.shape